
40 Of The Stupidest Names People Have Encountered That Made Them Wonder “What The Parents Were Thinking”
InterviewFor soon-to-be and new parents, deciding on a name for their baby can be a daunting task. While some say there are simply too many to choose from, others go on about always having second thoughts. But there is a whole other category of people that feel this overwhelming urge to come up with something so original, they miss by a long shot.
We’re talking about moms and dads who think of terrible names that doom their kids to a lifetime of questions and eyebrow-raising. Luckily, there's a Facebook group called "That name is a Tragedeigh 2.0" that's dedicated to calling them out. From Ayrwynn and Behryx to basically anything that ends with -eigh, it seems there’s no shortage of awful names that are almost begging to be shamed.
Zane Mauldon-Green, the admin of this group, told Bored Panda parents "get caught up in words they like or think sound pretty without actually considering that their child will one day grow up and have to deal with the bullying or other consequences of having a tragic name could have." Read on for the whole interview!
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Cain An Abel
Bible names are traditional, but it's definitely a good idea to read the story before you commit.
My Cousin Y'all
The admin told us that while he's not the founder of the group, he joined shortly after. "I’ve since taken over running the group as the original creator has two young kids and is very busy with all the tasks that come with being a mum."
However, Zane revealed that the idea for this group came from seeing some shockingly bad and uniquely spelled names. "There was also a similar group, but [it] allowed people to roast names belonging to various cultures around the world," he added. "We didn’t think that was right, so 2.0 was created as the culture-friendly alternative. In the end, though, it was inspired as a way to just laugh at insanely unique spellings of names."
Should we still be happy that person's sister is a fan of Nirvana and not a fan of Slayer...
When Life Hands You Lemons
It sounds fine, but words have meanings in addition to their sounds which also have to be considered.
Ever since its creation in 2020, "That name is a Tragedeigh 2.0" has been steadily growing and amassing more than 49.3K devoted fans ready to knock some sense into people. Zane said the community is awesome: "Our members work really well together to create a healthy respect for all the cultures."
"The members are so active that we are actually constantly being summoned to review posts and keyword alerts. We have even lovingly referred to the group as essentially a full-time job at times," he noted. "I myself take full advantage of that level of engagement by the occasional fictitious name post for everyone’s amusement."
D**k Tips Seems Pretty Tragic To Me
Now see, this is one example of the benefits of an old-fashioned, classical education !
Why Do People With A First Name As A Last Name, Name Their Kid The Same Name?
When asked what are some of the most appalling names out there, he told us, "I think any name that is deliberately spelled incorrectly for the purpose of being unique are some of the worst names, e.g Emma-leigh instead of Emily. However, two of the worst I have seen are Knoxxli Blayze and Addilyn. Mainly just because they aren’t names, just weird mashups of other words or something worse."
Some say that baby names are a genuine way to express parents' deepest hopes for their children. Well, then we'll just have to guess what’s in line for these folks. If you're shaking your head from confusion, thinking what on earth was on these parents' minds, you're definitely not the only one. After all, giving your child an eccentric name can potentially make it harder for them to grow and socialize with ease.
"Having a 'unique' name or as we call them 'tragic names' can definitely have an impact on a child growing up. Whether that be kids constantly making fun of their name or the child having to relentlessly correct people's pronunciation or spell their name for them," Zane added.
i feel as a kid peopel would call him Smelly Smelvin and that’s sad
I Was Exposed To This, So Now You Have To See It Too
how about this instead random green blurb: no m***********g way in spicy jesus
The admin of the group said these "tragic names" are often a huge source of embarrassment that might lead to many of these kids resenting their names. "I’ve also heard stories where people weren’t able to do things like food orders over the phone because the store believed it was a hoax name," he said. "Please let your children be unique themselves, they don’t need a poorly chosen name to do that for them."
Zane admitted he honestly believes parents don’t put too much thought into whether it’s a good name for a person and just focus on what they like. "It’s quite a selfish view but it seems to be very common that parents don’t really consider their child’s future in regards to their name."
I Think We Can All Agree This Is An Animal Tragedeigh
I seriously didn't want to say it, I can't stop: People are gonna say, "Look there, Mike is riding *ahem*"
It seems that picking an extremely rare name is not an ideal way to go about it, and someone should put a stop to such decisions before it's too late. "Family and friends that get told the name in advance should at least try to convince them to have a sense of normality and give their children something they won’t get bullied for."
My Best Friend Just Had Her Baby And Named Her Daughter Mazikeen Aurora
Anyone Else See Blood Spatter? Lol
I Know Of A Boy Named Brain; Pronounced Brian
An eccentric name can attract unwanted attention. Moreover, it usually comes together with a whole lot of problems moms and dads might not have thought about. So Zane noted that while it may seem like a lovely idea to give your child a name that sets them apart from the rest, you should still think twice.
"You need to keep in mind that Knoxxli Blaze, for example, is not going to be taken as seriously as someone called Jennifer or Breeanna or any other normal name." The same rule applies to all unique names: "Forcing your child to forever correct people's spelling and pronunciation is not sweet, it’s cruel."
Came Across A Fun One Today. A Girl Named Kevin’a
So, Not Shart For Short?
Whether you would like to learn about different cultures or have some tragic name stories you’d like to share, "then absolutely come join us and tell us about them! Just make sure to read the group rules to avoid members of the community’s wrath," Zane concluded.
Just... Why? They Live In Texas But Still
Found In Another Group
Someday, Em-Anon will be the name of the 12-step program for people suffering from the curse of their horrible made-up name.
she would have been bullied as a kid and kids would call her crusty cursty
She’s A Public/Instagram Person
Another Twin Group Find
At the zoo a few years ago and heard a mother calling to her TRIPLET BOYS - Hunter! Gunner! Shooter! Let’s go see the cat house!!
Smith??? Would you want to have your first name be SMITH?? "Smith Taylor Greene" sounds awful!
Load More Replies...Bianchi and Buono, or Kenneth and Angelo. (Cousins who were jointly the Hillside Stranglers.)
Load More Replies...In the very American movie Talladega Nights, there are sons named Walker and Texas Ranger. Will Ferrell says: if I wanted them to be sissies, I would’ve named them Dr. Quinn and Medicine Woman.
i saw an episode of pitbulls and parollees, where the couple already had a dog called remmington, when they adopted from villalobos, they changed the dogs name to 'steel' which was bloody genius. it works great for dogs. not so much for humans...
JFC Smith and Wesson are "cutesy" names you give to your dogs, not your kids.
Must be Texas. I'm Texan, so I can say this with a certain amount of authority.
Smith and Wesson is a revolver manufacturer in America
Load More Replies...Copper And Steel
Amazakeen? Sounds like something a genie would say before granting a wish
It’s A Girl I’ve Known For Years Who’s Been Calling Him “Baby R” Til Now
My Due Date Group. She Turned Off Comments
someone had a stroke while typing anastasia… worse than the ones i had while writing comments on the cursed comments post
So We Are Still Deciding On A Boy Name..
and she has a brother called… ( someone make one i can’t remember
When You Want To Show Your Passion For Music But Uniquely
And if you want a really pretty girl's name, how about Lyrica? Oh wait...
I Have No Idea When This Was A Target Ad On My Instagram But These Names..truly Tragique
I’m Struggling With The Pronunciation Of Phaeylynn
I've said this in the last one of these threads, but it bears repeating... I have a very unusual first name, that requires an explanation to EVERYONE I meet. Parents, please do not do this to your children. You're not naming a designer teacup poodle, you are naming a future adult who will have to put that Ootsey Cutesy name at the top of their resume.
Only in USA…In Slovakia the registry center just will throw you out the window and lock all the entrances 😁
And send you next door to talk to someone at CPS. I mean really people, get a dog and name it whatever you want.
Load More Replies...I'm surprised there's no Monty Python characters in this list, no Biggus Dickus, Incontinentia Buttocks, Zoot, Dingo, Raymond Luxury Yacht (pronounced Throatwobbler Mangrove)...
Stoppit, I've just spat gin all over my phone, Zipperface you are a caution
Load More Replies...There’s a boy at my kids’ school called Machiavelli, Mac for short. Don’t people think before foisting names on kids.
I work with a woman who named her child Lestat because she heard it somewhere and thought it was so unique. She had nine whole months to figure out where she heard that name and why it was not a good name for a child and she didn't.
Load More Replies...In my daughters school there are so many Aidens and Graysons (almost all spelled weird with extra letters) I'm starting to wonder whatever happened to Aarons and Michaels? What I wouldn't have given to be able to write out a birthday card without having to ask the parents for the spelling when my kid was little. Wasnt as bad with my son (2 years older). America- lets do better, please.
Does your daughter go to the same school as my kid? Lol! And some names have very long spellings. How do the kids learn it, or how long until they spell their own name correctly?
Load More Replies...I think it's lucky that this isn't possible in our language. You can't just throw a handful of letters in the air and claim it's spelled 'Laura'.
I met a woman at an event once who was wearing a tag which said "Nirvana Baker". I actually flat-out asked her what the tag was for, because I couldn't quite grasp the fact that it was her name.
You thought she baked nirvana, or her baking was so good--it was nirvana. That's an honest assumption.
Load More Replies...I don't get peoples new-found obsession with naming their child a regular name with a weird spelling. I am one of those kids. Granted, I love my name, and I do think the spelling is pretty cool (and it's an actual name, my parents didn't just make it up like some of these on the list) but man, it is annoying having people pronounce it/spell it wrong... it's even worse then arguing to people that your name is real and not "spelled/pronounced wrong".
You either need reasonable people or reasonable laws and regulations. And when you have neither stuff like this happens.
Oh yes... More government fingers telling us what we can't and can't do.. The person who instantly goes to, "There should be laws!!" in response to something they don't like is insane and has a God Complex.
Load More Replies...Speaking as someone whose name involves a heroine from a frigging Poe story/poem? .... Let us have dull names at least for first names. Like I got. You can save the crazy for middle names. Please. We can just use an initial for those.
Cred to all guesses, but I refuse on the grounds that it's embarrassing enough as it is. Big hint: I got lucky. It wasn't "Ligeia". *phew*
Load More Replies...Stupidest name I ever heard - parents names were Stephen and Karen. They combined their first two names and named their kid Staren. And this was in the 90's before that whole stupid snowflake naming thing happened. I bet that kid had to put up with bullying her whole life. "What are you Staren at?"
Those children will want to change their names but won't because it would hurt their parents' feelings. These kids will never be able to buy a souvenir anything with their name on it. Leaving messages, going to a new class, applying for jobs will always be an issue. Let the child make their name important, the name will never make their child unique.
Agreed. But I could never find a souvenir with "Jane" on it, either. Jana, Janelle, Janet.... Nope, not here, either.
Load More Replies...I met someone who was thinking of naming their son Knoah. So glad they picked something less weird. There was a woman named Aurora Bori Ellis. The northern lights were in the sky when she was born. That really wasn't so off, but it probably led to plenty of teasing.
I'm picking up a couple of kittens soon, and I swear I've put more thought into naming them that these guys! Possible contenders Athena and Aphrodite, though the second is a bit too long to go on a collar.
What about Bygul (bee-gool) and Trjegul (tree-gool). The two cats that pulled Freya chariot
Load More Replies...I feel bad for teachers who will have to struggle with those names pronunciation. This is coming for someone whose always had problems with people pronouncing her name correctly, but mostly because it is not a common name in the United States, not because my parents where basic and wanted a "unique" name for me lol.
Is it Anais?--a beautiful name, that most Americans would pronounce "A Niece"? or Anis?
Load More Replies...That’s unfortunate-they didn’t read the entire name out loud first, or they are sadistic. If I were here I’d keep the Diana part and change my last name as an adult
Load More Replies...Do these parents think of what the kids will go thru in school? Do they realize that most of them will be bullied beyond belief simply because of their names? Why do parents do this to their children?
I have a classmate whose full name is nipun nachappa uthappa muluvera. Everybody called him “Nacho”
Still waiting for a day, when one of my kids will have a classmate with an eccentric name and traditional West-Ukrainian last name. Something along the line of Celestine Kill-wolf (or Breaknose).
Growing up with Slavic fam, I used to look at classmates and think, "Oh, that's Sharon Turnip". :-)
Load More Replies...I work at a library and once had to make cards for a family who's children were named America, Justice and Liberty. I knew they were the real names because even though the youngest was in a stroller they all had state issued ID cards.
The name Elon Musk(rat) named his poor kid takes the cake. I feel bad for the child...
Like being named Summer. No one believes it's my actually name especially when my last name was Castle. Fml.
A girl in my town is named Megan but it's spelled "Mayghynn." And then there was a kid in my class in school named Keighvyn, like Kevin but with some spunk I guess ? Lmao
Thank goodness for my traditional parents who comes from Irish lineage. They had to name 13 of us and the weirdest one (we voted) is Bowen, and Bowen was named after our great grandfather.
There’s a legitimate sociological reason why people in a society of the haves and have-nots, of celebrity worship, of (assumed) temporarily delayed wealth & power, choose unique names and spellings. I’m sure academics for years to come will study this phenomenon. Much like Marijuana Pepsi Jackson (an academic on African-American naming; look her up) has instigated.
Went to school with a Haydee. Pronunciation was Heidi. She would get so mad over being called Hay-D . Though Cara Sell was a awesome of a sweet girl in my school,I thought lol
I used the biblical spelling for my son's name and get told I spell it wrong all the time.. I now wish I went with the traditional spelling . He never finds cool stuff with his name on it (Nathanael). He goes by Nathan and Nate unless he is introuble.lol I chose names that where easily shortened for both my son's so the had option they could choose as they got older. Including middle name the have 5 -6 options.
The puppies are named after vampires in the Black Dagger Brotherhood book series🤣
I knew someone named Adolf in third grade. His parents are either idiots or just really hate their child.
I don't have a problem with naming kids with a purpose. My maternal grandmother, who died when I was young, and before the youngest two in my family were born, was named Alice. My sister named her daughter, my only niece, Allison. My brother and his wife are proud grandparents to two boys, four girls. The girls' names are: Addilyn, Savannah Lyn, Amberlyn, and Rubylyn. Addy, Savannah, Amber and Ruby for short. My nephews and step nephew wanted to honor their Mom, Lyn, who is a breast cancer survivor. All of that is super cool, and is done out of love. Some of the stuff above: prententious nonsense.
I can't remember how she spelled them because it was wild...but she named her two daughters Misery and Crisis.
There was a girl in the school I volunteered at named Le-A. Not "Lee", or "Leah" or "Laya" I was told pronounce what I see. Le ...pause..a? No What? Le-dash-a
Not in exactly the same vein, but, I work with a woman called Karen. Yes really. Born in the 50s. But she says her name is supposed to be pronounced 'Care-en'. Some people who've known her since a child do prounounce it this way, but when it's spelled Karen, expect people to pronounce it Karen.
I once saw a picture of the aftermath of the Hurricane Katrina. In the rubble a mother held her baby. A caption for the photo said the baby girl's name is "Ikea".
Best names I've heard are Stu Pedaso, Muten Mangleprang and Heywood Jablowme.
sister wanted to name her first born Arian... pronounced Aryan (like Nazi's). she said no one thinks like anymore. i convinced her to go with something else thank goodness.
If I was one of those poor kids, I'd just go for a name change as soon as I'm of age and can do it legally. A bit of a hassle at first, but saves much more hassle in the rest of life. And you can still chose an unusual name if you want.
Funny Story about my brother's name. We are Mexican American and my great grandfather's name was Esteban. My youngest brother was born in the U.S. (myself and our middle brother were both born in Mexico) and my parents named him Steven. My mom always told us he was named after my great grandfather but then they just Americanized his name, she will call him Esteban in Spanish (only when she is mad though) but his legal name is Steven and everyone else calls him Steven. However, we recently learned that my dad wanted to name him Steven because he loved Steven Segal movies and my mom just went along with it because Steven is the English name for Esteban. Growing up my dad would call him Steven Segal or just Segal as a nickname, we always took it as a joke, but nope it's because he literally was named after the actor and we all just discovered this 25 years after the fact lol.
I worked in what was possibly the most popular band instrument store in our state for over 4 years while in high school & some in college while on breaks. We would send salesmen to schools & sign kids up for band. They'd order instruments to rent. We'd have to get the instruments & tag them with the kids' names. My God, the tragedeighs that we saw. One of the worst, which I can't remember how it was spelled (this was almost 30 yrs ago) was, what we had to sound out as, "Glorious God Hallelujah" but it was all 1 word, spelled HORRIBLY. The funniest was someone with the last name Halloween, that lived on Spooky Hollow Drive. I swear it's real because their credit had to be checked for the rental program. Finally, there are apparently a thousand or more different ways to spell Mackenzie and Hayley. I think I've seen them all. I wish I could find the lady that I worked with when tagging those instruments... can't remember her last name, but she was fun to work with.
People's need to be something special is constantly increasing. It doesn't matter whether you post on the Internet what piece of clothing you own, or what a great handstand you can do, or what incredibly unusual name you came up with. I think being mediocre is more than enough after all!
I always joke about naming my kid ‘wahahahahahahahahabaa’ and every time someone asks, I respond with ‘her names gonna be wahahahahahahahahabaa’
Considering my name is OCTAVIA, with no tricky letters, there are still people who call me by my last name. Sometimes I like to tease those so insecure about pronouncing . . . so when I spell it in a sing-song voice . . . O, C, T . . . A, V, I, A . . . MOUSE. And then I say "The Q is silent." It's simple Shakespeare . . . I could have been Hamlet or Othello, but it's nice to NOT get lost in a crowd.
My 5th grade teacher - Mrs. Lee - announced she was naming her child Brock. When asked, by 5th graders, what he would do when people called him ‘Broccoli,’ her response was his name will be Brock E. Lee. Don’t know if having a middle name that stated with E was the best response to the broccoli nickname.
Wait till someone read Ringworld by Larry Niven. So many possibilities.....
OOH OOH! I have a good story. My teacher's friend was calling someone because it was her job to call a bunch of people who's names were on the list. So, my teacher's friend calls someone and says "Hi!.... um sorry, I don't know how to pronounce your name" then the person on the phone goes "GUUUUUURL!!!! MY NAME'S LADASHA!" except her name was spelled la-a!
Some of these look like someone got bored and smashed their head on their keyboard. Poor kids
I'm a baby photographer and the absolute dross some people call their kids is insane. I photographed an Ajax the other day. That's a toilet cleaner. I did photograph a James recently and I congratulated the parent and genuinely meant it.
When I was 16 I thought I'd name a future son Lucian. Rolling my eyes at myself so hard right now. I'm not having kids but if I did, I wouldn't name them like that. Even my pets have people names. My first dog (Age 5) I named Maximilian after my first anime love and I've since had so many pets all with people names. I'm done with getting animals now but I enjoyed my life with those silly bastards.
Funny thing, is these "unique" names tend to be stereotyped as a lower socioeconomic class. If you look at US trends in baby names, the most common are much more traditional. The list for 2020 generated by the Social Security Administration: Boys 1-10: Liam, Noah, Oliver, Elijah, William, James, Benjamin, Lucas, Henry, Alexander. Girls 1-10: Olivia, Emma, Ava, Charlotte, Sophia, Amelia, Isabella, Mia, Evelyn, Harper. Harper is the only one on that list that is less traditional in a way. The whole thing of using a surname for a first name was done to honor a family a child was a part of but would not carry as their own family name. Usually that was a prominent family. People think it sounds posh because of this and give their kid a surname for a first name that is nowhere in their family.
And to think my parents, rebels that they were, got in trouble for wanting to name their firstborn Jessika instead of Jessica.
I'd also add to make sure you know what a name means in another language BEFORE naming your kid. I knew a guy named Rideaux, which means curtains in French. 40 years later and it still makes me laugh.
I sometimes like to watch film credits just to see what unusual names I can spot. Seen some hilarious ones over the years but can’t think of any off the top of my head xD
should just name these kids Dipshitassfuck becuse that's what they will end up when they are adults.
I like unique names. A lot of these are not great, but you remember the name. I don't have to spend the first two weeks of talking to someone while praying that someone says their name because I forgot it the first two seconds after introducing myself and keep having to go "Hey, you". I always envied people with unique names. I think really boring and plan names are worse than having a really out there name.
My mom originally wanted to have my brother's name spelled with an ö instead of an o (Because that's how it is in the original language) But decided against it.
I feel so sad for these kids when they reach adult age. I wonder what the percentage of name changes will be once they become adults.
I guess my teenage idea of naming a child Fender Stratocaster isn't the silliest idea ever.
Best one I’ve seen is “KVIIIlyn”. K, Roman numeral 8, lyn. It’s great.
I'll tell you a genuine tragedeigh my husband told me about working the jail and they had 2 inmates who were brothers. Orangello and Lemongello. It was Orange Jello and Lemon Jello. Tell me that's not terrible.
Hmm, lets tell people you hate children without saying you hate them.
BP just told me I'm posting comments too fast and to slow down, wtf?
I've always thought, that if it weren't a disease, Rubella would be a lovely name for a girl.
I've said this in the last one of these threads, but it bears repeating... I have a very unusual first name, that requires an explanation to EVERYONE I meet. Parents, please do not do this to your children. You're not naming a designer teacup poodle, you are naming a future adult who will have to put that Ootsey Cutesy name at the top of their resume.
Only in USA…In Slovakia the registry center just will throw you out the window and lock all the entrances 😁
And send you next door to talk to someone at CPS. I mean really people, get a dog and name it whatever you want.
Load More Replies...I'm surprised there's no Monty Python characters in this list, no Biggus Dickus, Incontinentia Buttocks, Zoot, Dingo, Raymond Luxury Yacht (pronounced Throatwobbler Mangrove)...
Stoppit, I've just spat gin all over my phone, Zipperface you are a caution
Load More Replies...There’s a boy at my kids’ school called Machiavelli, Mac for short. Don’t people think before foisting names on kids.
I work with a woman who named her child Lestat because she heard it somewhere and thought it was so unique. She had nine whole months to figure out where she heard that name and why it was not a good name for a child and she didn't.
Load More Replies...In my daughters school there are so many Aidens and Graysons (almost all spelled weird with extra letters) I'm starting to wonder whatever happened to Aarons and Michaels? What I wouldn't have given to be able to write out a birthday card without having to ask the parents for the spelling when my kid was little. Wasnt as bad with my son (2 years older). America- lets do better, please.
Does your daughter go to the same school as my kid? Lol! And some names have very long spellings. How do the kids learn it, or how long until they spell their own name correctly?
Load More Replies...I think it's lucky that this isn't possible in our language. You can't just throw a handful of letters in the air and claim it's spelled 'Laura'.
I met a woman at an event once who was wearing a tag which said "Nirvana Baker". I actually flat-out asked her what the tag was for, because I couldn't quite grasp the fact that it was her name.
You thought she baked nirvana, or her baking was so good--it was nirvana. That's an honest assumption.
Load More Replies...I don't get peoples new-found obsession with naming their child a regular name with a weird spelling. I am one of those kids. Granted, I love my name, and I do think the spelling is pretty cool (and it's an actual name, my parents didn't just make it up like some of these on the list) but man, it is annoying having people pronounce it/spell it wrong... it's even worse then arguing to people that your name is real and not "spelled/pronounced wrong".
You either need reasonable people or reasonable laws and regulations. And when you have neither stuff like this happens.
Oh yes... More government fingers telling us what we can't and can't do.. The person who instantly goes to, "There should be laws!!" in response to something they don't like is insane and has a God Complex.
Load More Replies...Speaking as someone whose name involves a heroine from a frigging Poe story/poem? .... Let us have dull names at least for first names. Like I got. You can save the crazy for middle names. Please. We can just use an initial for those.
Cred to all guesses, but I refuse on the grounds that it's embarrassing enough as it is. Big hint: I got lucky. It wasn't "Ligeia". *phew*
Load More Replies...Stupidest name I ever heard - parents names were Stephen and Karen. They combined their first two names and named their kid Staren. And this was in the 90's before that whole stupid snowflake naming thing happened. I bet that kid had to put up with bullying her whole life. "What are you Staren at?"
Those children will want to change their names but won't because it would hurt their parents' feelings. These kids will never be able to buy a souvenir anything with their name on it. Leaving messages, going to a new class, applying for jobs will always be an issue. Let the child make their name important, the name will never make their child unique.
Agreed. But I could never find a souvenir with "Jane" on it, either. Jana, Janelle, Janet.... Nope, not here, either.
Load More Replies...I met someone who was thinking of naming their son Knoah. So glad they picked something less weird. There was a woman named Aurora Bori Ellis. The northern lights were in the sky when she was born. That really wasn't so off, but it probably led to plenty of teasing.
I'm picking up a couple of kittens soon, and I swear I've put more thought into naming them that these guys! Possible contenders Athena and Aphrodite, though the second is a bit too long to go on a collar.
What about Bygul (bee-gool) and Trjegul (tree-gool). The two cats that pulled Freya chariot
Load More Replies...I feel bad for teachers who will have to struggle with those names pronunciation. This is coming for someone whose always had problems with people pronouncing her name correctly, but mostly because it is not a common name in the United States, not because my parents where basic and wanted a "unique" name for me lol.
Is it Anais?--a beautiful name, that most Americans would pronounce "A Niece"? or Anis?
Load More Replies...That’s unfortunate-they didn’t read the entire name out loud first, or they are sadistic. If I were here I’d keep the Diana part and change my last name as an adult
Load More Replies...Do these parents think of what the kids will go thru in school? Do they realize that most of them will be bullied beyond belief simply because of their names? Why do parents do this to their children?
I have a classmate whose full name is nipun nachappa uthappa muluvera. Everybody called him “Nacho”
Still waiting for a day, when one of my kids will have a classmate with an eccentric name and traditional West-Ukrainian last name. Something along the line of Celestine Kill-wolf (or Breaknose).
Growing up with Slavic fam, I used to look at classmates and think, "Oh, that's Sharon Turnip". :-)
Load More Replies...I work at a library and once had to make cards for a family who's children were named America, Justice and Liberty. I knew they were the real names because even though the youngest was in a stroller they all had state issued ID cards.
The name Elon Musk(rat) named his poor kid takes the cake. I feel bad for the child...
Like being named Summer. No one believes it's my actually name especially when my last name was Castle. Fml.
A girl in my town is named Megan but it's spelled "Mayghynn." And then there was a kid in my class in school named Keighvyn, like Kevin but with some spunk I guess ? Lmao
Thank goodness for my traditional parents who comes from Irish lineage. They had to name 13 of us and the weirdest one (we voted) is Bowen, and Bowen was named after our great grandfather.
There’s a legitimate sociological reason why people in a society of the haves and have-nots, of celebrity worship, of (assumed) temporarily delayed wealth & power, choose unique names and spellings. I’m sure academics for years to come will study this phenomenon. Much like Marijuana Pepsi Jackson (an academic on African-American naming; look her up) has instigated.
Went to school with a Haydee. Pronunciation was Heidi. She would get so mad over being called Hay-D . Though Cara Sell was a awesome of a sweet girl in my school,I thought lol
I used the biblical spelling for my son's name and get told I spell it wrong all the time.. I now wish I went with the traditional spelling . He never finds cool stuff with his name on it (Nathanael). He goes by Nathan and Nate unless he is introuble.lol I chose names that where easily shortened for both my son's so the had option they could choose as they got older. Including middle name the have 5 -6 options.
The puppies are named after vampires in the Black Dagger Brotherhood book series🤣
I knew someone named Adolf in third grade. His parents are either idiots or just really hate their child.
I don't have a problem with naming kids with a purpose. My maternal grandmother, who died when I was young, and before the youngest two in my family were born, was named Alice. My sister named her daughter, my only niece, Allison. My brother and his wife are proud grandparents to two boys, four girls. The girls' names are: Addilyn, Savannah Lyn, Amberlyn, and Rubylyn. Addy, Savannah, Amber and Ruby for short. My nephews and step nephew wanted to honor their Mom, Lyn, who is a breast cancer survivor. All of that is super cool, and is done out of love. Some of the stuff above: prententious nonsense.
I can't remember how she spelled them because it was wild...but she named her two daughters Misery and Crisis.
There was a girl in the school I volunteered at named Le-A. Not "Lee", or "Leah" or "Laya" I was told pronounce what I see. Le ...pause..a? No What? Le-dash-a
Not in exactly the same vein, but, I work with a woman called Karen. Yes really. Born in the 50s. But she says her name is supposed to be pronounced 'Care-en'. Some people who've known her since a child do prounounce it this way, but when it's spelled Karen, expect people to pronounce it Karen.
I once saw a picture of the aftermath of the Hurricane Katrina. In the rubble a mother held her baby. A caption for the photo said the baby girl's name is "Ikea".
Best names I've heard are Stu Pedaso, Muten Mangleprang and Heywood Jablowme.
sister wanted to name her first born Arian... pronounced Aryan (like Nazi's). she said no one thinks like anymore. i convinced her to go with something else thank goodness.
If I was one of those poor kids, I'd just go for a name change as soon as I'm of age and can do it legally. A bit of a hassle at first, but saves much more hassle in the rest of life. And you can still chose an unusual name if you want.
Funny Story about my brother's name. We are Mexican American and my great grandfather's name was Esteban. My youngest brother was born in the U.S. (myself and our middle brother were both born in Mexico) and my parents named him Steven. My mom always told us he was named after my great grandfather but then they just Americanized his name, she will call him Esteban in Spanish (only when she is mad though) but his legal name is Steven and everyone else calls him Steven. However, we recently learned that my dad wanted to name him Steven because he loved Steven Segal movies and my mom just went along with it because Steven is the English name for Esteban. Growing up my dad would call him Steven Segal or just Segal as a nickname, we always took it as a joke, but nope it's because he literally was named after the actor and we all just discovered this 25 years after the fact lol.
I worked in what was possibly the most popular band instrument store in our state for over 4 years while in high school & some in college while on breaks. We would send salesmen to schools & sign kids up for band. They'd order instruments to rent. We'd have to get the instruments & tag them with the kids' names. My God, the tragedeighs that we saw. One of the worst, which I can't remember how it was spelled (this was almost 30 yrs ago) was, what we had to sound out as, "Glorious God Hallelujah" but it was all 1 word, spelled HORRIBLY. The funniest was someone with the last name Halloween, that lived on Spooky Hollow Drive. I swear it's real because their credit had to be checked for the rental program. Finally, there are apparently a thousand or more different ways to spell Mackenzie and Hayley. I think I've seen them all. I wish I could find the lady that I worked with when tagging those instruments... can't remember her last name, but she was fun to work with.
People's need to be something special is constantly increasing. It doesn't matter whether you post on the Internet what piece of clothing you own, or what a great handstand you can do, or what incredibly unusual name you came up with. I think being mediocre is more than enough after all!
I always joke about naming my kid ‘wahahahahahahahahabaa’ and every time someone asks, I respond with ‘her names gonna be wahahahahahahahahabaa’
Considering my name is OCTAVIA, with no tricky letters, there are still people who call me by my last name. Sometimes I like to tease those so insecure about pronouncing . . . so when I spell it in a sing-song voice . . . O, C, T . . . A, V, I, A . . . MOUSE. And then I say "The Q is silent." It's simple Shakespeare . . . I could have been Hamlet or Othello, but it's nice to NOT get lost in a crowd.
My 5th grade teacher - Mrs. Lee - announced she was naming her child Brock. When asked, by 5th graders, what he would do when people called him ‘Broccoli,’ her response was his name will be Brock E. Lee. Don’t know if having a middle name that stated with E was the best response to the broccoli nickname.
Wait till someone read Ringworld by Larry Niven. So many possibilities.....
OOH OOH! I have a good story. My teacher's friend was calling someone because it was her job to call a bunch of people who's names were on the list. So, my teacher's friend calls someone and says "Hi!.... um sorry, I don't know how to pronounce your name" then the person on the phone goes "GUUUUUURL!!!! MY NAME'S LADASHA!" except her name was spelled la-a!
Some of these look like someone got bored and smashed their head on their keyboard. Poor kids
I'm a baby photographer and the absolute dross some people call their kids is insane. I photographed an Ajax the other day. That's a toilet cleaner. I did photograph a James recently and I congratulated the parent and genuinely meant it.
When I was 16 I thought I'd name a future son Lucian. Rolling my eyes at myself so hard right now. I'm not having kids but if I did, I wouldn't name them like that. Even my pets have people names. My first dog (Age 5) I named Maximilian after my first anime love and I've since had so many pets all with people names. I'm done with getting animals now but I enjoyed my life with those silly bastards.
Funny thing, is these "unique" names tend to be stereotyped as a lower socioeconomic class. If you look at US trends in baby names, the most common are much more traditional. The list for 2020 generated by the Social Security Administration: Boys 1-10: Liam, Noah, Oliver, Elijah, William, James, Benjamin, Lucas, Henry, Alexander. Girls 1-10: Olivia, Emma, Ava, Charlotte, Sophia, Amelia, Isabella, Mia, Evelyn, Harper. Harper is the only one on that list that is less traditional in a way. The whole thing of using a surname for a first name was done to honor a family a child was a part of but would not carry as their own family name. Usually that was a prominent family. People think it sounds posh because of this and give their kid a surname for a first name that is nowhere in their family.
And to think my parents, rebels that they were, got in trouble for wanting to name their firstborn Jessika instead of Jessica.
I'd also add to make sure you know what a name means in another language BEFORE naming your kid. I knew a guy named Rideaux, which means curtains in French. 40 years later and it still makes me laugh.
I sometimes like to watch film credits just to see what unusual names I can spot. Seen some hilarious ones over the years but can’t think of any off the top of my head xD
should just name these kids Dipshitassfuck becuse that's what they will end up when they are adults.
I like unique names. A lot of these are not great, but you remember the name. I don't have to spend the first two weeks of talking to someone while praying that someone says their name because I forgot it the first two seconds after introducing myself and keep having to go "Hey, you". I always envied people with unique names. I think really boring and plan names are worse than having a really out there name.
My mom originally wanted to have my brother's name spelled with an ö instead of an o (Because that's how it is in the original language) But decided against it.
I feel so sad for these kids when they reach adult age. I wonder what the percentage of name changes will be once they become adults.
I guess my teenage idea of naming a child Fender Stratocaster isn't the silliest idea ever.
Best one I’ve seen is “KVIIIlyn”. K, Roman numeral 8, lyn. It’s great.
I'll tell you a genuine tragedeigh my husband told me about working the jail and they had 2 inmates who were brothers. Orangello and Lemongello. It was Orange Jello and Lemon Jello. Tell me that's not terrible.
Hmm, lets tell people you hate children without saying you hate them.
BP just told me I'm posting comments too fast and to slow down, wtf?
I've always thought, that if it weren't a disease, Rubella would be a lovely name for a girl.