In Jahrbüchern verewigen wir unser damaliges Ich, kurz bevor wir mit der Schule fertig sind. Leider können Sie aber auch dunkle Erinnerungen an einen fragwürdigen Style, oder den unbeholfenen Versuch cool oder besonders schlau zu wirken aufflackern lassen. Bei den folgenden Einträgen ist das aber nicht der Fall. Durch die humorvollen Einträge bringen Sie Ihre ganze Stufe auch nach Jahren mit einem einzigen Satz zum lachen.

Scrollt runter, um Euch die besten Einträge anzuschauen und teilt gerne Eure eigenen Sprüche, oder die Eurer Freunde in den Kommentaren!


Bleib ruhig, es ist nur ein extra Chromosom

Bleib ruhig, es ist nur ein extra Chromosom

karsenhettinger Report

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    "Denk nicht mal dran das als dein Jahrbuchfoto zu nehmen" - Mama

    "Denk nicht mal dran das als dein Jahrbuchfoto zu nehmen" - Mama

    eldeya72 Report

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    Ich habe gelernt "hier" zu rufen, wenn der Lehrer beim abfragen der Anwesenheit ins stottern kommt

    Ich habe gelernt "hier" zu rufen, wenn der Lehrer beim abfragen der Anwesenheit ins stottern kommt

    OctopussSevenTwo Report

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    "Mein Abschlussprojekt war einen Klon zu erschaffen." "1+"

    "Mein Abschlussprojekt war einen Klon zu erschaffen." "1+"

    Adnan_Targaryen Report

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    Eine Art sich zu outen

    Eine Art sich zu outen

    XDTopkek Report

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    Ich trage das nur, damit Ihr anderen Mädchen auch eine Chance habt

    Ich trage das nur, damit Ihr anderen Mädchen auch eine Chance habt

    Brickspace Report

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    Wenn das Leben die Tür vor dir schließt, mach Sie wieder auf. So funktionieren Türen nun einmal

    Wenn das Leben die Tür vor dir schließt, mach Sie wieder auf. So funktionieren Türen nun einmal

    yearbookquotesxx Report

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    Ich hab gehört die Ladies mögen Bad Boys. Zum Glück bin ich "bad" in allem

    Ich hab gehört die Ladies mögen Bad Boys. Zum Glück bin ich "bad" in allem

    yearbookquotesxx Report

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    An alle Lehrer die mir nie etwas nützliches beigebracht haben: Stranger Things Staffel 2 Episode 5 35:08

    An alle Lehrer die mir nie etwas nützliches beigebracht haben: Stranger Things Staffel 2 Episode 5 35:08

    StayLuckyy Report

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    Alles ist möglich, wenn du dich am Telefon weiß anhörst

    Alles ist möglich, wenn du dich am Telefon weiß anhörst

    TRILLAAXX_ Report

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    Natürlich seh ich gut aus. Ich verbring ja nicht umsonst so viel Zeit im Schrank

    Natürlich seh ich gut aus. Ich verbring ja nicht umsonst so viel Zeit im Schrank

    okianlol Report

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    Ich hatte während meiner Schulzeit nie einen "Bad Hair Day"

    Ich hatte während meiner Schulzeit nie einen "Bad Hair Day"

    medina_barakat Report

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    Ich mach schlechte wissenschaftliche Wortspiele - Aber nur periodisch

    Ich mach schlechte wissenschaftliche Wortspiele - Aber nur periodisch

    rhelorenz Report

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    Meine Ohren senden besser als das Schul- W-Lan

    Meine Ohren senden besser als das Schul- W-Lan

    KcEscamilla Report

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    Das ist wirklich mein Nachname

    Das ist wirklich mein Nachname

    ayeedevy Report

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    "Du bist ein Asiate, kein B-Siate" - Mein Vater

    "Du bist ein Asiate, kein B-Siate" - Mein Vater

    vyn.the.human Report

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    "Du jetzt Doktor?" - Oma

    "Du jetzt Doktor?" - Oma

    _alinamufti Report

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    High School Musical hat mir beigebracht, dass wir hier alle zusammen drin stecken. Aber Ihr wart nicht besonders hilfreich

    High School Musical hat mir beigebracht, dass wir hier alle zusammen drin stecken. Aber Ihr wart nicht besonders hilfreich

    MattEvuns Report

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    Pfannkuchen Rezept

    Pfannkuchen Rezept

    amgoodman31 Report

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    "Knock knock!.." "Wer ist da?" "Ein Patel!"

    "Knock knock!.." "Wer ist da?" "Ein Patel!"

    mansi_patel1 Report

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    Ja, es ist mein richtiger Name

    Ja, es ist mein richtiger Name


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    Ruhe in Frienden Club Pinguin. Du hast mich großgezogen, als meine Eltern es nicht wollten

    Ruhe in Frienden Club Pinguin. Du hast mich großgezogen, als meine Eltern es nicht wollten

    thotfulness1 Report

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    Wenn das Leben dir Zitronen gibt...

    Wenn das Leben dir Zitronen gibt...

    dancella13 Report

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    "Ich mag meine Frauen so wie meinen Kaffee" "Wir mögen keinen Kaffee"

    "Ich mag meine Frauen so wie meinen Kaffee" "Wir mögen keinen Kaffee"

    armani_arretche Report

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    "Grey's Anatomy Staffel 5, Episode 6, 39:40

    "Grey's Anatomy Staffel 5, Episode 6, 39:40

    krystaataa Report

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    Manchmal, wenn mir langweilig ist, gehe ich in den Garten, grabe mich selbst ein und tu so als wäre ich eine Karotte

    Manchmal, wenn mir langweilig ist, gehe ich in den Garten, grabe mich selbst ein und tu so als wäre ich eine Karotte

    solargerard Report

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    "Freunde dich mit jemandem an, dann erlauben Sie dir vielleicht einige Sachen aus Ihrem Haus zu nehmen" - Skyrim Loading Screen

    "Freunde dich mit jemandem an, dann erlauben Sie dir vielleicht einige Sachen aus Ihrem Haus zu nehmen" - Skyrim Loading Screen Report

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    Another Wan Bites The Dust

    Another Wan Bites The Dust

    WanBoy421 Report

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    Ich glaube es war härter den Abschluss zu schaffen, als über die Grenze zu kommen

    Ich glaube es war härter den Abschluss zu schaffen, als über die Grenze zu kommen

    solargerard Report

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    Ich brauche Feminismus, weil ich mich reich heiraten möchte. Und das geht nicht, wenn meine Frau nur 75 Cent für jeden Euro den ein Mann bekommt verdient

    Ich brauche Feminismus, weil ich mich reich heiraten möchte. Und das geht nicht, wenn meine Frau nur 75 Cent für jeden Euro den ein Mann bekommt verdient

    caitlyn_cannon Report

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    Ich habe Gott nach einem Fahrrad gefragt, aber ich weiß, dass Glaube so nicht funktioniert. Deshalb habe ich ein Fahrrad gestohlen und Gott um Vergebung gebeten

    Ich habe Gott nach einem Fahrrad gefragt, aber ich weiß, dass Glaube so nicht funktioniert. Deshalb habe ich ein Fahrrad gestohlen und Gott um Vergebung gebeten

    MensHumor Report

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    Vergiss nicht immer du selbst zu sein, es sei denn du hast es nicht drauf, dann tu lieber so als wärst du jemand anderes

    Vergiss nicht immer du selbst zu sein, es sei denn du hast es nicht drauf, dann tu lieber so als wärst du jemand anderes

    solargerard Report

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    Ich habe meinen Superheldenanzug gefunden

    Ich habe meinen Superheldenanzug gefunden

    bodica1 Report

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    Ich mag Reis

    Ich mag Reis


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    "Ich Versuche Mir Einen Jahrbuchspruch Zu Überlegen Aber Alles Was In Meinem Kopf Ist Sind Nilpferd Furze" - Mama

    "Ich Versuche Mir Einen Jahrbuchspruch Zu Überlegen Aber Alles Was In Meinem Kopf Ist Sind Nilpferd Furze" - Mama

    thiccafdolan Report

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    Er hat Morsecode für seinen Jahrbuchspruch benutzt... Wir haben für Euch übersetzt

    Er hat Morsecode für seinen Jahrbuchspruch benutzt... Wir haben für Euch übersetzt

    lunaxam Report

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    "Ziel auf den Mond. Wenn du dann versagst, bist du eine Enttäuschung von riesigem Ausmaß." - Brian Essbe

    "Ziel auf den Mond. Wenn du dann versagst, bist du eine Enttäuschung von riesigem Ausmaß." - Brian Essbe

    SortaBad Report

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    Also, ich schreib hier einfach was hin und das landet dann im Jahrbuch?

    Also, ich schreib hier einfach was hin und das landet dann im Jahrbuch? Report

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    Du brauchst es nicht zu wiederholen. Ich habe es schon beim ersten Mal schön ignoriert

    Du brauchst es nicht zu wiederholen. Ich habe es schon beim ersten Mal schön ignoriert

    emilyadoresyou Report

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    Nenn mich Dadi

    Nenn mich Dadi

    carsonautri Report

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    "Ich habe gewartet!!! 12 Jahre lang!!! In Azkaban!!!" - Sirius Black

    "Ich habe gewartet!!! 12 Jahre lang!!! In Azkaban!!!" - Sirius Black


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    Bro, wir haben das Abi nur gemacht, um auf eine andere Form von Schule gehen zu dürfen

    Bro, wir haben das Abi nur gemacht, um auf eine andere Form von Schule gehen zu dürfen

    DefinitelyaDbag Report

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    "Where Did You Come From, Where Did You Go?" - Cotton-Eye Joe

    "Where Did You Come From, Where Did You Go?" - Cotton-Eye Joe

    carsonautri Report

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    Der Teppich passt zu den Gardinen

    Der Teppich passt zu den Gardinen

    joshwheeler_13 Report

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    Ich habe vergessen für das Foto unterdrückt zu sein

    Ich habe vergessen für das Foto unterdrückt zu sein

    Skazzy3 Report

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    "Ist das die Krosse Krabbe?" "Nein, das ist Patrick"

    "Ist das die Krosse Krabbe?" "Nein, das ist Patrick"

    Drop-Dead-Fred Report

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    Narnia war nicht das Einzige, was 17 Jahre lang im Schrank war

    Narnia war nicht das Einzige, was 17 Jahre lang im Schrank war

    _stanleyyip Report

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    "Darauf immer positv zu sein, auch wenn die Tests immer negativ sind"

    "Darauf immer positv zu sein, auch wenn die Tests immer negativ sind"

    tsidener Report

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    "Warum kann ich nicht einfach in Ruhe meine Waffel essen?" - Präsident Barack Obama

    "Warum kann ich nicht einfach in Ruhe meine Waffel essen?" - Präsident Barack Obama

    _alinamufti Report

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    Ohne Google hätte ich meinen Abschluss nie bekommen

    Ohne Google hätte ich meinen Abschluss nie bekommen

    Kevinnamhoang Report

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    "The Only Time I Set The Bar Low Is For Limbo." - Michael Scott

    "The Only Time I Set The Bar Low Is For Limbo." - Michael Scott

    _alinamufti Report

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    The Only Thing Lower Than My Gpa Is My Will To Live

    The Only Thing Lower Than My Gpa Is My Will To Live

    iiamcristian Report

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    Ravioli, Ravioli, Give Me The Diplomioli!

    Ravioli, Ravioli, Give Me The Diplomioli!

    BigBabyDavis16 Report

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    "That's Why Her Hair Is So Big, It's Full Of Secrets" Damien, Mean Girls

    "That's Why Her Hair Is So Big, It's Full Of Secrets" Damien, Mean Girls

    kristen_beever Report

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    I'd Like To Thank Dobe, Alanzostotle, And Satan. I Love You Guys.

    I'd Like To Thank Dobe, Alanzostotle, And Satan. I Love You Guys.

    caseykidik Report

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    Shoutout To Everyone That Doubted Me Because I Had A Baby, Here I Am Living, Breathing, Doing Better Than Yall

    Shoutout To Everyone That Doubted Me Because I Had A Baby, Here I Am Living, Breathing, Doing Better Than Yall

    sofrito_mami Report

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    I Was Born White

    I Was Born White

    MattEvuns Report

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    "I See Now That Circumstances Of One's Birth Are Irrelevant. It Is What You Do With The Gift Of Life That Determines Who You Are" -Mewtwo

    "I See Now That Circumstances Of One's Birth Are Irrelevant. It Is What You Do With The Gift Of Life That Determines Who You Are" -Mewtwo

    Wallywutsizface Report

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    "Close Your Eyes. Imagine Yourself On A Boat. Smell The Salty Air. Now Open Your Eyes. Your Life Still Sucks But That Was Kinda Fun Right?" - Brian Essbe

    "Close Your Eyes. Imagine Yourself On A Boat. Smell The Salty Air. Now Open Your Eyes. Your Life Still Sucks But That Was Kinda Fun Right?" - Brian Essbe

    SortaBad Report

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    "I Am Usually Not One For Speeches, So Goodbye." - Ron Swanson

    "I Am Usually Not One For Speeches, So Goodbye." - Ron Swanson

    _alinamufti Report

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    The Link Master

    The Link Master

    gans4728 Report

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    I Don't Need A Piece Of Paper Saying I Succeeded. I Just Need Food. - Shane Dawson

    I Don't Need A Piece Of Paper Saying I Succeeded. I Just Need Food. - Shane Dawson


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    I've Learned To Say Here When The Teacher Hesitates While Taking Attendance

    I've Learned To Say Here When The Teacher Hesitates While Taking Attendance

    T_Omotinugbon Report

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    "When Life Throws A Wrench In Your Plans, Catch It And Build And Ikea Bookshelf." - Tyler Oakley

    "When Life Throws A Wrench In Your Plans, Catch It And Build And Ikea Bookshelf." - Tyler Oakley

    jonathanyliu Report

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    "I Would Like To Die On Mars. Just Not On Impacts." - Elon Musk

    "I Would Like To Die On Mars. Just Not On Impacts." - Elon Musk

    johnkrausphotos Report

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    If You Don't Like Where You Are In Life... Move. You Ain't A Tree. -Bhad Bhabie

    If You Don't Like Where You Are In Life... Move. You Ain't A Tree. -Bhad Bhabie

    misbruno_ Report

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    Waking Up Is The Second Hardest Thing In The Morning

    Waking Up Is The Second Hardest Thing In The Morning

    weserny Report

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    And No, I Will Not Be Your Gay Best Friend

    And No, I Will Not Be Your Gay Best Friend

    jvdewrght_ Report

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    "I'm Always Right, Except When I'm Wrong, Which Is Often." - Arin Hanson

    "I'm Always Right, Except When I'm Wrong, Which Is Often." - Arin Hanson

    anniefeldman837 Report

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    A Lot Of Girls Didn't Like Me This Year, But Their Boyfriends Did. ;)

    A Lot Of Girls Didn't Like Me This Year, But Their Boyfriends Did. ;)

    foreversteffany Report

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    "(Insert Quote From The Office To Show Everyone I'm Quirky)" - Michael Probably

    "(Insert Quote From The Office To Show Everyone I'm Quirky)" - Michael Probably

    hdhdog Report

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    "Tell Me What You Want, What You Really Really Want." - Spice Girls

    "Tell Me What You Want, What You Really Really Want." - Spice Girls

    MarkECulbreth Report

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    "I'm Ugly And I'm Proud" - Spongebob

    "I'm Ugly And I'm Proud" - Spongebob

    yearbookquotesxx Report

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    One, Don't Pick Up The Phone. You Know He's Only Calling Cause He's Drunk And Alone. Two, Don't Let Him In. You Have To Kick Him Out Again

    One, Don't Pick Up The Phone. You Know He's Only Calling Cause He's Drunk And Alone. Two, Don't Let Him In. You Have To Kick Him Out Again

    intingsof Report

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    I Was Worried At First When They Told Me I Had To Do A Chinese Oral But Then I Realized It Was Something Completely Different

    I Was Worried At First When They Told Me I Had To Do A Chinese Oral But Then I Realized It Was Something Completely Different


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    I Like My Women How I Like My Coffee. I Don't Like Coffee

    I Like My Women How I Like My Coffee. I Don't Like Coffee

    LipsTaco Report

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    All Along I Was Next To A Blessing

    All Along I Was Next To A Blessing

    vonnightstand Report

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    I'm Fat Cause I Don't Chase These Girls

    I'm Fat Cause I Don't Chase These Girls

    SBWildFire Report

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    Love Food. Love Others. Nothing Else Matters

    Love Food. Love Others. Nothing Else Matters

    evyn_bonine Report

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    I Am Selena In A School Filled With Yolandas

    I Am Selena In A School Filled With Yolandas

    ShiWantsTheC Report

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    My Hair Is Straight, But I'm Not

    My Hair Is Straight, But I'm Not

    AllisonPachec19 Report

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    Damn, Joseph Just Stole My Girl Again! - Everyone

    Damn, Joseph Just Stole My Girl Again! - Everyone

    dromama Report

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    "I Hate When I'm On A Flight And I Wake Up With A Water Bottle Next To Me Like Oh Great Now I Gotta Be Responsible For This Water Bottle" - Kanye West

    "I Hate When I'm On A Flight And I Wake Up With A Water Bottle Next To Me Like Oh Great Now I Gotta Be Responsible For This Water Bottle" - Kanye West

    Dr_Irrational_PhD Report

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    You Can't Always Pick Your Father, But You Can Pick Your Daddy

    You Can't Always Pick Your Father, But You Can Pick Your Daddy

    ChemistryAndPhysicsAreFun Report

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    Cats Are Love, Cats Are Life :3 And Yaoi... Yaoi Too...

    Cats Are Love, Cats Are Life :3 And Yaoi... Yaoi Too...

    MattEvuns Report


    "Beyonce Said Pretty Hurts... No Wonder I'm Always In Pain"

    "Beyonce Said Pretty Hurts... No Wonder I'm Always In Pain"

    FaisalKh4n Report

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    Sure, Follow Your Dreams, But First Follow My Instagram @brianna_nicole4

    Sure, Follow Your Dreams, But First Follow My Instagram @brianna_nicole4

    brianna_nicole4 Report

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    This Was Nothing Like High School Musical, How Upsetting

    This Was Nothing Like High School Musical, How Upsetting

    umniall Report

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    My Mom Should Have Swallowed Me

    My Mom Should Have Swallowed Me

    ricky54326 Report

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    "They Can Kill You But The Legalities Of Eating You Are Quite A Bit Dicier." - David Foster Wallace

    "They Can Kill You But The Legalities Of Eating You Are Quite A Bit Dicier." - David Foster Wallace

    sulihpoeht Report

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    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    just.sayori_ Report

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    I Had A Good Senior Quote But Hillary Deleted It

    I Had A Good Senior Quote But Hillary Deleted It

    Logan_Mags15 Report

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    "I'm So Sorry, I Really Have No Time To Explain. I Have A Universe To Set Right, Thank You And Goodbye"

    "I'm So Sorry, I Really Have No Time To Explain. I Have A Universe To Set Right, Thank You And Goodbye"

    TheOneWith45 Report

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    If You Look At This Picture In 30 Years, Just Know That I Look Exactly The Same Because Black Don't Crack

    If You Look At This Picture In 30 Years, Just Know That I Look Exactly The Same Because Black Don't Crack

    DiamondLongs Report

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    We Didn't Choose The Twin Life... The Twin Life Chose Us

    We Didn't Choose The Twin Life... The Twin Life Chose Us

    poookieboo Report

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    "I Know Guac Is Extra." - Jackie Aina

    "I Know Guac Is Extra." - Jackie Aina

    httpnaba Report

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life

    Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life

    DarrenNestola Report

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    I'm Already Hungry Tomorrow

    I'm Already Hungry Tomorrow

    1jordanmichael Report

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    Physics Is To Math As Sex Is To Masturbation

    Physics Is To Math As Sex Is To Masturbation

    _jalynnnn Report

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    You All Say You Hate Me, But Presidents Don't Elect Themselves

    You All Say You Hate Me, But Presidents Don't Elect Themselves

    sillylittlelolo Report

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    You Can Catch Flies With Honey, But You Catch More Honeys Being Fly

    You Can Catch Flies With Honey, But You Catch More Honeys Being Fly

    EmilyZamora Report

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    Found This In The Yearbook, Read It Backwards

    Found This In The Yearbook, Read It Backwards

    Sharpshot2377 Report

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    "Hoo Wah Hey Ya Shoo Wa Zadup Wow!" - The Book Of Mormon (The Musical)

    "Hoo Wah Hey Ya Shoo Wa Zadup Wow!" - The Book Of Mormon (The Musical)

    myahesby Report

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    I'm Sorry If I Stole Your Girlfriend

    I'm Sorry If I Stole Your Girlfriend

    millan_joseph Report

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Why Does Snoop Dogg Need An Umbrella? - Fo Drizzle

    Why Does Snoop Dogg Need An Umbrella? - Fo Drizzle

    liamsfix Report

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    I Can't See

    I Can't See

    JHara21 Report

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    "Remember That True Beauty Comes From Within - Within Bottles, Compacts & Lipstick Tubes" - Jeffree Star

    "Remember That True Beauty Comes From Within - Within Bottles, Compacts & Lipstick Tubes" - Jeffree Star

    itsprobablymakeup Report

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    You Can Always Retake A Class But You Can't Relive A Party

    You Can Always Retake A Class But You Can't Relive A Party

    rickysoliscx Report

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    Some People Say "Flips Weave," But I'm Gone Flip This Tassel Instead

    Some People Say "Flips Weave," But I'm Gone Flip This Tassel Instead

    longliveriley Report

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    "I Can't Believe I Ate The Whole Thing." - Homer Simpson

    "I Can't Believe I Ate The Whole Thing." - Homer Simpson

    Burger_Time_ Report

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    "I Know I Look Great. My House Has Mirrors." - William

    "I Know I Look Great. My House Has Mirrors." - William

    jamez_ing Report

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    My C's Went To A's And So Did My Grades

    My C's Went To A's And So Did My Grades

    MattEvuns Report

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Drake Was There For Me When No One Else Was

    Drake Was There For Me When No One Else Was

    NateTheTruthh Report

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    "They Say You Are What You Eat... (That's Funny) I Don't Remember Eating A Goat." - Young Thug

    "They Say You Are What You Eat... (That's Funny) I Don't Remember Eating A Goat." - Young Thug

    ifwthevision Report

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    "Keep The Snakes Away From Me, Unless They Gucci." - Blackbear

    "Keep The Snakes Away From Me, Unless They Gucci." - Blackbear

    morgantfulco Report

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    I'm The Girl With The Charger R/T

    I'm The Girl With The Charger R/T

    guera392 Report

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    "I'm Like Tinkerbell, I Need Applause To Live!" - Rachel Berry

    "I'm Like Tinkerbell, I Need Applause To Live!" - Rachel Berry

    cassiesparza Report

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    "My Dad And I Play This Game Where He Pretends To Not Know Who I Am, And I Cry, Asking Him Why He Left." - Bardock Obama

    "My Dad And I Play This Game Where He Pretends To Not Know Who I Am, And I Cry, Asking Him Why He Left." - Bardock Obama

    xnr_lol Report

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    "Who, What, When, Where, Why, And How?" - Zayne Hijazi

    "Who, What, When, Where, Why, And How?" - Zayne Hijazi

    nicoleeborda Report

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    I Hope My Future Is As Bright As My Highlight

    I Hope My Future Is As Bright As My Highlight

    _monicamarquez_ Report

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Be Determined, Passionate And Brilliant In Life. Make Sure To Buy Lots Of 4 For $4's As Well

    Be Determined, Passionate And Brilliant In Life. Make Sure To Buy Lots Of 4 For $4's As Well

    alex_norberg Report

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    Dez Caught It

    Dez Caught It

    carlosXramirez Report

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    "When The Snow Falls And The White Winds Blow, The Lone Wolf Dies But The Pack Survives." - George RR Martin

    "When The Snow Falls And The White Winds Blow, The Lone Wolf Dies But The Pack Survives." - George RR Martin

    matuarush Report

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    It's Weird Knowing I'm The Best Looking One On This Page

    It's Weird Knowing I'm The Best Looking One On This Page

    pete7teen Report

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    There Are Actually Five States Of Matter - Not Four, Namely: Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma And Black Lives

    There Are Actually Five States Of Matter - Not Four, Namely: Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma And Black Lives

    LangaMav Report

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    If It Don’t Make Money, It Don’t Make Sense

    If It Don’t Make Money, It Don’t Make Sense

    ninas420life Report

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    "You Miss 100% Of The Shots You Never Take." - Lee Harvey Oswald

    "You Miss 100% Of The Shots You Never Take." - Lee Harvey Oswald

    bringthewaffle Report

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    My School Had A Thing Where The Teachers Had Their Own Senior Quotes In The Yearbook, This Was My Stats Teacher's: "I Got More Tail Than Petco, You Faker Than Some Sweet'n Low." - Childish Gambino

    My School Had A Thing Where The Teachers Had Their Own Senior Quotes In The Yearbook, This Was My Stats Teacher's: "I Got More Tail Than Petco, You Faker Than Some Sweet'n Low." - Childish Gambino

    Ysgator Report

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    If You Feel Like You're Going To Crash, Accelerate More. - BTS

    If You Feel Like You're Going To Crash, Accelerate More. - BTS

    princexukun Report

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    "Where Ever I Go, I Know That There Will Be Frijoles En La Casa"

    "Where Ever I Go, I Know That There Will Be Frijoles En La Casa"

    liizbethdelmar Report

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    You Gotta Be Bottomless To Get To The Top

    You Gotta Be Bottomless To Get To The Top

    laurammlg Report

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    The Angels Protect Me The Demons Respect Me

    The Angels Protect Me The Demons Respect Me

    CHXPO Report

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    Makeup Brushes Aren't Meant To Be Swirled In Makeup Palettes Like It's Paint

    Makeup Brushes Aren't Meant To Be Swirled In Makeup Palettes Like It's Paint

    yearbookquotesxx Report

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    My Senior Project Was To Make A Clone. A+

    My Senior Project Was To Make A Clone. A+

    MannaNoah Report

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    "Can You Keep Up With My Lingo? Some Say Life Is A Gamble, Which Means Love Is A Casino." - Kevin Gates

    "Can You Keep Up With My Lingo? Some Say Life Is A Gamble, Which Means Love Is A Casino." - Kevin Gates

    _JustAlexandraa Report

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    Fill The Tun Up Half Way And Ride It With My Surfboard, Surfboard, Surfboard

    Fill The Tun Up Half Way And Ride It With My Surfboard, Surfboard, Surfboard

    baileywhaley Report

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    I'm Handsome. You Can Call Me Romeo. Good Luck Seniors! I Get All The Girls. Very Popular

    I'm Handsome. You Can Call Me Romeo. Good Luck Seniors! I Get All The Girls. Very Popular

    blandino415 Report

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    "If You Ain't Got The Sauce, Then You're Lost. But You Can Also Get Lost In The Sauce." -Gucci Mane

    "If You Ain't Got The Sauce, Then You're Lost. But You Can Also Get Lost In The Sauce." -Gucci Mane

    Adrianasokay_ Report

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    "I Am Dripping Melanin And Honey. I Am Black Without Apology" - Upile

    "I Am Dripping Melanin And Honey. I Am Black Without Apology" - Upile

    blacklightproject Report

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    If The Red Rivers A Flowin', Take The Dirt Road Home

    If The Red Rivers A Flowin', Take The Dirt Road Home

    EthiopianChica Report

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    I Never Liked Non Of Yall, Wish I Would've Stayed At Dunbar

    I Never Liked Non Of Yall, Wish I Would've Stayed At Dunbar

    Ouch_Charlieeee Report

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    "... But To Live Doesn't Mean You're Alive" - Nicki Minaj

    "... But To Live Doesn't Mean You're Alive" - Nicki Minaj

    Onikaslaysme Report

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    I Mean I Don't Even Know Why You Girls Even Bother At This Point, Like, Give It Up, It's Me, And I Win, You Lose, Hahahaha

    I Mean I Don't Even Know Why You Girls Even Bother At This Point, Like, Give It Up, It's Me, And I Win, You Lose, Hahahaha

    hajadajah Report

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    Did You See What I Done? Came In A Blonde Wig Left In A Black One

    Did You See What I Done? Came In A Blonde Wig Left In A Black One

    Ohemss Report

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    If You're Not Talking Money, I Don't Want To Talk

    If You're Not Talking Money, I Don't Want To Talk

    A_Hasselbach Report

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    If I Was Mean To You And I Said I Was Joking, I Wasn't

    If I Was Mean To You And I Said I Was Joking, I Wasn't

    callmeumami Report

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    When A Ten Is Speaking, All You Fives Quiet Down And Listen Up

    When A Ten Is Speaking, All You Fives Quiet Down And Listen Up

    emmygrahamxo Report

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