You don't need a physics degree to know about Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation: "Any two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them." And even if all that sounds like gibberish we all understand the general principle of how gravity works - especially when we see something that seems to go against this law.
Below is a list of photos that show people, objects and animals that thought gravity be damned and followed their own set of physics rules. Sure there is a scientific explanation for even the wackiest occurrences, but that doesn't make them any less entertaining! Don't forget to upvote your favs!
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Mountain Goats Don't Give A Sh*t About Your Gravity
Ice Mold Staying In Place After Driving Away
The Way My Cup Broke
Pic Of Noodles At -60°C: Concordia Research Station, Antarctica
Bro, Do You Even Inertia?
Windy Day In The Northeast Caused These Icicles To Form Sideways
Saw These Stacked Stone Arches At The Beach This Morning
Who Needs Thumbs, When You've Got Things Handled
My Boyfriend's Cat Likes To Sleep Against The Wall
Ice Sheet Holding Onto Trees After Flood Subsides
This Kid At My School Likes To Stack Pencils
I Always Thought Jesus Was A Shepherd, Not A Husky
Cannot Tell If Broken Or Upgraded
How Do I Turn The Anti-Gravity Setting Off On My Dog?
These Magnets Are Stocked Past The End
Snow Is Curling Off This Roof
The Tilt Of The Cruise Ship Makes It Look Like The Water Isn't Obeying The Law Of Gravity
Gecko Chilling Out On The Water's Surface Tension Of My Fishtank
Found An Icicle Held Only By A Spider's Web
A Japanese 1 Yen Coin Is So Light It Won't Even Break Surface Tension On Water
I Don't Want To Do It Again
Because Who Needs Physics?
Here Are Some Bowling Balls I Stacked
My Cat’s Balancing Act
137 Drops Of Water On A Penny
This Perfectly Balanced Piece Of Driftwood On The Edge Of The Dam I Photographed. It Had Been Balanced Like That For At Least A Week, Since My First Visit There
How's This For A Pringle Ringle Border Collie Border?
My Friends Love To Balance Stuff
Oh, hell. Now I want to try this. I'll probably use beer cans that I've just emptied to add a degree of difficulty.
This Stack Of Pianos On A Beach At Low Tide
Cool Tables In Plymouth That Look Like It's Anti-Grav
Guy I Work With Can Balance Almost Anything On His Nose, He Held This For Over 30 Seconds
He's skilled and all... But are we going to skip talking about that awesome Bugs Bunny tie?
What Do You Know About Physics?
Just Running On Water, Nothing Special
Go Home, Snow, You're Drunk
I Love Physics
Nothing special here, just two forks fighting over a penny in a Matrix style of motion. Move along.
What A Stable Life He Has
Mind Blown
I Swear, You Leave Kids These Days Alone For Five Minutes And They Go And Break Physics
Easy. Just fill two glasses halfway full. Then place a piece of paper (the brown square seen behind the cups) over the top of one, turn it upside down, and put it on top of the right-side-up one. Finally, remove the paper!
When Your Dad Bets $50 That The "Physics In A Nutshell" Ruler/Hammer Post Is Impossible
Physics At Work At Walmart
Dad Proving He Hasn't Lost All His Hair
Only Good Use For Cigarettes
This Image Goes Against Everything You Know To Be Real
No, Thank You Physics
Our Cat Spilled A Glass Of Water On The Coffee Table, But None Of It Got On The Floor
Of All My Son's Jack Jack Figures, Only The "Metal" One Floats
Couple Frame Balancing On The Rainy Day
So I Mastered Physics Today
Now impress me and remove some pieces without collapsing the whole thing. Just joking. This is really cool.
I Don't Believe In Gravity Anymore
hey Vsauce! Michael here.. (yeah, they did an episode about that.. I think it was collaboration with Adam Savage from Mythbusters.)
This Snow Man Denies All Laws Of Physics
My Dog’s Bone Stands Upright Because Of The Way She Chewed It
The Ice On This Railing Melted And Flipped Over
Bored At Work. F*ck You, Physics
This Waterjet Running Magically Underneath The Pothandle With A 90° Angle
How Is This Even Possible?
Barista Knocked This Broom Off The Counter And It Stood Up Like A Soldier
My Girlfriend Poured Out A Glass Of Coke Today. She Broke Physics
Floating Morello Cherry Pie
As a professional magician I want to assure people to relax, take a deep, calming breath. All have logical scientific explanations.
ALL objects have a perfect balancing point somewhere.
Load More Replies...Great post. Many of these occurrences are needs to photograph them immediately to capture them.
As a professional magician I want to assure people to relax, take a deep, calming breath. All have logical scientific explanations.
ALL objects have a perfect balancing point somewhere.
Load More Replies...Great post. Many of these occurrences are needs to photograph them immediately to capture them.