‘We should probably focus on one thing and strive for perfection. What to do if one can’t? Figurines, ceramics, paintings — and it's only a tiny bit of all,’ Natalya Dobrzhanskaya, a wonderful artist from Moscow, writes about herself.
A person of talent, Natalia proves these words with her art: ‘The broken ceramics is calling out of the boxes, “Well, when will you make a beautiful mosaic from us?” Pieces of different cloths are spitefully grinning from the shelf, “You're so fond of patchwork. So, what are you doing?” And this impossible itch of a whole swarm of coloured threads, “We want to become an embroidered bouquet of lavender. You promised!” And besides, I very much want to write a book, make a film and create the-best-in-the-whole-wide-world cartoon.’ And also, Natalya manages to teach all comers pottery.
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