“What’s That One Disgusting Thing That Everybody Except You Seems To Like?” (35 Answers)
It is said that “In matters of taste, there can be no disputes,” meaning that we all have the right to choose what is best for us. But it seems that there are some things that seem to be liked by many people. It could be a dish, a thing, game, TV show, celebrity, and many other examples of what a lot of people seem to enjoy. Having this in mind, Reddit user @blackismyfavcolorlol asked others online “What’s that one disgusting thing that everybody except you seems to like?” The post received almost 45.5k upvotes and soon was flooded with thousands of comments of things Reddit users can’t tolerate while others find them interesting, funny, or delicious.
Which one of these answers can you agree to? How would you answer this question? Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
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Gender reveal parties
This was the gender reveal cake for the riddler. It was green inside
Lip injections. You look like a clown. I don't get it.
I think they look absolutely awful but desperate people will do drastic things to meet societies beauty standards. They just don't look natural, most of the time it just looks like the person's been stung by a bee.
People who slam their friend's faces into birthday cakes. Just stop.
Well, I know I can't be the only one that finds them disgusting, but long fake nails. Unless you have a serious case of hand-washing OCD, there is no way that can be hygienic.
They are not hygienic at all. I had fake nails when my daughter was a baby, one day I was changing her nappy after a poo explosion and my nails were getting in the way. Anyway, as I was wiping one of my nails wasn't covered by the wipe properly and I got s**t under my nail. I scrubbed and scrubbed with a toothbrush, nail brush and even tried a toothpick but no matter what I did, there was still traces of poop trapped. I ended up ripping them off that arvo, damaging my real nails with it.
Not sorry… It’s extremely unattractive.
"reality" TV shows
This!!!...... I loved the first 'Big Brother', it was new and innovative, and the contestants and weren't in it purely for fame as is the case now. Now is just wannabes who have based their whole life on social media and nothing is out of bounds. I'm just waiting for... 'Live From The Gynaecologist'...an indepth view from the doctors perspective, no doubt culminating in a 'celebrity special'.
Clipping your nails anywhere outside of your house. If you are in a nail salon that makes sense... but if you are at work/on the bus?! Just don't.
UNLESS you break a nail that will then catch on everything you touch, but still, clip that in a bathroom stall.
Social media validation
Haha BP validation!! There's a lot of people on here desperate for validation. I can think of a few...
‘Funny’ videos of people or animals puking. Some people legit think that’s funny, no it’s f**king festy.
Pictures with babies. Or parents creating Facebook profiles in the name of their children, and that children are like... 3 years old, or less
People that let dogs lick their mouths. OMFG! What is wrong with them? They'll often quote some bulls**t urban myth about dogs having sterile saliva or some such self deceiving rubbish so they can feel ok about their perverse desire to tongue kiss dogs.
Or people that let their dog have a lick or a bite of their own food and then continue eating it... *shudder*
Tiger King.
The guy is a sociopath who manipulated two young straight men into a sexual relationship, which ended in one of them committing suicide. Then he had the audacity to give the most tasteless eulogy in front of the guy's family.
He's a predator and I'm shocked that more non-straight and non-monogamous people aren't speaking up against him being released and getting more screen time.
"I'm shocked that more non-straight and non-monogamous people aren't speaking up against him being released and getting more screen time." Why? I'm a non-straight man but I'm only responsible for my own actions.
Pictures with babies being gross, like with spaghetti all over their faces and that sort of thing. I do not get the appeal and doubt I ever will.
Mega-tall burgers that nobody could actually eat and burgers completely covered in cheese or sauce. If you can't taste everything in a single bite, your recipe/preparation is wrong. Big burgers should be wider, not taller. You've got a big burger offering? Break it down into multiple burgers. Same amount of food. Do you have a s**tload of melted cheese to offer? there are better ways than dousing a foot-tall burger in melted cheese if you plan on people to eat it instead of just sharing it on Facebook/TikTok/Instagram.
A sandwich is something you can pick up and eat (reasonably) with your hands as a package and has bread on both ends. If it's sandwich shaped, smothered in gravy or chili and on the plate, it's not a sandwich. If it's a mile high, it's not a sandwich (it might qualify as art though).
You know what I think is sick and weird? Why do some people take pictures of their dead/dying family members? Like “at the hospital with my aunt,” and it’s pictures of someone’s aunt on breathing tubes unconscious. It makes no sense to me why you would take pictures and put them on social media.
Taking a photo may be for a memory, but sharing that photo on a public platform is just wrong.
celebrity gossip
What defines a celebrity? Sometimes I can't avoid seeing celebrity news/ gossip and I've never heard of 90% of them.
Contemporary books that focus on romanticising abuse.
It's not often about that, though. Some people like stories to feel real and to have a pulse, and abuse is a real thing that happens and deserves to be talked about, and not just swept under the rug.
Deep fried butter and deep fried mayonnaise. It sounds so gross but everyone seems to eat it at state fairs or amusement parks.
Eww, is this actually for real? Never heard of it and wish it stayed that way.
Especially ASMR of people eating. So cringy hearing people smacking their lips and chewing etc.
Those social media videos of food being made with so much heavy and greasy s**t! You know, the type where it's a whole burger, cooked into a quesadilla with a pound of cheese, then fried and covered in three different sauces.
Some of the grossest looking food tastes the best. Take poutine for example, it does NOT photograph well but is delicious.
Oysters, cockles, abalone and all other snotty textured seafood, yuck!
I loved my grandma's fried oysters as a kid, and the hunt for tiny pearls. Then one day I pulled one apart and asked, 'what's this stuff inside?'I have never eaten another oyster. (Answer: Everything. Guts, stomach contents and poop.)
Being drunk / drinking. Idk I tried being drunk once and didn’t like it. I like being in control of my actions 24/7.
I think this is the worse "peer pressure" scam. I don't ever have hangovers, I just don't like feeling out of control. I like the taste of some drinks but in the long run expensive, unhealthy, just not worth it.
Games designed to be addictive instead of fun to suck money out of you.
(I like my addictive games to be designed to be as fun as possible with a one time upfront payment. Thank you very much)
I could buy 10 absolutely amazing masterpieces I could spend tens of hours with per game and remember them for decades for the price of a bunch of energy and cosmetics in some s**tty mobile game with a dev budget lower than the coffee budget of the advertising department.
One of my work colleagues. He's the biggest douchebag and poser ever but except me everyone seems to like him.
Hahaha sorry, I have been there. I still just dont get why they liked her.
Any meat the comes in a can. F**ken gross
Celery. Absolutely hate it…can tolerate it dried or teeny tiny pieces in something like stuffing. But often people put giant chunks in soups. Out of everyone I’ve met, only one friend ever shared the same distaste for it!
People writing lists about the thing they hate, and me stupidly reading the list to find it ranges from "that guy at my work" through to "life". So I thought I'd waste more of my time making this comment too, seeing as I'm on a roll
Can't believe that people spitting in public, or worse, holding a nostril and blowing snot while standing at the bus stop isn't here.
I think most people find slagging and bushermans blows to be disgusting. Since this post is about popular things that some find disgusting, it makes sense that those are not listed.
Load More Replies...I said it above and I'll say it again. People who let their cats walk all over kitchen counters and surfaces and post videos of them pawing at the food on their plate because they think its adorable. It's absolutely vile. They step in and dig around in their poop and pee in a litterbox multiple times a day. GROSS!
There was a Clorox Wipes commercial that I hated so much, I almost had to be restrained when it came on. They show a bowl of raw chicken (inexplicably) on a counter top. Then a cat walks across and tips over the bowl of raw chicken onto the counter. Then they show a hand wipe off the chicken juice as if that's the ONLY thing dirty on the kitchen counter.
Load More Replies...People writing lists about the thing they hate, and me stupidly reading the list to find it ranges from "that guy at my work" through to "life". So I thought I'd waste more of my time making this comment too, seeing as I'm on a roll
Can't believe that people spitting in public, or worse, holding a nostril and blowing snot while standing at the bus stop isn't here.
I think most people find slagging and bushermans blows to be disgusting. Since this post is about popular things that some find disgusting, it makes sense that those are not listed.
Load More Replies...I said it above and I'll say it again. People who let their cats walk all over kitchen counters and surfaces and post videos of them pawing at the food on their plate because they think its adorable. It's absolutely vile. They step in and dig around in their poop and pee in a litterbox multiple times a day. GROSS!
There was a Clorox Wipes commercial that I hated so much, I almost had to be restrained when it came on. They show a bowl of raw chicken (inexplicably) on a counter top. Then a cat walks across and tips over the bowl of raw chicken onto the counter. Then they show a hand wipe off the chicken juice as if that's the ONLY thing dirty on the kitchen counter.
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