If you think that all cats look the same, we have news for you. Cat breeds and their looks can vary from short-legged to extra long-legged, floppy-eared to ears like satellite dishes, from cats with luscious thick furs such as Maine Coons' to absolutely hairless Sphynxes. This time, we're dedicating a post to the latter and if the only emotion that a hairless cat can give you is 'Ewwww' - check our compilation showing their adorable cuteness, whimsiness, and softness to change your mind.
Though Sphynxes, also known as Canadian Hairless isn't the only hairless cat breed, they are by far the most popular. The roots of this breed stem from a couple of bald stray cats found in Ontario around the '70s, later becoming the breed that we now know. These alien-looking felines are famous for their dog-like characters, playfulness, agility, and a strong bond with their owners. If you have cat allergies, Sphynx cats might be a tempting solution to try but they're not hypoallergenic as it isn't the hair but rather a protein found in cats' saliva that causes the allergies. In exchange for their glorious statuesque looks, these cats need quite a lot of grooming and regular baths despite being hairless.
Now scroll down below to meet the supremely graceful and otherworldly looking felines for yourself. Don't forget to tell us what you think about these cute cats in the comments and vote for the most adorable ones!
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Concentrating With Grandpa
This is clearly my favorite. He looks so wise you almost expect him to talk.
My Sphynx Ludwig Smiling In The Nude
Bath Time
"I'm Very Satisfied Right Now"
Baby Penelope
My Ride Or Die Girl
"How I Roll"
"Ears Perk Up When I Hear Food"
Charlotte Loves To Go On Trips
Out With Tongue Out
Took A Quick Break From Killing Alliance Filth To Take A Bath
Morning Bug Mugshot
Patiently Waiting For Some Boops
My Most Favorite Picard Picture
A Lazy Sunday
Brae Got Spayed Yesterday. Very Loopy In The Car But Doing Better
I'm Such A Big Girl Now
Here’s My Little Man Zoidberg
I Don't Always Kiss With My Eyes Closed, But When I Do... I Make Sure I'm Half Asleep
My Handsome Nephew
Hello Everybody
Always Better When We're Together
This Is Love
Oh My God, Those Eyes
What A Pretty Girl
This Boy Was Made To Meowdel
Little Cutie
My Girl
Tofu Sends His Love
Keeping Your Sister Clean Is A Full-Time Job
How Is This Comfortable?
They are happiest when they know they have you trapped. This is how they'll find my body one day. cat-on-ske...f2201f.jpg
Sunday's Sun Baths
Look At You, Pawtucket
"Comfortable" Is A Relative Position
"I Like To Take A Warm Bubble Bath In The Morning Before Going To Work" Said No Cat Ever
Sleeping Together
Brotherly Love
"I Like To Sit On Grandma's Lap And Wait For Treats"
Weekend Vibes
Sunday Funday Feels
Fletcher You Are Just Too Cute For Words
This Is So Cute
They Cuddled With Me All Night, Such Sweet Baby Girls
"Look Deep Into My Eyes. You Know You Want To Give Me All The Treats"
This Is Aleister
Charlie Is Being Sceptical
Sleeping Beauty
Nope. Call me extreme, but I'm against breeding animals for specific faults that handicap them, just for our pleasure.
While you're right, at this point there's enough of them that they would still exist without purposeful breeding.
Load More Replies...Nope. Call me extreme, but I'm against breeding animals for specific faults that handicap them, just for our pleasure.
While you're right, at this point there's enough of them that they would still exist without purposeful breeding.
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