Dan Rubin, a UK Instagrammer and creative director, has come up with a unique take on the Selfie.

He’s created the #phonie – a way that anyone can use their handset to become someone that they’re not – making themselves a phoney using their phone, in a neat piece of punning.

Dan was challenged to come up with a unique take on the Selfie craze by HTC who asked him to use their HTC One Mini 2 to come up with a reinterpretation of the selfie.

Dan took to the streets of London to turn some everyday regulars in Swinging Sixties hang-out Carnaby Street into the likes of supermodels of the moment – Cara Delavigne, Harry Styles of One Direction, Kim Kardashian, Beyonce and Aaron Paul, amongst others. All these celebs are known to be fond of a selfie or two.

Dan says of the Phonies: “Selfies have become ingrained in popular culture so I started thinking about images that could take the humble selfie to a different level. I liked the idea of using a few celebrities known for shooting selfies and merging them with street photography-style portrait shots.