There’s A Facebook Group Dedicated To Pics Of Disapproving Corgis And Here Are 30 Of The Best Ones
Dirk Bogarde loved them. So does Stephen King. Heck, Queen Elizabeth II has owned more than 30 of them. Since the early days of their lineage all the way back in the 12th century, Corgis have been conquering hearts with their foxy heads and fluffy butts. But they're so much more than that. These doggos compete in dog agility trials, obedience, showmanship, flyball, tracking, and herding events. They know their worth. And, as with most self-confident individuals, they aren't afraid to show their disapproval, too.
In 2013, a Facebook group called Disapproving Corgis was created to celebrate just that. Over time, it has amassed over 600K members, posting their favorite pictures of these royal pups, condemning everything from insulting mugs to rainy days. The popularity of the group even gave birth to a few spin-offs like Approving Corgis, but nothing beats the original which remains one of the best Corgi depositories on the Internet.
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Pluto Is Disapproved Of Being Carried But Liberty Is Loving It. 50% Corgi Approval Rating
The American Kennel Club says that the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a strong, athletic, and lively little herder who is affectionate and companionable without being needy.
Originally bred to herd cattle, sheep, and horses, the Pembroke is easy to train and willing to learn. It is also great with children and other pets. So although they are still used as working dogs, these characteristics have gained them the reputation of family pets. Happy, loving, and intelligent, these doggos can also be a little stubborn or independent at times. Simply speaking, they like to think for themselves.
I Stopped Petting Him For .004 Seconds And Got This Serious Side Eye
Interestingly, one Welsh legend has it that the fairies and elves of Wales used the Pembroke Welsh Corgi for things like pulling fairy coaches, working their fairy cattle, and serving as the steed for fairy warriors. Look closely, the lore says, even today you can see the marks of the “fairy saddle” over the shoulders on the Pembroke’s coat.
However, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi are two very different breeds. First, the obvious: the Cardigan's origins trace back to Cardiganshire and the Pembroke's to Pembrokeshire. And you can easily tell them apart if you know what to look for. The American Kennel Club points out that the Cardigan has a tail, while the Pembroke’s is docked close to his body. The Pembroke's is short and his ears are pointed, while the Cardigan’s are more rounded at the tips.
Face I Come Home To Everyday
Princess Penelope Disapproves Of The Severe Lack Of Toy Options She's Been Given. "What Do You Think I Am, A Peasant?!"
Gus Disapproves Of The Mug Making Fun Of Him
Sheldon Disapproves Of Going On A Walk Today And Pretty Much Any Other Day Too
Strong Disapproval From Roadside Loaf
I’ve Never Felt More Judged
This looks like a Facebook profile picture of a typical middle-aged man
"Dilly Is In Our Bed"
they can disapprove it as much as they want, but cat is the boss now :)
My Boy Cooper Has Been Giving Me The Disapproving Side Eye Since He Was A Pup
Severus Really Disapproving Of This Rainy Day In Massachusetts
Throwback To Last Summer When Papu Was Crowned May Queen And Greatly Disapproved
Mabel Disapproves Of Her Sis Having The Zoomies
Lord Muffins Always Disapproving
I’ve Decided To Put My Shoes In A Closet Because This Face Screams, “Imma Poop In Your Expensive Shoes And I’m Gonna Laugh”
I Guess Norman Disapproves Of Too Long Of A Walk
Who needs a snow plough? Trust me i libe at the peak of norway and i would approve of this plz send me this snow plough
Hello Everyone! This Is Severus, With A Very Disapproving Look That First Time We Took Him To The Vet
Lunchbox At The Museum Of Modern Art In New York City. He Judges The Onlookers
Zeta Disapproves Of Balancing Smol Berries On Her Head
Oh and here we have a small berry balancing floof giving its owner a disapproving look.
Bathtime Sadness
Someone Recommended I Post This Pic Of Our Cody On This Page. I Think He’s Disapproving Of The Ghost Behind Me
Soxy Disapproves Of The Blowing Snow! (She Was Out To Potty With Me For 5 Mins And I Brought Her In And Towel Dried Her)
Frida: “What Do You Mean I Cant Climb On The Bed” “I’m A Good Girl!” Dad: Say No More, The Bed Is Yours
Violet Sincerely Disapproves Of Brother Vinny’s Very Existence This Morning
Now this is a death stare if i ever saw one vinny i would look out if i were you...