
Members Of This Online Group Are Annoyed People Won’t Accept These 35 Facts That Are 100% True
Have you ever found out that something you’ve believed your entire life was a bald-faced lie? I know I have. Not even once, either!
Stuff like that kinda shakes you. From there, you’ve got two options, really. The first is to accept it and move on with your life, a tiny bit wiser. The other is to deny it, building a shield of bias and comfort around you.
You’d be surprised how many people choose the latter. Keep reading to find out more about these hard-to-accept facts that many would rather ignore.
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That Jesus in the new testament was *wildly* opposed to what would become the traditions and practices of Christian fundamentalists.
What's sad to me is that it is clear many people who claim to be Christians have never actually read and thought about the teachings in the Gospels. Yes, we are all flawed human beings. I am deeply flawed. But if you don't try care about each and every person as they are, where they are, and express that in your actions, I am not sure you know God at all. Saving (and judging) the world is God's job. Treating each other with kindness, respect, and love is ours.
That having children is not for everyone, that it’s not all sunshine and the meaning of life and millions of people regret being parents.
“Invisible” health conditions like Dysautonomia, Fibromyalgia, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Also ADHD. People think you are faking just to get Adderall.
Research shows you can induce fibromyalgia in mice by injecting them with IGg from humans with fibromyalgia. Sucks for the poor mice being used in research, but demonstrates the realness, for want of a better word, of chronic pain conditions. https://www.jci.org/articles/view/144201 Because there is a different pain mechanism at work than in acute pain it doesn’t respond well to medication like opioids. Opioids can actually increase the amount of pain you experience. Source current pain science and lived experience of going from ridiculous amounts of morphine to just paracetamol for my pain and the level of pain being 99% the same.
America uses propaganda against their own population.
Based on some disturbing podcasts and articles I’ve been hearing, womens health issues, particularly their pain. Apparently most doctors of both sexes, are quick to dismiss and downplay our pain rather than oh I don’t know treating it?
That's because biological women are rarely part of any medical studies. The vast majority of medical testing is done on males. The reason for that is pregnancy. The risk of being pregnant is a high risk for additional damage. Do they get left out. Sometimes even in studies that concern majorly biological women. The pain threshold and reaction to medication is hugely different between biological males and biological females. They have different bone density and different metabolism. That's why often the doses of medications are too small for women. The studies are made with men, the dosage was tested on men, but a biological male of the same weight and height than a woman has a smaller percentage of fat in the body (to just name one of the many factors that impact the function of medicine) and thus for need less medication to treat their issues. So then the women get the dosage that would work for a boy, but is useless for them. But when a man comes, they get what they need.
That our memory is very fallible, and does not work like a video camera.
Mine is fabulous at remembering embarrassing incidents, particularly as I’m trying to get to sleep?
Weight bias. Literally everyone treats overweight people different
Having lost 150 lbs and watching my job improve, my friendships sharpen and being treated with kindness by strangers was MIND. BLOWING.
You can love someone else without loving yourself first. There’s plenty of parents that hate themselves and love their kids.
Not recommending it but it’s a stupid thing to deny.
Unfortunately can confirm. Don't care about myself. Love my kids so much, I don't have words for it
That financial success has largely to do with Luck (Where you were born, who your parents are, etc)
Also, how you're treated by your parents. My sister had unconditional love and was never psychologically, emotionally, or sexually abused. Never gaslighted, always believed (even when she lied), and always always supported. I was sexually abused, constantly told I wasn't good enough and would never amount to anything, told I was miserable, and told I was too sensitive, among so many other things. The fact that I haven't offed myself is because I have extraordinary friends and a brother who has always had my back. And I have pets. How you're raised 100% impacts your level of success.
Built in obsolescence (planned obsolescence) - shocked how many people dont believe it happens
Looking at you Apple! and anything other than my first Nokia cell phone.
Autism diagnoses. Myself and lots of autistic people I know are often told by people who seem to base their entire knowledge of autism off the movie Rain Man are like "but you don't seem autistic."
Research on autism has changed a lot since the 80s but public perception has changed very little.
Skin cancer from not wearing sunblock. It absolutely blows my mind when grown a*s adults brag about not wearing sunscreen. Like it’s a real point of pride for them. Enjoy your early wrinkles and spots.
Climate change, Covid-19, billionaires not caring about the average person
I really don't know what it would take for deniers to believe climate change is real.
A lie detector isn’t reliable
Confirmation bias. Reading into a situation what you want to see.
The foundation stone for all conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers and flat earthers
it's ok to eat MSG
Coincidentally today, June 25, is the anniversary of the 1908 founding of Ajinomoto Co., Inc., based on the discovery and manufacturing of MSG (which, like fortune cookies, is Japanese not Chinese in origin)
That people in power don't care about you.
But without the little people they would have no power. They care but not in a way that is good for you.
When I went to sea I would see the occasional flying fish, it was surprising how many people thought I was pulling their leg when I told them about it.
Being 35-50 wasn’t considered “elderly” back in the day.
It was common for people to live into their 70s and 80s. The reason we get “average lifespan” data with such low numbers is because so many babies died, skewing the average values downward.
I DID think 50 was old. And if you look at pics of back in the day, people were old at 50/60. Pretending modern medicine/safety/regulations has had no effect on the life expectancy is delusional. SOME people DID live till 80, but not nearly as many as today. And the ones who were dying at 60 were OLD
that they are good humans because they have good thoughts.
you have to **do** good to be a good person.
the world is full of people complaining , but we are in need of people willing to sacrifice and not make it about themselves
"Faith without works is dead." James 2 is a good read for everyone, not just Christians.
I don't like this. And also complaining IS doing something. How do you think ideas spread to enough people so that enough people want to do something about the way things are. One person can't stand up to the people who are in power, but all of us complaining and bitching in almost 400 million voices and marching feet is something the government cannot ignore. Sometimes you have to rally support before you can go to war. And what if the "good" you do is actually wrong and goes against what the majority wants and you find yourself up s**t creek without a paddle and alone.
Sometimes just a genuine smile and holding the door open for you is all I can muster. Little things matter too.
You don't even to sacrifice yourself. Acts of kindness can literally cost nothing.
But when you do good things, don't boast about it - why do you feel the need to tell me "you bought a meal for a homeless person yesterday"? I -and a lot of others do things like this and don't feel the need to tell the world.
This! Even the biggest jerks call themselves „good people“ because they words are nice or positive, while their actions are rotten
How about just taking care of you and your family, you know average everyday people.
All of us have dualistic minds wherein we are focused on our 'selves,' our egos. We judge everything in habitual ways and see only a paper world through those eyes. It takes letting go of those habitual ways (mostly - what about me and how the world fits into my conditioned way of seeing things and wanting them to be) to be able to see the world as it Is. There is a deeper reality of Love that, once experienced, begins to transform us continuously into more alive and loving people. See the Power of Now, The Naked Now, and look into the Center for Action and Contemplation (Richard Rohr and others).
Not neccessarily true. What we do need more are people who actually do something useful to contribute to the solution and, slso a rarity, offer and develop solutions. But what people love to do is actionism to cancel what they don't like, while not contributing to any alternative. That way, what's mostly happening nowadays, is that real progress gets slowed and sometimes even sabotaged, because for those activists nothing is ever enough and if it's not their idea of perfect it's on their hate list and they'll fight it.
If it is happening to someone else, it CAN happen to you
Disagree. There are quite a lot of things that can happen to someone else that absolutely cannot happen to me. I will never starve to death in Yemen. I will never be shot on the front line of the war in Ukraine. I will never die in childbirth, inject heroin, move to Las Vegas, be knighted, win an Oscar...
that everything in this world is controlled by money
I've always liked the pithy statement "Remember the Golden Rule. Whoever has the gold makes the rules."
You don't know how to fight unless you've been trained or have experience in fighting. Most people imagine themselves beating a*s only to have reality smash them in the nose. A lot of people even injure themselves just trying to throw punches.
High fructose corn syrup is worse than real sugar
There are four main types of sugar - fructose, lactose, sucrose and glucose. Each has their own issues.
Nations that are ostensibly 'enemies' trade and cooperate a great deal more than people generally believe.
Shaving doesn’t make the hair grow back thicker.
If shaving made hair grow back thicker then shaving would be a cure for baldness.
majority of folks aren't playing the official uno rules.
wait- so the time my friends stacked 4 draw 4s on me was illegal??!?
People largely deny responsibility for anything they contribute to
While recovering from my hysterectomy in prison, I was in the hospital section. I'd been in prison about eight years then. A nurse said he was surprised I was still locked up. I told him I still had a few years to go, then I said, "But I deserved what I got." He said that in all his years working there, he's never heard anyone say that before.
That most people would do some pretty awful things for money if presented the opportunity. People would like to believe that they have strong morals but if presented with a button that would kill 10 random people in the world in exchange for 1 million dollars, many would press it. I would guess at least half of the population would. And many would press it multiple times. But not many people would actually admit that they would press it if given the opportunity to. Maybe I am just too cynical and not many would press it, but this hypothetical situation is something I think about a lot.
I could not enjoy $1 of that million knowing I had caused 10 people to lose their lives
Glittering_Offer_69 said:
In group preference
Livid-Natural5874 added:
Oof this is a huge one and very subtle compared to most stuff commented in here so far.
We love to think we are creating this world of diversity and inclusion, but once you scratch the surface it is all just a facade, tokenisation all the way down. Even the people preaching those values tend to do so from the comfort of a highly homogenous group.
A lot of these aren't actually facts they are opinions or generalizations
They all struck me as pretty true, except for the joke about my girlfriend going to another school and the generalization about in group preference. Fact is that to preserve genetic diversity, we are attracted to people that aren't like us, not people that are just like us.
Load More Replies...Still trying to figure out "Australia"? Why was that even there with no explanation lol?!?
Because some people (usually flat earthers) don't believe it exists.
Load More Replies...Ok im confused with tbe answers,what you believed all your life and now dont or the other way around as some answers dont make sense.
I think some are one way and some are the other. I also wasn't sure for many of these.
Load More Replies...Chiropractice, homeopathy, acupuncture, and TCM are just scams that often do damage in the long run.
Acupuncture is much less problematic than the other three, which I totally agree with. The only time that acupuncture is an issue is if it is used *instead of* proper medical treatment instead of alongside it.
Load More Replies...Yeah there's definitely a fair bit of both going on unfortunately. Where are you from if you don't mind me asking? I'm from UK and looking back on school history lessons and curriculum, there is a wealth of information that people would rather you didn't know. For obvious reasons I suppose
A lot of these aren't actually facts they are opinions or generalizations
They all struck me as pretty true, except for the joke about my girlfriend going to another school and the generalization about in group preference. Fact is that to preserve genetic diversity, we are attracted to people that aren't like us, not people that are just like us.
Load More Replies...Still trying to figure out "Australia"? Why was that even there with no explanation lol?!?
Because some people (usually flat earthers) don't believe it exists.
Load More Replies...Ok im confused with tbe answers,what you believed all your life and now dont or the other way around as some answers dont make sense.
I think some are one way and some are the other. I also wasn't sure for many of these.
Load More Replies...Chiropractice, homeopathy, acupuncture, and TCM are just scams that often do damage in the long run.
Acupuncture is much less problematic than the other three, which I totally agree with. The only time that acupuncture is an issue is if it is used *instead of* proper medical treatment instead of alongside it.
Load More Replies...Yeah there's definitely a fair bit of both going on unfortunately. Where are you from if you don't mind me asking? I'm from UK and looking back on school history lessons and curriculum, there is a wealth of information that people would rather you didn't know. For obvious reasons I suppose