We’ve all got our dirty little home kitchen secrets that we wouldn’t want anyone to find out about. From not washing the cooking utensils to pretending that our legendary secret recipes are anything but store-bought dressings in a jar. And anyone who pretends that they don’t cut at least one corner in the kitchen is most likely keeping up appearances. God forbid someone found out they don’t wash their bread knife!

In a very candid and thoroughly fun thread, the anonymous home cooks of Reddit opened up about the things that they do in the kitchen that they wouldn’t want others to find out. It’s an honest look at the fact that nobody’s perfect (not even the saints!) and that just because you don’t follow the rules 100% at home doesn’t mean that the world will end.

Scroll down for some of the best-kept kitchen secrets and let us know which ones sounded eerily familiar, dear Pandas. And remember… keep your kitchens clean, but don’t spend every moment of your day polishing the oven dials with a toothbrush. However, for food-related businesses, tip-top hygiene is non-negotiable.

Bored Panda had a wonderful chat about hygiene in the kitchen, how pathogens thrive, the worst things that you can do while prepping food, and erring on the side of caution with Jessica Leigh Clark-Bojin.

Jessica is a talented pie artist, food expert, and author of the book 'Pies Are Awesome.' She went into a lot of detail with us about the food safety acronym 'FATTOM' and when cutting corners starts becoming dangerous, whether you're cooking at home or professionally.


Did I use this measuring cup for water? Great! Wipe it down and stick it back in the drawer. Whatcha gonna do - use water to wash the water off?

ArtaxIsAlive Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't even wipe it, just shake it a bit upside down. AITA?

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"I’m sure even classically trained chefs have the odd habit or foible that would raise an eyebrow or two outside of their kitchen… I would hope that professional chefs have put to bed any habits that would violate food safety regulations, but I’ve certainly observed eccentric techniques from pros that make me cringe, like cutting towards their thumb when peeling fruit (ugh! seen that go wrong a few times!) if not actual unsafe techniques that would lead to cross-contamination or pathogen growth," pie artist Jessica shared with Bored Panda.

The pie artist was candid that she still has a few whacky habits that she hasn't corrected yet. "I often make a mess when I crack eggs, and my batter-stirring technique could be a lot more efficient!"

However, when it comes to actual safety, she always errs on the side of caution and takes cleanliness very seriously. "When I cook with my son, I go over the location of the extinguishers and fire blanket and correct knife handling every time. And I am a (not-so-closeted) germaphobe so I use dozens of flexible cutting mats that I can wash on high heat in the dishwasher to cover every surface I work on."


    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret My bread knife almost never gets washed. I’ll often slice bread and then just wipe the crumbs off and put it back in the drawer haha

    Books_and_Boobs , Dovile Ramoskaite Report

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    Jayne Kyra
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also guilty of this. Bread knife goes straight back into the drawer.

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    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret It's just me and my husband. When I cook for the two of us, for example, I love making homemade sauces and gravy and sometimes I will do a taste test and lick the spoon then stir it right back into the pot. He knows I do it and he doesn't mind. We already kiss each other so why not? Lol

    reddit , Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas Report

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    Caro Caro
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Aw I do this too if it was just us. Who cares? I would never do this when having guests but when alone yeah, taste and reuse that spoon!

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    Jessica admitted that she doesn't actually work directly on the counter. "I just don’t trust anything that can’t be fully sterilized. So I guess my dirty little kitchen secret is actually an excessively clean little kitchen secret," she quipped. "To be clear, there is nothing wrong with working directly on your counter if you clean it properly, I'm just a weirdo!"


    Bored Panda also wanted to get Jessica's take on the dangers present in the kitchen and what we should always avoid doing, at all costs.

    "The worst thing that can be done in the kitchen in terms of hygiene is treating the 'dangerous' ingredients in the same fashion as all the other ingredients in your food prep. Pathogens (the little things in food that can make us sick like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and microorganisms) thrive in certain foods more than others," she said.


    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret Whatever lies between the side of my oven and the cabinet is a dirty secret that I will never know

    amilmore , Camylla Battani Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes! One day in the not too distant future, our very old fridge is finally going to die. I am terrified of the gap between the fridge and the bench....

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    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret The clothes I'm wearing are the best drying towel

    Betasheets , MART PRODUCTION Report


    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret Objectively, I know fresh garlic is always better, but I am lazy and my garlic press is difficult to clean, so 90% of the time I use the jarred minced stuff and just double it to make up for the lower potency.

    Lildebeest · , popo.uw23 Report


    "Raw chicken, raw egg, unpasteurized milk, seafood, and raw flour (people often forget that one!) in particular are fertile breeding ground for nasties and need to be treated differently than other foods."

    Jessica told us all about the food safety acronym 'FATTOM' that stands for “Food supply (protein), low acidity, time, temperature, oxygen, and moisture." She told us that it's used as a guide to determine which foods are more likely to go bad quickly.

    "You can use this as a quick rule of thumb to determine how dangerous the ingredients you are working with are. For example, if you are working with something with a very high acid content like lemons, jam, or pickles, or something with a very low moisture content like crackers or rice cakes, you really don’t have to worry about them sitting out on the counter for hours or touching other food. They just don’t have enough of what the pathogens need to grow."


    She continued: "On the other hand, something like raw shrimp which has a high moisture content and lots of protein for pathogens to eat really needs to be carefully monitored for how long it is left out in the open air in 'danger zone' temperatures and kept far away from other food and utensils." Jessica added that temperatures between 40 and 140 degrees F (4 to 60 degrees C) are the danger zone for pathogen growth.


    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret Measuring spoons immediately go back into their place if they were used to scoop salt or sugar...and maybe flour and perhaps cornstarch after a gentle wipe out.

    seaofluv , Hannah Grapp Report


    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret Clean up drops of water with socks.

    Walaina , George Milton Report


    I will often put food in the fridge before it has cooled to room temp because I want to go the hell to bed... I also eat dinner right before bed a lot.

    SeaScum_Scallywag Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's my opinion that waiting for food to cool before putting it in the fridge is an ancient and well out of date rule. The rule comes from the idea that hot food will make other food in your fridge get too hot and might be bad for that food---this is possible if you have a small fridge which doesn't work so well, but most modern fridges are large and very effective at cooling. I think you're more at risk from food being left out on the bench too long.

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    One thing to keep in mind while running your kitchen is how you’d feel if you were a guest at someone’s home and they’d do (or fail to do) the same things in their kitchen as you did in yours.

    Would you feel disgusted if someone invited you over for dinner and you found out that they didn’t wash their cast-iron pans? If so, you might want to reconsider how you wash your own dishes. It’s a two-way street after all when you’ve got people over.

    On the flip side, if you’re cooking just for yourself and your cleaning habits (or lack thereof) haven’t landed you in the hospital over the past couple of decades, well, keep doing what you’re doing.


    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret I put wooden spoons in the dishwasher

    willowintheev , Devilishly Good Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why would you not? I've had the same wooden spoons for 8 years and they go in the dishwasher every night.

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    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret If I drop a piece of vegetable or meat on the ground that is still to be fried I'll happily throw it back in the pan if it doesn't look icky.

    Rolten , Kamaji Ogino Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Eh. I do this too. Kitchen floor gets cleaned and mopped every day. Its not as clean as a plate but its not exactly dirty either. We don't have pets so no hair etc. When the kids were little they used to hide their bread crusts and look for them later and I would find them munching on stale floor bread. They survived. lol. A little dirt is good for your immune system.

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    Almost everything in the kitchen is treated as dishwasher safe. Anything that turns out not to be dishwasher safe (i.e. falls apart) is replaced by something that is.

    ("almost" because the cast iron pan and wooden chopping boards are not going into the dishwasher - and obviously anything electrical doesn't, though I'll tend to prefer ones where the bits that need washing can be separated nicely)

    DumbMuscle Report

    Officially, we’re all for maximum hygiene and effort. Unofficially, we completely understand that not everyone has the willpower reserves to wash a teaspoon they used for salt after a mentally exhausting and emotionally draining week at work or school. Just give it a quick rub with a kitchen towel and hide it in the cutlery drawer. It’ll be our dirty little secret.


    Things are very different when you’re running a catering business or a restaurant. When you’re cooking for others, you’re responsible for their health. If you don’t adhere to hygiene rules, you’ll get shut down in a flash.

    When a food inspector comes over, they’ll check your permits, see what temperatures you’re keeping your ingredients at. They’ll also check to see if there are any pests in the restaurant and if you’re keeping everything as clean as needed. One thing to definitely look out for is cross-contamination: it is imperative that you avoid keeping cooked and raw meat next to each other.


    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret When I mince garlic I like to take a chunk of hard cheese and when I've scraped what I need off the cutting board, I use the cheese as Velcro to pick up any stray pieces of raw garlic and eat it. Disgusting snack? Probably. Delicious? To me, yes

    Catezero , Brands&People Report


    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret I do not always wash my non-stick pan. Especially if I fried something in it like eggs or bacon. I use the "residual" flavouring in my next dish the next day.

    linengray , Gabriel Gurrola Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same, but only in the same day, all pans get washed by end of day.

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    I’ve completely given up on making broth and just cheat with bouillon 100% of the time

    FannyPackFurries Report


    When testing baked goods with a knife, if they are not done yet I wipe the gooey batter off with my finger to eat, knife is "clean" for the next poke 5 min later

    Reasonable-Writing Report


    I use the same cup for tea every day and I hardly ever wash it. If I feel up to it it will do a quick rinse after I’m done with it but even then I’ll usually just use the hot water to rinse before I brew my tea in it.

    Veganhemeroid Report

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    Moo Moo Futch
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do the same. I use it in the morning and then throughout the day. The only time I do wash it during use is if the tannins are starting to stick on the inside of the cup. I drink Yorkshire Tea generally as well.

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    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret Well, I always try to reuse paper towels as much as possible. So this leads me to leave a used paper towel on the counter. I have no problem with this, but I feel like most people would think I'm being a slob.

    nicholt , Brandon Cormier Report

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    Zara VP
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I only do this if I am wiping up a water spill. Leave the paper towel to dry- then BAM good to go for another round. If I am wiping anything other than water then in the trash she goes!

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    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret Making my sandwiches on the kitchen counter itself instead of on a plate

    dewiwint , Fábio Alves Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Doesn't everyone do this? Especially when you are making more than one sandwhich? And you cant cut them when they are on a plate. I always wipe down my bench before food prep anyway even when I'm using a cutting board or plate and I never prepare sandwiches on the plate.

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    I'm a working chef. During the summer I cook on the grill as much as possible. Everyone raves about my kabobs and is convinced it's some secret chef knowledge. It's Italian dressing. Not even the good kind, the cheapest one will do.

    thedroogabides Report

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    John C
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Italian dressing is an amazing marinade. Try it on your next piece of salmon - I guarantee nobody will be able to guess what you used.

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    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret I don't wash my wok, or other pans I want to keep seasoned. Used to be a breakfast line cook for years, and this may make you a little leery about going out for breakfast, but on the line, we never ever washed our egg pans after they were seasoned and the eggs didn't stick. At the end of the shift just add some oil and a good bit of salt and scrub it out with a clean kitchen towel. Get all the food bits off, flip the towel and wipe out anything into the trash.

    rthomas10 , Clem Onojeghuo Report

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    Carol Emory
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No different than a cast iron skillet. Granny used those for years and no one died.

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    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret I don't have oven mitts. I used any shirt, sweater, or towel that's around when I need it lol.

    can_I_get_an_Oh_Yeah , Tyson Report


    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret When I am wiping down the counters at the end of the day, all the crumbs or whatever just go straight to the floor. I figure the dog or the rumba will get it, not my problem.

    Familiar_Teaching215 , Meruyert Gonullu Report

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    Foxxy (The Original)
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, no thanks. If a little accidentally gets on the floor, fine I won't stress but I would rather wipe them straight into my hand to be thrown in the bin.

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    Me, skiing with my cousin:

    Me: What's this white stuff on your poles, road salt?
    Cousin: Oh nah it's just flour, I was hanging some linguini on them.

    BoxedWineBonnie Report


    My dirtier secret is using a knife to open a bag of something and then using it for other stuff without washing e.g. slicing open a bag of broccoli and then chopping it with the same knife.

    DuneCrossroads Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I didn't even know that was bad. Unless the first bag was chicken

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    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret I use MSG for soups, stews, stir fry sauce, and other times I want to add more "savory" to a dish. Siblings know and they don't mind. Parents would probably say "Oh ok" and keep eating. Grandma would kill me.

    NewMar00 , bossco Report

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    Nadine Bamberger
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It doesn't hide the natural flavor of a food, it enhances it and you can also cut down on salt and sodium if you replace it with msg. There's been this hard to shake xenophobic myth of the so called "Chinese restaurant syndrome" and msg-headache, but it's been debunked by scientists again and again. You shouldn't inject it or eat large doses pure on an empty stomach though lol.

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    Mine is that I have several good quality knives including Japanese double bevel knives. Heck, I even have sharpening stones. But I just use the el cheapo sharpening wheel that all knife enthusiasts disapprove of.

    Well, guess what? There is no better solution that lets me sharpen knives in 15 seconds. And it hasn't "ruined" my knives either. Sure, it gives a much rougher edge but the sharpness is acceptable to me - I'm not trying to shave with my knives, I just need it to cut things without slipping.

    This has worked for me for many years now.

    nomnommish Report

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    Klaatu Verrata (Cough)
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah...I'm with you. Although about 16 years ago, I invested in a professional belted electric sharpening machine, like professional sharpening businesses use, since I have all kinds of blades everywhere. It's still humming along like a beast and I use it on all my blades and everyone's who asks me if I'll sharpen their stuff up. It's one of the best investments I've ever made--scissors to scalpels, it keeps everything like-new.

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    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret I don’t wash my hands when preparing food for myself.

    KillBotzKel , cottonbro Report


    I put what is left on plates back in with the leftovers. Especially my kids plates because they randomly eat it all, but usually not.

    R2MC33 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If it's been chewed and put down no. But if it's just been left, no problems

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    I make sushi from "regular fish" (e.g salmon, tuna) and have never had an issue, in twenty years doing it.

    The concept of "sushi grade" is nothing but hype from the sushi industry; the way fish is made "safe" to eat raw is by freezing it, then using math to work out how long and how cold, to ensure all parasites in it are dead or inactive.

    I don't care what the fish is - if you buy it rock-hard frozen and keep it rock-hard frozen for at least two months, you have nothing to worry about, in terms of eating it raw.

    Then it's just a matter of thawing it just above freezing, so it can be sliced and eaten.

    I lived on the Pacific Rim for a decade and discussed this with countless sushi chefs: they all agreed and found it amusing that the USA sees sushi as an almost-mythical thing...which isn't uncommon, in American perceptions of Asia/Asians.

    Like the number of Asian women cast in shows as "mystical herbalist healer" types - like Sun, the ultra-rich spoiled Korean lady who somehow knew every plant on the LOST island.

    WanderingAnchorite Report

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    Most of my "legendary marinades" at family BBQ/grill time are store brand salad dressing + 1 herb or a dash of worscht.

    I'm taking that one to the grave.

    Kreos642 Report


    Use half and half in anything that calls for milk. Additionally, skim milk is not permitted in the house.

    omgBBQpizza Report

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    Carol Emory
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Skim milk...hate it! My husband kept trying to make me buy fat free or skim. I just looked at him like he was insane.

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    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret I'm an outstanding baker and 90% of the time I make everything from scratch, but sometimes I just don't have the time o or energy so I'll use some shortcuts and make something "semi-homemade" and still pass it off as my own.

    buttermybackside , Amber Maxwell Boydell Report

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    fat and happy
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Being a baking purist just takes too much time and nobody even knows the difference anymore. I made a batch of cookies from scratch, then I bought a tube of Pillsbury cuz I had a craving for cookies and I didn't feel like baking and to be honest there wasn't much difference sadly I think the Pillsbury ones were a little better.

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    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret I've never washed my coffee cup...ever. I tell my wife the hotness of the coffee cleans it. It has a brown crust.

    Interesting_Cup8621 , Nathan Dumlao Report

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    Robert T
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mine gets rinsed, but rarely washed. It's getting boiling water poured in it several times a day, so it's not likely to have time to culture anything! LOL

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    There is one tasting spoon when I'm cooking for my SO/family. It goes from the pot to my mouth and back to the pot, no washing.

    1008oh Report


    I toast bread to warm it before placing in a buttered pan to make grilled cheese. Seems to help the cheese melt.

    MoreCowbellPlease Report

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    Jo Johannsen
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I guess my method is weird. Melt butter in pan, add first slice of bread, then cheese, then second slice. Turn heat pretty low, set timer for 15 min. Go back, lift sandwich, add more butter, flip, set timer again. Enjoy a darkly toasted buttery crunchy sandwich with cheese oozing out everywhere. Yes, it is worth the wait.

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    Stick of salted butter on the counter at all times for cooking. (Keep butter with canola oil in the fridge during winter for easy spreading)

    ObsidianEther Report

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    Nikki Sevven
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I leave unsalted butter on the counter and it has never gone rancid.

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    I recently started rinsing stuff that wasn't in contact with something that needs to get washed.

    I've used the same cutting boards for years, and don't have specific ones for meat, fish, and vegetables. They do get washed for cross-contamination, but I usually cut up whatever needs to be before any meat goes on it.

    The counter by the coffee/tea area always has sugar on it. Always.

    caitejane310 Report


    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret I stick my (usually washed) finger in microwaved food to test it’s temperature.

    Mapefh13 , cottonbro Report


    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret I buy expensive frozen finely chopped onions because I can't for the life of me cut onions without my eyes turning into waterfalls within seconds.

    bubblemint19 , Gaelle Marcel Report

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    Carol Emory
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wear swimming goggles. My brother used them every time my mother had him slicing a huge bag of onions.

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    I literally never thought of putting my oven mitts in a washer. I saw that in a commercial and thought.. "huh..wash oven mitts...". Mine really only ever touch the bottom or side of a baking tray or dish. Never even occurred to me.

    kobuta99 Report


    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret I lick the honey and maple syrup bottles to get the last drop after using. You know, that way the bottle stays clean!

    whatdayathink___ , Arwin Neil Baichoo Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah.... licking the bottle itself is a little ick for me. I will rub my finger over any drips and lick my finger, then use a damp cloth to make sure the jar is not sticky for the next user.

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    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret I eat bits that fall on the floor. I keep a very clean floor.

    _AlreadyTaken_ , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

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    fat and happy
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I eat the bits that fall on my floor too and my floor is usually disgusting. People are going to sanitize themselves right out of a immune system I never get sick probably because I live like a slob

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    I’m definitely the guy who drinks straight from the milk jug and I have no shame about it.

    abirkholz94 Report

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    John C
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ever find your milk souring before the date? This is precisely why. Impossible to avoid leaving germs behind on the jug when you do this.

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    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret Mine is that I've read all the advice on how to clean, use, store, maintain and re-season my cast iron pans. I ignore it all. I'm not doing anything I'm supposed to, but they just keep working.

    Accipitridaen , Helinton Fantin Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to diligently season my wok after every use, as is the common advice. But then, when I was living in Taiwan my Taiwanese flatmate asked me what on earth I was doing, so I stopping bothering. It seems to make no difference---my current wok is nice and black and non-stick, even though it's never been seasoned.

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    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret I regularly drink protein shakes and smoothies and things like that. After every use, I rinse out the blender. There’s a little silicone gasket that seals between the blender container and the blade assembly. It gets cleaned maybe once every 2-3 months.

    bubonis , Valeria Ushakova Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same with my insulated coffee mugs. When I can see the disgusting buildup on the gasket, I take it apart and clean it. Until then? Ignorance is bliss.

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    I leave condiments out on the counter 24/7 ketchup, mustard, BBQ Sauce, Pickles, Honey, and of course butter which is not a condiment. We have never gotten sick from doing so. Now if I could get my daughter-in-law from refrigerating tomatoes all would be well.

    Parking-Restaurant-2 Report


    I don't wash the toast tongs. They are little bamboo tongs I use to get toast out of my toaster. I love my toaster, but it doesn't pop up the toast well any longer. So I have toast tongs. But I just give them a quick wipe off and put them back.

    GrizeldaLovesCats Report


    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret If I boil veggies for a longer time, like for soup I very often don't wash them if they look clean. If my wife would know....

    jimpanseeman101 , Castorly Stock Report


    I’ll just rinse some utensils and place them on the drying rack if they only touched food for a second or two. Like I used a knife to cut up a couple of cherry tomatoes or used a new spoon for salsa if my eating utensil was already in the bowl. I figure it doesn’t really need the full wash treatment.

    Oddly the bread knife gets washed every time because we rarely use it, so I feel it should get a full clean before going back in the block for months.

    Queen_of_Chloe Report

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    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret I use metal utensils in a nonstick pan all the time and don’t really care!

    bw2082 , Rachel Claire Report

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    Kay blue
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Someone did this to one of mine and scratched it so badly I had to replace it.

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    I only sharpen the knives I actually use for cooking (3 knives) everything else comes as you are. The knife block is just for "show" the real knives are hanging on the magnet behind the range.

    kaos95 Report

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    Probs my toaster I just brush the crumbs on the top of it from when my toast pops up into the toaster. Everything else I keep spotless

    MaybeTomorrow93 Report

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    I only use soap to clean something overly oily or that had raw meat.

    I rinse everything immediately after using and 99% of it comes off. Then the sponge gets anything that remains. Soap absolutely unnecessary. Makes dishes take less than 2 minutes.

    ChairmanUzamaoki Report

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    Becky Samuel
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Vile. Washing dishes isn't just for cosmetic reasons. Soap or detergent act to break down bacteria and remove it. Haven't we learned from Covid that washing without soap is pointless?

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    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret My husband and I will use a plate a day. As in, we eat our breakfast off the same plate, don't wash it, repeat for lunch and dinner. Depending on the meals this could last multiple days. It's too much of a waste to use new dishes all the time, waste the water to clean it, just not worth it.

    aswespiral , Mason Summers Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is gross. I can see Breakfast, rinse, lunch, rinse, Dinner Dish washer. But no rinsing or anything? Yuck.

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    30 People Reveal What Things They Do In Their Kitchen That They Keep A Secret I have a biology degree so I’m super conscious of microbes but I’m guilty of not washing the inside of my air fryer between uses! I know it’s bad and terrible and a potential source of illness yet I continue to do it

    envy221 , HS You Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The part of my air fryer that touches the food, also fits into the dish washer. What a blessing.


    I completely rinse and even scrub out pans and dishes until I have enough to make a sink of soapy water (and thank goodness my husband now does that too)

    smartypants99 Report


    I have an $1800 dishwasher that I haven't used in probably 6 months. I don't like dishes piling up, so I wash them by hand every day so I don't have much to put away. It keeps the sink and dishwasher empty and makes for less work in the end.

    drinkdrinkshoesgone Report

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    Stephanie IV
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's much less economic, though. Dishwashers on eco use little water and energy. Washing dishes by hand in sudsy water and rinsing them is a huge waste of resources, I only recently learned that. So, with all the authority of the reformed villain, use the dishwasher!

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    I've had an Instapot for more than a year now, and the drip container has only been emptied once.

    andreabeth09 Report


    I do not wash my coffee cups. I rinse them, wipe them with a paper towel, and put I back in the cabinet. No one else uses my coffee cups and I hate getting my hands wet in the morning because I get cold hands very easily.

    Cguercio Report

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I rarely use soap on my knives. I clean them immediately after using, as such I just rinse them well with hot water and use a dishwashing brush. My tapwater goes up to 80 °C which is enough to kill bacteria. Even after cutting raw meats etc this is the only way I clean it.
    For those who say it's dangerous, I've had food poisoning only twice in my life, one time on holiday from bad pineapple, one time some very mild food poisoning because I kept some leftovers in the fridge too long.

    Dark_Sytze Report


    I hardly ever clean the cheese slicer. It just goes back in the cheese container for use tomorrow.

    PlusAd859 Report

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    John C
    Community Member
    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This one's a little sus - mold loves to grow on cheese, and the surface area on pieces of shredded cheese is an open invitation. That said, ingesting mold the type of mold that grows on cheese is next to harmless (much unlike breathing other types of mold into your lungs).


    I once left the oven running for nearly 2 days...
    People are wondering about the scorch marks.



    I have a pair of kitchen tweezers that I use to get stuff from jars etc. I eat from them all the time and only ever wash them if I can see something on them.

    ElBanoGrande Report


    I have never cleaned my acti fryer! I've had it 7 years and the grease residue is unreal but them chips be coming out crispy and delish so why the hell not.
