Rukmini Poddar is a NYC based artist who creates simple yet profound illustrations on human emotion. Since 2015 she takes 100 days out of her year and diligently illustrates one image every single day for 100 days. This is her fourth year doing The 100 Day Project, and this time she’s dedicating her time to illustrating the Enneagram.

Now, what is the Enneagram? To put it simply, its a powerful tool for understanding the human psyche and ultimately for transformation. Although it may seem quite complex, it can also be very simply presented and understood.

In Rukmini is spending 100 days diving into the Enneagram and translating this system into simple, quirky illustrations for the world to understand and be charmed by.

Each day Rukmini uncovers a little more of our psyche until we discover our very own unique “personality type”. Do you see your “type” here?

More info: Instagram


    100 Personalities: The Enneagram Illustrated

    Since 2015 I’ve done a “100 Day Project”. Which means that I take 100 days out of my year to show up and draw every single day. This year i’m choosing to dedicate 100 days to drawing different personalities from the Enneagram.

    The 3 Triads of the Enneagram


    The Enneagram tells us that there are 9 lenses in which we see the world. They are divided into 3 triads: instinctive, thinking, and feeling.

    Levels of Consciousness

    The enneagram explains how each personality type has different levels of consciousness. We are always moving up and down this levels of healthy, controlling and unhealthy (and sometimes destructive) levels of consciousness.

    At the healthiest level, each type is wonderful. At the unhealthiest, each type can be quite destructive to themselves and others. However when we know how to raise our consciousness, we can be more evolved and creative individuals.

    Body Center (instinct)


    The first triad of the enneagram is Instinctive (body-center). Their attitude is of autonomy, meaning “I have to have it my way” or “Don’t mess with my world”.

    Heart Center (feeling)

    The second triad of the enneagram is Feeling (heart-Center). Their preoccupation is in their identity and the ways they are SEEN (or want to be seen) in the world.

    They each feel emotion and shame in a very personal, strong and distinct way.

    Mind Center (thinking)


    The third triad of the enneagram is Thinking (mind-Center). The mantra of the thinking triad is “What can I trust?”


    Enneagram Type 1: The Moralist

    The Moralist is extremely detail oriented visionaries that are driven by a set of principles personal to them. They feel their morals are true and others must align to them in order for positive chance to take place.

    When healthy, 1s are incredibly honorable, principled and teach by example. When unhealthy, they can be self righteous and point fingers at others, instilling guilt. 1s have very hight standards for others but are most hard on themselves when they can’t reach their own standards of excellence.

    Enneagram type 1w9: The Idealist

    The type 1 with 9 wing is called the IDEALIST. Each one of the nine types has two possible wings.


    1w9 is an introverted deep thinker with a practical action orientation, whose main complaint is that “I feel lazy to enact all I feel called to do because I’d rather not be in conflict or stir things up too much, unless I have to.”

    Enneagram Type 2: The Helper

    Type 2 is all about taking care of others and having heart to heart conversations so they can feel really close and loved. But they have a hard time giving others space (smothering) or seeing their own needs. They don’t tend to ask for help when they need it.

    Enneagram type 2w3: The Host


    The Host is the Type 2 wing 3 of the Enneagram. They are a double extrovert and are not afraid of being in the spotlight. They try to please others as a way of creating closeness and want to be valued as a friend.

    2w3 is a rosy-cheeked storehouse of sweetness that is all about being with people. They love being everyone’s friend and confidante (heart to heart conversations!), but secretly like to get claps for the things they do for others.


    Enneagram Type 3: The Achiever

    Type 3 of the enneagram is smooth and success-driven, endeavoring to show with their life that the sky’s the limit for what can be accomplished. They’re also concerned that others can see through their “attractive” image.

    Although they are in the heart triad, they tend to feel emotions the least and prefer to put all their focus in their work and achieving a successful image.


    They depend highly on validation and believe they are as good as their last successes in order to be loved.

    Enneagram type 3w2: The Charmer

    The enneagram type 3w2 are highly likable and motivating and genuinely want to help others and cheer them on. However, they do have a need of external validation and maintaining the “right image” can be a compulsion for them.

    They are hyper-efficient and dazzle others with their charms as They chase after big dream. They spread themselves incredibly thin, rarely thinking to check in and ask about who they really are.

    Enneagram Type 4: The Individualist


    The Enneagram type 4 is self aware, sensitive, and deeply empathetic. =

    Here’s an overview of #theindividualist:
    • They look for what’s missing
    • They explore all the emotions
    • They need to be unique and different
    • They are deeply self aware
    • They have a tendency to be self absorbed
    • They are sensitive and easily overwhelmed

    Enneagram type 4w5: The Bohemian

    Enneagram Type 4w5 is The Bohemian. They combine intuition with insight and sensitivity with intellectual comprehension. This subtype can also be the most withdrawn/introverted out of all the subtypes.

    Fours withdraw to protect their feelings; fives, to protect their security. Because of the five wing, they care less about the opinions of others. Their self-expression is highly personal and can be somewhat idiosyncratic. They tend to create more for themselves than for an audience.


    Enneagram Type 5: The Investigator


    The enenagram type 5 is The Investigator. They have a relentless pursuit of knowledge which comes from their own insecurities about being able to function successfully in the world.

    5s build their identity around “having ideas” and they aren’t interested in what is familiar and well established. Rather they explore the unusual/unknown.

    Enneagram type 5w6: The Problem Solver