Embarrassed Son Asks Dad Not To Wave At Him In Front Of School Bus, Regrets Doing It For Next 163 School Days
Parents, they are here to clothe us, feed us and without fail, embarrass us. Sixteen is a particularly ripe age for parental embarrassment and poor Rain Price of American Fork, Utah was no exception. It was the beginning of his sophomore school year and his first time riding the bus so in true embarrassing parent-style his dad Dale waved him off. Mortified, he begged his mom Rochelle to stop Dale from doing it again - guess who overheard?
To Rain's dismay and Dale's delight, not only did the father decide to wave his son goodbye, he decided to send him off dressed in costume. But wait, this was not just a one-time incident, Dale dressed up every single day for 170 straight school days.
"When he did it the first day I was in shock. You don’t want to see your dad dressing up in a wedding dress, waving at you on the bus," Rain told the Metro, to which his dad responded: "I hope this lives with him for the rest of his life."
Dale became known as the 'Wave At The Bus Dad,' coming out in the most hilarious and elaborate costumes and never repeating the same look. He said he only spend around $50 the whole year and relied on friends and neighbors to loan him costume essentials. So the family could share the ridiculousness with the rest of the world, Rochelle created a blog to document all the outfits.
Rain is now all grown up at 19 and serves as a church missionary in Liberia, West Africa.
From the Little Mermaid to a blushing bride, scroll down below to some of Dale's iconic fashion moments!
More Info: Facebook | Website | Twitter
On the 1st day of Rain Price's sophomore year, his dad Dale waved at him when he boarded the bus
Rain was embarrassed and told his mother Rochelle, ‘Mom, don’t let Dad go out there again.’ Dale overheard and accepted it as a challenge
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Ncredible Hulk Or Hunk?
Dad's Outdoor Office
White Wedding
A Kiss From Your Dad
Cleaning Up
Patrick Swayze
Despicable We
Princess Leia
Mr P
Ok, I'm going to share a personal secret. Baracuda is my first crush as a little girl. I was so found of him, that I was wearing all my neacklaces at the same time. To my defense, I was 4 or 5 yo
White Rabbit
Orange Barrels
Guilty Of Waving Daily
Terry Potter
American Fork 911
Have A Princess Perfect Day
The Trailerhood
Hula Girl
oh c**p ,but I bet all on the bus just couldnt wait for the next day to see what it will be next day
"And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!!!" What do you mean I've seen this movie too many times?
A Not So Wonderful Woman
Secret Service
You Light Up My Life
Clown Scare
Donkey Kong
Dr Evil
... In the naaaaaaaaaaame of looooooooooooooove, before you breaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak my heaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart!
Super Dad
Mister Clean
He puts so much effort into these costumes............If I were a child on the bus I'd be waiting in anticipation for each to come so I could see what he was wearing next........If this were my Dad, I'd be so very, very proud.......he'll realize this as the years pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's No Place Like Home
Ice Fisherman
Lord Of The Rings
Going Bananas
A Knight Who Says Ni
Big Foot Sighting
Gangnam Style
Jack Skellington
Happy Foot
Gold Medal Winner
Flu Season
Funny Footprint
It can even be scary if you chose Igor with a "I" 1200x768_i...8-jpeg.jpg
Ahoy Matey
Ah, finally! I've scrolled through 113 photos to see if he did a pirate!
Shepherd Keeping Watch
Fire! Fire! Fire!
Where's The Snow?
Follow The Yellow Brick Road
A Sad, Strange Little Man
You Know This Superhero
Snow White
Buy More Oil
i think you have a great wife behind you as the make up on all these is fantastic just like your great family
The Last Airbender
Ground Control
Adiós Mi Querido Hijo
Building Memories
Where's My Super Suit?
An Army Of One (Leg)
Nacho With Cheese
May The Fourth
Darth Maul
You Tortured Me?
Grim Waver
Don't Mess With A Missionary Man
Hawaiian Santa
i bet you can surf to but take the jandle off yes I am from New /zealand jandle is the word
Drummer Boy
Family Business
T's Not Easy Being Green
We're Noodle Folk
I Feel Pretty
Hair Band
Nfl Referee
Darth Vader, A Father
Ultimate Band Dad
Just What The Doctor Ordered
Wild Mountain Man
Dressing Up For The Show
Feeling Kind Of Raggedy
Graduation Season
"Bus" Country Musician
Great White Hunter
Dragon Training
Lincoln's Birthday
Confession Time
Rock It
It's Windy, Wendy
Man-Caused Disaster
I love this but I'm a little surprised no one got all pissy that he was holding what was most likely a fake gun and called the cops or something. I'm sorry I just have very little faith in the human race lately and this actually helps a little knowing some things can still be laughed at
Feeling Lucky
Bad Romance
Merry Christmas
Cowgirls Wave Too
Not Charley's Angel
Paint Your Wagon
Old Spice Dad
A Knight In Legoland Armor
Wham! Pow! Ouch!
Doctor Dad
I'm A Lumberjack
Peter Pan
Predator Head
May The Force Be With You, Son
Cowboy Up
Death-Eater Test-Eater
Waves From The Dark Side
Big Red
Space Man
Who's The Dummy?
Dreaming Of Hawaii
Prince Ali's Cousin
Kiss The Chef
Aloha Tourist
Utah Prairie Dog
Trick Or Treat
Hockey Time
We Are Sparta
Life's Not Always Fair
Clownin' Around
Is It Halloween Yet?
Stay On Target
Your Dad's Like Candy On The Shelf
Mr. Frodo
Space Trooper
Devil In The Details
The Minnow
Bear Bait
Wabbit Twouble
Old Banana
May The Force...
A Nice African Hat
Go Padres!
Genious! Love it! The kid is gonna love those menories when he gets older :)
Guess whose son is either never going to marry out of spite, or move way across country and always have "other plans" for the holidays, or both.
Maybe you should stop giving visibility to this “parent who grew up before social media shames kids” trend. I believe it is important to teach your kids not to take oneself too seriously and to live your life with irony. Yet, these acts might just have done that back in the days when your audience was basically the kids on the bus and your neighbours. It’s all good fun for us, but these parents are clearly underestimating (or actively looking for) the media exposure that can follow and that they and their kids have no way to control.
Genious! Love it! The kid is gonna love those menories when he gets older :)
Guess whose son is either never going to marry out of spite, or move way across country and always have "other plans" for the holidays, or both.
Maybe you should stop giving visibility to this “parent who grew up before social media shames kids” trend. I believe it is important to teach your kids not to take oneself too seriously and to live your life with irony. Yet, these acts might just have done that back in the days when your audience was basically the kids on the bus and your neighbours. It’s all good fun for us, but these parents are clearly underestimating (or actively looking for) the media exposure that can follow and that they and their kids have no way to control.