It’s not only teenagers that have to wear braces. Wesley might be a dog, but this six-month-old Golden Retriever has problems like the rest of us. The cute puppy has teething problems so he has to wear metal braces, but it’s nothing to do with wanting to look good for the prom.
“Once our Golden Retriever puppy’s adult teeth started coming out, we noticed they were coming in wrong and he was unable to close his mouth fully,” said his owner Molly Moore. “He wasn’t playing with his toys and he was losing weight. The dog’s health was very worrying for me, and we needed to do something for him to be pain-free and live a happy puppy life,” she explained.
The pup was anesthetized while the teeth braces were affixed in Harborfront Hospital for Animals. And he doesn’t seem to be bothered at all! After all, unlike many of us, he’ll have to wear them for only a couple of weeks. Lucky dog!
More info: Facebook
“Once his adult teeth started coming out, we noticed… he was unable to close his mouth fully,” said Molly
“He wasn’t playing with his toys and he was losing weight”
“We needed to do something for him to be pain free and live a happy puppy life”
Luckily, Molly’s dad Jim Moore who is a “doggie dentist” had a perfect solution – dog braces!
“He’s just so cute with them on”
He might feel a little shy but he’ll only have them for a few weeks!
“That’s what I looked like when I got braces at 12”
Share on FacebookDog braces are not rare phenomenon. Some dishonest dog breeders use them to correct bire of teeth and to win dog shows. But a correct bite is a selection problem.
Being a dog breeder and dog shows are dishonest enough, with or without braces.
Dog braces are not rare phenomenon. Some dishonest dog breeders use them to correct bire of teeth and to win dog shows. But a correct bite is a selection problem.
Being a dog breeder and dog shows are dishonest enough, with or without braces.