I’ll never forget the moment when I first heard about “banana and curry” pizza. It’s a staple in many Swedish pizza restaurants, but the thought of it made my stomach do a backflip. Unfortunately, this isn’t the only atrocious pizza being served around the world, but there’s also a dedicated team of crime-fighters working hard to put an end to disgusting pizzas.
Allow us to introduce you to the brave community of Pizza Crimes on Reddit. This online group is dedicated to calling out and locking up all of the worst offenders around the globe. If you think pineapple on pizza is controversial, you haven’t seen anything yet. Enjoy scrolling through this list of photos that should definitely be illegal, and be sure to upvote the pics that bring shame to the pizza name.
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This Ain’t Right
The Worst Of Them All
Pizza is the most popular food in the world, with people consuming about 5 billion pizzas around the globe every year. Some of the classic flavors are margherita, pepperoni, veggie, and the controversial Hawaiian, but there are some toppings and styles that we can all agree are just wrong. Well, most of us can agree. That’s where the Pizza Crimes subreddit comes in. This group, which was created in December 2018, has already amassed an impressive 222k “jury members” who are dedicated to locking up all of the “bad guys” when it comes to pizza pies.
Some common topics that come up in Pizza Crimes are Malformed, Cursed, Fruit, Dropped, Mistreated, Meme, Identity theft and Satire (that one gives me hope). But I’ll warn you pandas right now, you’re in for a wild ride as you make your way through this list. If you’re Italian, I recommend exiting the crime zone immediately, because it might be far too painful for you to witness. And if you’re simply a pizza aficionado, I apologize in advance. These crimes aren’t easy to see, but together, we can advocate for better and less offensive pizzas around the globe. After all, we all deserve to enjoy a delicious, crime-free slice.
Cruel And Unusual
I May Have Committed A Crime, I Call It The Pizzadog
"oh yes the extra crust on this pizza is delightful" *read in old English noble voice*
Now, in no way am I a purist when it comes to many foods. I’m open to experimenting, and I never like to shame others for their culinary choices. Even I’ve enjoyed pineapple on pizza on a rare occasion! But when it comes to pickles, bananas, curry, kebab sauce, and some of the other unique creations featured on this list, I’ve gotta say, the “chefs” in question have lost me. Lock ‘em up, boys. There’s a reason why pizza is the world’s favorite food, and by butchering its beloved name and removing the sauce or adding ingredients like french fries and kiwi, we tarnish its reputation. We can’t have people thinking that all pizzas are like these atrocities!
Some of the photos on this list come down to irresponsible cooks who left their pies in the oven far too long or mishaps made when ordering that led to essentially just bread with meat being delivered. But that doesn’t excuse these crimes. Pizza is one of the most perfect foods because it's simple, customizable and convenient, but it can also be incredibly delicious when prepared in the proper oven. It can even bring people together. I make pizza at home with my partner every single Sunday evening, and we always look forward to it. It’s a great time to bond in the kitchen, as most nights only one of us is preparing the meal, and we have delicious leftovers for days to come.
I- I Can’t
The Mexican styled half actually looks very good. If the burgers and bacon would have been made into bits instead of being large chunks (and having a different cheese than the plastic cheese slices), this pizza could have been good. Looks like this pizza was made by two different cooks, and only one half looks good.
the mexican half looks alright, the other half... ugh no
the f is that on the right? That is some nasty looking burger/bacon travesty
I could get down with this... if it was pesc. (Not a trump supporter, fück him)
I actually want this. But mostly just because I'm already craving taco pizza real bad. ...Am I pregnant? :/
Go Straight To Jail
((Cry)) what is this. My dude put a whole dang chicken on there and call it pizza? Is this what those free range chicken eat?! Edit: first top comment! Ty so much 💛🩵🦈
Everyone has their own pizza preferences, and that’s totally fine. Personally, I’m vegan, so I’m going to opt for vegan cheese and veggies rather than meat on top. And my absolute favorite pizzas are those featuring mushrooms and truffles or truffle oil. Delicious! However, there are certain pizza toppings that some love and others despise. The first time I saw my partner put pickles, tuna and corn on his pizza, I was a bit horrified, but I bit my tongue. According to the Australian site Taste.com, some of the most controversial pizza toppings among their readers are pepperoni, tandoori chicken, anchovies, anything sweet, olives, arugula, seafood, eggs, and pumpkin.
I Agree With The Italians
Oh No, Happy New Year's Eve Everyone. I Still Wouldn't Eat This. This Is Too Much?
I need that. My two favorite foods in one - diabetes can suck my d¡ck
Mortal Pizza Crime
When it comes to arguably the most widely debated pizza topping of all time, pineapple, you might be surprised to learn that the Hawaiian pizza was actually conceived in Canada. Stephen Dowling and Richard Gray at the BBC dove into the history of Hawaiian pizza last year, explaining that the idea came from Sam Panopoulos, a Greek immigrant living in Ontario, in the 1960s. Panopoulos was running a restaurant with his brothers, and one day, he was inspired to combine ham and pineapple on pizza as an homage to the sweet and salty combination of American-Chinese dishes that pair pork and pineapple.
Does This Count?
Pizza Crime In Progress
Not Sure If This Has Been Posted Before But The City Of Pittsburgh Need To Be Charged With A Felony
Since then, the creation of Hawaiian pizza has spread around the globe, although it’s still widely considered a pizza crime in Italy. "I guess you might call it a fusion food, before the term became popular. And, of course, sweet is the most-liked taste, so it is an easy win in that sense," Charles Spence, an experimental psychologist who studies how our different senses affect our experience of food at the University of Oxford, told the BBC. There’s no doubt that this combination has sparked many debates in the decades since its creation, though. In fact, in 2017, the president of Iceland declared to an audience of school children that he would ban it in his country if he could. Something tells me he would be a fan of Pizza Crimes!
This One Right Here, Officers
Please Tell Me This Is Satire
My Wife's First Homemade Pizza
According to Mashed, some of the most hated pizza toppings are pineapple, barbecue sauce, spinach, eggs, broccoli, raw tomatoes, olives, anchovies, mushrooms, clams, shrimp, canned tuna, chicken, avocado, kale, ranch dressing, corn, raw onions, and anything that turns pizza into a dessert. Now, this is a very diverse list, including some extremely popular toppings, like olives and mushrooms, and some quite controversial ones, such as anchovies and clams. But I can see how ranch dressing would be a hated topping. This dairy-based sauce is often used to dip pizzas or pizza crust into in the United States, but Mashed notes that it may curdle in the oven, causing a terrible pizza crime.
Two Slices Of Pepperoni Pizza, With Mac’n Cheese, Sandwiched And Deep-Fried
Saw Someone Link This Sub On A Post I Made, Here’s A Pizza I Ordered From A Wing Place, That Obviously Doesn’t Specialize In Pizza
Rule Number One: Don’t Develop Empathy
Avocado is another uncommon pizza topping that many might consider a crime. “Pizza crust doesn't have much flavor on its own, so it needs things like sauce and toppings to provide pizza's characteristic flavor. That totally works when you add marinara sauce, pesto, or Alfredo and any number of pizza toppings, but avocado doesn't contribute much flavor on its own,” Molly Allen at Mashable writes. “Without salt and flavorings like garlic or onion, an avocado doesn't taste like much. Put it on a pizza, and what does it add? Just a buttery texture. Plus, avocado gets weird and slimy when it's heated. All in all, we're going to say thanks, but no thanks.”
Actual Crime
Happy Easter, Ya Filthy Animals
And they gave their lives to create this abominable abstraction
I’ve Had This Korean Corn Cheese Pizza And It Was Delicious But I Understand I Will Be Going To Jail Now
Eggs are another controversial pizza topping that some swear by, while others would send chefs who use eggs on their pizzas straight to the pizza penitentiary. “According to Woman's Day, putting an egg on top of a pie is ridiculously popular in France, and it's gaining in popularity elsewhere, whether an egg is actually cracked on top of the pizza before putting it in the oven, or the egg is fried and then added on later,” Allen explains. “Either way, the eggs are usually runny, with the yolk adding to both the taste and texture of the pizza. [However], Louis Bron, a New York City pizza chef and consultant, told The Independent that he believes eggs don't belong on pizza or flatbread. This doesn't seem to be a debate people are settling just yet. For now, we suppose it all just comes down to whether you enjoy it or not.”
Pizza Flavored Pizza
Extra Crispy
Buenos Aires Has The Finest Pies!
Are you craving pizza after viewing these photos, pandas? Or are you too horrified to even have an appetite right now? We hope we haven’t scarred you for life; if you have the strength, keep upvoting the pizzas that you’d like to see locked up behind bars. Let us know in the comments below what the worst pizza crime you’ve ever witnessed was, and then if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article featuring atrocities committed against foods, look no further than right here!
Whenever You Think You’ve Seen It All, Brazil Will Prove You Wrong
Well Guys… I’ve Seen It All
honestly it'd be better if there were just sparkly toppings in rainbow order. Ex, red peppers, orange peppers, yellow peppers, green peppers, blue peppers, purple peppers. I like peppers
I Call It Sewer Floods Pizza. Banana And Condensed Milk Can Be Tasty, But It Certainly Lacks In Presentation
I Know It’s April Fools Today, But This Is A Step Too Far
Thought You Guys Would Enjoy This. My GF Eats Pizza Upside Down. Picks The Crust Apart Then Eats The Sauce/Cheese Off The Plate
I Had A Customer Order Anchovies And Banana Pepper Pizza. No Sauce
I Was Curious As To What The “Pizza Americano” Was On The Menu In Venice, Italy
I can assure people that we in the US do not eat like this...at least the people I know don't eat like this.
What An Abomination!
Found On Facebook, Left In A Locker Since March 2010
Gotta Be A Pizza Crime
Pizza I Was Forced To Make At Work. No Sauce, No Cheese, All Disgrace
4cheese Blend My A**. There Aren’t Even 4 Pieces Of Cheese On This Sh*t
well that's probably a seven meat blend in those sausages
Accidentally Ordered A Pizza With No Toppings. And They Actually Delivered It
This Tweet Forced Me To Post It
Ordered A Pizza Named "All American". Never Been To America, But I'm Sure This Is Not How They Eat Pizzas There
What The F**k Is This
First Post Here. These Have To Count
Ordered A Kids Pizza
Former UK Prime Minister’s Pizza
I Wouldn’t Touch My Shrimpizza Either
Shrimp on pizza can be quite tasty. I've had shrimp parmesan pizza as well as pesto shrimp pizza.
I Hate My Country Over This, Can You Guess?
Tortilla Pizza With Baked Snack Mix. Made By Me
Technically, you can put anything on pizza. It's just dough with tomato sauce asking for a topping. Local specialties apply. In Turkey, I believe they put döner meat on it (or perhaps that is just served in German döner shops). In Scotland, they love haggis. Hence haggis flavoured potatoe chips, haggis lasagne, and haggis pizza. No, I don't have a photo of that.
The rest of the world calls "New York-style" pizza is only one of two common styles of pizza from New York. "Sicilian-style" (also known as "Grandmother's") has a very, VERY thick but light, foccacia-style crust.
The other is Brooklyn, yes? Fold it in half to eat it? Sooooo good.
Load More Replies...Some of these I'd really like to try. As for all the gatekeepers and haters, I laugh in your face. My food, my taste buds, my stomach. I'll eat what I like and everyone else can kiss my a**e.
Friends family, nineties. I still wonder why only the mother was fat, while Dad and both boys - half-brothers, the younger being from the current Dad, 1.5 years or so apart, the younger being my friend and former classmate then, 1996 or so, 7th grade, ... were not fat, not even chubby - they'd make pizza as follows: Buy a large oriental bread ("Fladenbrot" in german"). Fill with large tomatos' halves, completely. Fill in the gaps with just about everything in reach, and then spill a bag of ground cheese on. Totalling just above ONE KILOGRAM. One of these - per person. Version two: Buy a frozen Pizza, a premade dough, put on frozen pizza and throw on kinda everything.Everything counts in large amounts, so we only do these around here... And HOW can 3 of 4 people, eating other dishes modified and enlarged similarly, NOT be fat? How?
Plus, I had another friend who'd order a pizza and a dish of pasta in a restaurant. Put pasta on pizza. Roll it in ... eat by the slices. We actually did get asked not to return unless we learned how "civilized people eat, and why what he did cannot qualify". I returned, alone and relieved.
Load More Replies...I loooove pineapple on a pizza. We have this awesome bluecheese Aura in Finland and it fits so well with pineapple and ham.
Load More Replies...OK some dreadful stuff here but where's the broccoli or the BBQ sauce instead of tomato sauce one we had in the UK At the end of the day it is a type of bread with tomato sauce plus cheese plus maybe some toppings. Pineapple does work but it is not an Italian Pizza but we are not talking Italian. It is like trying to compare British curry to Indian curry. There are toppings which may not be classic Italian but done right they work. These shown are an abomination. But have you tried tandoori chicken, chilli flakes and pineapple on a tomato and cheese ?
I think the pizza night is going to be out of the rotation for a long, long, long time.
The absolutely most disgusting pizza topping I've ever heard of was actually very common and considered traditional when I was growing up. Small, dead, un-deboned, unskinned, brined, cured green-turned-grey fish.
Worst pizza I ever had was actually in Rome. More like a biscuit than a pizza. We left it and went to the McD across the square.
Load More Replies...Technically, you can put anything on pizza. It's just dough with tomato sauce asking for a topping. Local specialties apply. In Turkey, I believe they put döner meat on it (or perhaps that is just served in German döner shops). In Scotland, they love haggis. Hence haggis flavoured potatoe chips, haggis lasagne, and haggis pizza. No, I don't have a photo of that.
The rest of the world calls "New York-style" pizza is only one of two common styles of pizza from New York. "Sicilian-style" (also known as "Grandmother's") has a very, VERY thick but light, foccacia-style crust.
The other is Brooklyn, yes? Fold it in half to eat it? Sooooo good.
Load More Replies...Some of these I'd really like to try. As for all the gatekeepers and haters, I laugh in your face. My food, my taste buds, my stomach. I'll eat what I like and everyone else can kiss my a**e.
Friends family, nineties. I still wonder why only the mother was fat, while Dad and both boys - half-brothers, the younger being from the current Dad, 1.5 years or so apart, the younger being my friend and former classmate then, 1996 or so, 7th grade, ... were not fat, not even chubby - they'd make pizza as follows: Buy a large oriental bread ("Fladenbrot" in german"). Fill with large tomatos' halves, completely. Fill in the gaps with just about everything in reach, and then spill a bag of ground cheese on. Totalling just above ONE KILOGRAM. One of these - per person. Version two: Buy a frozen Pizza, a premade dough, put on frozen pizza and throw on kinda everything.Everything counts in large amounts, so we only do these around here... And HOW can 3 of 4 people, eating other dishes modified and enlarged similarly, NOT be fat? How?
Plus, I had another friend who'd order a pizza and a dish of pasta in a restaurant. Put pasta on pizza. Roll it in ... eat by the slices. We actually did get asked not to return unless we learned how "civilized people eat, and why what he did cannot qualify". I returned, alone and relieved.
Load More Replies...I loooove pineapple on a pizza. We have this awesome bluecheese Aura in Finland and it fits so well with pineapple and ham.
Load More Replies...OK some dreadful stuff here but where's the broccoli or the BBQ sauce instead of tomato sauce one we had in the UK At the end of the day it is a type of bread with tomato sauce plus cheese plus maybe some toppings. Pineapple does work but it is not an Italian Pizza but we are not talking Italian. It is like trying to compare British curry to Indian curry. There are toppings which may not be classic Italian but done right they work. These shown are an abomination. But have you tried tandoori chicken, chilli flakes and pineapple on a tomato and cheese ?
I think the pizza night is going to be out of the rotation for a long, long, long time.
The absolutely most disgusting pizza topping I've ever heard of was actually very common and considered traditional when I was growing up. Small, dead, un-deboned, unskinned, brined, cured green-turned-grey fish.
Worst pizza I ever had was actually in Rome. More like a biscuit than a pizza. We left it and went to the McD across the square.
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