Wholesome Story Of A Dad Taking His Daughter’s Favorite Toy To Work After She Left It In The Car
Do you remember favorite childhood toy? Mine was an orange mouse named Chester and he had massive ears that were perfect for listening to all my stories. Whenever he had to be washed, my mum would tell me he was going on an underwater mission. Now, as a grown up, I realize how that it was my mum’s efforts that made Chester so special. Parents create magic for their kids and this Reddit user proved that by taking adorable photos of his daughter’s favorite toy helping him out at work.
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Sometimes toys do come alive and have extraordinary adventures
This Reddit user shared a story about a very unusual work day he and his new colleague Sheepy had
Image credits: KimAndersson
Sheepy helped to pack morning tea
Image credits: KimAndersson
Dutifully packed lunches with extra care and love
Lighted the fire (under a proper supervision!)
Image credits: KimAndersson
Children view the world differently than grown ups. Adults have problem leaving their favorite things at home while to the little ones it can seem like the end of the world. Toys become their comfort objects, that help them relax, gain independence and share experiences and adventure together. No wonder kids insist on bringing their toys everywhere!
Carefully prepped the medication according to instructions
And dished out dinner at the end of the work day
Image credits: KimAndersson
Childhood is such a short and wonderful period of time when days seem to last forever, chocolate tastes better and the world is filled with wonders. When we grow up we forget scrapped knees, monsters under the bed disappear and the magic fades, but every time we look back at our childhood toys, the heart gets filled with love and nostalgia. Today, this Reddit’s daughter is little girl who was worried about her favorite feeling lonely. Soon, she will be a grown up woman who will look at these pictures fondly and remember her dad’s love.
Share a happy memory of your favorite childhood toy in the comments.
Sheepy proved to be very popular among reddit comments
I did the same thing when my youngest granddaughter accidently left one of her "friends" behind after a sleepover. I photographed her pink kitty eating a tiny pancake, taking a nap, helping with chores, reading "Harold and the Purple Crayon, and playing hide and seek. She loved it! Actually, so did I - planning the series of photos, texting them to her mom's phone, and knowing that she enjoyed seeing them.
Oh I love this so, so much. One of my friends recently tried to do the same with her kiddo's Woof-Woof. Woof-Woof, though, had his own ideas and took selfies with the "big humans" and provided running commentary on their day together.
I did the same thing when my youngest granddaughter accidently left one of her "friends" behind after a sleepover. I photographed her pink kitty eating a tiny pancake, taking a nap, helping with chores, reading "Harold and the Purple Crayon, and playing hide and seek. She loved it! Actually, so did I - planning the series of photos, texting them to her mom's phone, and knowing that she enjoyed seeing them.
Oh I love this so, so much. One of my friends recently tried to do the same with her kiddo's Woof-Woof. Woof-Woof, though, had his own ideas and took selfies with the "big humans" and provided running commentary on their day together.