A small chat about the weather is very dandy when you want a quick chat. And so is talking about the latest viral cute cat video or the one with a dog with bunny ears. However, these airy conversations usually lack substance and thought-feed, don't they? And if you feel the urge to talk about something thought-provoking and soul-enhancing, why not try and pick some of these deep conversation topics we've rounded up in this article?
From compassion to global problems and from the relationship the two of you have to your favorite childhood books - these are all great conversation starters! Of course, deep conversations usually start by themselves, but there's nothing wrong with exploring a predetermined cause, especially if you are genuinely curious about other people's deep thoughts on it. And hey, not all of these conversation topics are grave, so to say - they can also be quite entertaining, even if they require a bit of thinking to do!
So, ready to check out these interesting conversation topics? If so, keep on scrolling, for they are just a smidgen further down. Once you are there, give your vote for the deep topics you'd like to discuss with someone and then share this article with them - they might pick an equally interesting topic also!
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Do people have a right to be happy or should they have to earn it?
Happiness is not a right that can be granted or taken away. When I had nothing, I found ways to be happy as much as possible, even in small things. That was the one thing that I could own fully.
What is your self destructive habit?
Eating sweets. Started eating healthier and lost some weight a year ago, but I still can't stop completely.
If you could go back and do one good deed that you had the opportunity to do but didn’t, what would it be and why?
I am warning you all that this questionnaire is 194 QUESTIONS LONG!!!! AVOID A BREAKDOWN!!! STOP NOW!!!
If pressing a button meant you received 5 million dollars but it also killed 5 people somewhere in the world, would you press it? What if it killed only 1 person or killed 20 people? What if the people were people you knew?
What is most likely to bring about the extinction of the human race? How can it be avoided?
How often do you leave your comfort zone?
I really try to be a positive influence to others. It is uncomfortable at times to keep it up, but if I don’t try who will?
What dream did you give up on?
How would we tell if we were actually living in a simulation?
According to my old philosophy professor, there's no way to tell, which means the only correct answer is not to care.
Is competition good for us?
Healthy competition where we can see where improvement is needed, but with without being shamed for needing to improve....or something like that.
If you could live in a virtual reality world of your own creation, would you?
Yes because it would have me as the only human. The rest of the living creatures would NOT be human. If there were humans the "virtual reality" would already be on a course to be finished (in a sickening & painful way).
What is a year of life worth? How about a day?
They are worth everything and nothing. It depends on the person. I would hope I have the ability to be thankful for life, but there have been times when the day/days felt worthless. I have to make myself stop and smell the roses, and encourage others to do the same.
Who should be responsible for taking care of the elderly, the government, their families, or the elderly themselves?
We pay MORE than enough in taxes in the US, the government should absolutely be responsible. Period.
How does tribalism and creating in groups and out groups (e.g. race, religion, sport team fans, people with a hobby, etc.) help and hurt society?
What does the ideal life look like?
Learning whatever state you are in, there with to be content. ( according to Paul )
When was the last time you were ashamed by how you handled a situation?
Tell about your most difficult challenge thus far in your life. Were you able to overcome and what did you learn?
The lesson was far more important than the challenge. I learned to survive. To be brave, honest, believe in myself and know my worth.
How are emotions useful for humans and the human race?
Since humans are not mind readers, emotions serve as indicators of how our actions affect others.
What do we do now that will be looked at as primitive and backwards in 100 years?
What flaws in human nature hold humanity back?
The LOVE of money. Not money, both the power and greed when you value it above all else.
When do you feel most alone?
In my thoughts. I sometimes wonder if anyone else feels things the way I do.
How do you deal with trauma?
My twin brother killed himself. I do not wish this to anyone and the trauma it has caused to my whole family. We will never recover from this. I am sorry you feel that way about your life and I truly hope you will get help and find a way out of the black hole you are in. But know that this kind of comments are triggers to people already struggling.
Can a positive outlook make any situation better?
Absolutely. Also hold onto to HOPE. According to Victor Frankl, life’s search for meaning gives us the will to live.
What would you wish to accomplish in life if you could only accomplish one thing?
Universal health care and feeding the world. I would also personally melt all assault rifles and make bicycles for the masses.
What would you do on a “perfect” day? Would you want to do something with someone else or be alone?
When do you need assurance of my love the most and how can I show that love?
You don't know me...I think its a little early in this relationship for love...
Have you ever had the opportunity to help someone?
Everyday. Some I realize that I help, others l help without even knowing. Just be honest and kind. Just never help another for karma or praise. No one like a braggart.
Is human nature constant or is it molded by culture? Can human nature be completely changed by culture or society?
Do people have an obligation to help others or should people be responsible for helping themselves?
If you were given an envelope with the time and date of your death inside, would you open it?
If sacrificing your own life would save the lives of a specific number of strangers, how many strangers would need to be saved for you to sacrifice your own life? What if the people were friends? How about family?
I am 64. I have had a great life. I would sacrifice my life for someone younger or more viable than myself.
Will technology be humanity’s salvation, downfall, or neither? Why?
Wait while I stand on a chair to answer that one. It is getting deep in here.
Do you think shame is a natural human emotion or something that society drills into us?
Shame what shame? Look at the Trumps for gosh sakes. Who more shameful than a family that ruined an entire country?
How big of a part should work be in a person’s life?
Who or what do you think of when you think of love?
Would you rather be alone for the rest of your life or always be surrounded by annoying people?
Tell about a time when someone showed you kindness or compassion. Tell about a time when you showed compassion or kindness to someone else.
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy? Why?
What did you dream of being when you were a child? Have you managed to achieve any of your dreams?
Is there something that you would like to change about yourself? How can you achieve a change?
Do you and your spouse have the same opinion about if the glass is half empty or half full? What changes can you make to make your life more fulfilling?
What are the strongest and weakest parts of your relationship? How can you make the weak parts stronger?
It's hard to put into words, but I've been with my boyfriend for over 10 years and I think our strength is how we evolve together. Also, we have seen the worst and best parts of each other and accept. Our weakness, what we're currently working on, is making time for each other. We're both independent, and we have been together a long time and we've discovered how easy it is to become complacent and not make time for each other.
When you are worried or hurt, what can your spouse do to provide comfort and encouragement?
In what ways do I show you that you are a very important person to me?
What do you think are the five most important traits for a person to have?
If you died today, is there something you would regret not doing or something you would regret not saying?
If you only had one month to live, how would you spend your time? With whom?
If you could live at any time in history and experience any event, when would you choose?
If you could have any car you desired, which one would you choose?
Have you ever had the opportunity to meet anyone famous? Did you get their autograph?
I never met him, but I wrote Laurence Olivier and he wrote me back. I was in my thirties and lived in the US on the Gulf Coast.
If you left alone in the wilderness and could have only one item, what would it be?
My favorite book, West With The Night by: Beryl Markham. Experts say stay put and don’t wander when waiting for rescue. I would stay pleasantly distracted and use the cover for kindling.
What are the highest and lowest points of your life?
What is holding you back from being the person you want to be?
What’s something terrifying that we’ve all come to accept as a fact of life?
What is the best way to explore human nature: psychology, philosophy, or biology?
What is a miracle that happens every day?
What is the purpose of art in society?
To document the countless times humans have tried to capture something that goes beyond their mundane lives.
Is taking a life ever justified? If so, where is the line? When is a person’s life considered forfeit?
Self defense of course. However, I do think there are some people that should just not exist. Like Albert Phish. He was a serial killer that killed, raped, and ate children. Yeah, he should have been in prison, but personally I think he should just be eradicated from the planet. That's not to say I condone vigilantes, but in some cases I could see myself turning a blind eye
Do you think that humans as a species have gotten better through the generations or worse? Why?
It ebbs and flows. It seems worse now because we have so much information.
What do you consider a wasted life?
Do you think humans will survive long enough to evolve into something different or will we make ourselves extinct before we have the chance to?
I don’t think I will ever finish this questionnaire. My brain is sore.
If we could screen babies for psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies, should we? What should we do with the babies that are likely become psychopaths?
Why do people do things that they know hurts themselves and those around them?
When things go wrong do you blame yourself or others more?
Why do you think people feel so empty in the modern world, or is this how it’s always been?
Is there ever a time when giving up makes sense?
Do you believe in karma? Why?
What do you think is more important: exploring the world or yourself?
In what way are you your own worst enemy?
Have you ever had a very bad nightmare? What was it about?
When and where do you feel most like your real self? Why?
These dreams go on when I close my eyes Every second of the night I live another life
What characteristics do you think are necessary for a strong relationship? Do you possess these characteristics?
What controversial issue – social or political – do you feel strongly about? Why?
What was your favorite book as a child? Why was it your favorite?
What was your favorite movie as a child? Do you still enjoy seeing it? How many times have you seen it?
If you could go back to your childhood, what advice would you like to have from your adult self?
If you could be any character in a book or movie, who would you be? Why?
How do you and your spouse handle disagreements? Do you think you can improve in this area? How?
What talents and skills to you have?
If you have children, how good a job do you think you are doing raising them?
I wouldn't want to bring anyone into this ruined (by man) shithole of a world.
Share a secret with your spouse. What do you think about couples keeping secrets from each other?
Keep all the secrets you want. I don't care if you've been f*****g the guh (or girl) at work because I've never stopped with other women, like, since we met. I won't give her the satisfaction of winning.
If you had the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Give a reason for your choice.
Do you think adults deserve respect? Do you think teenagers do?
What kind of changes would you make to the world if you could?
Is it ever okay to lie? If it is, when and in what kind of situations?
Lying is great. It puts her off of the fact that you're fuckinv everyone under the sun. When she finds out, throw her away and find another. Women are a dime a dozen.
Do you like school? Why or why not?
School was great way to find pleasurable chemicals, parties, and skirt.
Who is the most important person in your life? How can you enhance your relationship with this person?
What so you find is the hardest thing for you to do?
To restrain myself from pointing out typos, such as *do in this case.
What is a personal tragedy you have overcome? How did the experience change you?
Is there life on other planets? What is the reason for your opinion?
Is what we perceive reality or just a construct of our minds? Can our minds correctly interpret reality or is reality subjective?
Is tribalism and people separating themselves into “us” and “them” groups, a learned or genetic trait? Can it be overcome? If so, how?
What is the most uplifting thing happening in the world right now? What is the most tragic thing?
Can people with vastly different cultural backgrounds live together peacefully? How?
Yes, by following the rule Don't do unto others what you don't want done unto you
How would you like to die? Comfortably in bed surrounded by family, doing something you love, or some other way?
What makes a person truly evil? Are they born that way or did their environment make them that way?
What event would you rather die than live through?
What stops people from understanding themselves?
Is human consciousness just electrons flowing through neurons, or is it something beyond the physical?
What does our society need most?
What responsibilities, if any, do tech companies have to control how people use their platforms and what content shows up on them?
How do you think our friendship will change over time as we get older and our life circumstances change?
What do you think the evolutionary reason is for humans basing so many of their choices on emotions?
When was the last time you cried?
What values are important in your life? Were they imparted to you by your parents? If not, from where did they come?
What would cause you to end a relationship? Would you be able to forgive and forget and renew the relationship?
List the top five qualities that you adore most about your partner. Take a minute to guess what is on the other spouse’s list.
If your family and friends were asked to describe you, who would provide the most accurate description? What do you think they would say?
If you could have a super-power, which one would you choose and why?
Where have you lived, for how long, and how old were you when you moved from each place? Which was your favorite?
What makes people believe absurd conspiracy theories?
Should governments make laws to protect people from hurting themselves?
How important are morals in a healthy society? What are the most important morals for citizens to have?
What do you think about the singularity? The idea that eventually artificial intelligence will advance to the point where computers are more intelligent than humans.
Do animals experience emotions? If so, do they experience emotions in the same way humans do? If not, how do they experience the world and what dictates their behavior?
Why are there so many people who are lonely? Why is it so hard for people to make real connections when almost everyone wants to make real connections?
How can we know if how we perceive colors is how others perceive that color? How do we know that colors don’t look different to everyone?
Is there something your spouse would like you to change? Are you willing to make this change?
What is the furthest you have ever traveled from your home? Where did you go and how long did you stay there?
If you could go on a trip anywhere in the world with anyone, where would you go and whom would you take?
Yeah, then last 2/3rds of theseust have come from a therapist's notebook or some s**t.
Yeah, then last 2/3rds of theseust have come from a therapist's notebook or some s**t.