Daughter Comes Out To Dad While Chatting With Him And People Love His Reaction
Interview With AuthorFor the first time, we know that some 1.3 million kids, or roughly 8% of all high school students in America, report being lesbian, gay, or bisexual. But coming out to your friends and family members, especially when you’re at a vulnerable age, is never easy.
Luckily, some parents are more than happy to accept their kids’ sexuality as long as they obey “don’t date a jerk.” This is precisely what one anonymous dad said when he found out his daughter is a lesbian after she joined GSA. “You joined Girl Scouts Of America?” asked the dad and initiated the chat only to find out it refers to the “Gender-Sexuality Alliance” organization.
The conversation soon turned into a debate on cookie preferences, and the coconut ones turn out to be the only thing this awesome dad can’t tolerate. Read their full chat down below in what seems to be one of these heart-warming things we really need these days.
The daughter came out as a lesbian to her dad via this chat which he posted on Imgur
Bored Panda reached out to the dad who had this wholesome chat with his daughter, who said that his concern was making sure that “she’d understand that in the big scheme of things, whom she chooses to love is of such little importance to us that it’s a lower priority than coconut cookies.”
When asked if he knew his daughter was lesbian, the dad said that “I normally answer that there were clues. You know… coconut water, almond joy…. I didn’t know for certain, but I cared so little about it that I didn’t ponder it too much.”
He also explained that he “never knows what I’m going to say” when asked if he had in mind what he would say to his daughter. “I was well aware of what GSA was before I started this conversation. I was also aware that regardless of how close she and I are, that she had some trepidation in telling me.”
But there was a twist in the story
Image credits: SunofAbyss
However, some of the stories in the comment section really stuck to him. “Society has for so long indoctrinated us as to what is and what is not acceptable, that it’s a struggle for some parents.”
The dad concluded that his job as a parent is to “raise her to be a good person in a safe environment. It isn’t my job to choose whom she likes or whether or not she likes coconuts.”
“I think that’s why the analogy struck with so many people. An argument about coconuts was as inane as an argument about whom someone chooses to spend the rest of their lives with.”
And people praised dad’s parenting skills in the comments
Coming out as a child, teenager, or young adult is one of the most nerve-wracking things you go through in your life. The fear of rejection sometimes becomes stronger with the urge to tell your friends and family about your sexuality. As a result, many LGBTQ kids find themselves alone and struggling with mental health at a very young age.
The 2020 national survey on LGBTQ youth’s mental health surveyed over 40,000 LGBTQ youth ages 13-24 across the United States. The results showed that a staggering 68% of LGBTQ youth had symptoms of anxiety disorder in the past two weeks.
The findings revealed the scope of the public health crisis where suicide has been “consistently the second leading cause of death among young people, and continues to disproportionately impact LGBTQ youth.”
Showing support for LGBTQ youth is crucial and makes a huge impact on a person in a mental crisis. Please see The Trevor Lifeline for youth in need of immediate support, which can be life-saving.
I love their relationship so much!!! Seems like a healthy loving family 💜
They seem awesome. Wish my parents reacted the same way. When I came out I got disowned and thrown out of the house. Her dad seems like a blast!
Load More Replies...This was just so adorable and heart warming. Sounds like they have a wonderful relationship.
This was a nice heart warming conversation to read. I hope I can become an understanding dad like him. And I'm with the dad on the coconut cookies (I grew up eating coconut all my life in every meal, and I love it. But cookies is where I draw the line.. ) :-)
How dare you! Coconut cookies are delicious. I was about to downvote you for some reason, but then I realized you don't downvote people just because they have a bad taste in cookies.
Load More Replies...I love their relationship so much!!! Seems like a healthy loving family 💜
They seem awesome. Wish my parents reacted the same way. When I came out I got disowned and thrown out of the house. Her dad seems like a blast!
Load More Replies...This was just so adorable and heart warming. Sounds like they have a wonderful relationship.
This was a nice heart warming conversation to read. I hope I can become an understanding dad like him. And I'm with the dad on the coconut cookies (I grew up eating coconut all my life in every meal, and I love it. But cookies is where I draw the line.. ) :-)
How dare you! Coconut cookies are delicious. I was about to downvote you for some reason, but then I realized you don't downvote people just because they have a bad taste in cookies.
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