40 Times Bumble Conversations Took Such An Unexpected Turn, People Had To Share Them On This Online Group
Online dating is like navigating a minefield without a metal detector. Sure, it's possible to beat it. But the chances of you making it to the other side in one piece are slim.
To illustrate just how chaotic this journey can be, we at Bored Panda decided to take a deep dive into the subreddit r/Bumble.
As you probably can guess, its members share content that comes from the app of the same name. Good and bad. Some hit it off with a complete stranger in just a few messages while others click 'Unmatch' even faster.
Continue scrolling to check out some of the most surprising posts we found on the subreddit!
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Google? No, Bing
A dating app’s success arguably hinges more on its cultural presence than its underlying technology, and nothing took over the culture like Tinder, however, your own personal background, like your gender, also greatly colors your online dating experience. So, if you're a woman, Bumble may be the superior option for you.
I mean, there will always be guys who message them using some kind of sexually explicit language that they think is hilarious and will 100% get them laid, but the clear difference between Bumble and the before-mentioned Tinder is that women must send the first message within 24 hours of matching. This is to minimize those creepy messages from dudes and allow the ladies to come up with fun pickup lines.
Funniest Thing I Read Today
A Legend Was Born
That’s How Ya Do It Folks
When people tell me they like my name… “thanks. My parents gave it to me.”
For our earlier publication on awesome Tinder profiles, dating coach Hayley Quinn said that being unique is highly important in the world of online dating.
"With so much choice it's too easy for people to become banner blind and not realize what an amazing option you are," she said. "In terms of quick fixes make sure your profile is a cliche free zone ('looking for my partner in crime...') and that you always state things specifically rather than generally."
"For example, saying, 'I like to travel,' is nowhere near as attention-grabbing as, 'already googling my first post lockdown trip to Thailand. (Sidenote: do you like Thai food?)' Finally, ensure you write your profiles in a way that's conversational and informal: a fun hack to help you with this is to dictate your profile first, to get more of your personality into it."
I Have Never Used A Dating App Nor Have I Ever Dated Anyone. Am I Doing This Right
Had A Good Date And Got This Lovely Message From Him After - Two Months Later He Still Sends Messages Like This After Dates
Guess I’m Not Spontaneous Enough Lol
Of course, nobody is safe here from running into a weirdo, but that shouldn't discourage you from swiping.
With so many dating websites and apps out there, it has become normal to use them for meeting someone new—there are about 40 million Americans who do so. And even though eHarmony claims that 27% of young adults are using online dating sites (which is up 10% from 2013), new findings suggest it's neither better nor worse than getting to know a person in real life. At least in terms of success rate.
One study, published in the journal Psychological Science, claims it's actually impossible to figure out whether or not people who have the same values and character traits will fall in love. "Attraction for a particular person may be difficult or impossible to predict before two people have actually met," Samantha Joel, a University of Utah psychology professor and lead author, said in a press release.
"A relationship is more than the sum of its parts. There is a shared experience that happens when you meet someone that can’t be predicted beforehand," Joel said
So who cares if it happens on Bumble or Tinder?
This Is The Nicest Thing Anyone’s Ever Said To Me
Think I Scared Her Off?
Fastest Relationship To Date
This Belongs Here Too
I’m Just Being Honest
May Have Saved A Life Today
2020 Date Ideas Are Getting Out Of Hand
First! Actually Juliet killed herself with a knife or dagger, not a sword. I know. Pedantic. What can I say?
She Still Hasn’t Responded
I Think I’ve Peaked
Hope For The Best, Plan For The Worst
Omfg, I love that I'm not the only person who loves murder shows!!!!!
He Unmatched
Bumble Community, I Need Your Help!
I Don't Think I'm Being Unreasonable Here, What Do You Guys Think?
Thoughtful Exit, Can’t Even Be Mad
It Is Nice When They Come Straight Out And Tell Out And Tell You They Are Crazy In The Opening Message
"Too Much?"
It Did Make Me Laugh. So Shout Out To Kena
Maybe This One Was A Little Too Much
I'm 5'4" Dude And I Put That In My Profile. Short Dudes You Still Got A Chance
Well All I Can Say Is I Tried My Best
The Best Irony Is That He Is Thirty
This Isn’t Even A Roast She Straight Up Assaulted Me
That's not a roast, that's an analysis. A roast is supposed to be funny, but she just tore him down :-/
I’m Sure That’s What He Meant
You can see in their eyes how they look to their carer... must be a nice person
May You Have Much Fortune In The Future
I Was Immediately Unmatched. Shame, She Seemed Fun
He Unmatched Me But It Was Worth It
The Perfect Person Doesn't Exi--
Got Unmatched
Hahahahaha this is amazing. I love the "I'll fill this out later" b******t too.
Tried Using A Fun Conversation Starter
I met my bf on Bumble 2 years ago. Before him, I matched them was ghosted only to rematch with a guy named Chad. I went on 1/2 a date with him… it ended early- his name fits him. (The ghosting should have been a clue). Fast forward to now and I find out Chad now works for the company I just started at. Thankfully in a different department.
I met my bf on Bumble 2 years ago. Before him, I matched them was ghosted only to rematch with a guy named Chad. I went on 1/2 a date with him… it ended early- his name fits him. (The ghosting should have been a clue). Fast forward to now and I find out Chad now works for the company I just started at. Thankfully in a different department.