The human body is one of the most fascinating things on Planet Earth. Paradoxically, it’s at once extremely fragile and tougher than you think, adapting very quickly, and designed to bounce back even after serious injuries. Some people move beyond what most of us think our bodies are capable of doing, setting new athletic achievements—David Goggins alone has shown that people can endure far more than they give themselves credit for.

However, it isn’t all gold medals and victory parties. There are some truly disturbing and even creepy things about the human body that would sound like science fiction if we didn’t know better. Folks from the r/AskReddit online community shared the weirdest facts about human biology they know, and we’re sharing the most interesting ones with you.

Scroll down if you want to learn something new. Hopefully, you’ll still be able to sleep at night knowing some of these. Got any unusual facts about our bodies to share with all the other Pandas? We’ll be waiting to read all about it in the comment section.

Bored Panda reached out to health and fitness coach Anna Armagno Toussaint to have a chat about how much exercise and movement people should strive to get every day, as well as what people's biggest diet mistakes are. (Spoiler warning: many of us are eating an excessive amount of sugar.) We also got in touch with the author of the thread, redditor u/BathNo7713, to get their perspective as well. You'll find Anna and the redditor's answers to our questions below.


30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out The brain will protect itself even if it means misery to you or death.

Inhaling smoke in the middle of a burning house? Brain will make you stop breathing and pass out.

Stuck in the middle of a cold place? You will fall asleep to conserve energy and never wake up again.

Does your brain need more oxygen? You faint in the middle of a busy road.

Had your leg torn off by a bear? Here's adrenaline so you can save your brain even if there's a huge risk of infection or further injury.

Is your brain experiencing too much stress? It will make you drink alcohol or resort to drugs.

You and your brain work together most of the time, but when push comes to shove, you are sacrificed.

anima99 Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I ARE your brain. That's the part of you that makes you sentient. Take out your brain and your body is just a bony meatsack.

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Health and fitness coach Anna told Bored Panda that she leans more towards believing that the human body is resilient. She opened up to us that she has an autoimmune disease and does her best to see things in a positive light. She knows that things could be much worse off.


When it comes to eating properly, balance is key. "I think people don't eat enough balanced meals. I have been following a great eating guide that encourages balanced meals but is also really flexible so you are never cutting anything out completely. We need more balance," the coach stressed that it's vital for health.

"I do think, at least in America, that we definitely need to cut back on sugar though. It definitely affects my autoimmune issues and exacerbates conditions of friends as well. It feeds cancer. All things are ok in moderation but we don't need to be adding as much sugar to yogurt as a serving of ice cream, you know?" she pointed out that limiting the intake of sugar may be a very positive step for many people.


    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out I noticed this after my abdominal surgery. When I turned over in bed my guts seemed to fall from one side to the other. Mentioned to my doc and she confirmed it was my bowels rearranging themselves.

    squatter_ Report


    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out Period cramps are essentially your womb suffocating itself.

    To get the uterine lining out of your womb during your period, your uterus has to contract. Sometimes, when the contractions are stronger, your womb squeezes its blood vessels so tight that oxygen can't reach them, which sends pain signals to your brain (ouch). But wait, there's more – this process increases your production of chemicals called prostaglandins, which encourage more contractions of the uterus. There really is no mercy.

    spookypinkchic Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Womb: I got everything nice and ready for the baby and you had the audacity to NOT get pregnant? I'll show you!

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    Bored Panda wanted to get a better understanding of how much each of us should strive to exercise and move every day. Coach Anna told us that "any!" movement is better than none.

    "Technically, we should aim for 30 minutes a day of movement, but if all you can do is walk around the block, start there," she said that we shouldn't feel bad about starting small and going from there. Any exercise that you can realistically get done is far better than sitting on the couch, grumpy that you don't have the time for the workout you'd ideally like to do.


    "You don't have to run a marathon or bench press your wife, but you can certainly get some movement in. Start where you can and don't give up," the coach shared some encouraging words with Bored Panda.


    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out You develop cancerous cells every day. But your immune system deals with it.

    EDIT: Usually.

    Ordell9 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Didn't want to know that. (Honestly think i'm gonna regret clicking on this trend at all)

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    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out A third to a half of all fertilized ovum do not result in a viable pregnancy. They are expelled as a “heavy period” instead. Most women don’t even realize that they miscarried.

    calladus Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Do NOT let the wankjobs in the Republican party know this! They'll try and legislate against having periods entirely

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    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out Humans are deuterostomes. Meaning as embryos the first thing to develop is an opening that will eventually become the a**s. So at one point you were nothing but an a*****e

    KingZaneTheStrange , suparna sinha Report


    Redditor u/BathNo7713 told Bored Panda that they posed the question to the r/AskReddit community out of general curiosity. "I wanted to know more and wanted other people who read the post to know more too," they told us that their main goals were curiosity and education.

    The author of the thread personally believes that the human body is very fragile. In their opinion, the biggest weakness that people have is "the fact that our own immune system can make us blind." Meanwhile, the biggest strength is that "we mostly rely on instinct a way of knowing something without learning it."

    The redditor believes that there might not be enough attention given to science and psychology at schools, as many of the facts shared in the thread weren't taught to students.

    According to Ruslan Medzhitov, the David W. Wallace Professor of Immunobiology and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at Yale, different tissues and organs have different degrees of resilience.

    “What makes us really sick, and what can kill an organism, animal, or human, is when the most vulnerable aspect of our physiology—the organs or tissues or processes that have least resilience—are affected enough to push them over the edge,” he explains.


    One area of our bodies that is extremely sensitive is the brain. Our skulls protect it from hard blows; meanwhile, our internal biology is structured in such a way that it gets supplied with glucose and oxygen at the expense of other tissues. In short, the brain’s a priority for our bodies.

    “These mechanisms ultimately increase the resilience of the entire organism because they protect the weakest links in the system,” Medzhitov noted.


    if you lose the pinky of your hand, you'll lose the 50% strength of your hand.

    cutebabi21 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So if I start collecting pinkies I get 50% stronger per pinky, useful knowledge.

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    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out You have a spine and support system meant for traveling on four legs.

    Basically, we've all got bad backs.

    Beowulf33232 , Adrian "Rosco" Stef Report


    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out An estimated 60% of cancers arise from non-modifiable risk factors. In other words, they are not due to any lifestyle choices and they are not preventable.

    StrebLab , National Cancer Institute Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I dunno man, dying seems like a pretty sure-fire way to avoid getting cancer.

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    It’s important to be curious in life, but it’s also vital that you remain at least slightly skeptical of what you read online. The best approach is to do at least a bit of your own research and cross-check information from multiple reliable sources. Especially if you stumble upon an outlandish fact, whether about the human body or anything else.

    During an earlier interview with Bored Panda, media expert Mike Sington shared some red flags to look out for that indicate a claim or fact might be fake.

    "Red flags to watch out for that a claim may be fake: it's outlandish, it's too good to be true, you haven't seen the claim anywhere else, you've never heard the source, the source isn't reputable, you can't find two other sources making the same claim, your gut tells you, 'this can't be true,'" the expert stressed that we shouldn’t accept things blindly.


    Wounds and bone breaks are actively held together by your body: more specifically, the collagen it produces that acts like glue. If you don't eat enough vitamin C and get scurvy, you won't produce enough collagen—old wounds will reopen and long-healed bones could break apart again.

    Collagen also holds your teeth in, so they loosen and can fall out.

    Eat some fruit, folks. Don't push that parsley to the side of your plate.

    sambeau Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I learned once the reason that British folk are called "Limeys" by Americans is that in Victorian days, the English Navy had an enforced consumption of lime juice for their sailors, as a way of preventing scurvy.

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    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out Pregnant women if injured, the stem cells from the womb will go to damaged organs and rebuild them to protect the baby.

    MNPhatts , freestocks Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am not hunting grammar errors, but the way this sentence is formulated, it kills my ears, even though I am not a native English speaker.😟

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    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out A female is born with every egg they'll ever release from the ovaries. Therefore, a pregnant woman who is carrying a female child is also carrying the eggs of her grandchildren.

    HaunSolo24 Report

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    Hedgeh og
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not if her daughter chooses to remain child-free, which is also a perfectly valid choice ✨

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    "The rise of social media has decreased the reliability of information because misinformation can spread so quickly before it can be corrected," Mike warned. He advises starting off with a simple Google search to double-check a fact’s reliability.

    "Do this and think before reposting or you may be contributing to the problem. Amplification doesn’t make a claim true or accurate," he noted.


    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out You can die of a broken heart. you can have your heart broken and become ill to where your body goes into survival mode and can shut down major functions.

    WaywardRush169 , camilo jimenez Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Today I learned that the husband of Irma Garcia, one of the teachers killed in Uvalde, TX, died at home after planning his wife's funeral. Devastating in every way.

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    When we defibrillate someone who’s in an unsuitable rhythm, we’re basically just shutting off their heart and hoping it will turn back on by itself in a normal pattern. That’s why you don’t shock asystole, there’s nothing to turn off. Defibrillation is like hitting the reboot switch in the computer, hopefully the problem will solve itself when you turn it off and it’ll return to normal function

    butt3ryt0ast Report


    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out There are a vast number of ways that your body can malfunction and kill you with little or no warning. An aneurysm can go undetected until it bursts and kills you. Getting hit in the chest just the right way can stop your heart. You can encounter an allergen that never previously provoked an immune response that freaks out your body so badly that you die.

    You literally just never know if your body will just....die.

    Unsolicited_Spiders , Gioele Fazzeri Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    and on the other side of the spectrum you have that lady that fell from a plane still in her seat, landed in the jungle and walked out.

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    "Our attention spans have been reduced to mere seconds at a time because that’s the way information and entertainment is fed to us now. People get tiny bite-sized bits of news by scrolling a Twitter feed, they entertain themselves by scrolling quickly through Instagram and TikTok. It’s creating a habit that doesn’t have to be," Mike said that even though our attention spans are shorter than ever, we can fight back against this.

    "The good news is there’s plenty of long-form entertainment and news available, you just have to seek it out. I believe the benefit is worth it. I’ve discovered it improves your ability to focus, it’s more calming, you retain more information, and it gives you a more balanced and nuanced view of the world."


    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out If your brainstem (the part of the brain that mediates most motor control for all of the body) is damaged, you can get "locked-in" syndrome. That means you're fully conscious and aware of your surroundings but unable to move or speak. The only muscles that remain unaffected in most people are the muscles that move they eyes and the eyelids. You're essentially trapped within your own body with your only way of communication being blinking or moving your eyes

    It can be caused by toxins, blockage of the basilar artery which is the main artery of the brainstem, or other brainstem damage

    4oodler Report


    Your body replaces cells as they mutate or die. However, much like a photocopy of a photocopy, the replacements are a little less perfect each time. Around the age of 28, you are no longer replacing cells effectively.

    What that means is after the age of 28, approximately, you are actively in the process of dying because your cells are being destroyed faster than they can be replaced and the replacements are more and more imperfect each time.

    Terrami Report


    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out Well, just this week there was a woman(local) in her late twenties who died of a toothache.

    She had posted on FB about needing a dentist over the weekend and decided to wait till Monday, Sunday morning she was gone. The infection went to her brain.

    hopingtosurvive2020 Report

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    Libby Tailor
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My dentist once told me that infection from tooth could go two way: up to the brain or down to the lungs.

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    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out Stomach acid is very powerful, it would burn right though us if we didn’t secrete mucus every few hours.

    finester39 Report


    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out The head can be twisted around about three and a half times before coming off.

    Afraid_Department_51 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I want to know how this was discovered. Did they do the math or were heads twisted?

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    People that have sever epilepsy can get a procedure done to cut the corpus callosum which connects the two sides of the brain, and allows them to talk to each other. Once this happens your image identification side can’t talk to your words side, and causes issues if you aren’t able to look at an item with both eyes. Otherwise patients act mostly the same.

    So if you were asked to cover you eye that sends info to your language center, and then shown a ball to look at for your object identifying center you wouldn’t be able to tell what it is out loud. Your brain would still be recognizing it, but wouldn’t be able to provide the word for it.

    Fortunately it is very rare to get this done these days as medication has become more effective, so this procedure is a last resort sort of thing.

    xparapluiex Report


    No one knows why we have to sleep. We have theories. But no universally agreed upon or accepted one. The reason we spend a third of our lives incapacitated and unaware is still a mystery.

    really_robot Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We do know that we go crazy and die without sleep though!

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    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out There’s enough copper in your body to make a pair of headphones.

    Ghost_Creation_ Report


    Allergies and intolerances can just come and go as they please with no explanation
    Was lactose intolerant from age 13 to 22.

    ace_is_space Report

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    Monika Lachova
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    intolerances are linked to the status of gut mucus cells. If they're somehow damaged it can result in this (very simlified explanation tho). Also had period of lactose intolerance once.

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    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out Scientists once took a swab of the inside of an American man’s belly button to observe the bacteria that lived there.

    They found bacteria previously only known to exist in Japan. The man had never traveled outside of the U.S.

    So you never know what other country’s bacteria you’re carrying in your belly button.

    Soggy_Willingness_65 Report

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    Jessica Cifelli
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Did he wear clothing made in Japan? Or maybe used medicines made in Japan?

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    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out The brain chemistry is stable enough to last thousands of years if not diseased, it's the rest of the body that kills us.

    Diamond-Fist , Joel Ambass Report

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    Shelli Aderman
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The meat puppet part of us… makes sense why some folks opt for cryogenic burial. 🤨

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    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out It is always making disgusting body noises. The only reason you are not aware of it is because the ambient noise kind of drowns it out because your ears focus on it.

    If you go to one of those super-silent rooms that absorb all sorts of sounds, it is a really weird way to reacquaint yourself with your body.

    Black_Handkerchief Report


    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out It’s possible to develop tumors with hair, teeth, and even eyes. They are called teratomas.

    Color_Wasted Report


    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out Your fingers and toes have no muscles. All the muscles that control them via tendons are in your forearms/hands and lower legs/feet. Your fingers are like puppets on strings. Sweet dreams.

    *Fixed, yes forgot about the muscles in palms/feet. No actual muscles inside the fingers/toes themselves though.

    deepsoul13 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    otherwise we would all have really chunky fingers from all the muscle

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    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out Your butthole and your mouth originate from the same cell grouping during development, but the butthole cells form first, then the mouth cells from them. That means your mouth is from your a*s.

    PucWalker Report

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    That our immune system has cells specifically engineered to fight EVERY ILLNESS PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE, and other cells have the specific job of searching for them within our body when they are needed. Once they get activated once, they are active for the rest of your life, it’s why you can only get many diseases once, after that first time, your immune system can skip the start up phase of curing you and get right to the germ fighting.

    Snaz5 Report


    Not sure if this is by design, but I totaled my car once, almost completely uninjured somehow. Then I looked down to my right hand which I remember jabbing into my dashboard at 55mph. Luckily (unluckily?) only my pinky took the blow. But instead of a floppy-udder full of bone-sand, my pinky was 0.5 inches long. Broke no bones, but instead perfectly stacked my phalanges, or finger bones, INTO my hand.

    This is fixed by a muscular Russian murse grabbing your pinky with both hands and pulling very hard. God I wish they gave me more lidocaine.

    TL;DR: Hit my pinky on dashboard, stacked finger bones instead of fracturing them.

    TelevisionOlympics Report


    Some people suffer from Exploding Head Syndrome, which causes them to hear a loud bang when they wake up.

    ToraMix19 Report


    So you know all those random bacteria that live in your digestive tract and help you break down the food so you can absorb the nutrients?

    Sometimes those little beasties lose the plot and can start eating the inside of your GI tract. This causes your body to try and flush them out through natural processes (ie: diarrhea), but this doesn't affect the bacteria doing the harm and just causes you to get incredibly sick for months while doctors trying to figure out whats happening.

    Source: my one in a billion genetic lottery "winner"

    PunkThug Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Congratulations! You get an award! Your award is…… More Diarrhea!

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    The symptoms of heart attacks are different from men and women. There is more research on men than women as well. I've heard of multiple people who have died from a heart attack because they went in and the doctors didn't recognize it because it's not the normal symptoms seen from a male.

    okaysobasically_ Report


    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out The tiniest injury to your brain can change your entire life. Depending on the part of the brain that gets hurt, you can lose your special/general senses, control over your own body, the ability to produce and/or comprehend language, your memories, your personality, etc. Remember to wear a helmet everyone!

    Trash_Panda_Roxx Report

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    Viola Yarrow
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think that there was this Australian woman who hit her head and started talking with an Irish accent. Nobody knows why and she’d never been to Ireland

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    When someone diets and loses weight, that fat isn't pooped out. Most of what you poop comes from something in your digestive track you consumed. Fat burned is exhaled out as carbon dioxide.

    DeepV Report


    Your skin is your biggest, most complex, and least understood organ. Your skin is what most everyone considers their identity. Your skin has an amazing amount of specialized areas and functions. Elbow skin is very different than the skin covering your ears. Skin is an external organ. It’s an organ that is in contact constantly with the world around you. All of your visible body is skin, except for your eyes and hair and nails. Your skin requires more energy to sustain than any other part of your body. Skin is f****n wild. The actual “you” is wrapped in a big sweaty blanket we call skin.

    Razoray20 Report


    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out There are 1000 types of parasites that can live in the human body. There are only tests for 50-60 of them.

    I’m sorry everyone, but they asked.

    throwawayforagrimsto Report

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    Paul Davis
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    On the bright side, there is a lot of hypothesizing that our immune systems aren't really healthy without a parasitic infection. Thinking about it, humans didn't reach a point where they wouldn't be constantly infested by parasites until just recently, so that is clearly an unnatural state for our bodies, to not have parasites at all.

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    Being ignored or rejected has the same effect on the brain as a physical injury. Repeated rejection overtime causes other mental and physical health probkems like depression and ptsd. We never forget the feeling of being rejected or ignored and when recalling the memory you feel the emotional pain again. When we try recall physical pain, our brains do not allow it happen. You know you had pain at the time but the memory doesn't cause the pain again.

    Makemelaugh2021 Report

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    I' Gomez & Morticia's kid
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Getting rejected or ignored by your parent(s) is one of the painful experiences one can experience.

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    The fastest killing virus takes around 4 days to kill you. That would be Ebola.

    Your immune system can kill you in 15 minutes.

    will477 Report

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    Paul Davis
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes - two ways I can think of right away. One, if you have a reaction that swells up your throat and chokes you to death. Two, because if you have something like septicemia and your entire body thinks it's being attacked all at once it opens up the blood vessels of the entire body to allow white blood cells to move in and the liquid seeps out, so now you can't even pump blood, and if you can't pump enough blood to move enough oxygen to your brain you die. All of that could easily happen in minutes.

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    As a former civil engineer, it always shocked me how close the waste disposal and recreation areas were placed to each other.

    FoundOnTheRoadDead Report

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    Green Machine
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Like putting a sewage treatment plant next to a playground. Who approved that kind of zoning??

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    Adolescence. Most mammals hit adulthood in one clean break. Our kids hit a terrifying state of not being able to take care of themselves but capable of and hormonally hell-bent on reproducing. Like, what kind of messed-up series of horrors made THAT a biological advantage?

    kobayashi_maru_fail Report

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    Hedgeh og
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, it's NOT a biological advantage; by that stage we were in caring communities and humans were surviving because of other reasons than sheer evolutionary advantage. That of course has continued, but the "caring" part seems to be plateauing in many places and even going backwards :(

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    Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva is a disease that is undetectable, and the cause is not known. It appears when your muscle cells start being replaced with bone cells. Eventually, over year, your body locks up until you're entirely "locked in" and you suffocate.

    DukeMaximum Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    At some point in your life, if you have this, you need to decide whether you want to be frozen in a standing or sitting position for the rest of your life.

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    Your butt hole print is more unique than your fingerprint, thank Salvador Dali for that discovery.

    RedshiftOnPandy Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Who's leaving butt prints at crime scenes though? Colin? Have you been at it again?

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    A few weeks ago I had emergency surgery because I was severely bleeding out internally. The source was a ruptured ovarian cyst. Worst pain of my life. I don’t have PCOS or any reproductive condition and the doctors informed me that everyone with a uterus has existing cysts. It’s a matter of tough f****n luck that one of mine tried to kill me but it could happen to anyone.

    usandtheblackvoid Report


    People with pancreatic cancer can have a “sense of impending doom” weeks to months before being diagnosed.

    Edit: sorry for adding to your anxieties! If you aren’t a middle aged or older smoker, you shouldn’t worry too much about this. If you are…please stop smoking. There are drugs and behavioral therapies that can help you quit. I love you.

    Edit 2: as others have pointed out, there are other diseases that have this symptom too. You can freak out about this fact or just take the moral of the story: if you feel like something is wrong, don’t wait (hesitation is defeat). Set up an appointment with your doctor, ask them what it could be and how they’re going to determine what it is. Ask questions and take care of yourself.

    knuckle_my_asshole Report

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    Jing Yi Xu
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Can't believe the first 'I love you' I've heard this week is from a post on pancreatic cancer...still, I'll take all the love I can get

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    That the placebo effect is way stronger than most people think. In Vsauce's video on the subject, a kid suffering from constant seizures stopped having the seizures, I'm pretty sure entirely. And all because they put him in a machine that they said "healed him" when in reality it did nothing.

    xevetv Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It works for causing illness too. If you and a group of friends single out one friend and take turn throughout the day telling them things like "oh are you okay, you look a little pale" and "Geez man you look like s**t, are you sick?", by the end of the day your poor victim will likely have real symptoms.

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    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out Your immune system doesn’t know your eyes exist, if it did it would attack them and make you go blind.

    Marshall1325 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "A chronic disorder of the immune system appears to favor the occurrence of age-related macular degeneration. Those affected become irrevocably blind. Age-related macular degeneration, AMD for short, is the most common cause of blindness in western industrialized countries. As a result, patients initially see blurred, distorted or a dark spot in the center of the field of vision, and later they become completely blind. A German-British research team has now found an important key to the development of AMD: the immune system of AMD sufferers is overactive and presumably therefore leads to blindness. This is what researchers around Hendrik P. N. Scholl from the University Eye Clinic in Bonn write in the online publication "Public Library of Science ONE". According to this, a dysregulation of the so-called complement system leads to blindness in old age. It is an important part of the innate immune system and is involved in inflammatory reactions.

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    Most of the bacteria that will decompose you when you die is already inside you and makes up a sizeable portion of your body mass. That’s why removing organs staves off decomposition of a body for longer.

    Momento_Morrigan Report

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    Jing Yi Xu
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And that's why adding extra sources of bacteria, like yoghurt up a corpses a**s, will help it to decompose faster

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    Your life is currently on a timer of around 6 minutes. After 6 minutes, you will die.

    Every time you breath this timer is reset.

    Shad666 Report


    Your fingernails grow four times as fast as your toenails
    Babies are born with 300 bones – adults have 206
    Eyelashes last about 150 days
    The heart circulates blood through your body about 1,000 times each day
    You make about half a quart (500ml) of spit each day
    The smallest bone in your body is in your ears
    Your blood has the same amount of salt in it as the ocean does
    A sneeze blows air out of your nose at 100 miles per hour

    ThatShadowNinja-1 Report

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    Benita Valdez
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just saying, I have 208 bones. Mild birth defects that is unnoticed unless you get x-rays and mris

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    Our brains create false memories way more often than we think. False memories occur pretty easily as well. Going along with that, the more "vivid" a memory seems the more likely it is that it's fabricated. On top of that, the more we recall a memory, the more susceptible to change it becomes and then the modifications that have been made seem more real because us recalling and then consolidating it further cements it in our memory to be "true".

    A fun fact to go along with all this information is that deja vu is actually your brain spontaneously fabricating a new false memory and that's a perfect example that showcases the vividness we experience in our false memories.

    ThatsNotMaiName Report

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    If you have a surgery where they need to move your organs around they might not function for a day as the body assumes that they are dead.

    tonythebutcher13 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Imagine if humans worked like this "Oh Carl isn't sitting at his usual desk...guess he's dead".

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    Your body will begin its inevitable decline DECADES before your mind does. You can mitigate it, but nothing can stop it.

    Fencius Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And when your mind declines before your body, that is dementia or Alzheimer's. So would you rather have your mind and a non-functional body or your body ages and your mind is gone?

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    My immune system is trying to kill me. It thinks that producing insulin is bad so it kills off insulin producing beta cells. Type 1 diabetes is a f*****g hassle.

    Thebigpicture42 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My immune system thinks that my hair is bad, so it attacks it. I could care less about the hair on my arm, legs or other places but I miss my eyebrows, eyelashes and patches of hair (alopecia). Diabetes of any type is a b***h to deal with 😕, I'm sorry you have to go through that.

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    The number-one symptom of heart disease is sudden death.

    Widow_Slayer Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is also the number-one reason to not get heart disease

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    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out You make and swallow between 1 and 2 liters of saliva. Every. Day.

    NemoSum Report


    We are topologically a donut. We have a hole in our face that leads all the way to our butt hole.

    AlterEdward Report


    All of the DNA that encodes the amazing properties of being human is only about 770MB. Most of the complexity is the environment that the software runs in, not the software itself.

    midgaze Report

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    Sky Render
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That sounds impressive, yet is slightly misleading. If your source code is 770MB on its own after being compiled and without any outside dependencies included, that is a huge chunk of code! In most programming languages, that would equal several gigabytes of just raw code!

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    8 % of our DNA is actually from viruses.

    carringtonagain Report

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    Joran Quinten
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's putting the "I" in virus. Or the "us" when speaking for a group

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    Our bodies cells are constantly being subjected to mutations which could lead to transformation into cancer or pre-cancer cells. We depend on a number of DNA repair pathways and our immune system to catch these errors and destroy the affected cell but ultimately the risk grows with time.

    Bogger92 Report

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    Halitosis is the first stage of aging and starts at age 2.

    richardec Report


    Our vaginas have enough acid in them to disintegrate a BUG. i could have disintegrated a bug with my gorilla grip and didn't even know it.

    trans-nervous-wreck Report

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    We know more about earth and the universe than we do about the human brain.

    Father_of_trillions Report

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    Black Pearl
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well the brain is super complicated and I think the fact that everyone's brain acts slightly differently doesn't help.

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    There is more bacteria DNA than human DNA in you. And don't get me started on the amount of fungus living on our skin.

    ukiddingme2469 Report

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    Paul Davis
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People need to accept that we're symbiotes and need bacteria to survive, as they need us to survive.

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    Not the most disturbing, but bones are made of living tissue that breaks down and rebuilds consistently. Progesterone (for afab) and testosterone (for amab) ensure this rebuilding, meaning that if you lose those for an extended time (long-termloss of period or unnaturally low testosterone) you'll get osteopenia: your bones will have holes in them.

    Second bonus fact for afabs: If you for any reason lose your reproductve hormones for years, your uterus and ovaries "shrink" like raisins, and it takes time to get them back to their original form.

    sneakerooni Report

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    Paul Davis
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Those hormones regulate the osteoclasts, which are cells that destroy bone tissue, and osteoblasts, which are cells that build bone tissue.

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    It survives more trauma than people expect. People generally assume if your hurt badly that you die quickly, but most often you do not.

    BDARmech Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This has got to be one of the only post that doesnt tells me about all the ways I could die unexpectedly

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    The path for air shares some of the same path for food and water, resulting in people choking to death. Almost happened to me a few times, and they were the most terrifying moments of my life.

    revtim Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If we were designed by an intelligent being, we'd have two tubes, or even three, one for air, one for food, on for water.

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    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out Mites that live and feed on your face.

    miika_7 Report


    30 Of The Most Disturbing Things About Human Bodies That Might Freak You Out That our own Immun system can kill us by defending itself against intruders by basically blowing themselves up.

    TitaniumGoldAlloyMan , camilo jimenez Report


    Idk why it freaked me out but bones have holes in them for blood vessels called foramens. Also there is a tube from your ears to nose to oral cavity. And if they do a temporary craniotomy to remove pressure, they put the piece of skull in your stomach in the meantime

    Elder_Scrolls_Nerd Report

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    Cora Han
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I believe they didn't mean you actual stomach. They place the bone under a flap of skin on your abdomen.

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    Jill Bussey
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Do you mean abdomen, rather than stomach? That would make more sense.

    Jill Hojnacki
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No. Stomach acid would dissolve it if it was placed IN the stomach. Traditionally, the fragment was sewn under a flap of skin on the abdomen or thigh. Now, it’s often dried and frozen. Here’s the patent from 2008:

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    Heartstrings are a real thing. The proper name is chordae tendineae. If you thought 'pulling on the heartstrings' was just an expression with no basis in anatomy, it does actually relate to a real kind of tendon in the body.

    Scrimmybinguscat Report

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    I'm seeing a lot of comments that apply to literally every single animal species. Here is one that specifically applies to humans. We're the only ones capable of drinking milk past infancy, many of us hold on to lactase persistence. Added bonus, were the only ones who drinks milk from another species.

    wonderpants93 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Capable is the wrong word here. All animals are capable of drinking milk as long as they are capable of swallowing, results may just vary.

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    There are more molucules in your finger than there are fingers on planet Earth.

    Koetjeka Report


    It may seem like we know a lot about the human brain, but our standard way of studying brain activity is an fMRI, where a single pixel contains over 3 million neurons. That is more than many vertebrate animals' entire brains. The truth is, we really have no idea how the brain gives rise to consciousness.

    Even if we somehow perfectly worked out all the neural correlates of consciousness so we could say a mental state happens if and only if some exact pattern of brain activity happens, we would still have the "hard problem" of consciousness: Why do these physical processes give rise to raw subjective experience, rather than just happening "in the dark"?

    zeugenie Report

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    Nikki Sevven
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Actually, this isn't entirely true. A neurosurgeon operating on a woman to relieve her intractable epilepsy accidentally shocked her claustrum and "turned off" her consciousness. She was observably awake, but unresponsive except for autonomous functions. Another zap brought her awareness back, and she remembered nothing during the period she was "turned off." (Note: The claustrum is a blanket-like organ that connects most areas of the brain to one another. If you think of the various parts of the brain like the musicians in an orchestra, the claustrum is the conductor.)


    if you need to take a s**t, you can feel it on the left side of your stomach just about near your hip bone, it will feel like a harder lump than on the other you have your bowel "movement" you can feel the lump moving along through your lower intestine and the "lump" goes away

    brickiex2 Report


    At any given moment, you are one little blood vessel wall away from not being alive anymore. A brain aneurysm can just wipe you out.

    russeljones123 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Happened to my sister 24th January, only comfort I have is knowing she wouldn't of known a thing about it. 💔💔

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    The human body produces roughly 6 cups of mucus a day.

    throwaway619613 Report


    It's not that disturbing but look closely at your feet, your legs aren't centered on them.

    ilovecatfish Report


    Your skin has millions of pores that you can't see with ur human eyes.

    -Raftel- Report


    All those slimy bags and tubes on the inside.

    mykylodge Report

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    Paul Davis
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When he was little brother went nuts when I tried to show him a book about anatomy. I was very fascinated by it at his age. But he shrieked that the body is made of rubber and there is nothing in there but solid rubber, nothing else. Weird how kids can differ.

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