The “Dungeons and Dragons” game world is rife with crazy obstacles set by the Dungeon Master (DM), and these dramatic moments make for hilarious memes that avid players can relate to. 

We scoured the web to find the funniest “DnD” memes that will entertain seasoned and introduce new players to the unpredictable nature of the “DnD” world. Follow the game trail for hearty giggles, and don't forget to tag all of your crew!


Level 0

A DnD meme featuring characters with confused expressions from the cartoon "SpongeBob SquarePants." The text above the image reads, "Me scrolling through D&D memes and seeing posts taking shots at random D&D personalities I've never heard of nor understand the criticisms of." The character Patrick Star looks confused in the background. The characters' speech bubble at the bottom says, "Who are you people!?"

RevMcEwin Report

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    “When The Run Is Too Good to Be True”

    A DnD meme featuring a cartoon villain in a dramatic pose, pointing and shouting "Release the butterflies!" as he looks at a screen with another character. The text above the image reads, "When the game realizes you’re having a good run."

    RevMcEwin Report

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    ℂ𝕒𝕗𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔻𝕠𝕘
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Fr! In one dnd game I was in there was enemy BUTTERFLIES that ended up really badly injuring the party, and then evil chinchillas! Stay safe from the butterflies, everyone. They are particularly aggressive this time of year


    “It's the First Word in the Title”

    A DnD meme featuring a scene from "American Chopper" with two men arguing. The first man, labeled "Martial/Caster balance is better with 6-8 encounters a day," shouts angrily. The second man responds, "Where could you possibly have that many encounters in a day?" The first man yells back, "In a dungeon." The second man retorts, "It makes sense that the game would be designed around that." The first man concludes, "Yeah, it's the first word in the title." The images humorously depict a heated debate about D&D game design.

    IIIaustin Report

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    7 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As an avid D&D lover, these kinda suck. Edit: ok some of them are pretty funny.


    “He’s Gotta Stay“

    A DnD meme featuring a person in a blue coat trying to separate three playful pandas. The text on the left side reads, "The DM trying to retire an NPC who 'temporarily' joined the party." The text on the right side reads, "The party who love Berrick the cleric." The pandas are labeled as the party, clinging to the person, who represents the DM.

    chafingarmor Report

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    Asher Tye
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I will defend this NPC with more effort than my own team.

    12 Facts About “DnD” You Probably Didn’t Know

    1. “Dungeons and Dragons,” first published in 1974, is credited with being the first commercially available role-playing game (1).
    2. Creators Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson developed the game in their basements. 
    3. The original “Dungeons and Dragons” was heavily inspired by medieval culture, mythology, and Tolkien’s ”The Lord Of The Rings.”
    4. Vin Diesel, Stephen Colbert, and Joe Manganiello are celebrity fans of “Dungeons and Dragons,” showcasing the game’s broad appeal. 
    5. True “Dungeon” is a live-action role-play experience where players navigate a physical dungeon at Gen Con.
    6. Gary Gygax’s 11— and 9-year-old children were among the first to playtest “Dungeons and Dragons” and chose the name (2).
    7. The largest ever “Dungeons and Dragons” game occurred in Utah on April 22, 2023, with 1,227 people playing together simultaneously. Some games can extend days or even months on end.
    8. Some popular video games that incorporate “Dungeons and Dragons” themes and designs include “Final Fantasy,” “Baldur’s Gate 3,” and “Pathfinder.”
    9. Marvel made a “Dungeons and Dragons” cartoon and produced a 27-episode animated series.
    10. “Dungeons and Dragons” went from simply nerdy to cool and became mainstream through celebrated TV shows like “Big Ban Theory” and “Stranger Things.” 
    11. January 26 is Dungeons and Dragons Day, so game lovers hold celebratory campaigns in its honor.
    12. Before it became a standalone game, “Dungeons and Dragons” was initially marketed as a fantasy variation add-on of the widely popular “Chainmail” wargame (3).

    “When Legendary Loot Trivializes Your BBEG”

    A DnD meme featuring a scene from "The Dark Knight Rises." The character Bane, labeled "My BBEG with 150 health," stands with arms outstretched facing the camera. In the background, a person in a pink bodysuit, labeled "The party member who found the legendary weapon," approaches confidently. The image humorously contrasts the powerful villain with the seemingly absurd party member.

    Snaggles127 Report

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    MagicAxolotl (she/eve)
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Our DM has given us an Immovable Rod (when the button on the end is pressed, the rod physically cannot be moved until the button is pressed again), a Ring of the Grammarian (once per long rest, can change one letter in a spell’s name to make a different spell), a parasol that makes the holder virtually weightless and lets them move up and down freely, and three sticks of dynamite. And cats. Far too many cats. I think we have like seven of them and a pixie. Anyway, she’s definitely not going to regret any of that.

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    “The Mimic It Is”

    A DnD meme with two panels. The top panel features a scene from "Oliver Twist" with a young boy holding out a bowl, saying, "It's called Dungeons & Dragons. Can we face a dragon at least once?" The bottom panel shows a scene from "Pawn Stars" with Rick Harrison and his son Corey behind the counter. Rick responds, "Best I can do is a mimic." The meme humorously depicts the common player request to fight a dragon and the DM's typical response.

    marcola42 Report

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    The Rise of RPG Games

    Playing RPGs can stimulate the imagination. Players get to immerse themselves in diverse worlds filled with unique characters, stories, and challenges that encourage creative thinking and problem-solving (4). 

    The reference to RPGs in popular mainstream media and the social trend of sharing DnD memes contribute to their increasing popularity. What was once considered nerdy has become trendy, and the number of people playing RPGs is constantly rising.

    Playing RPGs also offers a sense of stability and control. Psychology Today claims that while playing RPGs may have restrictive parameters, having a rule book provides relief (5). 

    Knowing the possibilities and being able to predict outcomes offers comfort. Most RPGs follow a logical path of cause and effect that directs the game. So, players have no right to complain when things go South. They’re in it for the possibility that things can eventually turn up.


    “The Time Travel Portals Are to Blame”

    A DnD meme featuring a screenshot from the video game "Dark Souls." Two armored characters stand on a battlement. The text above the image reads, "When the DM has to explain why a party member who wasn't at the last session is there now." The in-game text at the bottom reads, "The flow of time itself is convoluted; with heroes centuries old phasing in and out." The meme humorously addresses the often convoluted explanations given by DMs for player absences.

    FrostedSapling Report


    “When Deception Fails”

    A DnD meme featuring an anime character with a concerned expression. The first panel shows the character saying, "Hey, what's that on your chest?" The text below reads, "roll for deception Natural 1." The second panel shows the character with a bewildered look, saying, "Oh... my shirt." The meme humorously depicts the outcome of a failed deception roll in a D&D game.

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    Why Do People Love “Dungeons and Dragons?”

    The popularity of “DnD” lies in its unique ability to unite people at the table, says Jos Cerelius in an article he shared on Medium in 2023 (6). Nerds can battle with jocks, frenemies can become allies, and all kinds of folks who’d otherwise not interact in real life can pool together and play. 

    “DnD” also offers versatility, which has kept it on shelves for over 50 years. There isn’t just one way to play,” explains Cerelius. All kinds of Player strategies are welcome at the table — from those who love role-playing and the action-seekers who dive straight into the action to those who observe and immerse themselves in the creative storytelling.


    According to Own Biniecki’s 2020 article on The Goodness Exchange, “Dungeons and Dragons” also builds a feeling of purpose among its players (7). This sense of community is further amplified and strengthened through tasks that people do together. 


    Not Just for Barbarians

    A DnD meme featuring an image of a Neanderthal-like character with a bewildered expression. The text above the image reads, "Why is this meme always used for barbarians? You know how many paladins dump INT?" The text below the image has the word "HOLY" edited in red over the original "Oonga boonga," humorously implying a paladin's low intelligence. The meme pokes fun at the stereotype of low intelligence among certain D&D classes.

    19DucksInAWolfSuit Report

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    FaceTime Audio
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    INT is the best dump stat. CHR and WIS are useful. INT you can CHR or WIS your way out of needing.

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    Awkward DnD Socials

    A DnD meme featuring a scene from an anime with four characters looking serious and somewhat uncomfortable. The text above the image reads, "When the DM plans out a massive social encounter." The subtitle on the image says, "But our party only has socially awkward members." The meme humorously highlights the challenge of role-playing social interactions with a group of socially awkward players in a D&D game.

    Mokiesbie Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We all made characters for a cross-country series of dungeon crawls and the DM planned for a completely citified adventure based on the thief class. It was brutally unpleasant. A little communication was all that was needed.


    Forever DM

    A DnD meme featuring a two-panel image of Peter Parker from "Spider-Man." In the first panel, Peter is taking off his glasses, and the text next to him reads, "Characters I'll never play cause I'm a forever DM." In the second panel, Peter puts on his glasses and sees clearly, with the text next to him reading, "Cool NPCs that my players will love." The meme humorously highlights the reality for DMs who create interesting characters that end up as NPCs instead of player characters.

    GeokLmao Report

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    The DM's Dilemma

    A DnD meme featuring the Surprised Pikachu image. The text above the image reads: "Players: watch this video that explains why paralysis is bad game design because it removes player agency Me the DM: so you want me to ban hold person and stunning strike? Players:" The meme humorously highlights the players' reaction when the DM points out the implications of their complaints about game mechanics in D&D.

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    DnD 5e vs Pathfinder 2e

    A DnD meme featuring two versions of the Doge meme. On the left is a muscular Doge labeled "dnd 5e bard" with the caption, "Here's some inspiration friend." On the right is a sad Doge labeled "pathfinder 2e bard" with the caption, "ok, i'll give y'all a +1 and end my turn. sorry i tried to do something else." The meme humorously contrasts the perceived power and effectiveness of bards in D&D 5e versus Pathfinder 2e.

    KhosekAslion Report

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    Deus Ex Machina

    A DnD meme featuring an image of Mr. Incredible from "The Incredibles" sitting behind a DM screen with a frustrated expression. The text above the image reads, "POV: When the party skips an entire arc, go straight into the cult HQ and anger 300 strong cultists, so you have the God dude help 'em out as rewriting the entire story would be too much of a hassle." The meme humorously depicts a DM's reaction to players derailing the campaign.

    Stfkr Report

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    7 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I tried to start a group with people who'd never played D&D. They tried to make a pet out of the standard "get your sword wet introductory rat" and then almost killed a small child spying on the road from a bush. He was their contact to the story. It was at that point that I began drinking heavily.

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    “They Had Us in the Firat Half”

    A DnD meme with two parts. The top part shows text in a conversation format: "Lawful Good Paladin: I wish to purchase the slave elf girl. DM: What? But you're- LGP: To free her, give her an education, and a family amongst the party that will love and protect her." The bottom part features an athlete being interviewed on a football field, labeled "DM," with a caption that reads, "They had us in the first half, not gonna lie." The meme humorously illustrates a surprising twist in a D&D game. Report

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    “When Nat 20 Meets Immunity”

    A DnD meme featuring two panels from "Tom and Jerry." In the first panel, Tom the cat is happily smashing a metal outline of Jerry with a hammer, labeled "Fighter rolling a nat 20 with their Greatsword." In the second panel, Tom looks shocked as the metal outline remains unscathed while Jerry stands next to it, labeled "Creature immune to nonmagical damage." The meme humorously depicts the futility of a critical hit against an immune creature in D&D.

    Vegetable_Variety_11 Report


    Confused LGP

     A DnD meme featuring a scene from "The Pirates! Band of Misfits." The text above the image reads, "DM: So you're fine with the Rogue stealing that gold? 'Lawful good' Paladin:" The image shows a pirate character with a confused expression and the caption, "Well yes, but actually no." The meme humorously depicts the contradiction of a lawful good paladin's response to a rogue's theft in a D&D game.

    prairiepenguin Report


    “Might As Well Be Useful...”

     A DnD meme in a four-panel comic style. The first panel shows a dark, ghostly figure with glowing eyes and a sword through its chest, saying, "I am the Everstabbed, kept eternally bound between life and death by the sword that cut through my heart." The second panel has the same figure asking, "What business do you have with me?" In the third panel, a character holds a pickle jar and asks, "Can you open this pickle jar for me? I've asked literally everyone else." The fourth panel shows the ghostly figure struggling to open the jar, saying, "HNGH!" and then, "Wow, it's on there good." The meme humorously depicts a powerful being being asked to perform a mundane task.

    MurkyWay Report


    Devine Soul Sorcerers

    A DnD meme featuring two scenes from the movie "Aladdin" with the Genie. The text at the top reads, "Divine Soul Sorcerers in a nutshell:" The first scene shows the Genie with the caption, "Phenomenal Cosmic Power!" The second scene shows the Genie squeezed into his lamp with the caption, "Itty Bitty Spells Known." The meme humorously highlights the contrast between the Divine Soul Sorcerer's immense power and their limited number of spells in D&D.

    SlayerJesse Report

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    The Last Man Standing

     A DnD meme featuring an illustration of skeletons playing musical instruments. One skeleton in the center is wearing a serious expression and a mask, while the others are playing their instruments in a jovial manner. The text above the image reads, "every one else," and the text below the serious skeleton reads, "the one person taking the game seriously." The meme humorously highlights the contrast between a serious player and others who are not as serious in a D&D game.

    Humble_One_6442 Report

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    “Unlimitted Power!”

    A DnD meme featuring a scene from "Star Wars" with the character Palpatine. The text above the image reads, "JoCat Somehow Getting Over 30 Schedules Lined up For a DND Meme Video." The image shows Palpatine with lightning in his hands, and a small inset of a cartoon creature. The caption at the bottom reads, "Unlimited power!" The meme humorously emphasizes the impressive feat of organizing multiple schedules for a D&D meme video.

    Stoneless-Spy Report

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Passive Perception Panic

    A DnD meme featuring two panels of an anime-style character with a worried expression. The text above the image reads, "When the DM asks about your passive Perception." The first panel shows the character saying, "This.." and the second panel continues, "has turned into a difficult situation." The meme humorously captures the anxiety players feel when the DM inquires about their passive Perception in a D&D game.

    prairiepenguin Report

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    “Roll in the Damage”

    A DnD meme featuring a scene with a dragon. The text above the image reads: "Bard: Nat 20 + my charisma bonus! DM: You successfully seduce the dragon. DM: Roll a constitution saving throw, I'll roll damage Bard: Damage? Huge Adult Male Dragon:" The image below shows a fierce dragon with an intense expression. The meme humorously depicts the unexpected consequences of a bard successfully seducing a dragon in a D&D game.

    prairiepenguin Report


    Late Introduction

    A DnD meme featuring an image of a young boy in a blue shirt standing in a field, looking confused. The text above the image reads, "When the party encounters a new NPC and realizes after 15 minutes of conversation that no one ever asked their name." The caption at the bottom reads, "Wait a minute! Who are you?" The meme humorously highlights the common situation in D&D games where players forget to ask an NPC's name during an encounter.

    BodaciousPig Report

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    “When Mage Hand Solves Everything”

    A DnD meme with three panels. The first panel features a man with glasses, likely a DM, with the caption, "Your target is hiding in a tanker train car." The second panel shows a lizard dressed as a wizard with the caption, "I use maximized mage hand." The third panel shows a 20-sided die, commonly used in D&D. The meme humorously depicts a player's creative use of a spell to address an unusual situation in the game.

    cabageisgreen Report

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    “What Do You Do?”

    A DnD meme featuring an image of a bearded man dressed as a wizard, sitting at a table with Dungeons & Dragons materials and miniature figures. The text above the image reads, "You enter a room in search of your missing companion." The text below the image reads, "What do you do?" The meme humorously captures the classic setup of a D&D adventure scenario.

    cabageisgreen Report

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    DM Saves the Day

    A DnD meme featuring an image of Spider-Man stopping a bus. The text at the top reads, "The monster rolling nat 20's on all 3 of his attacks." The text over Spider-Man reads, "My DM screen," and the text over a child character in the bottom right corner reads, "My level 2 players." The meme humorously illustrates the DM's effort to protect low-level players from powerful attacks in a D&D game.

    dnd.nat20 Report

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    “When Your Character Dies”

    A DnD meme featuring a scene from "The Office" with Michael Scott, played by Steve Carell, looking frustrated. The text above the image reads, "When your character d*** and you have to come up with a new one by next week." The text at the bottom of the image says, "Thanks for the math homework." This meme humorously captures the frustration of having to create a new character quickly in a DnD game.

    MeoowKitty Report

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    Power Level Disparity

     A DnD meme featuring three characters. On the left, a blue-armored character with the caption "Lv. 13 Wizard with Power Word: Pain." On the right, a red-armored character with the caption "Lv. 13 Cleric with Fire Storm." At the bottom, a smaller character with the caption "Lv. 13 Arcane Trickster who just learned Lightning Bolt." The meme humorously illustrates the disparity in perceived power levels and spell impact among different classes in a D&D game.

    MissMittens Report

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    The Chaos of Saving the World

    A DnD meme featuring characters from "Captain Planet." In the first panel, five characters hold up their rings with captions over each: "How do I attack?" "Terrible puns," "Loot their pockets," "Forgot my spells," and "Save the world." The second panel shows Captain Planet with the caption "Save the world." The meme humorously depicts the different types of players in a D&D game and their varied approaches to solving problems.

     Dungeons and Dragons Memes Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh god I just realized I still know the song 🤣 "earth! Air! Fire! Water! Heart! Captain Planet, he's a hero, gonna take pollution down to zero!"

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    The Impenetrable Fortress

    A DnD meme featuring two panels of a knight with an arrow through the eye slit of their helmet. The text in the first panel reads, "The DM describing an impenetrable fortress with dozens of armed guards, who are not allowing civilians into the keep." The text in the second panel reads, "'I have the ex-military background and an old army officer uniform on, I introduce myself as a captain and walk in.'" The meme humorously illustrates a player's creative solution to bypass a heavily guarded fortress in a D&D game.

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    A Recap on “Useful” Facts

    A DnD meme featuring Winnie the Pooh looking at a piece of paper. The text on the left side reads, "Me looking at my notes from the previous session to try to remember what happened." The text on the right side reads, "The single sentence: 'Smoothies exist in this world.'" The meme humorously depicts the often unhelpful and sparse notes players take during D&D sessions.

    dungeons_and_dragons_and_memes Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My players once universally decided that gatorade exists because I described a river as blue gatorade colored and now nothing will convince them otherwise and I have a new magic item.

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    The Gold Rule 

    A DnD meme featuring two panels of Drake. In the first panel, Drake is dismissively waving his hand with the caption, "putting gold towards buying diamonds to revive our friend and ally." In the second panel, Drake is smiling and pointing with approval with the caption, "putting gold towards buying charcoal, incense, and herbs to revive your familiar for the seventh time." The meme humorously highlights the preference for spending resources on a familiar over reviving a fellow player in a D&D game.

    @oocdndmemes Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    The Ultimate “DnD” Setup

    A DnD meme showcasing an elaborate tabletop game setup with detailed terrain, miniature bridges, and buildings, surrounded by a misty fog effect. The text above the image reads, "All y'all need to step your DnD game." This meme humorously suggests that players should enhance their DnD sessions with more immersive and creative setups.

    chafingarmor Report

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    Lily Robertson
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was accused of being an over the top DM when the session after character build i handed them folders that included ancient maps, their homes, their "day jobs", two corollary bonus skills, personal assets, lists of contacts, societies they belonged to, family NPC's they could call on for advice or minor assistance, etc. By the third week they wanted me to run all the games.

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    Campaign Dreams

    A dnd memes image featuring a scene from "The Fairly OddParents" where a character points to an empty display case under a spotlight. The text above the image reads, "HERE'S WHERE I WOULD PUT TWEETS OF MY DND CAMPAIGNS," and the text below reads, "IF WE WERE PLAYING THEM." This meme humorously highlights the frustration of wanting to share D&D campaign moments online but not being able to because the games aren't currently happening.

    @oocdndmemes Report

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    1. Pop Insider. “48 Fun Facts You Might Not Know About Gen Con and D&D.” The Pop Insider: Fuel Your Fandom, June 10, 2024. |
    2. Jennifer Anyabuine. “20 Dungeons and Dragons Facts to Satisfy Your Inner Geek.” The Factsite, January 9, 2024. |
    3. Christopher Julian Anaya. “Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Game’s History.” Game Rant, November 27, 2021. |
    4. Able Gamers. “Benefits of Role-Playing Games.” Able Gamers, 2024. |,creative+thinking+and+problem%2Dsolving.
    5. Ethan Gilsdorf. “On the appeal of fantasy role-playing games.” Psychology Today, September 16, 2010. |
    6. Jos Cerelius. “Why people love Dungeons and Dragons.” Medium, December 8, 2023. |
    7. Owen Biniecki. “You’ve Heard of This Game Before… But Never Like This!” Goodness Exchange, August 6, 2020. |