Everyone knows the game of Truth or Dare and the struggle of coming up with witty questions or funny dares on the spot. However, thinking of fun truth questions is much easier than coming up with good dares for Truth or Dare. That’s a fact, even if alcohol is involved, because that toxic sucker doesn't exactly help the neurons transmit the signals in the brain.
Although this post would have been more helpful when many populations were under lockdown (because good ideas always come too late, duh), with summer over and the winter months coming, this might still come in handy. It's always tough to come up with fun things to do together but separately. Texting and sending reels and TikToks is an excellent way to maintain the bond, yet there are more fun ways to strengthen it. For example, ask your mate to do dares over texting AND record them.
Who said you can't play Truth or Dare while texting? Exactly, no one. How, you may ask? While there is no way to tell if the person is telling the truth (God will be their judge), one can ask for proof, a.k.a. a recording of dares over text. So the next time you want to spice up the conversation or have some (documented) fun with your mates, try asking dare questions over text and enjoy the comedy.
Below, we've compiled a list of fun dares to do over text to get you and your pals chuckling. Do you know of any good dares over text? Share them below! Also, have you ever played Truth or Dare questions over text? Let us know!
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Call your dad and ask if it’s normal to be charged $500 for ‘premium air’ in your tires.
Call the library and ask if they carry a dictionary that translates British to American.
I would actually do this, like legitimately asking. (I write a lot and sometimes I get British and American spellings mixed up 😬)
Make a sandwich blindfolded.
Like every post of a random person’s Instagram page.
Call your nemesis and say, “Long time no see!”
Post on social media saying you’re going to leave your job to become a professional clown.
Record yourself dabbing to your parents without any explanation and send me the video.
Send me the 11th picture in your photo gallery.
Well it's actually my chest and cleavage; was asking a friend about a mark (was an allergic reaction to something). Guess I should go delete that now
Make every person smile here, if not keep going until everyone smile.
Go outside. Stop the first person you see on the road and say to them, “I love you.”
Screenshot and send me your internet history.
Open Social media app and like the first post, whether you agree or not.
Text your mom that you’ve been arrested.
If I was in jail, to make matters worse she would ground me from my phone. 😞
Record yourself shaving your arms and send me a pic.
Tell me the most childish thing you still do, even today, even if it’s a little embarrassing.
Post a YouTube video of you singing a currently popular song into a hairbrush.
You have to rub your armpit and lick the hand you used to rub it.
Text the first person in your phonebook a really bad joke.
It would have to be a reeeally bad joke or they would suspect it wasn't me.
For five minutes, you have to pretend that you’re really a cat.
Stand in the backyard and yell at the top of your lungs, “Nooooo! I was adopted!”
Record yourself dancing with no music for two minutes.
Text a random number and write “I see dead people”.
Go to your nearby tree and argue with it for 20 minutes.
Screenshot your browser history, send it to one of your co-workers, and send me a screenshot of their answer.
Send a selfie to someone you haven’t talked to in at least a year on Facebook or Instagram. Take a screenshot of their reply and send it to me.
Call a pizza place and order ten sardine pizzas.
Call me on FaceApp and go outside. Walk around your block and talk to yourself constantly, even when other people are around.
Blindfold yourself and then reach into your fridge. The dare is that you have to eat the first thing you touch.
Call your best friend’s parents. Give them a few reasons why you love their child so much, then hang up immediately, without giving them a chance to reply or ask anything.
Put a pair of your socks in the freezer for an hour and then wear them for at least five minutes.
Eat a raw piece of garlic.
Call a Chinese restaurant and order 10 pizzas.
Heh *smug look and looks at recent calls* *smiles in triumph* muahahaha, and their in Canada. (I live in FlOrIdA)
Drink a glass of water while upside down.
Take a really unflattering picture of yourself or choose one from your gallery and make it your profile picture for one full day.
Send me the link to the last YouTube video you watched.
Dance to your favorite children’s song.
Use a friend’s profile picture as wallpaper for a week.
I dare you to order me $10 worth of food for delivery.
Text me a list of all your ex-girlfriends alphabetically.
Get a large garbage bag and cut the bottom open. Put it on like a skirt and knot the ties around your waist. Act like you are modeling haute couture on the catwalk.
Eat a piece of dog or cat food.
Explain your worst bathroom experience.
Puked in the bidet and tried to sluice it away using the shower head. And it wasn't my bathroom. Do not recommend
Eat a handful of dry noodles.
Wrap yourself in toilet paper.
Text your crush and ask them out on a date.
Cut a piece of your hair.
Take a spoon. Put a little bit of your bath soap on it and try it.
Everything you type for the rest of our dare game has to rhyme.
Get some ice cream and smother it on your face.
Reveal your deepest secret.
Rub your face with chocolate cream and keep it on for 20 minutes without rinsing.
Open your selfies gallery, don’t delete anything, take a screenshot of it and immediately send it to me.
Do 20 pushups and mention my last name in each one.
Eat an entire spoonful of chili or another hot sauce.
Spin around for 30 seconds and then try to walk straight.
List three embarrassing things within three feet of you right now.
Take a pickle, put some chocolate syrup on it, and then eat it just like that.
I’ve done that before and I liked it. It makes me want sushi
Take your socks off and put them on your hands, like they’re gloves. Wear them like that for five minutes.
Scatter several Legos on the floor and try to walk over them with your bare feet. Put a camera on the floor, so you can record it and then send me the video.
Draw a unibrow on your face and take a selfie.
Describe the strangest dream you can remember. Did you like it, and do you want it to come true?
Fill up the bath. Record yourself getting in with your current outfit still on. Send me the video.
Grab the broom and perform the tango with it.
Run around the room, imitating a monkey.
Put ice cubes down your pants. You can’t take them out with your hands. You can only try to shake them out.
Fill your mouth completely with water and say your name.
Squirt shaving cream all over your hair and take a selfie.
First of all, you need to stand on one leg. Bark for three minutes, all the while flapping your arms like a chicken.
Try and fit as many marshmallows in your mouth as you can, record yourself and send me the video.
Put on clothes of the opposite gender and take a video of yourself trying to act like a guy/girl.
Try to open a bag of snacks or candy using only your mouth; hands and feet aren’t allowed.
Drag your bum on the carpet or the floor, like a dog, from one end of the room to the other.
I did in front of my dog and she started humping me lmao
Peel a potato/banana using only your teeth.
Record yourself singing the entire alphabet, but you shouldn’t open your mouth more than a crack.
Howl like a dog for one minute.
Spin an imaginary hula hoop around your waist for 30 seconds, record it, and send the video.
Drink a glass of wine in less than ten seconds.
Wear a “Kiss me… It’s my Birthday” board over your neck and go outside.
Take a picture of you picking your nose and post it on social media.
Find the spiciest thing in your house and eat an entire spoonful of it.
You're asking a lot. The spice level in my house would beat that of at least 95% of Western civilization.
Act out your favorite movie in only two minutes.
I don't think I could even drive a car through a shopping mall in two minutes.
Sit on your hands for one minute.
Drop your toothbrush in the toilet, then reach in to get it and brush your teeth with it.
Open the dial pad on your phone and type a random number. If they pick up, you have to have a meaningless conversation with that person.
Try to lick your own foot.
Blindfold yourself and then select one mobile number from your contacts. Send them a romantic message and screenshot their reply so you can send it to me.
Go outside and do the cowboy dance.
Mix a variety of sauces from the kitchen and eat the concoction.
Leave the zip of your pants open for the rest of the day.
Close your eyes and pick a random person from your contact list. Call them and sing them a song.
Record yourself while writing your name on the floor with your tongue and send me the video.
Imagine you’re a rat and act out how you would escape from a cat.
Mix honey and flour in a bowl. Then put it on your nose and leave it there for 10 minutes.
Record yourself licking the floor and send it to me.
Knock on someone’s door and try to run away before they answer!
Take a coin out of your wallet and lick It.
Nope. Some of these could literally destroy other peoples lives. Not funny.
Nope. Some of these could literally destroy other peoples lives. Not funny.