Hi, my name is Steve Nelson (aka Snelse) and I draw funny comics and illustrations in my spare time. I post a new drawing pretty much every single day and you can find all my work on my website or on my Instagram.
I've picked my favorite drawings I've done this year to share on here and really hope you enjoy them!
More info: Instagram | snelse.co.uk | twitter.com | Facebook
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The main goal of my illustrations is to make people laugh. And money. I’ve been writing comedy since I was 16 years old, starting as a stand-up comedian then moving on to writing for radio and TV until I eventually got my own comedy series on Audible (called The Temp). But I became frustrated with writing so many scripts and spending years and years in development to ultimately end up with them not getting produced. I wanted to start making comedy myself where I could be in control, so I turned to my first love, which is drawing. It’s extremely freeing to think up ideas, draw them and then put them out there for people to see every day.
Take A Picture
The most difficult part of creating these illustrations is trying to draw all the ideas I come up with. As conceited as it sounds, because I come from a joke-writing background, I have too many jokes and ideas and not enough time to draw them all. And working out my style took a long time and I’m still refining it now!
The Mole Tavern
Construction Error
I cover anything and everything. I’ve always written one-liners and my drawings are no different—they’re all non-sequiturs. So it all depends on what I’m most excited to draw or how I’m feeling at the time, so it may be a silly cartoon-like knight getting stuck to a magnet or a more arty illustration of punching a hole in the wall.
I would describe my style as simple, cartoony, and crude, I guess. And for my humor—dry and sarcastic jokes with a hint of the absurd.
We All Do It
Although I started up drawing a few years ago, it was when the pandemic hit that I really got stuck into it as I had all this spare time to finally focus and figure out what I wanted to do. I won’t ever stop doing it now, I love drawing and want my work to reach as many people as possible.
Shopping Baskets
I really enjoy drawing and making people laugh so that motivates me to keep creating. And the freedom of not having to be told what to do and just making what I think is funny and looks good.
If you want to start drawing, I have some tips for you. I think this applies to anything you do artistically, but just start doing it. It takes years to find your voice and style (there are exceptions) so you need to get on with it now and start creating stuff. And if you want to become even semi-decent, you need to put the hours in—there’s no way around that. Draw and/or brainstorm ideas every day and get into the habit of that so it becomes natural. If you only create when you feel like it, you won’t get a lot done. This is fine if you’re just doing it as a hobby but if you want to possibly do it as a job then you need to treat it like a job. A lot of my ideas come to me when I’m sat in a quiet room with a pad and pen. I’ve had lightbulb moments with my style while drawing on my iPad half asleep!
American Army Knife
Not accurate. Where's the AK-47? (I tend to try to turn depression into humor, but sometimes it's dark.)
2 Birds, 1 Stone
I started doing stand-up comedy when I was 18 years old. After a couple of years, I got writing work on BBC radio comedy shows Newsjack and The Show What You Wrote before writing for TV shows Watson & Oliver on BBC 2 and Off Their Rockers on ITV. I wrote dozens of original radio and TV scripts, developing them with various production companies before finally getting my own BBC radio comedy pilot called Unforeseen Circumstances. Unfortunately, it didn’t get picked up for a series. But another project called The Temp did get picked up for a series with Audible, which was released in 2019 I also did the artwork for the series. After that, I just decided I didn’t want to spend another 2 years trying to get another show made and decided to start making stuff myself. I love drawing and I love writing jokes so I combined the two. Aside from drawing funny cartoons, I also do illustrations as well, including a lot of the social assets and merch for Brighton-based indie band Nature TV and just recently did the artwork for the Warren Festival in Brighton.
Occupational Hazard
so. what if that guy uses the bees against the fencer(conspiracy theory for everything)
When I Tell People I'm Here For Them
Sheep Straighteners
Learning To Ride A Bike
Dead Sentence
Brave Knights On The Magnetic Fields
Death Metal
Panda Jam
What Did Ian Do?
Which Wire?
Shadow Fed Up
Virgin Wolf
Better Bring A Jacket
Rip Bubbles
Freak Out Your New Neighbors
Sorry, the caption should be: freak out your new neighbours! They are fake boxes
I love the slightly twisted humor here, and it reminds me of The Far Side.
Sorry, the caption for Moving Boxes should be: freak out your new neighbours! They are fake boxes haha
I love the slightly twisted humor here, and it reminds me of The Far Side.
Sorry, the caption for Moving Boxes should be: freak out your new neighbours! They are fake boxes haha