Female Medical Professionals Are Posting Pics Of Them Wearing Bikinis Vs. Work Clothes To Shame Sexist Study
A published study that shamed female medical professionals for sharing bikini photos had people up in arms on social media.
The study, “Prevalence of unprofessional social media content among young vascular surgeons,” appeared in the August 2020 edition of the Journal of Vascular Surgery. The paper defined inappropriate attire as “pictures in underwear, provocative Halloween costumes, and provocative posing in bikinis/swimwear.”
However, healthcare professionals hit back. They flooded the internet with bikini pics alongside photos of themselves in work gear under the #MedBikini hashtag on Instagram and on Twitter. Scroll down, have a look, and don't forget to upvote your fave pics.
Researchers came under fire for a study they conducted about medical professionals
One doctor explained exactly why the study was sexist
The authors of the study have since apologized, as did the Journal of Vascular Surgery. The paper has also been retracted.
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Most of the study’s authors have ties to the Boston Medical Center which put out a statement. A BMC spokesman said that the paper was “ill-conceived, poorly executed, and reinforces biases about professionalism and gender” and added that it doesn’t represent the values of the hospital.
“This paper highlights that we have so much more work to do to eliminate gender bias among our medical community, our training programs, and especially in the care we provide to our patients and the communities we serve,” they said.
I prefer to see this Doc looking well and happy rather than overworked and unwell!
The initial backlash was huge. Healthcare professionals criticized the “disturbing” study that concluded that young surgeons ought to be aware of the” permanent public exposure of unprofessional content that can be accessed by peers, patients, and current/future employers.” In other words, the study focused on the footprint that medical pros leave behind on social media and deemed certain things ‘unprofessional.’
The researchers compiled their data by creating ‘neutral’ profiles on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They then used them to look through the social media feeds of young vascular surgeons.
However, medical professionals pointed out that posing in swimwear, enjoying the beach, or having a cocktail to relax didn’t make them any less professional or less committed to their jobs—it made them human.
Are we expecting med professionals to wear scrubs on their vacation? Sighh
31 years of practice? That means she is well into her 50's. Well, damn.
O my good Lord! She's enjoying a beer while relaxing on holiday!?! Definitely a reprobate...
I’m glad they censor the surgeries. I don’t have a tolerance towards blood.
I bet she's happier being on that beach having a fun time rather than having all that stress at work... who wouldn't be? (I'd be sitting in the shade under a tree as I have a sun allergy)
My God, who could complain about something so fabulous? What is wrong with this? I mean her hat is covering her shoulders from the sun. Is that not enough coverage? If you find something provocative in this photo then you are just hoping to find something to turn you on.
Don't say gorgeous. This is not the point. The point is that she can wear anything she like on her OWN TIME. F**k that makes me angry
This doc seems like she’s more than happy to give a critic an attitude adjustment over her choice of sunbathing attire. I hope there’s a bone specialist in a bathing suit ready help the poor guy.
All women have little black dresses and she looks fabulous in here. What is the big deal? Like Conway Twitty says, she can’t help it if she’s made that way. This, like all the other photos are innocent photos of innocent medical providers.
The hammock isn't complaining about her outfit? I'm not sure you are getting what is going on here? We are saying that a doctor off duty is just a normal person and what she is wearing when not at work is nobody's business
If I was smart enough to be a doctor and pretty enough to look like a bikini model at the same time, I'd totally show off too and wouldn't give a damn about what other people might think. Also, these surgeons are human beings who have personal lives.. Those who wrote that stupid study clearly weren't able to seperate the private and the working lives of those surgeons and to me, THAT is really unprofessional.
The really unprofessional part for me, was the spying. That's just plain creepy, and, for that matter, frightening
Load More Replies...Another pointless sexist 'study' by some men with some mental issues. Shocker.
I wonder how many male vascular surgeons cross-dress on the weekends? It might be fun to know, but it is just as relevant to their aptitude as bathing suit style is to female surgeons.
Load More Replies...The bikini thing is clearly sexist, but I'm more concerned about the "controversial" political and religious opinions. Who TF do these guys think they are to judge other people's opinions? And stalk people on social media... I don't care if my surgeon is white, black or bright green and who they vote for or pray to. I care about them being a good surgeon.
The whole 'study' seems VERY... creepy. They looked at PERSONAL social media profiles and found out that these women are actually people! I am sure that none of them had a bikini-pic as their official medical-group photo, and that they all left their personal opinions outside the operating theater.
Load More Replies...If I was smart enough to be a doctor and pretty enough to look like a bikini model at the same time, I'd totally show off too and wouldn't give a damn about what other people might think. Also, these surgeons are human beings who have personal lives.. Those who wrote that stupid study clearly weren't able to seperate the private and the working lives of those surgeons and to me, THAT is really unprofessional.
The really unprofessional part for me, was the spying. That's just plain creepy, and, for that matter, frightening
Load More Replies...Another pointless sexist 'study' by some men with some mental issues. Shocker.
I wonder how many male vascular surgeons cross-dress on the weekends? It might be fun to know, but it is just as relevant to their aptitude as bathing suit style is to female surgeons.
Load More Replies...The bikini thing is clearly sexist, but I'm more concerned about the "controversial" political and religious opinions. Who TF do these guys think they are to judge other people's opinions? And stalk people on social media... I don't care if my surgeon is white, black or bright green and who they vote for or pray to. I care about them being a good surgeon.
The whole 'study' seems VERY... creepy. They looked at PERSONAL social media profiles and found out that these women are actually people! I am sure that none of them had a bikini-pic as their official medical-group photo, and that they all left their personal opinions outside the operating theater.
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