Not only are kids funny and witty, but it turns out that they can communicate with spirits and come up with the scariest stories ever. Don’t believe it? Then we have a full list of the creepy things kids say prepared for you! 

Many theories show that kids can really see ghosts because they don't have the social norms and life limitations fully ‘installed’ into them. Whether it’s true or not, these not-so-funny and often creepy kids in the list below have conjured up ghost stories that no adult could come up with.

Image credits: Zachary Kadolph

Compiled by Bored Panda, this collection of creepy things kids say is sure to freak you out. From kids who love their parents so much that they want to cut off their heads and carry them around to children who can see invisible things lurking in the darkest corners of the house, you’ll never look at your scary kids in the same way again.

Kids say the darndest things, and there’s no better proof than these real stories. So go ahead, scroll through these entries featuring creepy things kids say, and upvote the ones that gave you chills!


A Special Friend

A Special Friend I was with my sister, her husband, and their two year old daughter. We were talking about loved ones that had recently passed (my father had died sometime recently). My brother in law went and grabbed a picture of his mother, who had died in a car crash when he was six, to show me.
When my niece saw the picture though she started laughing. We asked her what was so funny and she looked at us and said "that's my special friend who sings to me".
I still shiver a bit just thinking about it.

KaiserXI Report


    Behind You!

    "Go back to sleep, there isn't anything under your bed".
    "He is behind you now".
    Still haven't gotten over that one and shiver at the memory.

    ToastedCheesee Report


    Long Lost Brother

    Walking past an old cemetery, my (then) 3-year-old son casually said, "My brother is in there." When I reminded him that he didn't have a brother, he said, "No, Mama... from before. When the other lady was my mommy."

    Belinda Jamison Report


    Why Do Kids Say Creepy Things? 

    Kids have so many things to learn before they’re ready for the adult world, and that includes learning the difference between what’s real and what’s not. While it may seem like that creepy kid next door is communicating with spirits preaching doomsday, in reality, the kid might’ve seen, heard, or dreamt about it and may not yet grasp the distinction between reality and fantasy. Kids start to distinguish it only between the ages of three to five, and that’s more than enough time to accumulate quite a few creepy things to say. 

    Another thing kids have to do when growing up is to build their emotional intelligence. Little kids, as a given, don’t understand complex relationships or emotions and have to learn them through play and stories. All those scary children’s books aren’t just for creeping them out; they also serve as lessons about emotions and feelings. And while adults view them as scary, for kids, it serves as something to build their emotional baggage—the good kind—with.


    This Time It's Good Bye

    This Time It's Good Bye I was tucking in my two year old. He said "Good bye dad". I said, "No, we say good night". He said "I know. But this time its good bye"
    Had to check on him a few times to make sure he was still here.

    UnfortunateBirthMark Report


    The Big Guys

    My sister got hit by a drunk driver in April and it totalled her car. She had my 4 year old nephew and my infant niece with her. When my mom arrived at the hospital my nephew asked her if he would thank the big guys. What big guys Kaiden? Grammy, the big guys that were in the car with me when it got loud and scary and they hugged me with their arms and kept me safe. Even the insurance adjuster cannot explain how either child escaped with not a scratch.

    Amanda Hawkins Report


    Little Brother Sick

    When my cousin was 2 years old or so, her mom got pregnant again. One day she went to hug her mom's belly and said "little brother sick".
    A few days later she had a miscarriage...

    JuWhi Report

    Why Do Kids Like Scary Things? 

    What do you feel when watching a good horror movie? Besides fear, you might be experiencing a good adrenaline rush, and that’s what kids get out of it, too. However, a scary story or a movie might also be a great medium for kids to explore their feelings of fear in a safe and manageable way. Lastly, kids might be drawn to these scary things purely because of curiosity and a wish to learn what’s all the fuss about. 


    Do you remember watching scary movies or reading horrific stories when you were a kid? Or maybe you were one of those creepy kids who always had disturbing things to say? Share your stories with us in the comments!


    I Used To Do That

    I Used To Do That When my son was small, I was talking to him about growing potatoes. I described how you bank up the earth around them as they grow, and he said "I used to do that when I was an old man".

    cheeselet Report

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    Caroline Meredith
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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Both my kids have spoken of past lives... My daughter aged 3 told me in graphic detail how to conduct a post mortem... " I know what I'm talking about... I did it for 20 years"

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    They Tried

    Getting my two and a half year old daughter out of the bath one night, my wife and I were briefing her on how important it was she kept her privates clean. She casually replied "Oh, nobody 'scroofs' me there. They tried one night. They kicked the door in and tried but I fought back. I died and now I'm here." She said this like it was nothing.

    utcursch Report

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    Sarah van Oost
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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't buy it, a 2,5 year old doesn't have that kind of vocabulary 🤔

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    Bad Man

    Why are you crying?
    "Bad man"
    What bad man?
    "There." Points behind me at a dark corner of the room.
    Lamp on bookshelf next to said darkened corner falls off as soon as I turn to look.
    She slept in our bed that night.

    falicor Report


    It's A Monster

    It's A Monster My 3 year old daughter stood next to her new born brother and looked at him for awhile then turned and looked at me and said, "Daddy its a monster... we should bury it."

    Like_I_was_sayin Report

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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I read a joke(from a joke book, its dark humorish) if I remember correctly a baby is born and the mother says “Its a treasure” and the dad says “Then lets go bury it.” That dark humorish joke just comes to mind. 0.o

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    A Bad Accident

    My mother was babysitting my daughter while I was at a doctor’s appointment and said: “Oh no, Grandma. Mama’s not coming any more today. She was in a bad, bad accident. She can’t come get us.” I had indeed been in an accident that almost killed me at that exact time. None of my family had yet been notified.

    betsyw415 Report


    95th Birthday

    My sister, Hailey, was born exactly two months after our great-grandmother died. One day Hailey woke up and informed us it was her 95th birthday. When we tried to reason with her she started crying, saying that her real name was Irene (my granny’s name), not Hailey. This lasted all day, and the next day she didn’t remember anything.

    paigem450 Report


    Spooky Whispers

    I was sound asleep, and at around 6am I was woken up by my 4 year old daughters face inches from mine. She looked right into my eyes and whispered, "I want to peel all your skin off".
    The backstory here is I had been sunburned the previous week, and was starting to peel. In my sleep addled state however, it was pretty terrifying for a few seconds. I didn't know if I was dreaming, or what was going on.

    psalm_69 Report


    A Baby In Your Belly

    My 4 year old son and I were waiting for our food at Panera. While we stood there, he started rubbing my belly and talking to it. I asked him what he was doing; he said that he was talking to the baby. I informed him that I was not pregnant. And he said "there IS a baby in your belly...I just saw it crawl across the floor and climb up into you".


    Meghan Ellsworth Report


    The Matrix

    The Matrix “Just today, my 4-year-old son told me, ‘I think we live in a pretend world and someone is playing with us.’ I asked him what he meant, and it got even weirder: ‘Well, it seems like someone does things to us, but we can’t see them because we are in this world and they are not."

    Antony Chen Report


    Imaginary Friend

    My 4 year old has an imaginary friend named John. He's had him for a while, but a few months ago he came to me, completely serious and said, "Big John said he loves you." and then walked away. Now he has always referred to him as his Buddy John. Foe example, " My buddy John and I...."
    My grandfather's name was John and everyone used to call him Big John. He passed away when I was 6 years old. We lived with him at the time of his passing and he was such a huge part of my life. I have never referred to him as Big John or even John when speaking about him, always just grandpa.

    Christina Beverly Report

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    Rajani Sarasan
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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Idk how parents can be OK with imaginary friends... If my kid said that I'd probably call an exorcist!

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    A Broken Arm

    My sister described her “imaginary” friend, saying: “He sits on my bed and waits for his mom. He’s not allowed to go home by himself because of his arm.” I asked what happened to his arm, and she said: “His mom ran him over when he was drawing with chalk. That’s why he’s always crying, because he doesn’t like being dead.”

    amandas4 Report


    I Hope I Don't Die Again

    I Hope I Don't Die Again My 5 year old asked me when he is going to be 23- I told him in 18 years- he replied- well, I hope don't die again- cause that's how old I was the last time I went to heaven.

    Laura Winters Jelen Report


    Talking Painting

    My family has recently moved to a new home in a new country. It was a well-furnished apartment, and in our bedroom was a painting that looked like hair free-flowing in the air. It wasn’t a pleasant or soothing painting, but I was trying to make peace with it. My son was 2½ years old then. One day I was settling him down for an afternoon nap in my bedroom, when he said, ‘I don’t wanna sleep in this room.’ I asked him why, and he said, ‘This painting looks at me and tries to talk to me, and I don’t like it.’”

    Richa Vyas Report

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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Welp I’m not sleeping tonight. (Yes I meant to use the word “welp”)

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    Seeing People

    On my way from work, my 3 year old daughter in the back seat, we'd pass a very old cemetery every day. She used to tell me the people in there were waving to her. I would tell her there was nobody there, and I explained what a cemetery was. She was ADAMANT she saw people, and a school, and a store, and they'd wave to her. This went on for several months, and every day she'd tell me. I was telling this to a co-worker who lived in the area, and was a history buff. He then researched the cemetery, and told me the area was actually the site of where soldiers fought in the war, and they were buried there. They also made a very tiny town for a small time, Samptown, and there was a school, and a little store, and some people lived there. If that wasn't enough to freak me out, one day driving past my daughter told me a lady "in there" wanted her to come in. I found a different route home after that.

    Michele Lynn Report


    A Death Prophecy

    My mom told me that when I was a kid, around the age of 4, I would go to my great-grandmother everyday to spend some time with her, and everytime I was going home, I would say to her (as a good reigious child I was): "God be with you", but one time, when I was leaving, I told her: "Go with god". Acording to my mom, she (my mom) correct me, but I insist in saying "Go with god".
    That night, my great-grandmother died.


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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I guess that children (and animals) might as well have hidden abilities based on very closed observation.

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    I Met Your Babies

    I Met Your Babies I have had multiple miscarriages.
    My daughter: I met your babies that died, in my dream. They want you to know that you're a good mom.

    Kasey Marie Report


    The Dead Baby

    My daughter was three, and I was getting her ready for the day. She had been waking up with nightmares almost every night for a month or two. I asked what she wanted for breakfast, and she told me she wanted to share it with the dead baby in her closet. I thought she meant one of her dolls, but when I pulled them out, she said "no, not a doll, the dead one that sleeps on the closet floor at night."

    Lexie Keaveny Report


    Car Crash

    We were driving down a dark, snowy highway late one evening - final stretch of a 16- hour-long road trip. My son, who was around 4 or 5 at the time, was in the back seat and becoming a bit restless. He suddenly covered his face with a blanket and announced loudly, "I don't want to get glass on my face!" A few moments later, a pick-up truck towing some snowmobiles pulled out in front of a tractor trailer a few cars in front of us and got hit, spinning out into the median. Fortunately, we avoided.

    lori1119 Report

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    Leanne Leanne
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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I remember when my dad made chicken for dinner once, he took the galss casserole-type dish out of the over and placed it on the stove. The stove must have been too cold for some reason because the dish shattered. Thing is, I swear I saw my dad jump back before it broke.

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    Making Crosses

    When I was about 3 we had a cat that had still born kittens. I asked my father if we could make crosses for them, which he did. As he was making them I asked: "aren't those too small?",
    Dad: "What do you Mean?"
    Me: "aren't we going to nail them to them?"
    Dad: (after several moments silence) "we're not going to do that"
    Me: "oh"

    Tom_Zarek Report

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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "but we are seeing a man nailed on a cross every sunday!"

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    Scary Flight

    “On a flight with my son, the plane took off and hit a couple bumps. The passengers were being somewhat quiet when my son yelled, ‘WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!"

    Mike Sessions Report


    The Lady In The Bedroom

    The Lady In The Bedroom My 3-year-old son was softly singing while he was coloring. I stopped to listen, but I had never heard the song before. I asked where he learned it, and he said: “The lady in my bedroom sang it to me.”

    bkaytay8 Report


    Right Next To You

    Not creepy, but sad. My best friend died and I was trying to get back to my hometown for the funeral. I got overwhelmed with grief and laid my head down on my desk and started crying. My daughter came into the kitchen and asked me what was wrong (she was 8 at the time). I told her I was so sad because my friend died and I was missing her so much. My kiddo said, "don't be so sad, mommy, she's standing right next to you!" I still get goosebumps just thinking about it!

    Mary Hungerford Harvey Report

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    Roberta Scheer
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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    maybe she heard someone saying that our loved ones are always with us

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    The Man In The Wardrobe

    When I was about 4, my mom found me in the bathroom with all my Barbies, making them float facedown in the bath. When she asked what I was doing, I replied: “The man in the wardrobe told me if I didn’t do it, it would be my turn to swim facedown.”

    hazelc49 Report


    Breaking The News

    My step dad passed away, and my nephew had to stay at my moms for the night while they dealt with things and they were struggling on how to tell him about his grandfather's passing. In the morning they broke the news to him, but he already knew. Said paw paw and his war buddies, he named them, were in there teaching him how to play poker cuz he was all alone. The kid will clear a poker table to this day.

    Shaun Blanchard Report


    The Other Family

    “My 6-year old came home from school one day, bursting through the door with tears streaming down her face. ‘I miss my other family,’ she said. ‘What other family?’ I asked, thinking she may have been talking about her grandparents, or other friends or relatives. ‘My alien robot family,’ she explained, continuing to explain that she lived with them in the sky before she came into my tummy. She chose to come down because she was angry with them, and chose our family, but now she missed them and wanted to go back for a visit.”

    Rachel Greenwood Report


    Take Grandma

    Take Grandma A huge thunder storm one night my son about four at the time put his hands on the sliding glass doors and says " oh god don't take me I'm too young to die, (looks back at my mom) take gramma she is old!"

    Ashley Myers Report


    You'll Die

    Last year my daughter kept crying and telling me I was going to die at 33 like my dad. I never told her or remember telling anyone while she was around that my dad died when he was 33.
    Well... I am 33 years old and I have to say I have been living carefully this year. Hoping to make it until next month when I turn 34.

    Patricia Clissia Lanzaro Report


    A Nice Ghost

    “The other week, I was reading my 2-year-old daughter a bedtime story. When we finished, we were talking about been scared of ghosts, monsters, trolls, etc. and she turned to me and said, ‘Daddy, I’m not scared of ghosts.’ I asked, ‘Why’s that?’ to which she replied, ‘Because the one that comes into my room at night and strokes my hair is a nice one.’”

    Chris Griffin Report


    A Dying Tree

    A Dying Tree When I was really little I pointed to a tree outside my house and said to my family: “That tree is going to die.” No one thought anything of it, but the next morning it randomly fell over and crushed my grandpa’s car.

    j40518 Report

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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Seems like grandpa would have like to been told that his car was going to be crushed.

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    I'm Gonna Drive Over You

    My 6 year old daughter in the passenger seat a few days ago looked at me and said "Dad. When I'm seven I'm going to kill you. No wait when I'm eight". I had to ask so "How are you going to do that?". She smiled and said "I'm gonna drive over your head with this car".

    scarystrangle Report

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    Cesi Baca
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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That might have been a teachable moment there don't ya think. Six years old is plenty old enough to tell a child that is wrong and we don't say things like that to anyone ever.

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    Red-Eyed Man

    We were on our way home to Alabama from Texas and my son was in the backseat and he said "mommy, who's the man in the backseat with me?"
    It was just us two. No one else with us (that I could see). I asked him to describe him and he said "he's just black with red eyes. He's scaring me."
    So, I pulled over and out his seat in the front with me and he said the man looked like he wanted to eat me when I moved him.
    So there's that.

    Angel Michael Report


    I Didn't Choose

    My son always says odd things. Usually they're funny but this one threw me for a loop.
    He is 8. I was telling him how much I love him and thanks for being in my life. He said. I didn't choose this life. I couldn't control how it began. But I can control how it ends.

    ravenlily Report


    The Storm Is Coming

    The Storm Is Coming My niece drew a picture "of a man in her room" that she kept telling her parents about. He had two different colored eyes, and one was gray. When asked why it was gray, she responded "because he can see the storm coming."

    herobotic Report


    The Dreamer In The Dream

    My 6-year-old nephew told my brother that everyone on Earth was a figment of "Jonah's" imagination and that when "Jonah" wakes up, we'll all disappear. When asked who Jonah is, he replied VERBATIM: "he's the one who sleeps. The dreamer in the dream." Made my skin crawl the first time he told me.

    jeeb00 Report


    Baby Brother 101

    "So I shouldn't throw him in the fire?"
    3 year old daughter holding her baby brother for the first time.

    olafthebent Report

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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    D: Ummmmmmmmmmmmm........ Keep that baby far away from that girl until she learns how not to have the assumption of throwing her baby brother into a fire...

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    I Was An Angel

    My youngest now 5 started talking super early; like full sentence talking, everyone was shocked by how well he talked for his age.(3 older siblings) So at a year in a half he would tell me he begged God to let me be his mommy. He would says things like "I was an angel in heaven" and "I had another mommy but I wanted you", "I'm so glad God let you be my mommy". We weren't super religious at the time and I just hadn't found a church so it was really random to hear him talk about God, heaven and Angels especially before my other kids actually leaned about religion.

    Shy Bujcs Report


    Mom, I Know

    I had just took a pregnancy test that came up positive confirming I was pregnant with our 4th baby. I was pretty freaked out and a little surprised and had to keep a straight face because we had company at the time and my husband didn't even know I was taking it. I leave the bathroom and sit on the couch. My oldest son (barely 5 years old at the time) comes over to me acting giddy and goofy and as soon as everyone is out of the living room says to me in a whisper voice "Mom, I know". Me, having not said a single thing about it didn't know what he was referring to. "Know what?" I say back with a smile, thinking he's just being goofy. "That there's a baby in your belly!" He whispers with a huge grin and runs off.
    I felt like I had seen a ghost! To this day I have no clue how he could have known that when I myself had just found out minutes before! When I asked him later how he knew, he responded "I just knew!".

    Kari Eoff Report


    All By Myself

    When my youngest daughter was about 2-3 we were just talking and she said "I died all by myself" I asked her why she was talking about. She said "not when you was my mommy, when I lived with my old mommy. She had brown skin and so did I. The spider bit me and I died all by myself!" She is deathly afraid of spiders still and she is almost 13!!

    Natasha Smith Report

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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's so mysterious and amazing how these children know such things...

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    Delicious Dinner

    Delicious Dinner My four year old son said, "Daddy, I want to drill into your tummy, crawl inside and eat your dinner." The food was ok but I didn't think it was worth that much effort.

    yogsoghoth Report


    A Long Time Ago

    A little neighbor kid I use to babysit was quietly playing with his toys when, without looking up, he says to me, "you look so different now." I had to ask him what he meant. "You mean how different I look with makeup?" And he said, "no, a long long time ago. A LONG long time ago." He seemed frustrated, like he couldn't find the right words. He then looked up, studied my face and said, "well, not that different. You're still pretty."
    It was the strangest compliment I've ever received.

    Summer Burgess Report


    Sure Thing

    “My daughter and I were reading on the couch one Sunday morning. It was raining outside. We were wrapped up warm in a blanket. She had a cup of tea. I had that perfect Americano. Life was good. My daughter looked up at me and said, ‘Dad, when you die can I cut you open and look inside?’ I choked a bit on my coffee. My wife simply turned around and did an about-face and walked back upstairs. ‘Sure, I said.’ She looked up at me, smiling.”

    Scott Paglia Report

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    Unwelcome guest
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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When my Aunty was studying medicine she saw her grandfathers preserved liver and lungs in some sort of anatomy library

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    Grandpa George

    Grandpa George When my son was 2 I told him to be careful when he was jumping around. He said "it's ok mom, grandpa George is watching me". My dad passed away when my son was 2 months old and we hadn't really talked about him.

    Leah Anderson Report

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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Maybe grandma mentioned him or he knew him before he was even born :).

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    Stark Reminder

    Not a parent, but a former teacher.
    I taught English in a school in Spain, and I wasn't supposed to let the kids know that I speak Spanish (so that they are forced to communicate in English). A 10-year-old girl comes up to me one day, grabs me by the hand, and says, with the most horrifying straight face ever, "Te vas a la muerte", or "you're going to die". I was so shocked at the randomness of it that my jaw must have dropped. She then laughed her head off and said, "HA! You DO speak Spanish!". She then skipped away, laughing and smiling.
    Creepiest thing a kid has ever said to me. And probably the most clever thing a kid ever did while I was a teacher.

    Whitneylamejor Report

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    Dorian Huerta Gamboa
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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In spanish "You are going to die" translates to: ""Te vas a morir". The more you know...

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    The Mighty Pen

    “My daughter’s friend’s dad, Ian, came in for a cup of tea one day when he came to pick his daughter up. My girl, Izzy, was playing with a toy sword. Ian said to her, ‘You know, Izzy, the pen is mightier than the sword.’ Izzy said, ‘I know, yeah, because you can stab someone in the neck with a pen."

    Chris Bishton Report

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    “I regularly babysit two girls, 3 and 5 years old. Both blonde with huge blue eyes and big smiles, they are the creepiest people I have ever met. Once, after I picked them up from day care, I tried to get them excited for dinner, seeing as they don’t normally eat that much when I’m there. I asked them in an overly excited voice, ‘Hey guys, what do you want for dinner?’ The eldest looks at me, runs away and hides behind a corner; sticking her head out, she whispers, ‘I want skinned babysitter."

    Alexandra Nekrassova Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My five year-old: "Mom, I need you to throw away two of my barbies."
    Me: "Why?"
    Her: "Because they looked back at me."

    Adrienne Kern Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When our dog died, without us yet having properly attempted to explain death, our then two year old said, "All her thoughts left her body".

    therealquiz Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My son (about 6) asked my mother to lay down on her stomach, then he sat on her butt and started bouncing up and down and proclaimed, "Now we're mating like reptiles!" Thanks Discovery Channel!

    hasnfefr Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I work at a summer camp and one day I was playing with this kid who was jumping off of things and onto me. I said: “Hey, be careful. If you kill me I can’t play with you anymore.” He looked me dead in the eyes and said: “No, but I can play with you.”

    katie96 Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    On the playground my daughter points to the swing next to her. "Mommy, come push my ghost friend Flossie".......Flossie was my Great Grandmother who passed before I was born.

    Jessica Norman-Craft Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My 2 year old has never met my step-grandmother who passed away a few years back. We called her Mimie.
    When I took her to my dads (they live in Mimie's old house), she played upstairs in Mimie's old craft room, I thought nothing of it.
    Then, i went home a few days later and my daughter was asking me to take her back to Papa's. I said we'd go another day... This was our convo:

    Her: papa?
    Me: yes, baby we'll go see papa soon. Later this week.
    Her: nanny? (My stepmom)
    Me: yes baby. Nanny will be there too
    Her: Pipie? (Step gpa)
    Me: yes, Pipie too.
    Her: Mimie?
    Me: who?!
    Her: Mimie! Mimie! Mimie!
    Me: are you saying Mimie?
    Her *nods frantically*
    I have never told her about Mimie and neither has any of my family.

    Sunni Petrakis Report

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    Susanna Vesna
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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Guys, you must have mentioned her at some point. Kids pick up stuff really easy.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My child would talk to the bathroom wall to her imaginary friend. When I asked who she was talking to, she said the boy from the coal mine. We had a mine shaft running next to our house. Nope. Just nope.

    Jessica Christopher Report

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    Luca Plas
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometime in the 18th century a boy must have answered this same question with "Oh, the girl from the bathroom."

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My friend's 7 year old kid pretended to put me in jail. Our conversation went something like this:
    Me: "What did I do? Forget to brush my teeth? Didn't do my homework?"
    Her: "You murdered a 23 year old woman while she was jogging in the early morning."
    Me: "...."

    adoboacrobat Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Child had woken up early so she was watching cartoons next to me in my bed while I tried to wake up.
    I'd heard a funny sound downstairs earlier that I mentally blamed on the dogs.
    Then kiddo leans over to me and remarks "Oh, there's a man in the house."
    (Never found anything, never got any further details from her.)

    effieokay Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Living just in front of a crematorium my 2 yr old ran into my room and said mommy come meet my new friend Eric in my closet he said he thinks he's dead! Turned out a 6 yr old boy had passed away a few days before that. She's been obsessed with death and ghosts ever since. Driving down the road a few months ago there were some road workers on the other side near some woods. She says mommy those men are looking for the dead body in the woods. The bad man killed him. Oddly I believed her. Sure enough someone had been found in those exact woods a few years prior to that. She's always telling me about dead people and how they died.

    Megan Robinson Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My 5 year old son, out of the clear blue sky, tells me while we're snuggling for bed time:
    Mom, when you die after the funeral I'm going to take you back home with me. I will chop off your head and shake out your guts. Then I will put it on the table by my bed so I can look at your face before I go to sleep and always remember that I really love you!
    A little serial killer-ish but it shows how deep he loves his mommy!

    Amy Dingfield Report

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    Carla Macapinlac
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh my gosh, that's so sweet, honey; but how 'bout you just keep a framed picture of me by your bed?? 😳

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My daughter, about 5 years old at the time, riding with me in my truck. A gnat, mosquito, bug of some kind is buzzing around her and bothering her, so she's complaining about it, so I told her to just swat it. She visually follows it until it's against the passenger window, and quickly smashes it with her hand.
    She then turns to me, with the strangest look in her eyes, and says "That was my first time killing something."

    pdxb3 Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When her father asked her why she had done some particularly demented thing, my friend's daughter answered, "I don't know, I'm not driving this thing. I'm just along for the ride!"

    Stephanie Ryan Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My neighbor was babysitting my daughter one day while I was at work. They were sitting in the dining room, playing with Littlest Pet Shop toys. My daughter was very into the game and asked "do you know what it feels like to die?" And my neighbor said "uh, no." My daughter asked "do you want to?" And my neighbor said "uh, no!" My daughter creepily looked at her and said "then leave. me. alone!"

    Tiffany Mayo Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my nephew was 5, he offered me a cookie. When I reached out to accept it, he pulled it away from me and told me he wasn't offering it to me, but to the person standing behind me...there was no one else there.

    Jayde Anderson Report

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    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If anyone is wondering (in the future) who took the cookie from the cookie jar the kid can just say, it was him *Points to where there is nobody*!

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    To our 3-year-old son: "What would you do if we had another baby?"
    Our son: "I'd kill it."

    runningquatro Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    This wasn't creepy for me but when my daughter was 3 she told me she had played with a dog before in her room. She said the dog was brown, tan, and white. I had to put down my husky 2 weeks before my daughter was born same exact color. She didn't know at age 3 that I had had a dog those colors.

    Kenia Santos Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    “I was out with my little puppy. A kid of about four years old came up to me, excited to pet her. His dad said ‘be gentle’ as the kid was heavily hitting her head, thinking he was stroking her nicely, as kids do. Then the kid looked at me and said, ‘If I hug it really hard, all its blood and guts will come out everywhere.’ The dad excused them both and left.”

    Sarah Khan-Varda Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My triplets once told me, "we used to hear a man talking to us in our old house but we could never find him."

    Sabrina Tellez Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My 8yr old daughter last year told me "Mom, I love you and all...but sometimes I don't think you're you."
    It completely caught me off guard. So I asked her what she meant by that followed with "of course I'm me, honey. Who else would I be?"
    "Well, sometimes I feel like my real mom was taken away and you are just a creature wearing her skin."

    Brandy Severin Report

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    Lisa Lind
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Capgras syndrome is when someone believes their family members have been replaced by impostors." I hope mommy sees this and googles it, in case it is relevant for her daughter.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My son said that Christians are obviously the worst drivers. When I asked why, he said because all you ever see are crosses on the sides of the road.

    bena-dryll07 Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Before my sister was born my mum had a miscarriage. A few years later when my sister was 3, she told my mom that January was not her real birthday. Her real birthday was in September. That's when the baby my mom lost was due. No one had told my sister about it.


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    zainab mansoor
    Community Member
    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh s**t I am totally freaked I had to read this 2 times just to understand it but hellllll

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My niece was sitting on the couch with a weird look on her face. Her mom asked her what she was thinking about, and she said, "I'm imagining the waves of blood rushing over me."

    hrhomer Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My little cousin once told me he wished he could cut off my hand so that he could hold my hand even when I wasn't there.

    coalminnow Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I was explaining to my niece the difference between things that can and can't change about people- she was confused because she'd met a set of three siblings and the eldest wasn't the tallest.
    So I told her that one day even SHE, an itty bitty four year old could be taller than me, a big huge grownup. But even if she was taller, I would always be older.
    She looked me serious as you like and says "you'll be dead sooner too."

    dukeofbun Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I woke up to find my 3-year-old son lying in bed next to me. I asked how he got in my bed, and he said he came to protect me from “the light eyes” that were standing over me while I was sleeping.

    corrine2 Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I’m a nanny for a toddler who’s still learning to talk. As we walked through our local cemetery, which is normal in our neighborhood, she pointed at the area above the graves, saying: “People! Look, people!” over and over again.

    kelseydrewh Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Driving along with my 3 year old, "it's ok mommy." me: "whats ok" "My stepmother will be nice to me, not like cinderella." "ok...what stepmother?" (I'm happily married to her Dad.) "the one I'll get when you die." "Wait, how am I dying?" "a robber is going to come in the window and shoot you." "are you worried about mommy dying?" "no. cuz my step moms going to be really nice!" the entire conversation was totally calm on her part.

    Oneida Orletta Freeman Report

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    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Whoa. Just...Whoa. This is the part where you get a morbid fear of windows.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    In our old house, my daughter would refuse to sleep in her room. She would come downstairs and say things were moving, but the scariest one was when she came downstairs in tears and said "Something was tickling my back but I can't see it". I never made her sleep alone again. We put her bed in my son's room after that and since moved from the house (where all of us had "experiences" much worse than she had).

    Amy Silva Report

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    The Alchemist
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One of my friends lived in a messed up house. He'd have dreams that a giant hand would reach up from under the bed and when it grabbed him he woke up under the bed. And at certain times at night he could hear whispers and if he said something they would say it back and it would sound the exact same as him.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My 3 year old daughter and I were talking to her older brother on Facetime when she starts screaming and squirming.. She said "mommy my pappy is here" both her grandfather's had passed away before she was born. I said "who? What pappy and where is he?" She points to my phone as we're talking to my son and says "he's standing behind Eric" pointing at my phone. My son turned around to look from his phone and chatting with us, when my fully charged phone dies. She said "pap did that"


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    Jeanne Deaux
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Then mom freaks out and go to Eric's place to be sure he is okay.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    In the middle of the night, my little sister turned to me and said: “Do you hear them talking?” But it was dead silent…

    romanracoon Report

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    Salome Totladze
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    me and my sister were sleeping in the same room few years ago... morning she said that when we were going to sleep at night i told her "I can see strange things on the celling". she couldn't see anything and was really scared, while i had no memory about that.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I have a much younger cousin that always called his parents by their first names. When he was about 3-4 years old he started talking about his "real parents" that were killed in a car accident. My aunt and uncle are his biological parents. He was an uneasy baby too and my dad often looked at him and would say, he doesnt want to be here.

    Anya Palmieri Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I used to work at a daycare that was adjacent to a large cemetery. Sometimes the kids would gather at the fence and stare into the cemetery talking about a little boy they wanted to play with. As it turns out, the part of the cemetery that bordered that fence was the same part where all the kids/babies were buried. It really freaked out some of the girls that worked there.

    ChuckleKnuckles Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my niece was around three or four years old, she told me she used to have a baby but it drowned. The baby was called Peanut Butter, but still.

    fox_ontherun Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I have a 3-year-old daughter. She tells me that a red man comes into her room at night through her window. She said he hurts her and stares at her while she is in her bed. I have no idea where she would get the material for this story... I've locked her window for her and pulled the blinds, all in an attempt to convince her that no one is getting in through her window. Sometimes, in the morning, she'll say "It didn't work, Momma, Consequences got in last night again."

    Two_kids_two_pugs Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my youngest child was about 6, she asked me how old I was. Now being only 37 at the time, I was thinking I had a few good years left. But when I told her my age, she gasped and said, ‘Mom, you’re almost DEAD!"

    Laura Urvina Report

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    Andyouwonder Why
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    hahahah my brother who is 17 yrs younger than me told me when I hit 30 that I was old now and I lived a full life so i can die now lol

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    At my grandmother's funeral, my then 2 year old daughter crawled up on the kneeler and patted my grandmothers chest, turned around and looked at my dad and said, " grandmas happy".

    Geneva Wygrys Olson Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    “My youngest of three boys, at 3 years old, just asked my wife, ‘Mommy, it would be better if you had only two sons, wouldn’t it?"

    Samuel Mota Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    We were on a boat on vacation and my 4-year-old cousin got really close to me and whispered in my ear: “I want to be a doctor so I can watch children die.”

    b47122 Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My son told me about a “dead woman with blue skin, no hair, and black eyes” who supposedly lived in our old apartment. He said he watched her follow us outside and try to get in our car but there was no room so she stood outside and watched us leave while waving goodbye.

    shaunaa2 Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I work with kids on the autism spectrum. One of them said: “They can see us, but we can’t see them.”

    lindseyh4 Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My daughter (age 3) woke me up in the middle of the night "momma, do you hear that breathing?" I told her that was me breathing. She said in a low voice "no momma, be very quiet and listen". I didn't hear anything but we slept with lights on the rest of the night.

    Michelle Segovia Report

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    Angela Maust
    Community Member
    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had problems with fluid in my ears, infections, etc at that age. The sound of my own breathing would make me do exactly that. It was so distracting, so loud I could swear it was coming from outside me.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My granddaughter Isabella was born 3 months early. Spent almost 3 months in the hospital. As soon as my son and daughter in law brought her home, every now and then they would smell cigarette smoke in the house and neither of them smoked. Isabella would point to the walls whenever this would happen. No one ever mentioned my mom, known as Mimi. As soon as Isabella started talking she would ask about Mimi. I am not a church going person, but I truly believe my mom, is visiting her favorite grandsons baby girl!! She's 4 now and still occasionally out of the blue will say she misses Mimi!!

    Linda Sobers Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    One night, when my daughter was 2 years old, she woke and could not get back to sleep. I told my husband to stay in bed and I took our daughter on my lap under a blanket in a chair. We were both a bit drowsy when she suddenly raised up her head and said:"Hello" towards the wall where the door was. As my heart started racing, she continued to have a little conversation as if she was on the phone with someone, her face towards one spot. She stopped when I called my husband. Freaky as hell...



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I jokingly asked: "What's the best way to get a girlfriend?"
    7-year-old's response: "Tell her to be my girlfriend or she'll never see her parents again."

    ablues Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Playing tea party, little one keeps passing me "cake". I dutifully eat each piece she passes me.
    "It was poison. You died." Oh, okay then.
    She then proceeded to "chop me up", mix my chopped parts with some spice in a pot, and then serve the resulting stew to her mother.
    Edit: We have a lot of these, figured that'd be the one you guys would get the most kick out of, but we have quite the morbid little girl.

    Zenithas Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I was babysitting a family friend’s kid, and it was just the two of us in the home. She looked around and whispered to me: “We’re not alone in this house.”

    hnicki Report

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    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well... there' the furniture:


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My son was 4 years old at the time, we were sitting on my mom's front porch and he got this really scared look on his face and said he wanted to go back inside. I asked him what was wrong and he pointed to the street (where nothing was there) and said the monster was staring at him. Seeing as how I know children can see things we cannot, I took that baby inside and said a prayer!

    Nikki Miller Report

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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love the way how they said "Seeing as how I know children can see things we cannot...' What a wonderful person!

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My youngest daughter, who is now 25 used to wake up in middle of the night between ages 3 and 7 and tell me the beautiful angel was in her room watching over her, and that she was dressed in white with glorious white wings. She would say don't you see how beautiful she is mommy? Many years later between 18 and 22 once again the lady in white would show up, and even speak to her. There was one time I actually heard someone say, are you alright with my own ears plain as day and I thought my daughter was asking me, she turned around and look at me and said, why wouldn't I be okay? That's when it dawned on me our angel was asking her and I had the pleasure if hearing it with my own ears.

    Bobbi Cabuno Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    “When I was 4, my mother taught me the concept of death, and how, as a person gets old, their parents would probably die. I was fascinated with the concept of not having a mother. One day following that, I met a woman who looked old, like 60–70. I said, ‘Look at the trees outside. They can live for a thousand years. We barely live for a hundred. So…is your mom dead?’ Apparently I really wanted to talk to someone without a mom, to find out what it’s like.”

    Crystal Lai Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my youngest was about 5 years old, I asked him why he stole his sisters dolls and hid them. He told me that the little old lady told him to do it. I said what little old lady. His response: "The one that talks to me all the time, Mommy!" There was no old lady ever in our home. It freaked me out a bit.

    Barbara McCutchen Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    5 year old: "Mommy, when you die I want to put you in a glass jar so I can keep you and see you forever"
    To which the 6 year old responds: "That's stupid. Where are you gonna find a jar that big?"

    pipperfloats Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My 3 year old daughter was in the bath playing with her toys with me and laughing. Suddenly her face deadpans, she looks me in the eye and tells me in a serious little voice "mummy, if you bit and ate all my fingers off I wouldn't love you anymore"

    Likatiger Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    "When you turn off the lights, that's when the black circles come. They come down like this (holds his hands in the air above his bed), and they stay for a second, then zoop! they go inside! (slapping the hands to his chest)."
    Then, barely holding back tears, "I hate it."

    handshape Report

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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    (silence) awww, that poor little boy! Now I want to hug him :'(.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My little cousin said her imaginary friend “Chucky” told her to kill her dad. It turns out they used to have a pool in their backyard that was covered up after the last owner committed suicide. His name was Chuy, but my little cousin couldn’t pronounce it so she called him Chucky.

    bogusval Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Oldest child: Mom if we were stranded and you had to eat a human would you eat one of us?
    Me: no
    Child: hmmm I would eat Dad, he is bigger.

    Heather J Robins Report

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    Farhana Khan
    Community Member
    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I recently saw a story on facebook (haven't googled to check if true or not but) in Russia they resorted to cannibalism due to lack of actual food

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My 3 year old son... I like you way more than my last mommy.

    Mandi Rogers Report

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    Sophia Gillick
    Community Member
    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He could've lived in another life with a different mom. You never know!

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Working at a daycare....I was changing the diaper of this sweet quiet little boy who was almost 2 yrs old. He whispers something so I lean in to hear him...then he says it..."silence, I'll kill you."

    Brandi Bailey Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My son: "I saw Grandpa last night! He was out fixing the window by my room!"

    Grandpa had been passed for years before he was even born. They never met. It was creepy, but knowing my Uncle, he would've been checking up on the kids to make sure they were okay.

    Paula Bonnin Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My best friend's daughter saw that my daughter was bitten by a bunch of ants. She turned to my daughter, with a straight face and said, "Would you like me to drowned them for you?"

    Heather Taylor Report

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    pearl dsouza
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to catch flying cockroaches and kill them when I was in Kindergarten only cause I could have a reason to bury them and say a prayer.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    "My old dad died, so now I have you. You are my new dad." My son to my husband (his only dad ever lol).

    Katie Van Wyhe Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    We were walking in town when I was 2 years old, on a Sunday and the church started ringing. I screamed to my mother "Listen lucifer is singing" not knowing who that was or even being religious. Freaked my mom out and everyone around.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    (this is a story my mom told me) when i was little (around 3) i was walking down a street with my mom, when suddenly i yelled that i didnt want to go into a store because there were bad guys, so my mom ended up not going, she told me that later on the news said that there was a robbery in that same store right around the time we passed there



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When I was 4 or 5, I would regularly say things like "grandma's calling" before the phone would ring. The phone would ring moments later and it would be my grandma.Stuff like that. But the one that really threw my mom for a loop was when I woke up one morning asking if my cousin would lose her arm. My mom didn't think much of it until my aunt called later that morning to say that my cousin fell off her bike and broke her arm. My mom just stared at me.....


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    Ana Coelho
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    im 29 and that happens to me often... i dream about things that havent happened yet. Or i just have "that feeling", that something is going to happen... (and it aways happens..)

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My son's Abulita (grandma in spanish) passed away when he was 6. While I was driving him to school one morning not long after he out of nowhere says to me "mommy, everyone says that Abulita passed away but last night she came to see me and she was holding me and rocking me"... I truly believe she came to see him, she loved him so much


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    Monique Brewer
    Community Member
    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This happened to my mom...when she was younger around 8 or 9 she lost her dad...the next day she walked home from school and her room was past the kitchen, as she walked past the kitchen she saw her dad standing there staring at her...she was so freaked out she his under her bed until her mom came home and when she told her mom she said, he probably just wanted to see you one last time before he goes...crazy

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When I was around 5 or 6 my mom took me to a short grocery shopping trip. I was in the back seat and she was driving down the road that was very common to her. I apperently told her to not to take left turn but to go down the road a little further and then take the second left turn. Just as we passed the first left turn we saw a car literally flying towards the road we were on. If she had took that left turn I wouldn't be writing this. I don't remember telling her not to turn.


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    Amy VanHise
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One day i was driving , somewhat angry with my 2 girls in the backseat when my 6 yr old yells out "Mom there's an angel in the car!!!" that shocked me and i slowed down!

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    One time when i was about 5 years old the power went out because of a very bad storm that hit my home town. me being 5 at the time i was afriad of the dark so i cried for my mom, i soon felt a hand grip my sholder tightly and a few minutes the power came back on i saw my mom across the room and i said "how did you get there so fast?" She said "iv been here the whole time trying to find you in the dark" i replyed.. "then who was grabing my shoulder" im 18 now and im still afraid of the dark.


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    Le-a Beach
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm 14 and I'm still afraid of the dark. My parents strapped me in my car seat, (I was about 3 or 4,) and they went back into the house and after about five minutes the automatic lights turned themselves off. I was alone, in the garage, in the dark, and my car door was open. I started hearing weird and scary noises and started crying and screaming for my parents. They didn't hear me until twenty minutes later. To this day I hate being alone in the dark and my parents tease and harass me about it all the time. Not a creepy story, just my story on why I'm afraid of the dark.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    “I woke during the night when my son was about 3, and heard him whimpering, like he was talking to someone. I went into his room and he was sitting upright in his bed, staring at the doorway, where I was standing. I went to him, saying his name, but he never answered and his stare never wavered from the doorway. By this time I was really worrying, so I started shouting his name, hoping to snap him out of it. All of a sudden, he said ‘what,’ still not looking anywhere else but the doorway. I asked, ‘Who are you looking at?’ He turned to look at me and said, ‘The man in the doorway.’ Then he laid back down and was fast asleep.”

    Rebecca Sargerson Report

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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's common for sleepwalkers, my sister once screamed to death and jumped on furniture because she thought there were snakes all over the room. We talked to her for a while and then she slowly fell asleep again. She didn't remember a thing the next morning

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    “My friend was babysitting two girls, 3 and 5 years old. The older one drew a painting of her family in front of her kindergarten, and a brown, curly haired girl (which happens to be what my friend looks like…) kind of above the other people she drew. So my friend asked her, ‘Hey, is that me? Did you draw me?’ and the 5-year-old answers, ‘Yes. You’re in the sky, in heaven. That’s where you end up when you’re dead."

    Alexandra Nekrassova Report

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    Edward Buckle
    Community Member
    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    well it would have been creepy if she said you were in the other place, it not the worst news to get

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My then two-year-old came in to the living room perfectly normal and stopped in front of me. His head tilted down, he shifted his gaze wide-eyed up at me and whsipered, "Mommy, I'm scared."

    That was weird, so I asked him what was scaring him. He didn't respond, so I started asking a list of things. He said no to them all, then replied, "The kitties are walking backwards."

    Jeanine Vasinko Report

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    Tallulah Ray
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This sounds like it could be a symptom of early onset schizophrenia, hallucinations like this are common. I suggest you take your child to the psychiatrist if you see anymore of this behaviour. Can be vey scary for kids

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My grandmother passed many years before my son was born.
    Out of the blue he started asking about her, and now does some of the quirky things I remember her doing.

    Meg Murphy Report

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    Kadance Brown
    Community Member
    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    this is kind of creepy, but it's adorable kinda..if yk what i mean.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Mia is my daughter's imaginary friend. This was when she had just turned 4 years old. It was her first time coming with me to check my uncle's grave.

    "Mia's body is in a cemetery. Mia says it hurt really bad when she died but being buried doesn't hurt. It's like a party but everyone is sad and crying. I hope it doesn't hurt when I die."

    Crystal Conerly Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My mum stayed with us for a few months when my daughter was 3 or 4. When she moved out, the spare room was still called "nanna's room". I asked my daughter to get something upstairs one day, she did and came back to me and said "who is that old lady in nanna's room?". Didn't go in that room ever again.

    rabbitholegatekeeper Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When I was 9 years old I came into the bathroom where my mom was taking a bath. I asked her if she was pregnant because I felt there was someone else. She was very surprised, for there was nothing to see, yet, and nobody else besides her knew about it. A few months later my cousin told me that my mom got pregnant. Very angry I asked my mom why she didn't tell me that earlier. She said: "Why? I thought you knew it! Don't you remember when you came into the bathroom?" How could I even forget it?



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    After my step mom died, we were all eating around the table, I realized that my 3yr was gone. I got up and found her in my step mom's room talking to herself. Asked who she was talking to. She said Oriana. I asked who that was, she said "the lady in the big black dress and long black hair." Me, "what?!" The LADY right THERE!... as I dragged her out of the room she waived good bye.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My little brother was about two years old when my step mother was preganant with twins. He would say all the time, "Mommy, Buffy and Hannah are in there." She was about six and half months along when he told his mom that , "Buffy" went to Heaven. Two days days later there was an emergency c-section performed. One of the babies did not make it. I still wonder what two Hannahs would look like to this day.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Setup: My cousin had a baby girl named Azlynn. A few years later, she conceived another girl, Dakota, but miscarried in her 8th month. Dakota's grave is two doors down from her and Azlynn's house.
    One day a couple years ago, Azlynn told my cousin, "Dakota and I want a baby brother." As if that wasn't creepy enough... My cousin is yet again pregnant...with a boy.


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    Kadance Brown
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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So if you're confused what happened was basically i'm pretty sure Azlynn was talking to her sister, that died and i'm guessing Dakota made Azlynn's wish come true. <3 sister goals <3

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my son was very young, maybe 4 years old, we were at a cemetery. He had no idea what a cemetery was. We smelled something and joked with him that he must have tooted. He said, "no, it wasn't me, but maybe one of those guys" and pointed. Nobody was there. He told us one of the guys looked kind of mean but the other ones didn't.
    He's also told us that he's seen someone in his bedroom at night and that he's seen him off and on for a long time.

    Kim Zagarenski Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My 4 year old disabled sons are very susceptible to energies.
    One day one was telling me about "the man with the blue head who lives in the bathroom." He discussed him in detail.
    I then asked if this was the same man who terrified my other disabled son in the family room several times in the past few months.
    He replied casually, "No, that's the other one. That one-he's bad."

    Shireen Boone Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My children were born in 2001 and 2003 and they used to tell me stories all the time how they played and rode bikes with their Aunt Mindy... My sister who died in 1996. They gave me vivid details of their time together.

    Melissa Evans Report

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    LILms comment
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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You must have mentioned something about your sister. Kidd pick up things very quickly. Something about your sisters name must have triggered them or attracted them, ending up with having an imaginary friend by the name "mindy". It is not unusual. However, weth it was spiritual or not no one could know. Maybe your sister visits them as her pleasure. She must be good and kind to them as the kids are obviously pleased with her company.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My son was about 3-4 yrs old and we were living with my mom in my 100+ year old childhood home. My whole family has always believed the house to be haunted and we all had similar experiences there. One day my son tells me he didn't sleep well because a little boy named "Jason" came up the stairs and crawled into his bed. He said "Jason" would lay on top of him and it made it hard to breathe. This went on every night for a few months and then we never heard of it again.


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    Jeanne Deaux
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wait. You mean you made your son continue to sleep in this room after the first time?!? o_O

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My son, Nikolas (3y) started telling everyone that his name was Alejandro, which is my dead grandfather's name. My grandpa was dead long before Niko was born. We just ignored his demand to call him that. One good day my aunt showed him a picture of my grandpa and he immediately sayed: oh! There he is, that's Alejandro.


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    LILms comment
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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Maybe he was alejandro in past life? Kids remember things we dont Or maybe alejandro has visited him at sone point. Childeren at 4 or 4 years of age are not especially brilliant at explaining what they experience. He might try to be telling you what had happened by demanding he be called alejandro. Him being visited by alejandro would mean he instantly recognised him in the picture.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I was explaining to my two-year old that her little brother was in my belly, but would be born soon. "He's in my belly just like you were, but you wouldn't remember that," I said. She made a horrible face and said, "Do too! Hot...dark," and then shuddered and looked at me with complete contempt.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My sister, at 3, was looking into the empty corner of the room, smiling occasionally. My mother asked what she was smiling about, and she said she was smiling at the man. She said, "That man wants me to go with him." My mother looked at her and said, "Well, you tell that man we're not done with you yet!"


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My 3-year-old son generally has a happy-go-lucky attitude, so this is pretty odd.
    Sometimes when he's cuddling with his mommy, he'll say, very seriously, "Mom, I promise I won't ever chew on your bones. I promise."
    Absolutely no idea where he got this.

    Lord_of_hosts Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Kids have such a weird idea of time. Like they always refer to when you (adult, older sibling) were little and they were big. My son was telling me a story the other day about when he was big and I was in his uterus.

    justanobserver27925 Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I was putting my nephew down for bed and, unsurprisingly, he was giving me a hard time.
    "Ok time for bed"
    "No! Don't leave yet I'm scared."
    "Scared of what?"
    "My nightmares"
    "Well maybe tonight you'll have dreams."
    "No I won't..."
    "And how do you know that"
    "...I only have nightmares..." - he said this with such incredible sadness I had to read a few more chapters of captain underpants and poor a glass of scotch just to make ME feel better.
    Edit: nephew is 5

    braveheart18 Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My 2yo said she is a grown up. I told her she isn't, that she is a toddler. She replied, "No, I'm a grown up. I'm going to touch knives."

    jessokfine Report

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    Karen Violette Cubbison
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    She sees adults using knives. Most likely, she wants to do what she perceives is a "grown up" thing.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My daughter in response to planned visit from her Grandparents "they are really old, are they dead?" #thingsmykidsaid

    livemoreleader Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I was babysitting a 2-year-old boy. We were playing with blocks and he was laughing, when he suddenly turned to me and said: “I’m gonna shoot your head off.” We played hide and seek that night and I was terrified of him finding me.

    mimicons100 Report

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    Jeanne Deaux
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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You bet you were. I would have pissed my pants if he found me saying "Got you!"

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    We were going Christmas tree cutting with my Grandfather. My 3 year old was sitting next to him in the truck. He was talking to her about her pretty green eyes. She stared right at him and said, "they are evil monkey eyes"

    Cathleen S Hutchens Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My daughter used to sleep walk badly. One night I woke up to her standing above me and just staring at me. I said, "Jayla, are you okay?" She started talking in gibberish that sounded a lot like a possessed person off of scary movies. I set up slowly, and said, "what?" Then she spoke jibberish again. I grabbed her hand and led her back to bed, and tucked her in. I didn't sleep the rest of that night and worried I was going to have a real life exorcism take place in my home.

    Jessica Schulz Report

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    Too Lazy To Care 🐼
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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to have sleep walking issues too (I still have slight issues with sleep walking/talking but it isn't as bad) and it would freak my mother out at times.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My five year old nephew and I were driving through a residential neighborhood when he suddenly says, "That's where Geema killed herself." I looked in the rearview mirror as I asked him, "What do you mean?" He says, "Geema killed herself there," as he pointed to a park/playground. When we arrived at my parents' house, I asked my mother about her apparent suicide. She explained that she had uncontrollably slid down a slide and when she made it to the bottom, she said, "I almost killed myself!"


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    Janice Foster
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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wonder how many of these other stories have such an innocent explanation!

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I was babysitting my brothers and one of them called me in once I finished getting them a drink and so on my other brother said in a really freaked out way "it's standing right behind you" I have never in my life felt so scared I ended up making them sleep on the couch until mum came home


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I do in home daycare and was watching my cousin's 3 kids along with my usual 3. They all ranged from ages 1-5 years old. At the time, I was living in my grandma's old house. They were all playing in the kitchen when they screamed and came running to me. They all kept saying "Come see the man! Come see the man!" So I followed them to the kitchen where they all pointed at the attic and asked if I could see the man.
    Completely freaked me out for the next 3 months that I lived there...



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I had a lot of imaginary friends as a kid, but one of them who I named Michael was weird. I'd tell them he was mean to me and pushed me or pulled my hair. They told me to tell him to stop but I'd come back crying later saying he got mad and hurt me again. My mom finally told me to get Michael, we walked him to the door, she told him he was not allowed to play with me anymore because he was not being nice, opened and shut it for him . . . Aaannnd we never had a problem with Michael again.


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    Marjorie Brassard
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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And do YOU remember this? Like, was it a ghost or really just your imagination?

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My great-grandfather used to live with my grandma before he died. Not too long after his funeral my baby niece was born. Now she's 3 and everytime she enters our great-grandfather's room, she says hi to him. Once I asked her who she saw and she said: 'Papa. Papa is bad. I'm afraid. He wants to hurt me.'.
    Back story: My great-grandfather was an alcoholic when my grandma was little and he often abused her and her sister.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My sister had what we thought was an imaginary friend who she referred to as the lady, one day my dad passed out while watching her so my little sister, who was only 4 not only called 911 but also managed to call my mom at work and inform her that dad had passed out... When later asked by my mom and the paramedics how she knew the numbers to call she just said that the lady had told her. She said that the lady had talked to her and helped her protect us up until we moved out of the house.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    The kid sitting behind me just said, "can't wait for this plane to crash." Um bye forever I guess #kidssaythedarndestthings

    AshlyJustine Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I was babysitting and didn’t know how to turn off the TV, so it was just static. My 4-year-old cousin stared into the static and said: “I see the monster”.

    elizag41 Report

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    Jeanne Deaux
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think I would have unplugged the thing in less than 2 seconds.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    On our way to the theme park, my little cousin once told me: “You’re going to die today.”

    hemmingshayniac Report

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    Isabelle Hughes
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    um...............your cousin seems..........nice........................

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I upset my, then 3 year old, daughter. She stood at the foot of my bed, glaring at me, mumbling "you don't tell me no, you never tell me no, you will be sorry, you will see". I have never been so afraid of my child, or to fall asleep, than I was that night. She and I laugh about it now. (She turned out to be a bright, funny, well adjusted person. No troubled youth).

    Dawn Lunde Pearson Report

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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's quite the early onset of the "edgy teenager" phase...

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My mother past away..She was cremated so I have her remains on my dresser in my room in an urn and my son was playing with his little cars around her urn and was talking ..i asked so what are you doing ? My 3 yr old said" I'm playing with Grandma she likes me here". My mother also never got a chance to meet him.

    Michelle Higa Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Not my child but myself (apparantly, because i can't remember, i was 4 and now i am 28, but my parents told me). I once got my toe stuck under a door and lost skin due to it. When i went to kindergarten the day after, the teacher asked what happened. I told her my dad did it with a knife. My parents had to come to school that evening for a talk.

    Brugman87 Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My daughter and I were playing at the park when she told me she wants to burn bodies when she's older. Little creeped but okay. Turns out her grand dad told bee about the mortuary across the street and she saw the smoke billowing out. She still wants to cremate people.

    reddit Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I can't remember if she was 3 or 4, but our little daughter's voice peeped up from the back seat one morning:
    "Dad, do babies bathe in blood?"

    SAT0725 Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I asked my 5-year-old niece what her picture was. She said confidently, "It's monster," and then looked me dead in the eye and added "he killed you."



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Not a parent but i was kinda freaked by this i was waiting for a bus a few weeks ago and a little girl skipped up to me she was ahead of her mother and she smiled at me so i did the polite thing and smiled back she then looked at me with a dead straight face and said "Satan Says Hi And He Can't Wait To Meet You In A Few Years" and then she skipped away leaving me shock think ill be keeping myself safe as much as i can 😱😂



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My 4 year old daughter picked up a roll of heavy duct tape, looked at me, her dad, and her little brother, and with a creepy smile on her face said
    "I'll tape up the whole family."



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My youngest brother Kevin died 4 years before my son was born. When my son was about 2, my other brother (Kevin's twin, Rob) came to visit. When my son saw Rob, his first words were "hi Kevin". We hadn't talked about Kevin by name before that.


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    Seri McGee
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    maybe the brother who died was Rob and not kevin and this child knew the difference

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My boyfriends mother died before I met him. My daughter who was only three looked at him one day and said "I love your mommy's purple shirt." He told me that his mother was wearing a purple shirt at her funeral. He never showed her any pictures of her in a purple shirt.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My toddler went through a phase where she would just constantly say 'hi' to things. "Hi hi hi hi hi hi"
    One day, it came out sounding more like "Die die die die die"
    So I say to her "What's that you're saying?"
    And she turns to face me and just whispers "Diiiieeeeeee......."

    PookiePi Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    A friend of mine's child told him "Daddy, I love you so much that I want to cut your head off and carry it around so I can see your face whenever I want."

    GatorMcGovern Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My 3-year-old son and I were walking in a crowded mall. He likes to say “hi” to everyone. He started “hi,” “hi,” “hi,” as people walked by, but out of nowhere he pointed at a man and said: “You’re going to die,” and then he continued with his hellos. Super creepy.

    yeamb Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Darkest Things Kids Said

    "Mom want some Chapstick?! Its lemon cherry!"
    "OK that sounds great!" (It's January and my kids always have Chapstick and my lips are scorched!)
    -smearing it all over my lips it feels so good and ya... it IS lemon cherry!-
    "Thanks Anna! You are awesome!"
    "You're welcome mom. I found this one on the bus today!"

    Allison Osipovitch Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My child asked us in the store if we needed more Christmas hookers....we knew what she meant, hooks for the tree but I can only imagine what strangers thought.

    Holly Chandler Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Please don't die next time you take a bath . 5 year old . I hadn't planned on it , I was hoping he didn't know something I wasn't aware of.

    Heather Preston Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Before starting first grade, my oldest daughter was talking to me...
    "Mommy, I hope my new classroom has a pet that we get to bring home on the weekends, like a cute bunny."
    Enter creepy, aka my youngest. In an entirely serious voice, deadpan face...
    "I like mine raw."
    "A, I hope your new class DOESN'T have any pets."

    Alison Beech Report

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    Andrew Walborn
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This reminds me of a story my Mom told me. She grew up on a farm in Argentina and one day a friend that lived in Buenos Aires came to visit; and he saw a live chicken for the first time in his life he started shouting "Mom, look at that raw chicken!!"

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Everyday for almost a week my now 4 year old would tell me when he was 3....well here's how our conversation went everyday for that week...

    My son: you're gonna die
    Me: oh really?
    My son: yep
    Me:well, eventually we all die
    My son: well you're gonna die in a fire.

    He made it sound like it was gonna happen soon... But I'm still here over a year later and no fire!

    Sarah Pflughoeft Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My daughter used to always tell me her grandpa was in her closet. We live about 8 hours away from all her grandparents and they're alive. I think it was just an old ghost and she just called him that.

    Lisa Roberts Report

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    Andrea Watson
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    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That would be assuming she meant in her present life... what if she didn't?

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Driving to preschool, my daughter and I were talking about her growing up. She said to me "when I'm old mama, you'll be a baby again!".... even she understands the cycle of life.

    Amanda Emerson Report

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    Marce Bookworm
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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think kids just think of "coming back" as obvious. My oldest and I were talking about the extinction of dinosaurs and he then asked about what happens when everybody dies...of course he got the "we go to heaven" answer and he was like...and then? We get to come back, no?" His younger brother was listening and he said "you will get old and die and then you will be a baby again". I thought it was interesting that reincarnation makes more sense to kids than our "heaven forever" story.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My father told us one day our baby brother - maybe 3 or 4 at the time took my dad into the master bedroom, pointed in a corner and said "daddy, the devil lives down there."
    I'm still living in that house. Haven't noticed anything strange happening other than an above average amount of bullshit. If you drop toast it's definitely jelly side down.

    saltshaker42 Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When I was a kid, there was a voice that would tell me all these horrible things when I went to bed at night leaving me terrified and in tears. Years later after we moved, I'd wake up in my room paralyzed with fear because the lights in my locked room were on, and it felt like something was in the room. I would have dreams within dreams that I couldn't awake from where I was tormented by something evil. After I lost my faith, it went away. I was no longer a target.


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    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That sounds an awful lot like sleep paralysis. Vivid dreams, feeling awake but unable to really wake up... You can overcome it with time, which is what it sounds like you did.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Well, my type of kids.When I was little and we went driving outside to the countryside or somewhere I used to look and count every cemetery on our way. That freaked out my parents. My 4 year old comes often with strange stuff about dead as well, I guess is genetic LOL


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    Emma Clapper
    Community Member
    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I remember growing up that my oldest brother was afraid of cemeteries. My brother, sister, and I would hold our breath until we passed it completely to avoid breathing in spirits

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When driving from my sister's house with my niece who was about three at the time she would always tell us that she lived down a road we always passed when she was a sea captain, use to give us goosebumps and we'd call her creepy baby lol. Now she is in her late twenties and still says she sees relatives that have passed.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    “When I was 6, my mum took me to visit my great-grandfather’s grave while we were on holiday in Ireland. She let me place the flowers by the headstone, after which I turned to her and said, ‘I’ll dance on your grave when you die, Mummy.’ I thought that was a nice turn of phrase people used — I must have heard it on the television!”

    Taylor Heyman Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Driving straight from florida to Toronto. My 3 year old gets up from her sleep at 12:30 am. Mommy, Can you feel the trees burning? I'm freaked the hell out and just like that she goes back to sleep.

    Jee Won-Lee Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my son (firstborn) was little I'd rock him, he'd look over my shoulder and give the most amazing smile and I'd just cross myself. I swear babies see what we can't.

    Catressa Villanueva Report

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    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wouldn't be too concerned about this one - when my son was a baby he used to wet himself laughing at lampshades. Babies have a weird sense of humour.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My son says many strange things. One day a few weeks ago we were watching cartoons. He just looks at me and says, "Do you miss your old home mom?" I asked him what home he was talking about. Here said, "The one in the woods. Before me and sissy and Daddy." He wouldn't say anything else about it or answer anymore questions. I never lived in a house in the woods.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Most of these show the beauty of how an un-fluoridated pineal gland found in children actuates our natural 6th sense.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    (This storie has been retold to me by my mom)
    When I was about 3 years old I woke up one day, walked up to my mom, grabbed her hand and led her to our family photos. I pointed at a picture of her grandmother and said "That lady came to me to night, she talked to me , her name is Ängla." My mom had never told me her name before only referred to her as her grandmother.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my son was two years old, he would tell me gleefully, "I'm gonna eat you all gone!"



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my youngest was 2 we moved to the country town my dad was born and raised. After about 6 mths I had just finished putting up family pics which I hadnt done previously while my 3 kids were sleeping. In the morning just after breakfast, my youngest went to the pics and stopped in front of the one with my dad. She turned to me and said 'Pa's nice isnt he mum.' My dad had died 5 yrs before she was born. Often late at night I would hear her talking to him after that.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My mom told me that when I was little I used to tell her about this tall black man with no face I use in the wardrobe. When we moved house, I found out that he had followed us there. When I grew up my mom told me she used to see it too, as well as my sister, but not my dad. Once my sister and I were home, one in the bathroom and one in the living room and we said we had both seen this man again around the same time and that it had changed. We described it identically.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my nephew was about 5 years old, I remember taking him around the neighbourhood for trick or treating. We stopped at a house with a few lit pumpkins and fake cobwebs, but my nephew said that we wouldn't be getting any treats from this house. I asked him why, and he said that the cat told him. I noticed a grey cat sitting in the front garden of the house. We did indeed get no answer from the doorbell, and a few days later police were seen outside the house. The owner had died in his sleep.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My son was about 4 yrs old and asked me, in the middle of the night, if I had said that he was a good boy. I told him no, that I had been sleeping. He insisted that somebody must have said it. We live alone. The next morning I saw a face melted into the ice of my kitchen window, which was about a story and a half off the ground. At the time he slept in the living room so he was about 10' away from that window. Whatever it was, had to have been floating or over 12' tall.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When our son was 2, he suddenly began having an imaginary friend who he called Nate. We dismissed it as normal until one day as I carried him around the house, pointing at family photos while asking "Who is this?" as he correctly answered, "That's Mommy", "That's Daddy" etc. until I pointed to a photo of his twin brother who had died of S.I.D.S. at 3 months old. When I pointing at that picture and asked "who is this?",he replied very joyfully, "That's Nate!"



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My son was different from day one. He used to tell both me and my mom stories about when he "used" to be here. He was a Dr. his name was Craig. One day when I was cooking chicken. I'd set the innards aside to discard as I normally do. He stood at the counter and asked if he could have the heart...idk why, but I gave it to him, he came back a short time later and said, see mom, this is the aorta, and these are the left and right ventricles..... mind blown.....he was eight.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When I was 3 I had a plastic toy telephone that I loved to pretend to talk to people on. One day my parents were sitting on the couch watching TV while I was playing with my phone again. My parents said I picked it up and said "Yes, mhmm, okay" and hung up. I turned to my dad and said "That was uncle Jay. He said he's okay now" and then went back to playing. My dad's brother Jayson had died in a car accident a year before I was born.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    One day my 2 and 1/2 year old was was pretending monsters were coming to get us. He would say "Monsters are coming, hide!" And pull a blanket over our heads. One of these times he yelled "fire is coming" instead, so I said we should hide. "We can't hide from fire mommy" so I asked him what we do with fire. With a straight face and matter-of-fact tone he replied "we burn"



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Some years ago, I had given birth to a stillborn son. A few months later, I was out to dinner with a friend and her 2 year old daughter. My friends daughter saw a picture of my son on my phone and pointed to it exclaiming "baby"! Soon she was waiving to someone across the table. There were no other tables in that direction, so I asked her who she was waiving at. She pointed again, this time to the empty chair across from her and again exclaimed "baby"! Goosebumps.


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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My brother would always mention his 'other family' and as he got older and started to speak more 1-4 he would give a lot of detail. A doctor from the states was interested and came to study him. He took us to the house they lived in 113 miles away and told us all there names and where they died and how they died including himself in his previous life and even showed us where he was burried under the sand and as they dug 'him' up they solved a cold case from 64 years ago! Doesn't remember it now!


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    Evie Queen
    Community Member
    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    wow that kid died and came back to help solve a case and seriously is it documented

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    my ex husband was working in Saudi. This particular morning, my son got up and started to say my daddy is coming today and we will go and do ...... All that morning he kept talking about the different things he was going to do with his daddy Just after lunch, there was a knock on the door and my son, who certainly couldn't have seen anyone pull up, shouted thats my daddy. I had the biggest shock when I opened the door he was stood there



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I will never forget the time when my mother and I where on our way home, I was around 9 or 10 at the time, I had the passengerside window open and there was a peace of paper on the dash, just as we where coming up to the junction I had a vision of the peace of paper flying out the window my mother looking at it driving through the junction and getting hint by a truck, so I closed the window and held the paper in my hand ,when we past the junction the truck I had seen passed us. still got paper.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my youngest daughter was three, she asked me if I remember when she was in my tummy. I told her of course, but she stopped and looked at me very serious and said; 'not the time I was born mom, the first time, before Jaydon and Paula.' I had a miscarriage before her older siblings. I had never told her or them about it.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My nephew was three at the time and was talking to my sister the morning after a family wedding. My sister asked him who the most beautiful woman was at the reception and of course he answered "the bride", when she asked him who the most handsome man was there he said, "Uncle Rod". My sister said, "No dear, Uncle Rod was killed in a car accident last year...he wasn't there." My nephew looked at my sister and said "Didn't you see him holding the door open for people?"


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    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lol, telling a 3yr old kid his uncle got KILLED :)) must be a tough kid

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My brother passed away when my nephew was two and my grandfather the year before that.
    As my nephew was growing up, he used to play alone in his dad's old room in my parent's house.
    He used to say he was playing with Daddy and Oupa (grandfather). They used to make paper planes, which my grandfather used to do. One day he came to say that my grandfather says "Hello ou vrou" (old lady) which my grandfather used to tell my grandmother.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    3 years ago when I first moved into my house, I found a photo of my grandparents on their wedding day. I thought it would be nice to hang it up, my son who was 4 at the time was watching me hang it on the wall and suddenly burst into tears. I asked him what was wrong and he said " I miss nana " I asked him which one and he pointed to the photo on the wall. My nana died when my mother was 2 years old.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    (Man hobbles into grocery store using a cane)

    House_Feminist Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    "Eating a Red Delicious apple is like taking a bite out of an old person." #shitmykidsays

    roxannabennett Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    "My wiener wants to come out and see people." #shitmykidsays #boysareweird

    maramoran Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my niece was 3, she covered up my head with a blanket and held it down. I moved my head out where I could see her. She said "You can't come out" and smothered me again. I laughed and said "Why?" She gritted her teeth and angrily said "Because I don't want you to."

    savage-af-100-fam Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My daughter was in first grade. She told the teacher, "Momma does drugs every day"! I was called in for a stern talk with the teacher and principle of the school. At the time I was a smoker of cigarettes. It was anti drug week, and the teacher was naming addictive items. "Cigarettes, soda, etc...can be just as addictive as drugs". Embarrassing at the time. We still laugh about it.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my daughter was about 5 she was having a nightmare and came running from her room still mostly asleep and when I scooped her up into my arms asking her what was wrong, she chillingly whispered in my ear "Something is coming..." I put her right back into her bed very quickly wondering what exactly was coming for us.


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    Andrew Walborn
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One time we were on vacation in Cancún and while we were sleeping I shouted out "it's over there!" and pointed to the ceiling. When we all got up (we were all sleeping in the same hotel room) everyone asked me what was over there but I had already forgotten.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When I was 4 I asked my Mother what "slash"meant. She looked at me strangely and said,"to cut". She asked why I wanted to know. I responded that I had said it in a dream and didn't know what it meant.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When I was about five I had this period that lasted about three years. We had three bathrooms. One was in a basement sort of area. I would sleepwalk and turn on every single thing that released water, showers, sinks, even the tap in our backyard. Every night I would do that and then come stand by my parents bed for a while talking some fucked up shit. Before telling my parents that I had done what Setan (I think I meant to be 'Satan') had told me to. Then went back to bed. Every. Night.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    K am 70 years old and i remeber to this day riding in the back seat of his car. I was about 4, looking out the back window. We were driving the causway going from Winthrop to Boston. As wr were traveling along i pointed towards Revere and told him that when I wa big i used to live there. I also remember the street and what the house looked like.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My little niece was 4 years old when somehow we started talking about clowns. She told me that she doesn't like clowns, so seeing as she had never actually met one at that point, I asked her why. Then she told me doesn't mind those clowns where you know it's actually a human with a clown mask on, but she's scared of "the real clowns".


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    Rhys Durham
    Community Member
    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Clowns could possibly be the expression of a repressed racial memory of an evil so horrific and unspeakable, we have permitted no oral or written record of them to survive, just a pale imitation. But subconsciously, we know what clowns really are, and that's why many people find them creepy

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My 6 year old nephew was playing in his room when he suddenly came running into his mummy. "Mummy is dad's dad dead?" (His grandad had died 5 years prior when he was only 1, he was too young to remember) "yes dear" she responded to which he burst into hysterical crying. She asked him why he asked and he said he came to see him to say goodbye while he was sleeping.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    This memory is not about me, but about a friend of me.
    She was 'cooking' and 'making soup'
    Her mother: "What kind of soup are you making?
    She: "One with dogs and cats!"
    Mother: "But isn't that sad?"
    She: "Don't worry, they're already dead."



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My nan and grandad died before i was born and my mum told me that when I was about 3 or 4 I said that I liked the two people who talked to me and she asked me who they were and what they looked like and I told her the exact clothes they died in and that it was my nan and grandad. She said it freaked her out a little bit...I have no memory of this


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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my son was three he was playing in his room by himself. When I went up to check on him he's staring out the window into the night. He turns to me and says, "Mom, did you know there is a silver man in the big big dark? He comes and gets me sometimes." Trying to stay cool, I respond, "Is he nice?" He replied, "Sometimes, but he doesn't speak very well." After that he would often ask me at bedtime to tell the silver man not to come get him that night because he was too tired.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My grandfather died when I was 14 way before my little cousin was even born. When my cousin turned a year old he and his dad were playing in the basement when my cousin looked at his dad and said "The gentle giant says hello and that he misses you." My uncles looked at him and said "The gentle giant? Who is that?" My cousin then smiles and replies "He lives 6 feet under and in the sky." My grandfathers nickname was the gentle giant and to this day my cousin still talks about him.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When 9/11 happened, it was just a few months before my 4th birthday; fast forwards to the next summer and we went on a flight somewhere and right after takeoff I calmly looked at my Mom and asked her "is this is the part where we fly into the towers?"



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When i was about 2 - 3 years old. What moma told me, i was keep saying that "Baby is crying.". At that time i was only child/baby just like small kid all over that place. Few weeks later they found in graveyard nearby plastic bag with dead baby.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    when i was around 4 or 5, i told my dad i had a dream that i would die at 18. he laughed it off



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my son was around 5-6 we lived in a converte summer cottage. He insisted he saw a fisherman and his dogs outside his room. I asked him several questions but chalked it up to living near a lake and it being an old house. (I am also a believer in the spirit world) Several years later i was going through my Grandmothers old pictures. He mage me stop on one of my Grandparents when they were younger. He asked who the man was so I told him. He then said "Oh that's the fisherman"!


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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I was asleep when i heard a voice and i looked out the window and i saw something like a bloody doll. It was a kid saying trick or treat


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    Janet Saul
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was 12 I dreamt about my grandads funeral. I was at boarding school and knew nothing about him being sick .... He died the night I dreamt it.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    One night I was lying in bed watching TV, my son came in and wanted to lay with me. He was seven or so, a beer commercial came on, no biggie...then he said, I had my first beer when I was 19...he continued with, Uncle Freddy was there....he was 33. I quickly added my son's beer age with 33, and came up with my uncle's current age...I lifted my comforter and said....get out.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My son was about 6 and his step grandma had died. After that he would not sleep in his room or go in there alone. I had asked him why he wouldn't sleep in his room anymore. He said because Grandma Deb is in there.

    Alrighty then... the door remains shut to this day


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    Francesca Jackson
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My mum died july 2016 and afew weeks after she died my little girl started with nightmares telling us her ma'ma was in her room scaring her.we brushed it off for awhile but it got worse til she stopped wanting to be alone in a room.the final straw was when she told me she is so scared when she sees ma'ma because shes been chopped up.i asked her what she meant and she said pointing to her chin then to her tummy"shes chopped up from here to here"nobody knew it because i arranged her funeral etc but my mum had a post mortem grandad has recently passed and since he died she says she sees him.shes 6.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My nearly 3 year old used to like the lady who lived in the wallpaper .... Telling me many times ... She's just there mummy ...

    But his best one was when he told me he was an Egyptian boy who lived in the very top if a pyramid and he had lots and lots of men below him who were building the pyramid for him .
    I asked what he did in the pyramid and he told me i sang until I died.
    I asked him did he have a Mummy and daddy he said yes but they died and were put on a boat and it was on fire.


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    Ruska Petrova
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Whoa..he actually describes post mortem old egyptian rituals..but that with singing is interesting..never red something about it..:?


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When I was 9 months pregnant with my second son I was getting my almost 3 year old ready and he said "Mommy the baby is coming tomorrow ". And sure enough I woke the next morning with labour pains and had him that night



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    At my father in laws for dinner and was sitting with my 2 year old son on the couch. A painting behind me wad of a mountain, n my son says...remember when we were there mommy? I said no honey we haven't been there it just a pretend picture that someone painted. No mommy, remember we were on the yellow bus and I was the mommy and you were the son and you got lost on that mountain. Holy cow!! What???



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I was interviewing to nanny a 6-year-old boy. He was showing me a book of trains he loved (an encyclopedia, not a child's book) when he saw a picture of an old steam train going over a bridge. He giggled and asked "what if the bridge were made of styrofoam, and the bottom was all lava?" He then laughed harder and asked "what if I made you ride that train, and you fell in and burned up?" I said "That would hurt my feelings." He looked me dead in the face and said "Feelings aren't real."



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When I was little, my family used to have dinner together. My mom, my three brothers and I. Our dining room was right at the bottom of the stairs. Everyone was sitting at the table. I was just coming down from the second floor and said, "I saw someone running on the stairs, so I followed them."



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My 4 year old daughter, stood at my bed in the middle of the night, i jumped as it looked like a little black girl with afro hair ( my daughter is white with blond hair).
    I jumped up and she said " mummy i dont feel like me"!



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I wonder what that baby boy became in adulthood....when the sister said he was a monster????



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my mum was talking to my brother about something out of nowhere he said "mummy, you know I'm going to die when I'm a kid?" She's still terrified and will be until the day he's an adult


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I already commented this somewhere else but my son had a friend who said to his parents one night not to worry about him when he was dead. He died the next day and the doctors don't know why.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    After my stillborn son my 3 yr old god daughter started putting teddies up my top for "the new baby " embarrassed her mum explained that my baby had died god daughter said " not that baby ..the new one " sure enough i was pregnant again


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    Kaylor McQuaide
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I know that I did this as a kid and still can see and talk to ghost but it creeps me out hearing that other kids can do it

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My father-in-law passed five days before my son was born. When he was around three, he used to wake from his nap and tell me about "grandpa and I were playing catch on a field of yellow followers". Same dream for weeks.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When I was 13 my then 5 year old sister were playing while my mum was doing something in garden. I was making her toys talk and trying to make her laugh and it was working, until she stopped laughing very abruptly looked me dead in the eye and said, "Hurt my friends again I will cut you open bite your heart" When I asked her about it afterward she had to recollection she was even playing with me.... needless to say I didn't sleep for a long time.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My son was his uncle's favorite and he often spoiled him, well when my son was about 3 1/2 years of age, he cane to me one day and said "mommy, unless Monie died", I said what? And he said "uncle Monie died"! It creeped me out a bit so I told him okay, go play in your room. And he just bounced right back into his play room.... about 30 SECONDS LATER MY PHONE RANG !!!!!! It was my father-in-law calling to tell us that Monie had passed away !!!! son is a grown man now and doesn't remember



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My three-year-old grandson plays with cars, sitting on the carpet. He makes two cars crash. Then he says "Before, when I was big (grown-up), I died in an accident, I was a policeman then.I had another dad and another mom, but it was good that my mom too"



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My twins when they were 3-5 were very morbid. They would walk up to random strangers, family and ask if they knew when they would die? They usually answered no so my twins would ask do you want to?



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my daughter was 3, I let her and her brother who was 5, sleep on a big pallet of blankets in the living room because they had fallen asleep after watching a movie and didn't want to wake them. The next morning she said mom, I saw the two ladies come down from the back of the couch and they were working on my brother. She said they were fixing him.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't really know how two ghosts can work or fix a five year old.....

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My mum told me about when I was little (just over a year) she and my dad were walking me to the car when my dad asked me how I was. I replied "champion" in an accent. This was my mums grandmothers favourite word and she had an accent. I couldn't speak proper words at the time and it freaked my mum out



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Where I sit I have a family picture on the wall behind me. When I would hold my two youngest grandchildren, they were about 3 to 9 months old they would just stare at that picture. One day after they left there sister said she saw papa at my house. She is not his biological grand daughter but I believe my husband is watching over them all and that the little ones saw him also.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Last December my step- mom called me to give me pictures of my daddy who passed away in 2011. I had my son in 2014 and we're my step-mom had all of the pictures I didn't have any on the wall in my livingroom of my daddy! I had hung the pictures up one night while my son was in bed and at the time he was about 1 1/2 and had just started saying momma da da, na na stuff like that but he seen the picture of my daddy pointed to it and said papaw plain as day! All I could do is cry!!


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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    Study Buddhism, you will know..



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My son had I imaginary friend from the time he started walking intill he was around eight, he would walk back and forth talking to him all time his 21 now and I've asked him a few time's and to this day he tell's me he was real


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    Ashley Jernigan
    Community Member
    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My best friend has always had an entity follow her, her entire life. When she was young she'd talk to him and call him her friend. He's still around to this day, followed her all the way to Florida from Ohio. When I visited her her 3 year old son told me about Woody and how he scares him sometimes. We saged the entire house and prayed all over. He doesn't scare anyone anymore but my friend said she can still feel him around.

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My grandson told me out of the blue that I was old and I was going to die soon



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I woke up one night with my 4 year old son standing quietly next to my bed with tears in his eyes. I asked him what was wrong and he said he couldn't sleep so I asked him why. He says "they won't stop screaming". I said who won't stop screaming, and he says "all those people" and starts crying. I still get chills when I think about it



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    One morning my sister and I we're talking in the livingroom when all of a sudden my then three year old nephew bursts out laughing. We stopped talking and listened for a minute. We could hear him talking and playing with some one, so we decided to go look in the room and ask him. He said he was playing with his uncle Ryan who was small like him and that uncle Ryan loved airplanes. His grandmother had lost a baby boy named Ryan to sids. His mobile was airplanes and that was 20 yrs before.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    wow! I wish I could see ghosts.... I'm 10 so I still might be able to! : D

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    One of my cousins friends passed away the day before their high school graduation. At the time, her son was only about a year old. Fast forward to when her son was three and he got an "imaginary friend" named Cody (the same name as her friend who had died). We always joked that it was him because he had this huge crush on my cousin and wanted to be close to her son. One day we decided to show him a picture of her friend and as soon as we did his little eyes lit up and he yelled "That's Cody!".



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    So creepy all of them!!



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    In my culture, when we pray to our dead relatives we cook a roast chicken as an offering, some of us has a shrine or so for that person. My mom told me when I was younger I told my grandmother that when she died do I have to pray to her with a roast chicken? Mom and grandmother laughed about it.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my son was a baby about a year old I would hear strange things from his baby monitor and i would go In he was always asleep. But if he had just woken up he would always stare at the same spot and babble and when his cousin who is 9 months older would come over she would do the same. And my step daughter said there was a lady who hid in the closet. Once we went out of town for the weekend and when we came back the spirit was upset and she left a hand print on his leg.. he's 9 now and eveaba



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I was driving on the interstate with my son who was about 8-9. His older brother and sister were with us. My father had recently died and we were talking about Catholicism and how they don't like you to be cremated unless you get permission. I told the kids because of that reason I won't be cremated and from the backseat, my son says well I'm not going to bury you in a cemetery. I'm going to build a house and bury you underneath my bed so you'll always be next to me.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    #40 my son told me the exact same thing, he was five at the time and we were drving home he randomly says to me mom you know I'm really supposed to be 8 but I waited for YOU because I knew you'd be a good mom...I thank God for him everyday because it was at that moment I realized my purpose and had also experienced a love that only God could give



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my son was three years old, he stood by my bed and said, "Mommy, I know how I died." Then he did a slicing motion across his neck... and it didn't phase him! (Mind you, he was THREE! All we ever watched were G-rated shows.) When my 7-year-old heard him, she said, "I know that. I was his nurse and tried to help him." She later filled in more information that led me to believe she was talking about the American Civil War. To this day, it still blows my mind!



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    We moved into the house my father-in-law had passed away in when our son was 18 months old. Many times I would catch him talking to someone and he always said it was Grandpa. Once, when I was laying with him to get him to go to sleep, he asked me to scoot over. When I asked why he said Grandpa Martin wanted to lay down. He played with him and referenced him the entire 2 plus years we lived there . We moved just before he turned 4 and he never talked about him again.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My grandmother died when my youngest was 4, so I chose not to have him at the funeral or the burial. Every day on the way to his older brother's school we would pass the cemetery where she was buried. One day as we passed by, he says "That's where Granny is. I miss her so much" Completely freaked out as there was no way he could know this, I said, "How do you know that, baby?" He says, " Because she told me so when she came and saw me a few days ago." Yep....


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    Kip The Otter
    Community Member
    6 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why would you not let your child get closure? How did you explain that? Mom: "Honey, Granny passed away and we already had the funeral and buried her. We didn't let you go because we didn't want to hurt you." The child is going to ask in the future when they're older "Why didn't I get to say goodbye to Granny in person like you or dad?"

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    What's the question?



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When my brother was three and I was nine, our great-grandmother died and we were both at the funeral, although he didn't understand what was happening. The next morning, he complained about a 'bright tunnel' that he'd dreamt about, and that he didn't want to go, so he'd woken up.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My little cousin was about 4 when she came into my other cousins (her aunt) room crying really hard. We asked her what was wrong and she said that the witch in the trees was bothering her (you could see a field of trees from the bedroom window). So her aunt yelled out the window "leave my niece alone" A flock of birds flew out of the little cousin said "ok she's gone" She then smiled really hard and left the room



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My daughter when she was 3-4, had an imaginary friend. She said his name was Choucho and he was all bones :S



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My 3 year old walked in one day and introduced me to her "friends". I was excited she had her first imaginary friends and started to introduce. My daughter then stopped me and said "no mom these are my cousins." Playing along I said "Oh I am sorry I do not recognize you. Who is your mom?" My daughter answered "Aunt Nicole will be". My sister Nicole had been battling with infertility for many years. I called and told her about it. She ran out and got a test and found out she was pregnant.



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My 4yo niece once asked me:
    "Do you know why babies can't talk?"
    I answered: "Because they havn't learnt yet..."
    She said: "No, because they still know too much!"



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    I was on a bus recently and we were stopped outside a walk-in clinic. A little girl in the seat in front of me turned to her dad and said, "Death is the poor man's doctor." And that was that.
    Edit: never realised this was an Irish proverb. Context: I'm Irish.

    x_y_zed Report


    Darkest Things Kids Said

    My son inherit my innate talent of seeing ghost..soo it nothing scared..but the downside is he never want to sleep alone always with his alone all the time coz bed isn't fit for the three of us



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    One night I heard my little sister crying in her sleep (she was 5 at the time) when I walked in and sat on her bed she immediately stopped crying sat up in her bed, opened her eyes and screamed then fell back on her bed and slept. She remembers nothing.


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am not a doctor, but I know what is happening..... she was having a night terror. this is caused when your body is changing stages in sleep and can confuse the mind. this happens to young kids and they usually get over it once they are older. me, my friend, and my brother all had it and we grew out of it. AND GUESS WHAT???? I'm 10 right now : )

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    Darkest Things Kids Said

    His teacher asked my 5 years old son what is his favorite activity. He answered "I love to sleep." "More than playing soccer?" asked her. "More than anything in the world". did he reply. "I asked him why" told me the teacher" and he said: Because its like to be dead but without pain".



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    When I was like 6,my family used to go to the graveyard every Sunday to place flowers on my uncle's grave. I was bored out of my mind so I asked my mom if I could go and walk around the graveyard and she let me go because it wasn't huge graveyard. I remember walking up to graves and reading people's names,year that they've passed away and even talking to their family members if they happened to be there for the same reason my family was. I saw nothing creepy in that then,but now I'm really weird



    Darkest Things Kids Said

    From when I was a kid:
    "Mommy look what I learned!"
    inserts tongue into moms mouth during good night kiss
    "I learned it from a movie! It means you love someone!"
    mom calmly gets up without saying a word and walks to her room
    I still cringe pretty fucking hard whenever I remember doing that.

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