You’ll Be Amazed How People With Color Blindness See The World (57 Pics)
Ever wondered what do color blind people see? To satisfy the urge to find out, there's a website called color-blindness.com that lets you take a glimpse.
Despite the name, color blindness doesn't mean that people see the world in black and white. More than 99% of all colorblind people can, in fact, see color. Because of this, the term "color vision deficiency" (CVD) is considered to be more accurate. According to color-blindness.com, around 0.5% of women (1 in 200) and 8% of men (1 in 12) suffer from some form of CVD. There are several types of colorblindness, such as Deuteranomalia (which makes everything look a little faded), Protanopia (which makes everything seem a little green), and Tritanopia (greenish-pink tones), and only around 0.00003% of the world’s population suffers from total color blindness (Monochromacy).
Bored Panda decided to test various images to see how different colors look through different CVD lenses. Here's what we found on how do color blind people see! (h/t)
Normal vision
This is how different colors look to somebody who has normal vision.
The most common of colorblind types is called Deuteranomalia. Around 4.63% of men and 0.36% of women experience this type of color vision deficiency, many of whom don't even realize. People with Deuteranomalia see a more subdued color palette, especially when it comes to colors like green and red.
When somebody has Protanopia, all shades of green and red look rather faded, whereas yellow and blue shades seem largely unaffected. Only around 1% of men experience this type of CVD.
When somebody has Protanopia, all shades of green and red look rather faded, whereas yellow and blue shades seem largely unaffected. Only around 1% of men experience this type of CVD.
People with Tritanopia see colors with a greenish/pink tone. It's a sporadic form of color blindness and is believed to affect only 0.0001% of men and women.
Total color blindness (Monochromacy)
Total color blindness, or Monochromacy, is the rarest form of color vision deficiency. People who have it can only see in black and white, but it's estimated that only 0.00003% of the world's population is affected by this particular condition.
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