“I Pretend I Don’t Hear It”: 30 People Share The Most Precious Things Their Partners Do
Interview With AuthorNothing melts my heart faster than hearing my partner have a conversation with our cat. Or waking up in the morning and looking over to see the two of them fast asleep and cuddling. And hearing my partner burst into operatic song in our apartment feels so special (while simultaneously being hilarious) because I know he would never dare to sing like that in front of anyone else.
If you’re in a relationship, there are probably a thousand things that you catch your partner doing that make your heart feel like it’s bursting from a cuteness overload. And if you’re in the mood to feel lovey dovey, you’ve come to the right place. Redditors have been sharing the most precious things their partners do that remind them how in love they are, so we’ve gathered their sweetest replies below. Enjoy reading through, and try not to be consumed by cuteness aggression as you scroll!
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Since the moment we met he always has conversations with my husky when he thinks I can’t hear him. She’s very chatty and will “awoo” in conversation format, but only with the humans she loves the most. And my partner is a stoic and seemingly-rough-around-the-edges man who’s a big softie on the inside.
He’ll playfully say things like “oh really?”, or, “you said that yesterday!”
Absolutely melts my heart!
I save the ends of my vegetables and the pits of avocados to give to him because he likes trying to grow stuff. So far he's sprouted three avocado plants, four bulbs of garlic, one carrot, some celery, three leeks, and an infinite amount of spring onions in our linen closet, all of which are now growing in terracotta pots he borrowed (stole) from my mom's gardening shed that she doesn't use anymore. He also found a random seed, I think possibly a chestnut, which he's planted in an old barrel in the yard and it's actually growing a tree! Last spring, he completely revived my mom's flower garden which she had given up hope for. Extremely sentimental for us all because it was originally my grandma's flower garden, but it went to hell after she died several years ago. He has a shockingly high success rate with plants, and I fully believe it's because he's such a nurturing and naturally loving person. He even sings to them. 😭
upvotes for high succuss rates with plants (plants tingle within my body)
He lets our elderly cat sleep under his arm every night because “it’s her routine” even though it often pains his shoulder.
Oh, yeah? Try waking up every morning with your 10 kilos cat laying down on your chest, looking at you or try watching a movie sitting on the sofa and the cat wrapped around your neck like a snake or better yet! Walking, whatever you go, around the house and His Highness on top of your shoulders. Yeah! That's what our Supreme Ruler does in our castle, and only does that to me! While Wife just giggles 😄 My Parents, Wife Parents, my OWN brother FGS, his Wife and all our dear friends thought I was taking the mickey...until Wife show all of them the videos
To find out how this conversation started in the first place, we got in touch with Matildaa_21, the Reddit user who posed the question: "What's that cute (very) specific thing you know about your spouse that makes you go 'they're my person'?"
She was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and share what inspired her to start this thread. "I was just curious to get a glimpse of behind the scenes of people's relationships," the author said. "Moments when no one is watching exactly."
She added that her parents never showed her an example of a happy relationship growing up, so she was interesting in hearing about what it's like to be in a loving relationship from other people.
We have an inside joke because he thinks my cat is weird looking. Any time he sees a weird looking dog out in public he sends me a pic asking if it’s our cat. I just think it’s the lamest and the most hilarious thing considering we’ve done it for almost a decade.
He makes up lyrics to popular song tunes and they’re just about me and how much he loves me.
When we first started dating, he could not give two flying sh**s about birds. I love birds. After a few months he began asking me, "Who's that?" about various little guys we'd see on hikes.
It turns out that he was paying close attention, and secretly reading up on our local species. One day he he exclaimed, "Look! It's, umm, a doofus-headed towhee!" (It was a rufous-sided towhee) I nearly died laughing and told him he was the most adorable dingus I'd ever met.
I also caught him having full-blown conversations with my parrot. "But WHY do you think the Stones are better than the Beatles?? You're insane. You have terrible taste. You're never choosing the music again."
We also asked the OP why she thinks noticing these things about our partners is so special. "The most healthy relationships have this in common: the space of being ourselves truly without the need to wear any sort of masks," she told Bored Panda. "The simple things count, and the unconditional love shared despite being the very authentic self."
Matildaa_21 added that she was also inspired to start this thread after seeing this clip from Good Will Hunting, where Robin Williams' character recalls how his late wife used to fart in her sleep. "Fun fact: this was an improvised scene from the actor, and the laughs were genuine, so it is even more amusing and beautiful!" the author says.
He doesn't care about birds, but he'll sent me pictures of pigeons he sees on the way to work because they make me very happy.
He has major social anxiety and never talks around people but cannot stop blabbering when we get home.
If he accidentally startles the cat or, in any way, inadvertently does something that might make her feel uncomfortable, he picks her up and gives her cuddles so she knows it wasn't intentional and he loves her. It is just so stinking sweet and cute, it melts my heart.
Next, we asked the OP what she thought of the replies to her post. "They were all beautiful and adorable!" she shared. "I was so happy to read through them that I was smiling ear to ear and so glad to see that people find love and not all are like my parents," she added with a laugh.
"It gives me hope and a sense of comfort. My favorite ones were honestly all of them, but ones who were talking about silly traditions being followed for decades, small things that even the other one hasn't even noticed and this particular interaction," she continued.
He has horrible social anxiety. He's terribly charming and people are drawn to him but it freaks him out. His anxiety is so bad that he practices saying hello to me before I answer the phone. I pretend I don't hear it and wait for him to take a break before I say hello. We've been together 20 years. It breaks my heart that I can't do more for him in regards to the anxiety so I try to take all of those terrifying social things off his plate. I'm sure people think I'm his PITA large and in charge wife but I don't care. If I order his food, he's more relaxed. I make the doctor's appointments because it stresses him to do so.
This is SO beautiful. I have SA and this genuinely touched me to tears.
She squeaks whenever she feels a strong emotion, the squeak changes depending on the emotion and I know what each one means and what she needs.
Not sure if OP is talking about their partner or their pet cat/rodent/dog on this one.
He’s someone who does the most generous things so quietly, without ever making a big deal out of it. Just recently at Christmas, he gave £200 each to 2 different charities. The only reason I know about it is because I work in the charity sector myself and he wanted my advice on some good children’s and homelessness charities. When I asked why he explained that, as we are childless (by choice) and are both making decent (not lots by any means, but we get by absolutely fine) money, he wanted to give some money to charities because there are kids out there who don’t even get a single present or who feel like Santa forgot about them, and there are homeless people out there who don’t even get a warm bed to sleep in at Christmas and we have presents under they tree, delicious food, a roof over our heads and each other and our dog and after over a decade of knowing this man I fell in love with him all over again.
Finally, Matildaa_21 added some words of wisdom. "People think that love has to be conditional and that this generation is [doomed], and there is no true love. But I think with mutual grounds and proper conversations, it can all work out. It doesn't have to be some sort of Hallmark movie to stand out; the best relationships are the most simple ones."
"And I don't think people should give up after a few bad experiences, because I think the kind of love one person particularly desires exists because that person exists and they are full of it, living-breathing proof," the OP continued. "These small 'insignificant' things are not as insignificant as we dismiss them to be. They are the best things. When the world feels overwhelming and draining, it is a reminder that there is someone who doesn't love us for how we present ourselves or what we bring to the table, but instead simply because we exist and that is enough on days when all we did was survive."
Our love is easy. Simple as that.
I’ve had people ask why I love my wife or similar questions before and they seem to want a list of qualities. I could give a list of qualities that attract me and that make us very compatible. But I’ve known plenty of other women with most or all of those. Dated some. And still it didn’t work out for whatever reason.
But with her, our love is easy and has been from day one.
That one time he was so upset that he cheated on me in a dream with an evil doppelganger of me that he woke me up immediately to tell me about it an apologize.
It’s the way she gets excited when we leave food for the foxes, even the animals love her! Got woke up one morning to the foxes yapping under our window summoning her for food 😅!
We do that. MrTribble and I were having a conversation about economic theory when he exclaimed "Ducks!" and *ran* to feed them (my house faces a stream), grabbing the special duck food he'd bought. I realized that we think along the same lines, as I thought was that it was perfectly reasonable reaction.
How whenever we are spending time together but not doing the same thing he will constantly look back or check up on me. Like clock work. It makes me feel so loved.
Another guilty charge against me: Wife ( she's a Doctor) on her studio here at home, studying her next case and me, looking after her bringing tea, snacks, ice cream etc. And she does the same when I'm doing my fav hobby of working on one of our Sportbikes in my man cave
We just make random noises at each other all the time. Also, when our cat meows, we both meow back. It's just polite.
I never meow back and I'm being serious here, I always worry I'll say the wrong thing if I meow back. "Hi Campy, how was your day? Eat s**t, f***face!" We need catlish translation apps. Oh well, he understands I love you and Are you hungry? I guess that's all we really need.
He looks like he can eat shrapnel and s**t bullets, and everyday he goes against the stereotypes and toxic masculine b******t the world expects him to be.
For example, he frequently has a bubble bath with a bath bomb to unwind.
When we get takeout or when we're at a restaurant, she takes a bite of my food and says she's making sure it isn't poisoned. I commend her bravery and selflessness.
I do this when I get Mrs Panda Pop a drink. So far no one has tried to poison her, but you can never be too careful.
My husband and I met when we were both very young, 16/17. I was a big reader, always had my nose in a book, he wasn’t. One day, he turned to me and said, “When we get married and buy a house, I’m gonna build you a big library to put all your books.” A cute little off the cuff remark, but I just knew in that moment, he was the one.
Also, he likes to make random noises when he is happy. Like he will be looking in the fridge for some food and I’ll hear a pterodactyl screech 😂 it makes me happy to know he is happy.
But the question of is, did he actually built the library ?
He knows to tell me when he gets a good deal on something, even if it's something he bought me as a present, because I am all about deals.
I adore the cute little songs she sings for our dogs.
I swear mine can read my mind. Laying on the sofa I’ll think “it would be great if he rubbed my feet” then 15 seconds later he’s doing it. Or I’ll remember “oh tomorrow is trash day” and he’s already taken the carts out. He is very consistent with his mind reading.
I don't know so much as reading your mind as more of rountine. He might just know when you need your feet rub and taking the trash out could be it might be he takes it out because he knows it is trash day the next day.
The way they always leave a little note on my pillow, even if it’s just "I love you" with a doodle of a cat.
We can have entire conversations using only Simpsons quotes and Pokemon noises and still understand exactly what the other is saying!
He talks to our pets like they are the most precious babies ever! And he always tells them to take care of me while he’s away at work.
Any comment that aligns with a 90s song is then finished in song form
Me: "Please... tell me what you WANT!"
Husband "What I REALLY REALLY want?".
Cute. We have something similar, and I have been completely cured of saying squeeze a lemon
We FaceTimed yesterday because they saw a cool looking bug.
When I wake up in the middle of the night (either from a bad dream or just being restless) I'll be shuffling around to get comfy again and my partner will pull me closer to him and snuggle up.
I thought I was always waking him up so I brought it up and apologized and he said he doesn't remember being woken up at all. Apparently the cuddling up is a reflex now.
I also taught him how to floss (the dance move) as a joke and now he does it while he's waiting for his food to be done.
My lonely a-ss should not have read this! I love knowing that there are happy people in fulfilling relationships even if I'm not one of them.
He's the landscaper in the family, but he knows I like bugs and will sometimes bring "new friends" into the house for me to meet. I swear, that boy is part hunting-cat.
My lonely a-ss should not have read this! I love knowing that there are happy people in fulfilling relationships even if I'm not one of them.
He's the landscaper in the family, but he knows I like bugs and will sometimes bring "new friends" into the house for me to meet. I swear, that boy is part hunting-cat.