Who said that spooky stuff is only appropriate for Halloween? Definitely not us! And if there’s any way to prolong the scrumptiousness of being spooked on the regular, why not take a shot at these dark riddles that we’ve rounded up in our article? While they won’t offer any jump scares (although you could always arrange them on your own accord), they might just send that delicious tingle down your spine. So, ready to take a look at our selection of dark humor riddles? 

But before you do, let’s talk a bit more about what you might expect by delving deeper into the world of spooky riddles. For starters - lots of screams. No, not from you, necessarily, but we’ve counted, and the word ‘scream’ is mentioned anywhere from five to fifty-five times in this list. A good start, right? Another thing these dark riddles often mention is the Other World. You know, like ghosts, vampires, and E.T. Delicious! And if you’re wondering if these fun riddles are appropriate to be played together with your little spawn, we can assure you that there definitely are some eerie riddles for kids in here, too. 

Right-o, ready to get spooked? If the answer is ‘positive,’ proceed as follows - scroll on down below until you reach the dark riddles with answers, solve them, and upvote them. From hard, scary riddles to kids-appropriate ones, you’re definitely in for a treat! 


Girl sitting with eyes closed Your eyes are open and I’m there. Close them. I’m there too. What am I?



    White pillow on gray sofa What loses its head in the morning, and gets it back at night?



    Colorful gloves on mannequin They have not flesh, nor feathers, nor scales, nor bone. Yet they have fingers and thumbs of their own. What are they?


    What Riddles Can Be Qualified as Dark? 

    Dark riddles are a prominent subgenre of riddles. They are set apart from the rest because of their eerie or even macabre themes and are characterized by their unsettling or morbid content. In short, dark riddles often challenge the reader to think in a dark, twisted, or unconventional manner whether they want it or not! 

    Speaking of topics these dark humor riddles may be based upon, here are some examples: 


    "I was found dead in a room with no windows and the door locked from the inside. There were no weapons in the room and no signs of a struggle. How did I die?"

    • Graveyard Riddles

    "I lay silent in the dark, and no one ever visits me. People walk over me every day, but I'll never be free. What am I?"

    • Vampire Riddles

    "I only come out at night, I drink a red, life-giving fluid, and I fear the light. What am I?"

    • Zombie Riddles

    "I shamble and groan with no thoughts in my head. I'm always hungry, but I'm already dead. What am I?"

    • Psychological Riddles

    "I saw a man walk into the forest, but there was only silence. When I followed him, I found him hanging from a tree, and there was no one else around. How did he get there?"

    • Ghost Riddles

    "I died a tragic death and now haunt an old, decrepit house. I make eerie sounds in the night and flicker the lights. Who am I?"

    You get the gist — everything that’s spooky, eerie, unsettling, and unnerving is a perfect topic for dark riddles! Most importantly, though, they are always thought-provoking yet highly enjoyable for anyone with a penchant for the macabre and the dark. 


    Graveyard with green grass and gravestones What’s the one place you can be sure you’ll never read your name?



    Full moon You’ll only ever see one side of me. I change each day. Sometimes big, sometimes just a sliver. What am I?



    sky full of stars with mountains At night they come without being fetched, and by day they are lost without being stolen. What are they?


    Why Do People Like Dark Riddles? 

    Dark humor riddles definitely have their niche, with plenty of people who like their entertainment on the darker side! And that’s absolutely a-ok, and these dark riddles with answers are well-liked, not without a reason. Here’s why people might like solving dark humor riddles: 

    • Intrigue and Mystery. Who doesn’t love solving a good old crime from the comfort of their own couch? Same with these tough riddles - they offer a delicious problem to be solved. 
    • Thrill and Excitement. If you’ve watched a horror movie or two, you know the rush you get when scared by it. Well, these dark riddles might give the very same rush of excitement!
    • Escape from the Mundane. Dark riddles offer an escape from daily life and routine like no other brain teasers can by transporting the reader to a much more exciting psychological space. 
    • Intellectual Stimulation. Solving spooky riddles is undeniably beneficial for your critical thinking! 
    • Cultural Appeal. Some dark riddles can be based on horror movies or books, and that might appeal to a lot of people. 

    Of course, not everyone is drawn to dark humor riddles, and that’s also perfectly fine! To some, they might seem way too unsettling, while others might find them irresistibly and deliciously spooky. So much so that they choose to solve these spooky riddles in the dark to heighten the effect. And, since you’re here, why don’t you keep on scrolling and checking out our collection of dark humor riddles with answers?


    Crab looking at the sand My legs are knives. I am a knight. I can reclaim what I lose in a fight. What am I?



    Two person walking shadows Where do dead outlaws go on a Saturday night?


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    Clouds in the sky I can fly but have no wings. I can cry but I have no eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?



    Bat flying I sleep by day, I fly by night. I have no feathers to aid my flight. What am I?



    Black butterfly flying I have 16 legs then, I sleep for about a fortnight and a merge with 6 legs. What am I?



    red fire truck A group of men is suddenly awakened by a loud, piercing, continuous sound. They all scramble out of their beds, get dressed, grab a pole, and disappear into a hole. What in the world are these men doing?


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    Eligijus Sinkunas
    BoredPanda Staff
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Answer: The men are firemen who were on night-shift duty at their firehouse. When they heard the fire alarm, they got dressed, slid down the fire pole, and got in the fire truck.


    Lighting strike I am, in truth, a yellow fork from tables in the sky by inadvertent fingers dropped the awful cutlery. Of mansions never quite disclosed and never quite concealed the apparatus of the dark to ignorance revealed. What am I?


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    Person hand at car window Where do zombies go for a night out?



    Red nike shoes Runs over fields and woods all day under the bed at night sits not alone, with long tongue hanging out, awaiting for a bone. What am I?



    Hunted house at the night There is an old horror house. It has no electricity, plumbing, or power of any sort. You go inside and see three doors. Each door has a number on it. In each door is a way for you to die. In door number one, you die by getting eaten by a lion. In door number two, you die by getting murdered. In door number three, you die by electric chair. You may not turn back so you have to go through a door. Which door do you go through?


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    Eligijus Sinkunas
    BoredPanda Staff
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Answer: Go through number three. You'll survive because it's an electric chair and there is no electricity.


    A coffin with flowers You’re certain to be wearing your best outfit or something special when you come to stay. What am I?



    A jack-o’-lanterns smiling It doesn’t hurt when you carve my face. In fact, you bring me to life. What am I?


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    Road in the desert I run in and out of town all day and night. What am I?



    Candle lighted in the dark I was carried into a dark room, and set on fire. I wept, and then my head was cut off. What am I?



    Half cut coconut A little pool with two layers of wall around it. One white and soft and the other dark and hard, amidst a light brown grassy lawn with an outline of green grass. What am I?



    Man bites woman in the neck How do you know that a vampire loves baseball?


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    Eligijus Sinkunas
    BoredPanda Staff
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Answer: Because he turns into a bat every night.


    Half moon in the night What falls down but never breaks?



    Scarecrow with white shirt I'm like a doll, But I'm not for playing; I stand up straight, but if windy I may be laying; I'm well-known and famous for having no brain; I work outside both day and night in sunshine or in rain. What am I?


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    Pearl necklace Lovely and round, I shine with pale light, grown in the darkness, a lady's delight. What am I?



    Shadow of person They are dark and always on the run. Without the sun, there would be none. What are they?



    Black alarmclock on the table Every night, I'm told what to do. And every morning, I do what you tell me to do. But you still get mad at me and hit me. What am I?



    Lifeguard watching sea My first four letters describe all living things. My last five letters are another word for knight. My job is to save you, and I'm a fan of water. Who am I?


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    Ghost waving in the field What do ghosts like to do on a Saturday night?



    Blonde hair woman with colorful eyelids What's light during the day but heavy during the night?



    I am not a person or an animal. I was born from the death of something large and hot. I am capable of consuming anything and everything. I am very dark and exist in a place where there is no gravity. What am I?



    When I am metal or wood, I bring you home. When I am flesh and blood, in the darkness I roam. What am I?



    I have an eye in the middle of me, but as you see, I cannot see. I am dark and not far away. You don't see me every day. I am not night and I am not bright. I can have twists and water and scares. What am I?


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    I can't hurt you, but I can leave you with scars. Nobody wants me, but everyone has me. But you are the only one who can see me. What am I?



    You see me at night, by day you tell everyone about me. I come back looking different than before. I sometimes leave you in the darkness. What am I?



    I am nothing, I am everything. I am perfect dark, I am the brightest light. I am hungry, I am full. I am nowhere, I am everywhere. I am unseen, I am watched by millions. What am I?


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    I'm blue at day and black at night; I do contain some creatures born and died. What am I?



    I welcome the day with a show of light, I stealthily came here in the night. I bathe the earthy stuff at dawn, but by noon, alas! I'm gone. What am I?


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    What brightens your day when it's dark, although it's usually in the shade?



    My first is in ocean but never in sea, my second's in wasp but never in bee. My third is in glider and also in flight, my whole is a creature that comes out at night. What am I?



    I come out at night, I am neither human nor animal, I rarely eat I only drink, I can only be found at night, I will glow in the sunlight. What am I?



    In a tunnel of darkness lies a beast of iron. It can only attack when pulled back. What is it?



    The ghost of the mountain never to be seen, leaps like a raging fire to catch his prey. As pale as the moon but fast as the wind. Cold as ice, but a flash of light in the night. What is it?


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    In the light, I may reflect. In the dark, I'm cold and wet. What am I?



    Stealthy as a shadow in the dead of night, cunning but affectionate if given a bite. Never owned but often loved. In my sport considered cruel, but that's because you never know me at all. What am I?



    Which is the creature that has one voice, but has four feet in the morning, two feet in the afternoon, and three feet at night?


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    Eligijus Sinkunas
    BoredPanda Staff
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Answer: Man crawls on all fours as a baby, walks on two as an adult, and needs a walking cane when old.


    A glow in the dark, a place without life, where a small spark, means the greatest strife. Where am I?



    The more it is made, the more it is destroyed. The case can't be cracked, yet you won't be able to avoid it. It can be used for play or just a simple stay. Small, medium, or large, used in both light and in dark. What is it?



    Empty as space, scary as a ghost, I appear every night. What am I?



    A color is seen on a stoplight, an item you use to eliminate the darkness. What comic book character is it?


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    Slam slam slam all day long slam slam slam some fast, some slow something solid. flat and sturdy its friend lights up the night and is sensitive to the eye slam slam slam A through Z 1,2,3 black as night. What am I?


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    What can only move by jumping?


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    What is dressed when night falls and undressed when day breaks?


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    Who spends the day at the window, goes to the table for meals, and hides at night?



    I’m soft, delicate and silky, but if you’re wrapped in me, you’ll scream — if you can. What am I?



    I crack when I’m weary, tingle when I’m scared and stretch when I’m proud. What am I?



    I’m blue on the inside and red on the outside. Donate me, but never drink me. What am I?


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    What kind of ball must you never throw, kick, hit or pitch?



    What pet does better in the house than in the garage?



    What’s the best way to eat a devil’s-food cake?


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    I am equally comfortable in your mouth and in your shoe. What am I?



    I roar loudly, eat dirt and while I’m a big help, I get pushed and pulled in every direction. What am I?


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    It can't be seen, can't be felt, can't be heard, and can't be smelt. It lies behind stars and under hills, and empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, ends life, and kills laughter. What is it?



    I am the beginning of sorrow and the end of sickness. You cannot express happiness without me, yet I am in the midst of crosses. I am always in risk, yet never in danger. You may find me in the sun, but I am never out of darkness. What am I?


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    I weaken all men for hours each day. I show you strange visions while you are away. I take you by night, by day take you back, none suffer to have me, but do from my lack. What am I?


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    The marathon man timed himself and found out that if he wore a bright white outfit he ran 20 miles in 80 minutes, but when he wore a dark outfit, he ran 20 miles in one hour and twenty minutes. What does this mean for his next race?


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    Eligijus Sinkunas
    BoredPanda Staff
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Answer: Absolutely nothing, as 80 minutes equals an hour and twenty minutes.


    Duels of good and evil, a fighter of good am I, revealed beside watched words, king of the black night sky. What am I?



    A nightmare for some. For others, a savior I come. My hand's cold and bleak. It's the warm hearts they seek. What am I?



    I grow in the dark and shine in the light; the paler I am, the more I am liked; my maker never gets paid, but never goes on strike. What am I?


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    With three eyes and a black as night, I frequently knock down ten men with a single strike! What am I?


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    Dead on the field lie ten soldiers in white, felled by three eyes, black as night. What happened?


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    Eligijus Sinkunas
    BoredPanda Staff
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Answer: A strike was thrown in 10-pin bowling.


    Dark with white markings, and smooth like a rock. Where learning occurs, I help convey thought. What am I?


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    I'm as plain to see as black & white. I prefer to roam about at night. Just don't attack or startle me. Or odiferous emissions may result you see. I'm an omnivore yes it's true. But what's my name tell me do?


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    You use me every day but let me rest at night. I have an identical twin beside me all the time. For some reason, you always cover me up. I am not alive but I have a soul. What am I?



    I am life, yet not real. When we first meet, things are dark. When we leave each other, you are in the light. I meet many people with and after you. What am I?



    I have billions of eyes, yet I live in darkness. I have millions of ears, yet only four lobes. I have no muscle, yet I rule two hemispheres. What am I?


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    From dawn to dusk I soar through the sky, a thunderous voice, but silent I fly. Through the darkest depths, I will not die, yet I can not be seen by the naked eye. What am I?


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    What falls but never breaks? What breaks but never falls?


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    How long would it take a fly, wearing a pair of wellingtons, walk through a tin of treacle?


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    Eligijus Sinkunas
    BoredPanda Staff
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Answer: A fortnight, it’s too weak.


    What animal has more lives than a cat?


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    Eligijus Sinkunas
    BoredPanda Staff
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Answer: A frog, he croaks every night!


    I have four legs but no tail. Usually, I am heard only at night. What am I?



    You can get fooled by me and you have no clue what you are doing, you can see them day and night. What am I?



    It takes the town hall clock 6 seconds to strike 4 o'clock in the afternoon. How long does it take to strike midnight?


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    How many times does the long hand of the clock pass the shorthand between midnight one day and midnight the following day? As both hands are together at the starting time of midnight this does not count as a pass.



    A person gets up 180 times every night and sleeps for at least 7 hours at a time. Where does the person live?


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    A woman is walking down a street at night at a constant pace. As she passes the street light, she notices that her shadow becomes longer. Does the top of her shadow move faster, slower, or the same when the shadow is longer as when it is shorter?


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    Eligijus Sinkunas
    BoredPanda Staff
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Answer: This point maintains a constant speed, independent of the length of the shadow.


    It was pitch black one evening. A girl was sitting on the balcony at 8 pm. There was no power in the house and the entire street was dark. She was reading a book. How?


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    Eligijus Sinkunas
    BoredPanda Staff
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Answer: She was blind and reading Braille.


    A lift is on the ground floor. There are 4 people in the lift including me. When the lift reaches 1st floor, 1 person gets out 3 people get in. The lift goes up to the second floor, 2 people get out 6 people get in. It then goes up to the next floor up, no-one gets out but 12 people get in. Halfway up to the next floor up the lift cable snaps, it crashes to the floor. Everyone dies in the lift. How did I survive?


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    Made of ten but two we make, when assembled others quake, five apart and we are weak, five together havoc wreak. What are we?



    You use me to clean, but the powerful take me for a ride. What am I?



    Why couldn't Goldilocks sleep?


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    I'm the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you see at night, I'm always there but you choose to ignore me, cross your eyes and you will see me. What am I?



    I watch you sleep, I haunt you by day. You stare at me and saw nothing, but darkness. What am I?



    I usually wear a yellow coat. I usually have a dark head. I make marks wherever I go. What am I?



    My first is a part of the day, my last a conductor of light, my whole to take the measure of time, is useful by day and by night. What am I?


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    A room with no windows or doors, walks in the night, grows in a day, and is found where there is death and decay. What is it?
