Whether we like it or not, our world is sometimes a daunting, hostile place. It’s largely thanks to the ones who were supposed to love and protect it: yes, I am looking at you, my fellow humans. From ecological catastrophes that have reached the point of no return, to a violent war happening in not some outer corner of our planet, but right there in the center of Europe.

No wonder many of you know how it feels to close your eyes before falling asleep and have all these brutalities viciously run through your mind.

This Reddit thread has taken it a step further and asked people “What is some dark stuff going on around the world right now that the public probably doesn’t know about?” which shows how little we know and think of on the not-so-pretty side of the world. So it’s time to erase that oblivion.


People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers The “Clients” of Jeffery Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell are still pedophiles, and still free, putting innocent children at risk.

sugar-rat-filthy , wikipedia Report


    The concentration camps that the Uyghur Muslims are in right now in China. It's devastatingly brutal.

    jamesonswife Report

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    Jupiter Davis
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    this needs to be higher. the WEST, especially the media, is not talking about this or just briefly skimming over it. China uses the Uyghurs in forced slave labor and most companies that use them turn a blind eye. Of course, the Chinese Communist Party denies all of these.

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    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers Humanity has wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970.

    chickichuglette , Frans van Heerden Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh God, I’ve only reached the second post on this list and already can’t take it any more.

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    It would take volumes of books to go into these problematic aspects of our planet deeper, in order to explain and educate why exactly they happened and what to do to be a part of the solution and not a problem.

    This time, however, we will be talking about one of the disasters known as ocean pollution which has been caused and escalated by us, humans. In fact, every year, 9 to 14 million tons of plastic waste are dumped into the ocean. In order for your to better picture it, let me tell you it is the equivalent of a garbage truck (17 tons) every minute!


    Bored Panda reached out to Valérie Amant, the Director of Communication of The SeaCleaners who said that “if no urgent action is taken, the approximately 9-14 million tonnes of plastic that currently enter the ocean each year are expected to triple over the next 20 years.”


    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers People are dying because they can’t afford their over-priced medication. A very easy save… just price gouging and horrible healthcare.

    OpportunitySure9578 , Tamanna Rumee Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Tell me you are from the USA without telling me you are from the USA.

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    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers The deforestation of Europe. The last protected ancient forests in Europe (mostly in the east) are cut down by big furniture companies from Finland and Austria. The people trying to protect the forests (activists, journalists, park rangers) are being intimidated, beaten and killed, while the police is looking the other way (or sometimes even participating in the abuse). Basically the same thing like in the Amazon basin, but with a lot less visibility.

    silo10 , roya ann miller Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why are we not hearing about this? Surprised by Finland. I thought the Northern European countries were big on looking after the land and being environmentally responsible?

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    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers Saudi Arabia sentencing to death people who refuse to move out of their homes so that they can build Neom, their new mega city. And their relatives being sentenced to multiple decades of prison time just for protesting or merely posting their support for the cause on social media.

    Bigstar976 , Carles Rabada Report

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    Šimon Špaček
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Neom line is doomed to fail. If it ever gets build, it will be marked as one of the biggest fails in history.

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    Amant explained that this means that between 23 and 37 million tonnes of plastic will enter the ocean each year by 2040. “This is equivalent to 50 kilograms of plastic per meter of coastline worldwide,” she said. Amant encourages people to read the latest report on UNEP right here.

    The SeaCleaners believes that action against plastic pollution is possible, and should take place on land and at sea. Amant explained that it should be done “both in a preventive way (to prevent more waste to be discarded into the sea) and in a corrective way (to clean the waste that can be cleaned). There is quite a controversy about why we do need to collect plastic waste at sea. We explain why here.


    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers California’s water level is very close to the point where we would need to count down the days/months/years of water left

    Many say the Water Wars are coming but in some places they are already here

    Jack_RabBitz , Pixabay Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I live in an arid country and we have a lot of water restrictions. Does California not enforce them?

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    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers In America there are corporations such as Black Rock buying up tons of houses, whole neighborhoods really. they're paying higher than asking price, they will then be permanently renting them out and it will further destroy the middle class/working class. they will make middle class ppl permanent renters. and our politicians on both sides of the aisle are letting this happen because they take money from these corporations.

    mspote , wikipedia Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Corporatocracy - where corporations run the government - it is happening nearly EVERYWHERE and it needs to END. Yes, most prevalent in the USA, but also many other places.

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    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers The extent of fisheries and ocean life's collapse. Alaska just put the emergency brakes on its entire snow crab fishery as the numbers suddenly fell off a cliff. Same for many salmon species, wild fish, etc.

    "Plenty of fish in the sea" seems like a saying that will be true forever, but it won't be. I have seen estimates that there would just be NO commercially-viable fishing by 2048.

    We are scraping the bottom of the ocean and emptying it of life

    PaddlinPaladin , Derek Keats Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Something like 90% of the snow crab population has just disappeared this year.

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    The disastrous effects of ocean pollution can be divided between obvious and not so much. First, plastic pollution has a tremendous negative impact on marine animals and marine biodiversity. “Marine animals, marine biodiversity are the most immediate and visible victims of plastic pollution. More than 1.5 million marine animals die every year: strangled, suffocated, starved, and fatally injured. 90% of marine species are impacted by plastic pollution: from plankton to large predators (3,800 species in total),” Amant explained. She added that mortality rates caused by plastic debris can be as high as 22% for cetaceans and almost 50% for sea turtles.


    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is at an alarming level. There has already been instances of pan antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. This can throw us back to the pre antibiotic era. Which will effectively mean, catch an infection and die.

    No big pharma wants to invest in antibiotic research because of the huge R&D cost and relatively meagre return. Although everyone agrees that we desperately need new antibiotics

    AlmostADrug , Report

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    Vix Spiderthrust
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also it'll make major surgery basically impossible, because you'll get an infection in the wound site and cark it

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    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers I’m a nurse I’m the U.S. the short staffing is worse than you think. People think the healthcare system *will* collapse or is *going to* collapse but it’s not, it already has. Just because you don’t see the hospitals on fire doesn’t mean there isn’t some *severe* staffing and supply shortages

    Futuredoctorg , MedicAlert UK Report

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    Stinky Malinky
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In the UK, we’re missing 25% of our health and social care workforce. Nice one, Brexit. Great. Thanks.

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    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers Women going missing from Indian Reservations across some of the US. Many are young women and probably being used for sex trafficking. There are some interesting podcasts on the subject.

    youngthugsmom , Liza Summer Report

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    El Dee
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also happening in Canada. Way under reported and seems like the cops don't care..

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    Plastic pollution also negatively affects the global economy in numerous ways. Amant said that the cost of plastic pollution to the tourism and fishing industries is estimated at €13 billion each year.

    “By 2040, plastic waste is expected to present an annual financial risk of US$670 billion to businesses and governments who will have to bear the costs of managing it at the projected volumes. A 1% to 5% decline in the provision of marine ecosystem services (= all the economic value of the services provided by the sea) due to plastic pollution is equivalent to an annual loss of $500 billion to $2.5 trillion,” she explained.


    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers The drift toward authoritarian rule and the dissolution of democracy.

    Back2Bach , Arnaud Jaegers Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The USA only has around 65% of their population eligible to vote, yet 100% of the population has an opinion. That’s crazy to me… a country that is so politically obsessed yet chooses not to have a say. That kind of thing leads to a death of democracy. Give your people freedom to choose but almost half don’t use their freedoms, and cry about it instead.

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    8000 women are burned to death every year over dowry disputes in India. This figure does not count women killed by other means or women who survive the burning or women killed for reasons other than dowry disputes.

    BurningBridesInIndia Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And then there's countries where throwing acid into a woman's face is considered "defeneding one's honor"... and the really scary thing is that the so-called incels in western countries would probably resort to such methods, if they weren't afraid of getting arrested.

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    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers 70% of the world's Chocolate comes from West Africa

    an estimated 1.5 million child slaves are engaged in chocolate production in Ghana and the Ivory coast, alone -- not counting Nigeria and Cameroon

    ArcTan_Pete , Tetiana Bykovets Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Check out Tony's chocolate bars if you want to support slave free chocolate. They are a little expensive but worth it.

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    It’s important to note that richer countries produce more plastic waste which is often sent to less developed countries. “The average US citizen produces 8 times more plastic waste than a Chinese citizen,” Amant said. This, in turn, increases social, economic, and health inequality.

    Aman explained that in developing countries, local communities do not always have the structures, nor the funding capacity to manage the environmental, health, social and cultural burden of plastic pollution. “Plastic pollution helps to perpetuate these inequalities by jeopardizing access to clean water, pest and disease control.”


    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers The permafrost is thawing in Siberia, Canada and Alaska. The methane release rate and pre-ice age bacteria awakening from hibernation will reek havoc on our world at an unpredictable rate.

    TakeBeerBenchinHilux , Peter Hansen Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This one has always bothered me the most, literally oceans boiling and lethal steam and gases being whipped around us by storms and wild winds.

    Kathryn Baylis
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not to mention the odd phenomenon of warming oceans eventually triggering an ice age. Just look up Global Thermohaline Circulation.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To wreak havoc is to cause chaos or destruction or both. To reek havoc must mean to stink so badly that the world is destroyed.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Me too, but now it all frightens me. Our generation will be long gone though. Isn’t it strange to be aware of what’s coming, but to also know we will never get to see it.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is not the first time this has happened, and it won't be the last time. Many people do not realise that there has been a lot more than 1 ice age. We are currently at the end of the thawing stage before it gets a lot colder again.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, if that were true, that's also good, but in the mean time we'll be stuck with raissed sea levels, disappeared grounds and god knows what nasties thawed up from the permafrost.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    *wreak havoc (Wreak means to inflict or cause. Havoc means chaos, disorder, or confusion. It can also mean destruction, damage, or ruin. In many cases, it refers to a combination of these things.)

    Hypoxia Smurf
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Melting icecaps and glaciers raising global sea levels... now is a good time to leave your coastal abode and move uphill and inland. We are at 3600ft / 1100m elevation just 150 miles from the Pacific, safely out of tsunami zones. Whew.

    Öz Deniz Boro
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Covid was not a one in a million chance. It is all the result of climate change. If it were not covid it would have been some other microscopic organization with a fast breeding circle.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't think that can be defined alarmism. I think the danger is very real.

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    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers I moved to Sydney 2 weeks ago, and can’t believe how many public suicides there are. It’s almost every day someone kills themselves from jumping from a building or in front of a train. I catch the train almost every day and it feels like a matter of time before I see one happen myself.
    We’re in a massive mental health crisis right now and it’s extremely hard to get help.

    wannaplayzombies , Hamish Weir Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As long as the stigma on mental healthcare exists, people will keep bottling it up... until it bursts in a way that can't be fixed.

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    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers Fast fashion is a human rights and an environmental disaster. There are certain parts of the garment construction process that cannot be mechanized, so humans have to be involved in the production, and the vast majority of them are underpaid. Additionally, fast fashion (especially in women's clothing) isn't made to last, so the fabric and the actual construction is shoddy and the clothes wear out quickly, but fabric recycling is rarely available, so most of those clothes end up in a landfill. Natural fibers release greenhouse gases (ETA: this is an issue in landfills because organic materials decompose in an anaerobic environment in landfills vs an aerobic composting environment which creates more methane as they decompose, and synthetics release chemicals into the water table.

    samiratmidnight , Francois Le Nguyen Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There is a scary documentary about this. We don't need new clothes that often guys. Edited to add: This is one of them for anyone who is curious

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    Longer effects of plastic pollution pause even more dangerous threats and they concern human health. Amant explained how that happens: “Marine plastic microparticles enter our food chain. An adult human would ingest and inhale up to 121,000 microparticles of plastic per year. Recent studies have shown that plastics can be found in our lungs, in our brains, and in our bloodstream.”

    Moreover, plastic contains additives. “While ‘eating’ and ‘breathing’ plastic, we are exposed to these toxic products, including endocrine disruptors, at all stages of the plastic life cycle. The possible health consequences of daily contact with hormone-active substances in plastic are numerous: cancers, sterility, asthma, embryo development disorder…”


    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers Mass kidnapping of school children in Nigeria and other African nations and the only ones talking about it since 2021 is UNICEF.

    Edit: For the record, I'm speaking from an American's perspective who spent the better part of a decade serving in Europe/Asia with the military and can say for certain the only reason I'm aware of it is because of anti human trafficking awareness the US Air Force talks about constantly. I worked directly with NATO and listening to US AFRICOM talk about it daily and yet you NEVER hear about it in the main stream American media.

    Noyaiba , tobie Report


    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers The labor used to build the upcoming FIFA world cup stadiums...

    Way_2_Go_Donny , Edoardo Busti Report


    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers Propaganda is being used by several countries. Most of the Western countries people forgets that propaganda can be used in a complex context through mass media.
    Always think critically and forge your opinions on a subject based on multiple sources and medias around the world.

    poison29 , camilo jimenez Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Meanwhile, every voting ad in the US ever: " This guy hates abortion, this guy does reckless spending, yatta-yatta-yatta. Oh, by the way, vote for this other guy."

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    According to Amant, the impact of plastic pollution on human health is a recent subject of study, and urgently requires the development of scientific knowledge on their real impacts on our health, our immune, endocrine, and respiratory system, or even our DNA. “However it is very difficult to know precisely the consequences of plastic pollution as it is impossible to have a test group (ie a human group that would not be infected by plastic).” You can find more information about it here.


    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers The troubled teen industry. They’ve been kidnapping and then abusing kids (for money) for the last 30 years, all legally.

    TTI Survivor here… 17 years later, the place I was sent gives me nightmares every single night.

    brickwallscrumble , cottonbro Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Are we talking about private for profit detention facilities in the U.S.A.?

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    How about state-level law enforcement stealing identifiable property out of evidence control to pay snitches with it.

    Source: I lost my career over exposing this practice and everyone involved was promoted.

    Pragmatist203 Report


    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers In Africa there is a very real and very extensive slave trade going on right now to say nothing of the other probably 40 million living in bondage.

    downwiththemike , Rio Lecatompessy (not the actual photo) Report


    I'm in Mexico right now. Indigenous children are being sold for rape in the state of Guerrero like pieces of meat. Gov't turns a blind eye and civilians are threatened by the cartel. It's messed up.

    tomboy_overtones Report


    Female Infanticide, i.e. the deliberate killing of newborn female children, is still happening in rural India. A full term new born baby is buried alive if unfortunate enough to be female. The mother is usually trying to get pregnant right after, until she finally gives birth to the prized male child.

    TheAkashicMoonMaiden Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Won't this eventually kill off a country? If everyone is Male where will the next generation come from? Mixing nationalities is not usually popular in homes that would kill children.

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    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers Human trafficking

    You can literally be victim of this while visiting other places or on your vacations.

    Right now there are thousands of people that are being trafficked as mere objects

    STJ41 , Francesca Zama Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I live in San Diego, California, which borders Tijuana, Mexico. Young women especially are kidnapped from San Diego and taken across the border, never to be seen again.

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    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers Micro plastics being found in breast milk.

    schmelk1000 , Oregon State University Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How does that work? How does that happen? (I'm not asking out of incredulity but out of curiosity)

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    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers Somalia is pretty much gone at this point, facing war and one of its worst famines in ages, it would be a miracle if they make it through

    chingudo , Ismail Salad Osman Hajji dirir Report


    9% of Eritrea's population is slaves

    The prevalence of modern-day slavery is way more then people like to talk about

    Akul_Tesla Report

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    Climate change is accelerating… scary part is that it’s not going to take the worst predicted scenarios to mess with us big time. It just needs to get bad enough to topple this jenga tower we’ve built.

    A flood here. A drought there. Aridification leading to migrations within countries and internationally. Resource scarcity, housing shortages, water availability become substantially bigger issues with ballooning populations. Infrastructure not built for rapidly deteriorating climate conditions will fail to adequately serve the public. Fuel shortages interrupt economic activity. We’re in for a bad time. Probably not too long of a wait either.

    These are my fears. This is what keeps me up at night. It’s also why I try to appreciate every minute of everyday that is still even remotely normal and peaceful.

    ArmlessGeodude Report

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    Kathryn Baylis
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Future wars will be fought over clean drinking water. The largest source of clean water is the snow in the Himalayan range. Pakistan controls much of the area. China is presently controlling, or trying to take control of, vast sections as well. They will be the gatekeepers of a huge portion of clean water if the rest of the world is not careful.

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    The biosphere is dying. Billions of animals literally dying every day. Your neighborhood trees and birds and critter populations are plummeting. Marine food supplies crashing. The s**t is hitting the fan and we’re all gonna be affected. If you’re wealthy you may notice it a little less but no one can escape the inevitable collapse of society. I give it 15-20 years before life as we know it is forever changed into something no one wants.

    SnarkLobster Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    as a child of 12 years, my generation is doomed. the boomers and baby boomers don't have to deal with it, so they don't care. most of my life is ahead of me, and I don't want it to be hell.

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    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers Sex trafficking in Ukraine. How better to “disappear” young women and children than during war time.

    TheBeardedTinMan , Richard Jaimes Report

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    El Dee
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, no one is talking about hwo some people take advantage like this. People used WW2 as cover for their crimes in UK too..

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    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers Behind every polished business facade is a hodgepodge of systems that are hacked together to service you, data protection is 2nd to revenue, all the networks and system engineers have the power truely steal all your data.

    mavack , Markus Spiske Report


    The NCA believes there to be somewhere between 550,000 and 850,000 pedophiles in the UK who pose an active threat to children.

    There are 12.7 million children in the UK; that means that (assuming the 550k figure is the correct one to be as optimistic as possible) there's one actively dangerous pedophile for every 23 or so children in the UK.

    The average class size in a UK school is 24.5 children, which means that the ratio of dangerous pedophiles in the UK to school classes is near enough 1:1 (actually slightly worse even in the most optimistic analysis of the numbers).

    Sleep well, parents.

    Lex_Innokenti Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They go to third world countries to get easier preys with lesser or none consequences

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    There's this thing called "eye checks" where men film themselves opening the eyelids of unconscious and unknowing women, it's not uncommon for them to also poke at the eye ball and sometimes even lick it. And because it is technically not NSFW there are hundreds of videos available on YouTube alone.

    Now imagine the stuff they won't upload publicly.

    MurderDoneRight Report


    France just deployed the foreign legion to secure gas fields and process plants in Yemen, in order to reduce their dependence on Russian LNG.

    Saudi Arabia is involved in a brutally aggressive war against Yemen. It has been called the biggest humanitarian crisis of the decade by some. Western governments are currently supplying Saudi with weapons that are immediately turned on Yemeni civilians. Millions of people are famished.

    France has just deployed there essentially on the side of Saudi Arabia, literally stealing Yemeni resources despite public outcry in France.

    Sensitive-Tune6696 Report

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    A vast majority of Latin American run and operated mineral extractors are secretly majority-owned by Canadian private interests. They are also the most violent companies in the natural resource extraction/mining sector, hands down. Some business majors might think it's China but they wouldn't even be close

    This is the same Canada that wants everyone to believe they stop drilling in their own rugged protected wilderness, only to spearhead an entire industry of violent, priest-shooting, jungle-terrorist-arming, village poisoning, child-bouquet-grenading, off-road macheteing businesses that get sued by Latin American governments every year, like clockwork, for over 40+ years straight

    I know because Latin American Investor-State arbitration [in legal business development & marketing] is full of these horror stories and Canadian ownership pays big money to keep their ownership structure out of the headlines. I'm done working those jobs, courting those clients - they knew what was happening, they paid for it to happen and they profited from survivors of these atrocities moving off the land. F**k every last one of them and may their souls never rest. The privileged information shared during client background research we've worked will haunt me for the rest of my life. Paying locals to pour molten lead into the mouths of children. Hot poker assaults. F**k every last canadian mining company based out of Latin America. All the major S&P 500 players killed their way to the top and paid governments to stay there.

    Apart-Link-8449 Report

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    Casey Burns
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What always bothers me.... is that the absolute worst thing you can imagine..... someone has already done it to someone somewhere. It's terrifying and heart wrenching all at the same time.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers Most shrimp caught near SE asia and parts of Africa are caught by literal slaves who are forced onto slave ships or sold by their families into servitude.

    PeteRose4HOF , Rachel Martin Report


    The gigantic impact that vapes are having on landfill and disposable batteries

    deepblueFlexGuru Report

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    Alexander Wasil
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Vaping is one of the most harmful activities teens can do, starting at about age 16, stopping at the cutoff of about age 35, that's 20 years ad multiple generations of people vaping and disposing of vapes in landfills. With all the technology that is in them, it is disasters to one's health, and the environment.

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    In a handful of really poor regions around the world, managers of orphanages sometimes tip off the local pimps that a girl is about to age out of the system and end up on the streets.

    When the managers are actually half way decent humans, the tip money they get goes to feed the smaller kids. Shitty managers obviously view that money as a side hustle to make having the main job worthwhile.

    barbarian818 Report

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    Kathryn Baylis
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If they’re tipping off pimps like that, I highly doubt they’re then using their “commission” money to feed the younger children in their “care”.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Indian scammers are tricking elderly folks into sending thousands of dollars by bullying them over the phone and pretending to be their bank. It's really bad because they will use terms that make them seem like they know what they're doing to someone that doesn't know much about computers.

    They might run the netstat command and convince you that you have foreign hackers connected to your computer. Then attempt to either 1) sell you a phony antivirus or 2) connect to your PC to "diagnose" the problem, when in actuality they are just trying to get into your online banking.

    TheMightyRaisin Report

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    Panda Kicki
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh, yes, they called us to.I had a fun time scambaiting them, went through several of them until I couldnt hold my giggle and they hung up on me.

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    Hi from Seattle.

    We got two 16,000 anchor wild fires going that is making our October f****** nuts. The smoke is so thick it’s grey, and I can hardly see the space needle from my companies roof when I typically can see it plain as day. Today it’s the worst day I’ve seen. People are going home and businesses are closing early or not opening it all.

    Masks everywhere though which is good.

    SadGruffman Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We were dealing with the same in Portland. The air quality was off the charts until we finally got rain, which is another issue all together since it usually rains daily starting in mid September and we have been having 80 degree days up until a couple days ago. The leaves haven't even changed yet, which is just unheard of..

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    There’s a major CPAP recall that has affected half of the machines out there and there’s no fix. People are literally dying because of this and the DOJ needs to step in. Patients don’t wear their CPAP mask? They can die. If they do wear it, they are exposed to carcinogens and can lead to cancer.

    Ventilators affected as well. It’s been over a year and Philips only wants to reimburse $50 for the machines. We have patients waiting months for a machine. The sleep world is affected including our jobs and lawyers. NO ONE is talking about it! The FDA recall is serious

    Snoo_34496 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How does someone/a whole corporation get to a point where they do not care if their products are killing people, people who trust them to actually keep them alive?

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    Many of us have probably gone past houses where there is somebody being held prisoner and had no idea.

    _Mister_Shake_ Report

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    Kathryn Baylis
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As well as houses where domestic abuse is happening daily. Or they’re the homes of abused children and/or animals. You can drive yourself crazy wondering what really goes on behind the closed doors of your neighbors’ homes, or the houses you pass by on your daily commute. But what would be worse is turning a blind eye to it, just because we can’t bear to think about it. Someone has to do the difficult job of stepping up and intervening to make it stop. We should all be that someone if we come across proof of it happening around where we live.

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    In the UK the median age for death of people with intellectual/learning disabilities (IQ deficit based conditions) die around 25 years earlier than the general population. They are 58 times more likely to die of preventable causes and 1 in 8 deaths are directly attributed to medical negligence.
    The latest report about deaths in this group showed that in some parts of the UK, the median age of death for non white people in this group was 42.
    Very few of these deaths are related to their disability. Some are flat out refused treatment, others are seen as refusing it because they can't consent. That or all illnesses are attributed to their disability.

    givesyouhel Report

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    Deborah Harris2
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is because the UK Mental Health care system is non functional and severely lacking. This report is from 2018, and this paragraph is fabricated by BP and made up of different points from the Mencap site copy and pasted randomly

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    People Share “Dark Stuff Going On Around The World" The General Public Is Likely Not Aware Of, And Here Are 30 Of The Most Eye-Opening Answers There's anywhere between 25-50 active serial killers at least at any given point in time in the US alone. Sleep well

    Leather-Cut2544 , Luis Villasmil Report


    There's been a leak of Mexican government documents, emails, etc. that is ~2x larger than the panama papers. Some of these leaks have shown that Sedena (Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional/Secretary of National Defense) has been helping arm cartels in some of their southern states. This is focused mainly around the state of Chiapas as their reasoning for arming the cartels was to attack both indigenous communities and the Zapatistas (EZLN/Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional).

    This is especially concerning as Sedena has a history of being trained by/working with the Unites States' Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC). WHINSEC was previously known as the School of the Americas, where the largest amount of dictators, war criminals, and overall terrible people were trained during the Cold War in the US' attempt at expanding their influence south.

    This leak further confirms how the militarization of the Mexican state will only further be used against indigenous communities, leftist groups, labor unions, and student organizations which people fear will lead to another Dirty War in Mexico. With potential US involvement as well, this is giving flashbacks to the Tlatelolco massacre before the '68 Olympics in Mexico where Mexican troops (with US arms and intelligence) massacred around 500 student, peasant, and worker protests.

    resiste-et-mords Report

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    Alexander Wasil
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For reference, the panama papers exposed how the rich use legal loopholes to avoid paying taxes and, as it was found in some cases, commit tax fraud, tax evasion, and avoiding international sanctions