30 Times Bosses Wrote Such Delusional Notes, These Employees Just Had To Shame Them Online
Any boss can make their employees’ lives heaven or hell, depending on what they’re like as a person and how they manage their people. Unfortunately, the world’s full of truly awful bosses. They think that the word ‘leadership’ doesn’t apply to them. Instead of inspiring and motivating their workers, they patronize, insult, and micromanage them. And any and all respect goes flying out the window.
One way that managers reveal their true feelings, and their deep disdain for their employees is through the notes and signs that they put up, whether inside or outside. Bored Panda has traveled all over the net to bring you the most egregious, the most loathsome examples of these condescending, demeaning notes left.
It’s to show you just how low some bosses can go. In their eyes, everyone’s lazy but them. Everyone’s wrong but them. And then they act surprised when people leave the company because of them. Imagine the surprise on their face when they learn that their actions have [cue dramatic gasp and thunder] consequences.
As you’re scrolling down, have a think about your current and previous workplaces, Pandas. Have you ever come across insulting signs that management put up? What’s the most toxic thing your superiors have ever done? You can unload all of your frustration in the comment section. Go on, you know you need it.
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Pro Tip
Sam Dogen, the author of 'Buy This, Not That: How to Spend Your Way to Wealth and Freedom' and the founder of 'Financial Samurai,' shared his thoughts with us about how employees can earn their bosses' respect, what bosses can do to inspire them, the importance of patience, and some of the differences in work ethic between the younger and older generations. "In general, every older generation thinks the younger generation is lazier and has things easier. However, each generation only knows what it knows. So it's unfair to discredit one generation because they now have more creature comforts and so forth," he told Bored Panda.
"As someone who used to manage a small team in finance, the one thing I appreciated the most from employees was effort. If employees were trying their best to get things done and showed that they cared, I knew they were going places," Sam said. "Showing you give a damn about your fellow colleagues and your work is more than half the battle." You can read on for the financial expert's other great insights, Pandas.
Came Into Work This Morning To Find This Taped To The Wall. Boss Went On Tirade Against Me And Co-Worker Yesterday For Talking To Each Other With No Customers In The Store
What is really ridiculous about this tactic is that time and time again, studies have shown that happy and engaged employees are more productive and more likely to stay in a position. Even for entry level positions, the training time involved adds up to a not insignificant cost... give me cheerful and happy every time, especially in a retail environment. Nasty boss is shooting themself in the foot in the long game.
I Bet It’s Posted Right Next To A Sign Complaining That No One Wants To Work Anymore
And bring your maga hat... and weapons... we'll be storming the capital later.
Financial expert and author Sam explained to Bored Panda that when it comes to work, it's a never-ending activity with to end goal in sight. And ain't that true! "There is always something new to create or something more to sell. Therefore, having an employee with a great attitude is the best," he noted that a person's attitude is incredibly important in the workplace.
"Bosses can inspire their employees by giving a damn as well! If the boss is always coming in on time, taking their subordinates out for lunch to see how they are doing, and works hard, employees will be inspired. And when employees are inspired, they will care more and do better work. It is a virtuous cycle," he said that employees value their superiors spending their time with them and giving them attention. "Great bosses lead by example. They are not micromanagers either. Instead, they are honest about difficult situations, believe in their employees, support their employees, and engender trust."
Bored Panda was interested to get Sam's take on how different generations view work from a different angle. The 'Financial Samurai' founder told us that he's a member of Gen X, turning 45 this summer, and this is the only generation that he knows very well. However, he did see oversee some younger employees at work.
"We grew up without the internet and now have the internet," he said about Gen X. "I did manage a couple of employees who were 10 years younger than me, hence the millennial generation. One got in trouble because he felt entitled to a much larger bonus than $20,000 after his first year out of college! After he got his bonus, he refused to come to work for a week. That was an interesting situation," he shared an unusual case of entitlement.
"It seems like more employees want to reach the corner office sooner, without putting in their dues. This may be perhaps due to the internet, social media, and how quickly information is disseminated. When you see someone on social media get super-rich quickly, you start feeling the same way too."
Just Saw This In A Mcdonald’s
That’s a sign everyone should be talking about their pay. Ironically, it’s likely *more* people started talking pay after this, than might’ve otherwise. I’m sure Barbara Streisand would be proud 😂
Proud Of Gen Z
That’s…illegal 😂. Gotta love when an employer *advertises* their discrimination…
Stay Classy, Dollar Tree
Who's going to mind the store is Bethy is driving around to everyone's house?
In Sam's opinion, it seems like more and more employees are unwilling to "put in their dues" before reaching the corner office. They want massive progress without the grind. "This may be perhaps due to the internet, social media, and how quickly information is disseminated. When you see someone on social media get super-rich quickly, you start feeling the same way too," the expert stressed.
"However, I believe for most people, the secret to their success is unwavering commitment. If you can do something well consistently for 10+ years, you will likely be set for life! However, patience is required. Just know that if the direction is correct, sooner or later you will get there."
The job industry is very different when you compare things to the last few decades. The spread of new technologies like the internet have completely changed how people work and the information they have access to. That’s not to say that fast-food restaurants or retail shops are going to become obsolete, but generally speaking, workers are now more aware of what work conditions others have, how the rich are living, and when they’re being exploited. There’s a world of workplace advice at your fingertips.
The Audacity To Have This Up In A Workplace
The math is so wrong! Two sick days are taking away 2 of this "so called day", instead of taking away 16 work hours. This is ridiculously stupid. (And, terrible)
Eat And Get Laid Off. Snitches Get $20
Posted On All The Operating Room Doors Today
Bored Panda recently spoke about communication at work, quitting, and how to handle difficult bosses with workplace expert and author Lynn Taylor. She stressed that employees should try to be as diplomatic as they can, while at the same time drawing a line in the sand when it comes to bullying and outright disrespect.
“The best way to quit is to think about how you want to be remembered. Every industry in a given city has a relatively small network of good people. We have all heard 'it’s a small world' and the '6 degrees of separation.' As satisfying as it feels to 'put a bad boss in their place' upon departure, leave those fantasies in your mind,” Lynn explained to us during a recent exclusive interview that restraint is a very powerful tool in a worker’s arsenal.
“You never want to burn your bridges or get a reputation for being a troublemaker. It will get around and hurt your career," the workplace expert pointed out that an employee’s reputation follows them for years to come. Especially if it’s a niche industry.
"Your best bet is to thank your boss for the opportunity at the company and limit the number of negative comments you offer. It is unlikely to change behavior in a significant way. Be glad that you’ve decided to take the difficult step of moving on," the expert said that a bit of gratitude might be better than brutal honesty. In some cases. However, this doesn’t mean that you should bend over and grovel at your boss’ feet every time they walk by.
Just Gonna Leave This Here, Pinkos!
This Is Posted By The Time-Clock. Thought You Guys/Gals Would Enjoy This!
Don't Let These Businesses Gaslight You. They've Taken More "Handouts" Than Any One Of Us Will Ever Receive
"Very few people want to engage in lawsuits against a bully boss, for example, unless they feel they it will most certainly be a win. When in doubt, of course, you should always consult an employment attorney. And while the idea can be tempting, you may want to place more of your energy in your next, better job—or career pursuit,” Lynn stressed that employees ought to consider where their time, energy, and nerves are best spent.
Recent “Sweat Pledge” My Wife Was Asked To Sign Before Employment
Yep. I would definitely take #7 to heart and find a new job. I would sign the form though... Heywood Jablowme maybe.. or F. Ewe.
Is This Legal? I Work In New York And My Boss Just Sent Me This
I'm surprised this is NY... this looks like something Fl governor Ron Death Sentence would impose.
Started A New Job Today. Just More Of The Same
When communicating with management, it’s good to lay the groundwork and do a bit of preparation. "Know your objective. If you’re acting defensively, that won’t move the needle on enhancing your relationship. Think about how you would react as the recipient," the expert advised.
She gave Bored Panda an example of how employees could broach certain concerns with their boss using the ‘positive bookends’ approach.
About A Year Ago I Got Let Go Of My Job And Decided To Hussle Making Music, This Is The Second Time My Ex-Boss Tries To Have Me Mention Him In A 'Media Opportunity'
I don't even know what to say about this...it's probably the most delusional thing I've ever read!
Alex Had Enough
Little Old But This Note Was Put Up Last Summer During Record Breaking Heat Here In Utah. It Was Like 112f If I Remember Correctly. Rip Those Of Us Working Outside
One way to communicate work issues to your manager or boss might be to use so-called ‘positive bookends’ (aka the criticism sandwich approach). You could try something like this: "'I really enjoy my job, but there’s something that set me back a bit recently.' Enter: your beef. Wrap with: 'Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to me… I very much appreciate your efforts in trying to work better together.'"
The best things that employees can do when they’re speaking to management is to communicate as clearly as they can, anticipate any problems that might come up, use a bit of humor if applicable, and present themselves as problem solvers, not problem causers.
In Case You Would Like To Know What It’s Like Working At Starbucks
Do not get to know me, just make me a coffee thank you. Having said that my local cafe baristas DO know me, but that's just because i'm in there a lot and we like to talk s**t.
Capitalist America For You
Reedsmith A Corporate Law Firm For Activision Posted This As A Note Which They Keep Around The Offices. A Local Game Union Printed It On Mousepads And Now Gives Them Out As A Reminder Of How They See Union Employees
Lynn noted that employees who consistently face overtime can appeal to their boss’ reason in such a way: “For example, if your supervisor says you need to do A, B, and C by tomorrow, diplomatically explain that it will hurt all projects to get them done the next day because (then explain very briefly what’s involved or the potential negative outcomes). Then explain the positives of an alternative approach, such as, 'If I focus on 'project A' today, we will likely land the Smith account.'"
When You Don't Understand The Assignment
And when his business closes... guess who he's going to blame? Certainly not his d1ckhead attitude or his ignorance.
One Of A Seemingly Endless Series Of Unreasonable Notes Left By My Boss. It’s Great Here
Everyone should do it so that payroll spends all day adjusting normal calculations to deduct 7 cents a day from everyone's pay.....And then again tomorrow.....And again...
My Old Boss Took 10 Days Off And Put This On Her Chair… In Order To Access Her Computer (Aka Cover Her Work While She Was Gone) We Had To Stand Or Bring In Another Chair… She Would Rewatch The Cameras At 6x Speed To See If Anyone Would Touch It
According to workplace expert Lynn, bad bosses can be compared to toddlers. As such, you can use positive and negative reinforcement to manage your managers.
"It makes you realize that badly behaving bosses are very much like angry toddlers, especially when are either stressed or frustrated. All mortal beings can act out when we are pushed to the limit. When you know where the boss is coming from, such as the stock plummeting 5% that day, your approach will be more effective," Lynn said.
At Work - Where Water Isn’t Free Yo
This looks ridiculous, but without more info it's hard to tell... is it purchased by a group of employees for their own use, or is this the employer charging employees? If it's the latter, that's pretty cheesy... it should be part of the cost of doing business.
Spotted At My Local Burger King
Nothing wrong with this. You shouldn't be disrupting your co-workers when you're not on shift.
Like I Almost Understand, But No This Is S**tty
"You can’t be oblivious to what someone else is going through and behave correctly. You also can’t assume that an angry boss is angry at you, per se. Chances are other people are getting the same treatment. Don’t take it all personally, but never allow anyone to be abusive, ever, to you in the workplace. No bullying should ever be tolerated,” she stressed.
Found This In My New Workplace’s Meeting/Rest Room
Labor Day
The Most Toxic S**t I've Ever Seen Hanging On An Office Wall.
Very American posts, sadly. As a European (Swede), these signs are very hard to understand.
I’m not sure if this is limited to the US but as a fellow swede, I couldn’t agree more to the last part. This kind of horrific shìt hasn’t been allowed for the last two hundred years. I feel horrible for people who has to live this utter crāp. We lucked out when it comes to this, big, big time.
Load More Replies...I urge you all to take an hour or so and look up federal/country and state/local wage, labor, and employment laws. You may be entitled to more than you are being given, and your employers may be violating labor laws. And check to see if there is legislation protecting whistleblowers so you can report violations without being retaliated against.
Yes!...EVERYONE! DO! THIS! A-hole employers will get away with anything if you let them,illegal or not. And document everything. If it isn't in writing, it never happened. Break and downtime laws are usually made at the state level, so check those too.
Load More Replies...So many people ask why there is so much worker shortage, so many leave their jobs, etc. It is simple! Just look at these toxic work environments, that sh:tty paid jobs,. Unhappy people got rid off these. Go find a better place to work if possible. Nobody deserves a bad job, nobody ows anything to a company beside doing the job being hired and paid. Worker rights are a good way to have better work environments.
As a (small department) manager in Europe this is dystopic. I as every member of my team: - 30 days flexible holiday. - half a day of on your birthday, Christmas, new years eve - so you don't need a whole day of your holidays. -3 days if for personal development, 500€ budget and a catalogue of great courses for free -spend holidays or working days in our capital hotel or on our farm for free, including meals, if you like with your family. - as many sick days as you need. And:two bonuses per year for everyone. The posts above reads like modern slavery.
Before the pandemic, I wanted to move to the USA. However, when I read about how employees are treated, what is happening on the real estate market, as well as in politics, I prefer to stick to the pathologies of my country that are known to me.
It depends on what work you're going to do after immigrating. The US is a good place for those with money.
Load More Replies...And people are still working in those places? I worked in small companies, big ones and international corporation, but never ever accepted any kind of shity things, not even close to these. Don't accept any s**t. You have one life. Live it, don't waste it for others!
Wow. I am a retired teacher from a great district. I get why so many people are leaving their jobs. Some companies are toxic.
NoBoDy wAnTs tO WoRk! No. Actually, nobody wants to work for an a*****e.
Very American posts, sadly. As a European (Swede), these signs are very hard to understand.
I’m not sure if this is limited to the US but as a fellow swede, I couldn’t agree more to the last part. This kind of horrific shìt hasn’t been allowed for the last two hundred years. I feel horrible for people who has to live this utter crāp. We lucked out when it comes to this, big, big time.
Load More Replies...I urge you all to take an hour or so and look up federal/country and state/local wage, labor, and employment laws. You may be entitled to more than you are being given, and your employers may be violating labor laws. And check to see if there is legislation protecting whistleblowers so you can report violations without being retaliated against.
Yes!...EVERYONE! DO! THIS! A-hole employers will get away with anything if you let them,illegal or not. And document everything. If it isn't in writing, it never happened. Break and downtime laws are usually made at the state level, so check those too.
Load More Replies...So many people ask why there is so much worker shortage, so many leave their jobs, etc. It is simple! Just look at these toxic work environments, that sh:tty paid jobs,. Unhappy people got rid off these. Go find a better place to work if possible. Nobody deserves a bad job, nobody ows anything to a company beside doing the job being hired and paid. Worker rights are a good way to have better work environments.
As a (small department) manager in Europe this is dystopic. I as every member of my team: - 30 days flexible holiday. - half a day of on your birthday, Christmas, new years eve - so you don't need a whole day of your holidays. -3 days if for personal development, 500€ budget and a catalogue of great courses for free -spend holidays or working days in our capital hotel or on our farm for free, including meals, if you like with your family. - as many sick days as you need. And:two bonuses per year for everyone. The posts above reads like modern slavery.
Before the pandemic, I wanted to move to the USA. However, when I read about how employees are treated, what is happening on the real estate market, as well as in politics, I prefer to stick to the pathologies of my country that are known to me.
It depends on what work you're going to do after immigrating. The US is a good place for those with money.
Load More Replies...And people are still working in those places? I worked in small companies, big ones and international corporation, but never ever accepted any kind of shity things, not even close to these. Don't accept any s**t. You have one life. Live it, don't waste it for others!
Wow. I am a retired teacher from a great district. I get why so many people are leaving their jobs. Some companies are toxic.
NoBoDy wAnTs tO WoRk! No. Actually, nobody wants to work for an a*****e.