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“Has Anyone Heard Of Such Nonsense?”: Mum Is Left Dumbstruck After Daughter Gets Detention Because Her iPad Was On 93% Battery

“Has Anyone Heard Of Such Nonsense?”: Mum Is Left Dumbstruck After Daughter Gets Detention Because Her iPad Was On 93% Battery


There are many reasons why a kid is given detention at school. This form of disciplinary measure for misbehaving or violating academic conduct is nothing new, and some of you may even carry a distant memory of it.

But this recent story posted by a teacher and mom Selina who goes by @Missy_E36 on Twitter makes people question when it is appropriate to implement such punishment on students.

“My daughter was issued detention because her iPad, when she arrived at school, was 93%,” the mum tweeted asking if “anyone has heard of such nonsense”. Feeling totally flabbergasted, Selina contacted her daughter’s teacher via email to find out more about the incident.

Logically, other Twitter users felt equally confused about this unusual situation, so the thread became a heated debate ground for figuring out the truth somewhere between implementing detention on kids, school policy, and the percentage on an iPad battery.


    Image credits: Missy_E36

    Image credits: Missy_E36


    Image credits: Missy_E36

    Image credits: Missy_E36

    To find out more about this situation, Bored Panda reached out to the mom of a daughter who got detention for arriving at school with 93% battery on her iPad. The woman said that she was puzzled as to why her daughter was given detention for something so trivial.

    “Nothing like this had happened before to her or my other daughter who completed her school leaver exams recently. I’m a teacher myself and even I wouldn’t have dreamt of issuing detention for something so minor – regardless of the expectation,” the mom who’s a teacher herself told us.

    Moreover, her daughter told her that the teacher went around saying those were the rules, yet other pupils in other classes were getting away with it.

    The woman has since heard back from the school, but she wouldn’t like to go into detail about exactly what was said. She said that “they explained they ‘systematically tested the iPad charge’” and added that “their response in no way clarified their position or reasoning for issuing detentions and inducing unnecessary fear in the pupils.”


    According to the mom, there is absolutely no reasonable grounds for these detentions or why they expected iPads to be charged to at least 97%. “Yes, the pupils use the iPads during their learning but I know that they can work effectively for the entire day at 60%. I get that it must be frustrating if several pupils’ iPads suddenly died during the lesson but that shouldn’t mean they are punished for it in such an archaic way. It seems arbitrary,” she told Bored Panda.

    Many people felt equally flabbergasted about this whole situation

    Image credits: Missy_E36

    Image credits: Missy_E36

    Image credits: Missy_E36


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    Image credits: AveragelyDull

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    Image credits: Mr_Minchin

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    Image credits: branewurms

     However, some people argued that the controversial school rule made sense

    Image credits: athomasson11

    Image credits: stepduck1


    Image credits: thomasmperez

    Image credits: MazFee

    Image credits: greekTrishgalan

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    Liucija Adomaite

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    Liucija Adomaite

    Liucija Adomaite

    Writer, Community member

    Liucija Adomaite is a creative mind with years of experience in copywriting. She has a dynamic set of experiences from advertising, academia, and journalism. This time, she has set out on a journey to investigate the ways in which we communicate ideas on a large scale. Her current mission is to find a magic formula for how to make ideas, news, and other such things spread like a virus.

    Kotryna Br

    Kotryna Br

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    Kotryna Br

    Kotryna Br

    Author, BoredPanda staff

    Kotryna is a Photo Editor at Bored Panda with a BA in Graphic Design. Before Bored Panda, she worked as a freelance graphic designer and illiustrator. When not editing, she enjoys working with clay, drawing, playing board games and drinking good tea.

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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That there are actual AH that defend the detention is the most amazing part. How ignorant and stupid can people be?

    Kathryn Baylis
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To those saying children sometimes don’t charge devices to get out of doing work, and those saying it’s a lesson in having your equipment ready to work, neither of those scenarios are the case here. The child DID have her device charged. And it was sitting at 93%. At that percentage, you can get hours of work done. 4 extra % points won’t make any difference. Now, either of your points might apply had the child arrived with her iPad at 50% or lower. But, as several IT specialists have commented, it may have been at 100% when she unplugged it and put it in her school bag right before leaving the house, but lost 7% charge by the time she got to school. This is a school that has become rather draconian with its rules, and needs to get over itself and make sure kids can charge electronics when they need to—-and have a selection of chargers for them to borrow if they forget their own. Cripes, these are kids, ffs. Let them be kids while they can, and cut the a break for not being perfect.

    Lily Francis
    Community Member
    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And kids don't usually do those things on purpose, it's usually because they forget to charge them, just like we adults do sometimes, because we have so much going on. Quite frankly kids really aren't that conniving or smart. ( I'm not saying they're stupid either). They just forget.

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    Anna Johnston
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a feeling the people who defended the ipad rule have some connection with the school's faculty and are coming to their defense. Also, could be fake accounts that are actually the faculty members trying to defend their actions lol.

    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unless it's a brand new account or few posts or something, seems unlikely to be a fake, I can't imagine the average faculty for school to be going on an alt account to post all the time. First, could be, but I don't put it past some people to believe that without a connection needed

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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That there are actual AH that defend the detention is the most amazing part. How ignorant and stupid can people be?

    Kathryn Baylis
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To those saying children sometimes don’t charge devices to get out of doing work, and those saying it’s a lesson in having your equipment ready to work, neither of those scenarios are the case here. The child DID have her device charged. And it was sitting at 93%. At that percentage, you can get hours of work done. 4 extra % points won’t make any difference. Now, either of your points might apply had the child arrived with her iPad at 50% or lower. But, as several IT specialists have commented, it may have been at 100% when she unplugged it and put it in her school bag right before leaving the house, but lost 7% charge by the time she got to school. This is a school that has become rather draconian with its rules, and needs to get over itself and make sure kids can charge electronics when they need to—-and have a selection of chargers for them to borrow if they forget their own. Cripes, these are kids, ffs. Let them be kids while they can, and cut the a break for not being perfect.

    Lily Francis
    Community Member
    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And kids don't usually do those things on purpose, it's usually because they forget to charge them, just like we adults do sometimes, because we have so much going on. Quite frankly kids really aren't that conniving or smart. ( I'm not saying they're stupid either). They just forget.

    Load More Replies...
    Anna Johnston
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a feeling the people who defended the ipad rule have some connection with the school's faculty and are coming to their defense. Also, could be fake accounts that are actually the faculty members trying to defend their actions lol.

    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unless it's a brand new account or few posts or something, seems unlikely to be a fake, I can't imagine the average faculty for school to be going on an alt account to post all the time. First, could be, but I don't put it past some people to believe that without a connection needed

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