50 Of The Happiest Dog Memes Ever That Will Make You Smile From Ear To Ear

BoredPanda staff
Memes are often meant to ridicule one thing or another lightly, but these cute memes will definitely make your day better and here's the reason why - they're puppy memes! And if there’s one indisputable truth in this world, it’s this: dogs are awesome. They make bad things good and good things better, which is why we’re bringing you this pawsitively labradorable list of wholesome dog memes that are sure to put a smile on your face. Whether they’re celebrating their birthdays, looking for attention, crushing their owners with doggy love or simply being effortlessly lovable, funny dogs in a way that only canines can be, these cute puppies will remind you that if you don’t already have a dog in your life, then your life is only half complete.
So, if you need a dose of cute dogs and funny memes, check out these photos, compiled by Bored Panda, and don’t forget to vote for your favorite dog meme!
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Motherhood Is Exhausting
Handsomest Boy
Special Delivery
Dogs Being Interviewed
Dog Memes
Best Friends
Special Luggage
Proudest Parents
The Most Adorable Officer
Cutest Puppy
Street View Doggo
Skype Call With Your Bestest Pal
Fluffy Cloud With Ears
Photogenic Boy
Caring For Each Other
Adoring Gaze
Striking A Pose
Dog Memes
Always There To Cheer You Up
A Very Good Boy
Dog Memes
The Most Caring Dog
Dog Memes
Captain Wieners
Growing Together
He's just making sure you don't watch things that you shouldn't be watching on the internet ...😂😂😂
Stretchy Jowls
Can't. Get. Enough.
Dog Memes
Polar Bear Pet
Rescue Team
Happiest Pooch
Dog Memes
Beware Of Dog
Dog Memes
Always Helpful
Bag O' Puppies
Dog Memes
I'll Be Good, Promise
Doggie Cuddles
Dog Memes
Presidential Dog
Never Too Big For Hugs
First Day On The Job
Dog Memes
My little dog, pretty tiny, sleeps in the middle of bed, on my pillow. He won't ever move. And I sleep with 3 dogs...
Love Story
romeo o romeo deny thy father and refuse thy bones and beggin bacon strips
Need Pets Now
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
That shirt with that skirt? Becky, I know you can do better than that. That's soooo last spring!
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Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Don't understand this photo, I see three dinosaurs. But one of them is wearing a collar.
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Hey.......I could never take a dog to school????? What gives here? You know what, its funny this is on here. I just thought about this the other day. I absolutely guarantee you that if classrooms had dogs in them and kids were rewarded for good behavior by being allowed to take the dog for a walk or feed the dog or whatever with the dog, behavior in schools would improve 175%. Anyone disagree with me? And I'm not talking just elementary school here, I mean ALL the way through high school.
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Actually in the Netherlands a seal is called "zeehond": A sea dog :D So that caption is perfectly correct! :D
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Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Ovwrpopulation is a real problem in humanity too, still I think it inapropriate to comment it under someones maternity photos.
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Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
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Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Well, hello handsome...I think you're being fresh. *sticks tongue out you* Now gimme a kiss!
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Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
I had a Bernese Mountain Dog who helped a kid in the neighbourhood overcome her phobia for dogs. The family moved away after a couple of years, but her father kept bringing a big bag of bones from hunting every autumn for as long as the dog lived.
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Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
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Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
When I get my next golden pup I SWEAR I'm going to do this on her first day to puppy kindergarten.
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Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
*someone honks at puppy* Me: *smashes head in* dont honk at the puppy. YOU NEVER HONK AT A PUPPY
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Dog Memes
*Ahem* uhh hello ma'am sorry but its illegal to have puppies this cute. IM JUST GONNA CONFISCATE THESE
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Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
I feel like they missed an opportunity by not making it "Barking News".
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Ever hear of a dogfish? They didn't say what kind of fish you can have...
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
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It would have been funny if you had kept it clean. Remember, little kids read these too.......
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
My dog looks exactly like this! She was a rescue and she's wonderful ❤️
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
“Hey can I have money for gas” “To get gas?” “Yeeeessss.” *actually buys flowers like a boss* LOVE TIME
Dog Memes
I used to have that toy! and I have Chihuahuas, too ^^ should find it and do this
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
Dog Memes
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Greta is a Photo Editor-in-Chief at Bored Panda with a BA in Communication.In 2016, she graduated from Digital Advertising courses where she had an opportunity to meet and learn from industry professionals. In the same year, she started working at Bored Panda as a photo editor.Greta is a coffeeholic and cannot survive a day without 5 cups of coffee... and her cute, big-eared dog.Her biggest open secret: she is a gamer with a giant gaming backlog.
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Greta Jaruševičiūtė
Author, BoredPanda staff
Greta is a Photo Editor-in-Chief at Bored Panda with a BA in Communication.In 2016, she graduated from Digital Advertising courses where she had an opportunity to meet and learn from industry professionals. In the same year, she started working at Bored Panda as a photo editor.Greta is a coffeeholic and cannot survive a day without 5 cups of coffee... and her cute, big-eared dog.Her biggest open secret: she is a gamer with a giant gaming backlog.