Dogs deserve only the best from us. Their unconditional love and eternal friendship are just a couple of the many things that signify just how pure they are as a species.

So, it should come as no surprise that there’s a challenge going around Facebook where pupper owners show off all of the special things they got for their dogs called the I Did It For My Dog Challenge.

As part of this challenge, people post pictures of everything from doggy bed extensions, doggy spaces in cars, and doggy rooms to doggy playgrounds, doggy photoshoots, and doggy dinners, along with a description of what it is they’re sharing.

These are being shared under the hashtag #ididitformydogchallenge in the Dogspotting Society group, which has over 1 million dog lovers who share videos and pictures of their dogs on the daily.

Bored Panda has gathered some of the best submissions to the challenge, all posted by dog lovers around the world. Check out the entire list below and vote and comment on the ones you loved the most.



We changed our car to a 4Runner because of its rear window that rolls down. My husband also took out the back seat to make more room for our 2 Goldens Jake & Zoey. He made platform for storage, and we added a mattress topper and rug for ultimate comfort for our road trips (find Bored Panda's interview with the human companion of these two lovely puppers below!)

Nancy Schultz Report



    I adopted the love of my life, Romero, in December 2014. Opened a dog park/beer bar in August 2016 named after him. He passed in October 2018. In that short time he motivated me to quit my job, invest all my savings, and sacrifice everything - my boyfriend and I kept saying, “How can the three of us be together all the time?” And that’s how’s 'Romero's K9 Club & Tap House' came to be

    Maria Redondo Report

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    Mary Rose Kent
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m so sorry for your loss! Petrushka—the kitty love of my life—lived for 16 years, and even now, 20 years later, I still miss him. I don’t cry anymore, but there will always be a Petrushka-shaped hole in my heart.

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    I had my boyfriend cut a hole in my fence & put down a platform so my dog could still watch the kids play out front, see the other dogs walking by & get visits from his favorite mailman. It's nothing fancy but Eddie loves it

    Catherine Nivala Stewart Report


    The challenge got quite a bit of attention from dog owners all around. One of the more interesting ideas was Anna Lopez' (with whom Bored Panda got in touch) doggy activity center, which provides dogs with ample opportunities to socialize and play together.

    And it’s not just wooden ramps and platforms, but ball stands and a “doggy jungle gym” where the pooches can chew on various toys and suspended ropes!

    "I have 22 dogs, a lot of them are special needs, and/or senior/geriatric, suffering from cancer, liver disease, Addison’s disease, diabetes, arthritis, hip dysplasia, cranial nerve damage, PTSD, blindness, and deafness," elaborated Lopez. "My dogs’ ages range from 11 months to 20 years young. They are as small as 2.7 lbs. and as large as 47 lbs."



    We move into my first home in less than two weeks after I had saved for roughly 11 years. We close on December 10th.

    Danielle Kouri Report



    My parents dog Fiona likes to stick her head in between the rungs of the porch, so naturally when they redid the porch, they had the contractor add a special little touch for her!

    Katie Akins Report

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    Colin L
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Great idea! Dogs (and cats) love to see, but they can get injured or killed if they get stuck between slats of a fence or railing. Fiona seems pleased!

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    Graduation. Birthday parties for Pancake. Dog Beach. Costume parties. Living her best life despite her being pure evil. Truly my best friend.

    Faith Clark Report

    The idea to build these two activity centers came about on two separate occasions. Lopez decided to build the first one after noticing how much fun her entire "doggy zoo" was having running around the backyard, which was very small back then because of the pool and shed that took up half the space. So, she upgraded the area by installing the first activity center.

    The second one came about after several incidents of blind dogs and new puppies falling into the pool, so it was good-bye to the pool and hello to another activity center, ensuring there are not longer any safety hazards!

    "I decided to join the challenge for a few reasons: First of all, there is so much negativity in the world and I wanted to post something positive and fun. Second, I like to share my ideas. Some people have very limited space, they can make the most of that space and still create something fun for their pets. And third, I love sharing my dogs’ and how they live, I am very proud of them. I want people to know that you can have a multitude of dogs, or any animal, in my case 22 dogs, and still live in harmony," said Lopez.


    There is no dedicated Facebook page for these lovely pooches, but Lopez invited everyone to follow her personal Facebook profile where the doggos take up most of the airtime.



    We removed the pool and gave the doggie babies 2 activity centers (Bored Panda got in touch with the human companion of these lovely dogs for an interview that can be around in the article)

    Anna Lopez Report



    He liked laying on hard floors instead of the carpet or couch so much that he would rather sleep on our son's play table. We made him his own floor.

    Audrey Cooper Dresslar Report



    My boys are getting a bit older and they don’t enjoy camping as much because of the cold, hard ground. The natural solution: buy a cargo van and convert it. Needless to say, they love it.

    Robert Pritchard Report


    The challenge also includes doggy beds of various caliber, ranging from regular ones to ones that are embedded into the trunk of a 4-wheel runner so that the dogs could feel more comfy during road trips. The latter one was the brain child of Nancy Schultz who's the human companion of two very adorable Golden Retrievers, Jake (9) and Zoey (8).

    "Jake & Zoey are our kids (no human kids). We first got Zoey and decided she needed a sibling and adopted Jake through a local rescue group," said Schultz. "After learning that they loved to swim, we built a pool in our backyard at our home in California. Once we learned that they loved the snow, we packed up and moved to Colorado. We work from home, so if we find that they love to zip line, we will move to Costa Rica."

    Schultz got the idea to build the doggy bed in their 4-wheeler because her husband and she love hiking and camping—and we all know camping and hikes with two Retrievers are a hundred times better. Her husband is rather handy, so he found some materials that were very quickly transformed into a platform for the bed in the back of the car. Believe it or not, the space is large enough for all four of them to chill!



    What is something crazy you’ve done for your dogs? I’ll start:
    Moved our bedroom to the downstairs and smooshed a king and queen bed together and threw a twin at the end for good measure to have optimal room for our pets to sleep with us

    Heather Hider Report



    Hand built and way too much money still not finished

    And yes that’s a planter box hanging from her side window

    Chloe Evans Report



    My partner and I built this ramp for our full length set of stairs so our two poms Chewie and Yoda could get up and down with ease.
    Chewie had bilateral knee surgery a couple years ago and Yoda is terrified of going down stairs after falling down them as a puppy so this was the perfect solution

    Emily Wicks Report

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    Colin L
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Accessibility is good. It's easy to forget that elderly/aging pets get mobility isses too, but they still need activity and want to participate. Too often people dump their elderly dogs/cats at a shelter because they don't want to care for them (or just want a "younger model"). This makes no sense to me... they may not be the center of your life, but you are certainly the center of theirs.

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    Schultz also told Bored Panda the inspiration for submitting the photos and video to the Facebook challenge:

    "I was sitting in the vet’s parking lot, waiting for our Jake to finish his 5th and final chemotherapy. Vet park lots are a very sad and depressing place, especially during this pandemic. It is filled with worried pet parents, some crying, some hopeful..."

    "Jake was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma in August and thankfully is doing really well with the treatment. So I was sitting in the car, browsing other dogs, and came across that challenge. I wanted to share what we had done to our car to inspire others. I wanted to show the world my two beauty dogs living their best lives."

    Just so you know, the two puppers have their own Facebook page called Two Golden Tails, which you can check out right here. Oh, and here's the Instagram.



    I wanted a job that I could bring Daze to work with me every day so I got my dog grooming certification, opened my own business, and named it after her

    Savannah Burch Report



    Ok certainly not the coolest post for this challenge, but my senior dog has scoliosis and IVDD. My house has a dog door downstairs but I could see it was getting harder and harder for him to access it. So I put one upstairs and also built him a ramp to go with it.

    Caitlin Flask Report



    I moved into a house with five acres of land and a fence around a big chunk of it so she’d have plenty of room to run and smell and dig. I mean, I’m happy about the big yard and new house, too, but we really did put land and a fenced yard at the top of our list so she would be certain to get enough exercise to make her happy and keep her healthy even if we were too busy to do a long walk some days. I think she likes it.

    Brooke Medlin Report


    The challenge has been going viral on Facebook with submissions under the hashtag #ididitformydogchallenge piling up left and right. While not everyone was a winner, a number of posts received significant attention—anywhere from 2,000 to 10,000 likes (and sometimes even more), with some videos getting hundreds and thousands of views.

    You can check out more by following this link to the challenge on Facebook. But before you go, why not check out the rest of the submissions and let us know how you’ve shown some love to your dogs lately in the comment section below!



    After having him for three months in a small apartment we decided he deserved a backyard to run in, so we budgeted enough and found a house to rent. Einstein is very pleased with the space and is always tuckered out by the end of the day

    Rebecca Bjornson Report



    Bought a whole new house after my girl had double acl surgery 2 wks apart bc she couldn't do stairs anymore and there was not ONE way into my home that didn't have stairs and I had been sleeping in the basement with her for months!

    Jessica Jolicoeur Report

    See Also on Bored Panda


    I did this for my puppy Loki, built him a custom made kennel for when im at work, otherwise hes an indoor dog,
    In summer it has a fan for cooling and in winter i have panels that will fill in the gaps to make it weather proof, and a camera so i can monitor from work, it cost me way too much but no regrets

    Abe Zarour Report

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    Colin L
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sound thinking.... and likely cheaper than doggy daycare in the long run.

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    My pups very own dog room…

    Allison Hargett Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    All the rooms, all the beds, all the chairs, all the couches belong to the pups. I am here to feed them, scratch their bellies, take them to the vet's, change their water, and give them hugs and kisses and, best of all, give them treats.

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    I did this for my dog and I’d do it again if I ever needed too
    We sleep downstairs on the main floor but our mattress is about 3 feet off the ground and the dogs have to jump up every night to get into bed. Rocky tore his CCL and could no longer make the jump comfortably or without help. So, until his surgery date (which was like 2 weeks away at the time) I decided to bring our old mattress from upstairs to the downstairs living room. There, we slept until he got his surgery and even stayed there for another two weeks after. I rearranged my entire living room to add two mattresses and a crate plus kennel pen area for post surgery where we stayed for a little over a month. My dogs are my world and I would do ANYTHING for them

    Selina-Kyle Gritman Report

    See Also on Bored Panda


    Built a room under my stairs with access to the backyard. Most spoiled rescue dogs ever! They only use the dog door, but I think it’s pretty cute. I call it Kahlua’s Korner

    Kelli Philp Report



    I specifically bought my house so that my then 14 year old dog wouldn’t have to do go up and down so many stairs.

    Johnna Meyer Yates Report



    this boy loves laying in the sun more than life itself so i created a tanning bed for him

    Sarah Ball Report



    Throwing in the coffin-shaped dog bed my mom and I made from scratch for my pup, Worms!

    Devon Hannan Report

    See Also on Bored Panda


    Earlier on this year we had our entire garden torn up and levelled out with artificial grass so my dog had a bigger place to zoom about on that was better on his feet than the slate and half fenced off garden we had originally. He wants to be outside all the time now!

    (Don’t worry we’re very very careful to make sure it’s not too hot on his feet in summer! And we went for artificial so it was low maintenance for me because I have joint issues)

    Molly O'Neil Report



    Made them an outdoor kennel with a dog door so they can potty any time they need to, no more tie outs.
    It is now filled with pea gravel to keep mud away and the door will be open for playtime when we fence in the rest of the yard

    Marisa Goodman Report



    When we found out we needed to move to an apartment for a year or so we specifically picked one based solely on a big open layout, a big dog park (bonus points that it has agility equipment) & a pet grooming station. We'd rather them be happy here over us (we love it now too!)

    Kelbie Grace Snipes Report

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    This awesome early xmas gift of a dog house!!! Paid for the supplies & my dad was awesome enough to create this vision!!!

    Lace Elizabeth Report



    Husband built what I like to call a ‘Harry Potter bedroom’ under our stairs for our 10 month old English Mastiff, Gator. He made the door out of the shelves that were in there

    Ashley Moats Report



    Got a whole ass new car to better suit our needs and fit our friends. We had a sedan (2013 Ford Fusion) before this and it had been clear for a while it was just TOO small

    Bea Cohen Report