This Artist Downgrades Celebrities To Look Like Ordinary People, Here Are The Results (45 New Pics)
Celebrities just always look perfect, and unconsciously, we tend to compare ourselves with them. Our eyes believe what they see, and after looking through beautiful pictures of perfect people, all our flaws suddenly become enhanced, thus making us feel worse about ourselves. To show off a prettier version, people nowadays use all sorts of beauty filters to hide anything they don't like, but how about an 'ordinary' filter for celebrities?
Since beauty standards are way above our pay grade, it is healthy to lower our expectations. And in this case, "Planet Hiltron" is the perfect place to go if you'd like to see celebrities in a bit of a different light.
New York City-based artist and writer Danny Evans creates photoshopped images of Hollywood celebrities as if they were ordinary people. Most of the photos also travel back in time to circa the '80s. So, even though these images are not real, it is fun to imagine celebrities living a normal, ordinary life and looking less polished.
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Tom Cruise
Kate Winslet
Lady Gaga
Britney Spears
Keira Knightley
Mariah Carey
Jennifer Aniston
Not every normal person is slightly overweight. This is just Jennifer Aniston with an extra 80 lbs
Britney Spears
Cate Blanchett
Pamela Anderson
Cameron Diaz
Does not she look like this ? Actually see no difference. To me,this is how she looks on a day of work :)
Gwyneth Paltrow
I am dying! Bad perm and a few pounds, and she has nothing to pontificate at the rest of us about.
Mariah Carey
Celine Dion
Tyra Banks
Catherine Zeta Jones And Michael Douglas
Daniel Craig
Heidi Montag
Madonna And Alex Rodriguez
Ashton Kutcher And Demi Moore
Tori And Candy Spelling
Nicky Hilton
Jennifer Garner And Ben Affleck
He is the guy who always tells you about his glory days as a High School athlete.
Jessica Joe And Ashlee
Lindsay Lohan
Gwen Stefani
To me, not an average look.... More like a woman, Rubens would paint. Beautiful real woman, but definitely not average
Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie
Jeremy Piven
Who really thinks you need "downgrade" Jeremy Piven into a an ordinary person???
Kendra Wilkinson
Looks Like she would call her job as a dog walker "Canine Management Specialist" On her LinkedIn page.
Lindsay Lohan
George Bush
Michael Jackson
Tara Reid
Jlo And Marc
Like mother like daughter.. sadly.. it looks per usual rather than downgraded.. that's the Lindsay Lohan I was used to seeing
Victoria Beckham
Apparently, "ordinary people" for a good part equals "overweight people" for this "artist". Okay, enough "quotation marks" for today.
what an awful article. Nothing about this is ordinary, or down graded for that matter. I think think the "artist" mistook downgraded for degraded. How was this even published on here?
You're really scraping the bottle of barrel here, BoredPanda. What in the world has happened to this site?
What an utter, lazy, unimaginative waste of time. Whoever made this and green lit it getting posted were both way beyond phoneing it in.
Why would most people necessarily be overweight, sloppy or tacky???
Not only is this a really trashy "article" of badly photoshopped celebs, it is also around 10-15 years old.
This is horrible! It appears to infer negative perceptions of class and income.
This artist needs to learn how to resize faces. Some of them were too big or too small for the head.
Not exactly a selection considering several celebs appear twice, and "normal" is *not* "fat". Some of these people are naturally slim/athletic people, a lack of celeb status wouldn't make them suddenly be morbidly obese, or incapable of make-up/hair-styling. Jeez, its basically "here's celebs as trailer trash so you can feel better about yourself and all that ranch you coat your deep fried food in"
This just feels like they are mocking any perceived flaws in these celebs (ie drinking, being promiscuous ect) and calling all non-celebs smoking overweight alcoholics 😨 what if someone recognised their body in this post?! It's Discusting that some people are still joking about other people this way. Come on bored panda you can do better than this.
Apparently, "ordinary people" for a good part equals "overweight people" for this "artist". Okay, enough "quotation marks" for today.
what an awful article. Nothing about this is ordinary, or down graded for that matter. I think think the "artist" mistook downgraded for degraded. How was this even published on here?
You're really scraping the bottle of barrel here, BoredPanda. What in the world has happened to this site?
What an utter, lazy, unimaginative waste of time. Whoever made this and green lit it getting posted were both way beyond phoneing it in.
Why would most people necessarily be overweight, sloppy or tacky???
Not only is this a really trashy "article" of badly photoshopped celebs, it is also around 10-15 years old.
This is horrible! It appears to infer negative perceptions of class and income.
This artist needs to learn how to resize faces. Some of them were too big or too small for the head.
Not exactly a selection considering several celebs appear twice, and "normal" is *not* "fat". Some of these people are naturally slim/athletic people, a lack of celeb status wouldn't make them suddenly be morbidly obese, or incapable of make-up/hair-styling. Jeez, its basically "here's celebs as trailer trash so you can feel better about yourself and all that ranch you coat your deep fried food in"
This just feels like they are mocking any perceived flaws in these celebs (ie drinking, being promiscuous ect) and calling all non-celebs smoking overweight alcoholics 😨 what if someone recognised their body in this post?! It's Discusting that some people are still joking about other people this way. Come on bored panda you can do better than this.