The modern world is a world of movement and people are constantly moving from one country to another. Clearly dissatisfaction with one's life causes this migration as they desperately try to find a higher quality of life, freedom, and security in developed countries.

Unfortunately even nowadays, the standard of living in the developed and so-called third world countries is incomparable. What people in the US or UK, for instance, take for granted sometimes seems like a real miracle to migrants.

There is a Reddit thread where people are trying to find out what was the biggest surprise or even shock for newcomers after moving into a developed country. The thread has amassed around 61.7K upvotes and over 21K comments so far, so the topic seems to be more than interesting.

Bored Panda made a curated list with the most impressive and sometimes unexpected revelations. So please scroll to the end, watch and share your comments. Who knows, maybe your story, or the story of someone you know, would become just as popular.

More info: Reddit


30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group So I knew this guy who used to live in the middle of nowhere in Africa. For unknown reasons his family moved to Montreal, Canada when he was a teenager. I met him in highschool.

Everyday he'd bring a glass of water and sit by the window and all he would do is watch the glass of water throughout the whole course.

Eventually my friends and I started noticing so we went up to him and asked him about the glass of water and the open window.

He looked at us with big round eyes and told us "I've heard that if you leave water next to the window and it gets cold enough outside... The water turns INTO ICE!"

We all had a laugh and everyday came for an update on his water cup. Eventually winter did arrive. The teachers let us keep our winter coat in the classroom so that he could leave his glass of water next to the open window. Surely enough after a little while ice was starting to appear on top of the water.

He was so happy.

Error_404s , Timo Newton-Syms Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group The postal system. The logistics of delivering millions of letters to millions of homes on a daily basis is astonishing. Especially at that price. The idea that I can send a letter across the country and have it reliably delivered the next or possibly even same day is truly impressive.

    FreshPrinceOfH , Keller-Postal-Express Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yet we Americans take the Post Office for granted to the point that we might lose it (or have it privatized, which would be just as bad).

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group TheGalagaGuy wrote:

    I visited Germany once with my family. We were about to cross the road when a Porsche came racing through. Living in India, we experience daily traffic mishaps and there is negligible concern regarding pedestrian safety and courtesy. So we were actually shocked when the driver literally halted to a stop and insisted on us crossing the road. There was no traffic light, no zebra crossings nothing and we actually were used to letting cars pass by before walking, so this was the biggest shock to us.

    MaxThrustage added:
    Coming from Australia to Germany this weirds me out too. I recently started cycling for the first time in 18 years, so I ride with the skill of a toddler and the grace of a drunk. But never once has any car honked at me, no one has gotten impatient as I wobble my way around them, no one has gotten mad about having to slow down because of this d***head on a bike. Back home I would have been mangled by now, but in Germany people are generally very accomodating. (Although I think it helps that I'm in a small city -- no one's in that much of a hurry here.)

    TheGalagaGuy , Raphael Desrosiers Report

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    Terra Renee
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mangled in Australia is better than either shot to death or robbed at gunpoint like in my city. Screw you, St. Louis.

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group That things would get fixed. I had a vending machine in my dorm building, it broke down and said well s**t guess no more vending machine. Absolutely flabbergasted when I saw the machine repaired and working

    CheesyDigz , Mike Mozart Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is a thing I didn't realize I was taking for granted

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group I moved from South Africa to the UK and the fact that you can actually live off minimum wage is just incredible. Pay rent and bills, buy food and slowly furnish your house. It’s phenomenal.

    Also the fact that most of the UK born citizens think this is a terrible place to live is just beyond me. I always get asked why’d I leave sunny South Africa to come to this “s***hole”. They just don’t understand how good they’ve got it.

    Jekaah , kizzzbeth Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group Atash wrote:
    When I first came to The Netherlands, I took the train from Schiphol Airport to Rotterdam. As I was sitting in the train, wondering how a country could be so flat, a guy, that looked like an obvious beggar, approached me and told me something in Dutch. I told him in English that I do not speak Dutch. Without hesitation, the guy proceeded to beg in fluent English. That was such a cultural shock...

    Even after all these years in The Netherlands, I can not speak Dutch all that well, not for lack of trying but because Dutch people absolutely have no problem switching to English instantly the moment they realize I am not a native speaker.

    ifeardolphins18 answered:
    To be fair the Netherlands has a higher literacy rate in English than most English speaking countries. A Dutch friend told me that if you’re under the age of 40 and can’t speak English you’re basically shamed for it.

    Atash , DG EMPL Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group My wife’s first time in the U.S she burst out laughing at how a 4-way stop worked, and just couldn’t believe people actually followed the rules.

    0m3gaMan5513 , TireZoo Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group LazerMoonCentaur wrote:

    A Tsongan African man who was staying with me came rushing in the first week he was staying me and woke me up. He was extremely excited that there was a garbage truck with a motorised arm and was picking up the wheely bins as it went down the street "Have you seen this! Have you seen this!" He kept exclaiming over and over again, "Amazing, amazing!" It made me laugh very hard, but he was a lovely guy.

    XandelSA answered:
    South African here. The thought of a garbage truck with a motorised arm literally blows my mind. There's absolutely no rules here that state where our bins should be placed which I imagine is the foundation you need before you can have a truck pick em up by itself.

    LazerMoonCentaur , Steve Stearns Report

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    Benita Valdez
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In my father's country in South America there are carriage/buggy pulled by a horse or two that pick up garbage. His family house was on a street with cobblestones and I loved hearing the horse clomp up the road 🙂

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group How things actually work.

    You can rely on your electricity not going out at least twice a day. If you buy something and it breaks, there's warranty with little to no hassle. Internet actually works more than it doesn't. Public transportation actually arrives and shockingly, it does on time. If you hire a service, it'll actually be done and with an expectation of quality. The list goes on.

    Of course it's not perfect and there's s***ty people everywhere, but that's the exception, not the rule. And it's a massive difference.

    idontlikeflamingos , Kai Hendry Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group When I was in the Marines I had a friend that was from extreme rural Africa.

    So we took him to 3d shows and such. He had been in the US for around 6 months but even things like tv was an amazing luxury to him. Someone in the group picked up one at a pawn shop off post and gave it to him and he was just amazed that someone would just give him a TV.

    Something nifty. He had it set up so direct deposits would go to an account his village had access to. His salary as an E2 in the Navy made his family semi royalty in the village.

    truckerslife , Josh Smith Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group You can speak up against the government without being threatened or kidnapped

    glyraed , wonderferret Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group I visited my cousins in the U.S once. I was suprised that your houses don't have walls around them. There were only those fences at the side and back that pretty much anyone can jump over. Where I live the only houses who dont have walls surrounding them are those in compounds or subdivisions that have roaming security guards. Paid security guards not volunteers like the neighborhood watch kind of thing

    edit: To the people asking I'm from the Philippines but its n̶i̶c̶e̶ interesting to see that other countries carry this t̶r̶a̶d̶i̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ practice.

    edit: Not really a wealthy family but not really a from dangerous neighborhood. It pretty standard here to have at least a 2 meter tall concrete walls if you have middle income but those poor ones just settle with barbed wire

    Cypher007 , d_laci Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group ziggyjoe212 wrote:
    Giant grocery stores are full of food and always fully stocked.

    Coming from Ukraine to USA in the 90's, my entire family's jaws dropped for hours.

    polishfurseatingass answered:
    Hah, my dad's from Munich and my mom's from Kraków and the stories about their childhoods are sometimes so different because of that.

    Like my mom will tell you how oranges were a delicacy that you only had for special occassions while my dad will be like "oh when we were bored we used to throw them at each other for fun".

    ziggyjoe212 , Mike Mozart Report

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    Terra Renee
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Bless you. Your country will win! Then they'll stock the shelves with looted Russian military "equipment". 💓🇺🇦

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group That people here (Ireland) don't lock their door when they leave and have no security bars on their (multiple) windows.

    The general sense of safety and the fact that I could walk home alone at 4AM and still be safe, if a bit nervous.

    desert_coffin , Alan Stanton Report

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    Luther von Wolfen
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In the US, this was true when I was growing up in a small town. It isn't anymore.

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group The quality of the public infrastructure, and how respectfull city planning is with pedestrians. Sydney is full of beautifull little gifts in the shape of shortcuts, stairs, parks, pathways. Everywhere.

    It truly is a joy to just walk through the city.

    Also, dogs are more polite that people where I come from.

    Ferna_89 , David Franks Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why I do not mind paying taxes. I have seen the flip side of this.

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group That people don’t care at all with the clothes or my overall appearance (weight, hair, etc).

    In Brazil I always get comments (good or bad) about how I look. Mainly from friends or family but it’s common to always talk about it.

    When I moved to Australia I made friends, and never got a comment about any of these things. It was a big relieve to find out that I can be myself and not worry about the tons of comments about something that doesn’t matter at all.. :)

    jessalves , Chelsea Gabriel Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This seems to be purely cultural. Affluent Asian countries will comment on your appearance as well. Equally negative and positive. It's to show that they cared enough to notice. Negative comments can and often do lead to mental issues later tho

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group My grandmother came to the U.S. from El Salvador during the 80s ( bad times) and she said she couldn't get over the fact that hearing tons of guns firing at night like fireworks wasn't normal, and how peaceful it was to have quiet at night.

    Kileli , Joanna Boj Report

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    Mick Casey
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well if you live in Cleveland there are gunshots pretty much every night

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group I could see how a developing country where getting drinkable water takes some effort (boil it, filter it or buy it) it’s pretty weird to go to a developed country and find out that people c**p in toilets with drinkable water and also shower in it.

    refurb , fyusufi Report

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    Michelle Reynolds
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is such a sad waste of potable water. We should be using "gray" water (not sewer water but other water poured down the drains- dishwater etc) in toilets and to water grass!

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group My god parents adopted two girls from Ethiopia.

    They were straight terrified of any bodies dogs. Anybodies.

    In their home town, kids were regularly attacked and killed by wild/street dogs.

    Christopher135MPS , LRD615 Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group The lights. So many lights from street lamps, traffic lights, huge buildings lit up all night. Oh and the highways blew my mind. They were so wide and full of so many cars.

    I was 6 and I’ll never forget that first drive from the airport to my new home in December. It was also my first time seeing snow.

    [deleted] , Dragan Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group naimza18 wrote:
    Being a girl, you can live alone.

    gordonjames62 answered:
    I have a daughter living in Toronto, Canada, and another living in Halifax Canada. They would never worry about physical safety or being robbed.

    Then my oldest went to work with street kids in Bogata Colombia. It took her a long time to fully understand why people got upset with her wanting to go out for walks at night.

    naimza18 , Yuri Samoilov Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group Toilet paper. Toilet paper everywhere. You don’t have to bring your own to a public restroom because there’s one in every stall here in America, and it’s free.

    [deleted] , Mike Mozart Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group roses10111 replied:
    How old the houses are. I was expecting modern construction like in my country, buy instead saw old buildings which, ironically, valued more than even the more modern ones

    collegiaal25 commented:
    Old buildings are often closer to the city center, so it's also location. Plus they may have historical value.

    roses10111 , Geoff Henson Report

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    Jill Bussey
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Photo is of an old hotel in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England. Views over the River Thames.

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group My roomate's coworker is from Guatemala. He says the one of the best things about the US is that when you call for an ambulance, one actually shows up even if you aren't rich or important.

    [deleted] , Albert Lugosi Report

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    Jill Bussey
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You should try the health service in the UK. It's the envy of the world.

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group randomBlackbox_ answered:
    drinking water directly from water taps

    gnarley_quinn commented:
    I tried to explain this to my kids. They had trouble understanding where water comes from before it arrived at the two.

    randomBlackbox_ , macaron*macaron(Est Bleu2007 Report

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group Being able to walk around the city while using my phone.

    If I use it where I live, I get murdered, raped or kidnapped over a phone.

    Honduran :)

    ihateuusername , Timothy Krause Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group Seeing so many women driving cars in USA was shocking to me.

    verticalstars , Bryan Ochalla Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group Coming from the worse country to a better one, it surprises me how easy it is to do a transaction online.

    Apply visa? do it online. They will notify you once they need documents, once you are ready, etc. Every step of the process.

    Pay bills? Fine, do online banking.

    Order food, groceries? Do it online, call for delivery.

    Schedule for appointment? Call, Do it online.

    Meanwhile in my country, you need to do all this PHYSICALLY. Fall in line for hours. Registration done?

    On to the next step - payment. Uh oh, you need to go the bank, collect the receipt and come back here.

    You want to do it online? Good luck with the s***ty websites and slow internet. I could go on and on.

    Its day and night comparison.

    hatedpeoplesinceday1 , kisaxdots Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ok, I have a really stupid and irrelevant question, what are those white things with pink swirls in soup?

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group Cables underneath the roads and not hanging everywhere

    [deleted] , Hefin Owen Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Here in Central Florida they are now replacing underground cables with monstrous concrete poles. I hate then.

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group Busses arrive on time and the estimated time remaining for arrival is displayed at each bus station. Also, THERE IS A FIXED BUS STATION

    woahwhatisgoinonhere , Phil Corless Report

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    Rachel Ainsworth
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is one of the most noticeable differences when travelling in developing countries. Buses (generally minivans) only start their trip when they have enough passengers and can be waved down anywhere along their route if they have space.

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group Everyone’s always inside their houses

    Back in my country everyone would always go outside, you could see kids playing, old people talking to each other, there’s always people outside. Because of that i made a lot of friends. I wake up every morning , to see my friends just sitting there outside of their houses, and we would greet and then walk around our neighborhood to meet our new friends, and then we’d talk or play basketball, it was fun. It was much more fun.

    Then i moved to japan, i thought just like in my country , kids would always be outside, and i thought i could make friends easily with the neighborhood kids. Turns out, everyone is always inside, the whole neighborhood felt like a ghost town, there were no kids hanging out outside, the place has so many houses, but it felt very empty. Then it hit me, i missed my home , i became homesick, i had no friends, everyday i’m always inside the house, and it was the most boring part of my life, then it became depression, and just got worst and worst, it has been six years, i have a job now, i’m always at home, bought my self guitars,ps4 and a computer to make myself occupied, but i prefer going outside , meeting and talking with friends. Rather than this kind of life. I still miss my previous home, i still miss my previous life.

    Drugs09999 , Alex Report

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group How little theft there is. I was always told to always mind my bag and make it clear I'm holding it tight. Now I can freely leave it beside me, sometimes not even look! I've had friends leave a purse on a table in a restaurant and I made jokes about how easy it would be to steal it. Just a lot more relaxing in public due to less theft.

    Another one is how less physical fighting in schools there is. From a young age I was always told "if someone hits you, hit them back harder" but when we moved to UK my dad told me before my first day of school "if someone hits you, tell the teacher".

    burn_motherf***er , chrisevans Report

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    Hannah Edwards
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My husband (South African) couldn’t believe that our local supermarket left the trollies out over night and they were still there in the morning!

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group I was 9 when we moved here from the Philippines where it's always hot and muggy. The day after we landed my parents took us to Disneyland. Once inside the park I noticed how much cooler it was and claimed how rich the u.s. was that they can use air conditioning outdoors. Everyone got a good laugh out of that one.

    nvflip , Open Grid Scheduler / Grid Engine Report

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group HomersPotato answered:
    How the smallest inconvience can make people rant like they have serious depression

    poopellar added:
    Apparently humans always worry about something or the other. Like a worry list that always has to have something in it. So even if all your big problems are cleared out, they end up being replaced by the next set of problems no matter how trivial.

    HomersPotato , Michelle Gomes Report

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    K. Lange
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This. In Germany we say 'jammern auf hohem Niveau' - whining at Artikel high level. When you have everything you need you start to think about neighbors hedge being too high or other insignificant stuff. I remember the time when the biggest concern in my company was the new Wall color in the offices. Good old times.

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group boopboopthepoop wrote:
    Peoples' personal space is surprisingly vast

    Thugglebunny answered:
    Worked at Walmart. I had to literally tell people they needed to back up. Not in a mean way though.

    boopboopthepoop , Carlo Cabanilla Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group Not getting suspicious when a stranger talks to you on the street. I can't get over it, I get anxious every time, but people in Canada don't seem to mind at all

    Where I come from, when a stranger approaches you, you nope the f**k out

    paladin400 , Didriks Report

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    albernistuff 4sale
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As a Canadian; if you are standing in line or waiting for something its 99% safe if someone starts chatting you up. If they alter course to deliberately chat you up, that is definitely a red flag. Also no Canadian will generally step closer than just out of arm's reach (polite space).

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group How almost everything is easy. Like drive-thru banking, fast food drive-thru, returning an amazon product, buying stuff online, talking to a customer rep to fix problems, driving with traffic that I can tolerate, following road rules, microwave, central heating and cooling to your house, internet speeds, school buses for K-12 and etc.

    There is much more. But the thing that shocks me to this day is the amount of food that gets thrown away.

    I used to say that I’m never going to throw away food because it’s wasteful. But over time I realized why people do it; sure you can save the leftovers but who in the family is going to eat it? Yeah, no one.

    So we just throw food away. 🤷‍♂️

    SlyEnix , Mike W. Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group Electricity water and basic utilities disappearing is not the norm.

    Police do there job 40% of the time at least

    Using toilet paper to clean yourself instead of water which honestly is really gross for me i don't know why

    shellshock321 , 28704869 Report

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    Terra Renee
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No, y'all are right about the bidets. We need to switch to them for good. Much cleaner and cheaper.

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group How fast food wasn't $50 per person, but rather $5-10. Also, how much civilization advances when the AC is on on all day and everywhere, it's a blessing.

    rommelslombardi , David Stanley Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group Stranger smiling and saying what’s up on the side walk.

    rimahaiseixa , Francesco Report

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    Nicole Weymann
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    With many of the posts I'd love to know the two countries (from/to). In this case I'll go out on a limb and say they didn't end up in middle/northern Europe. We (German speaking) are usually nice, but it doesn't show much. Reserved more than outgoing.

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group The one thing which baffled me is how there is an absence of petty crimes and how the shops in the city center were not worried about displaying their wares outside their shops. There was no risk of someone stealing those tiny stuffs.

    Also at night , the shops were just closed with their glass doors. no extra iron shutters with multiple locks and stuffs.

    minecraft1984 , Jeff Easter Report

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    Candia Lee
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wonder where this is. While many USA shops have outdoor displays, many also have night shutters. At least in larger cities.

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group Cars, devices are much cheaper in US than in CIS countries.

    mybahh , RLGNZLZ Report


    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group How clean it was in most areas, the structure and the uniformity of it all.

    [deleted] , East Midtown Report

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    Aria Whitaker
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Luther, you should really speak for yourself, or move to a better area. Mine does NOT have trash and filth all over the place, sorry you live in a piss poor area...but not all of us do and it certainly is not a US thing. Maybe it is just the areas YOU frequent.

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group I was born in Canada but I moved to Africa when I was 3 and then moved back when I was 8. The first time I heard an intercom at school with announcements and the school bell, blew my mind.

    Whoa_Bundy , Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Report

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group How expensive many things are while certain things are very cheap but theres always enough.

    BellasFloyd , James Stewart Report

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    30 Biggest 'Culture Shocks' For People From 3rd World Countries When They Visited An Advanced One, As Shared In This Online Group Maybe not a third world country per se, but I've lived in Turkey my whole life, and recently moved to the UK.

    First off, people here are super cold. They all seem like they want to die. There also a lot of elderly people, like a lot.

    The biggest difference was that, the crosswalks actually did something. Like you could pass them and cars would stop.

    If I did anything other then sprint across the road when there were no cars around in Turkey, I'd be mush by now.

    CamperKuzey , Adam Report