Nothing melts my heart faster than hearing my partner have a conversation with our cat. Or waking up in the morning and looking over to see the two of them fast asleep and cuddling. And hearing my partner burst into operatic song in our apartment feels so special (while simultaneously being hilarious) because I know he would never dare to sing like that in front of anyone else.

If you’re in a relationship, there are probably a thousand things that you catch your partner doing that make your heart feel like it’s bursting from a cuteness overload. And if you’re in the mood to feel lovey dovey, you’ve come to the right place. Redditors have been sharing the most precious things their partners do that remind them how in love they are, so we’ve gathered their sweetest replies below. Enjoy reading through, and try not to be consumed by cuteness aggression as you scroll!  


A Husky lying on a carpet, showing an adorable expression next to a bed. Since the moment we met he always has conversations with my husky when he thinks I can’t hear him. She’s very chatty and will “awoo” in conversation format, but only with the humans she loves the most. And my partner is a stoic and seemingly-rough-around-the-edges man who’s a big softie on the inside.

He’ll playfully say things like “oh really?”, or, “you said that yesterday!”

Absolutely melts my heart!

Beloveddd_Elegance , Valeriia Miller Report

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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

“awoo” in conversation format - I'm dying with cuteness ❤️

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    A man in an apron watering plants in a garden, showcasing an adorable act of care that defines "my person". I save the ends of my vegetables and the pits of avocados to give to him because he likes trying to grow stuff. So far he's sprouted three avocado plants, four bulbs of garlic, one carrot, some celery, three leeks, and an infinite amount of spring onions in our linen closet, all of which are now growing in terracotta pots he borrowed (stole) from my mom's gardening shed that she doesn't use anymore. He also found a random seed, I think possibly a chestnut, which he's planted in an old barrel in the yard and it's actually growing a tree! Last spring, he completely revived my mom's flower garden which she had given up hope for. Extremely sentimental for us all because it was originally my grandma's flower garden, but it went to hell after she died several years ago. He has a shockingly high success rate with plants, and I fully believe it's because he's such a nurturing and naturally loving person. He even sings to them. 😭

    CheshireAsylum , cookie_studio Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    upvotes for high succuss rates with plants (plants tingle within my body)

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    Man cuddling with a cat on the couch, showcasing adorable moments with partners. He lets our elderly cat sleep under his arm every night because “it’s her routine” even though it often pains his shoulder.

    kthankscyal8r , user17298754 Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh, yeah? Try waking up every morning with your 10 kilos cat laying down on your chest, looking at you or try watching a movie sitting on the sofa and the cat wrapped around your neck like a snake or better yet! Walking, whatever you go, around the house and His Highness on top of your shoulders. Yeah! That's what our Supreme Ruler does in our castle, and only does that to me! While Wife just giggles 😄 My Parents, Wife Parents, my OWN brother FGS, his Wife and all our dear friends thought I was taking the mickey...until Wife show all of them the videos

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    To find out how this conversation started in the first place, we got in touch with Matildaa_21, the Reddit user who posed the question: "What's that cute (very) specific thing you know about your spouse that makes you go 'they're my person'?"

    She was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and share what inspired her to start this thread. "I was just curious to get a glimpse of behind the scenes of people's relationships," the author said. "Moments when no one is watching exactly."

    She added that her parents never showed her an example of a happy relationship growing up, so she was interesting in hearing about what it's like to be in a loving relationship from other people.


    Person photographing a cute Siamese cat on a phone, capturing an adorable moment. We have an inside joke because he thinks my cat is weird looking. Any time he sees a weird looking dog out in public he sends me a pic asking if it’s our cat. I just think it’s the lamest and the most hilarious thing considering we’ve done it for almost a decade.

    Salt_Description_973 , panophotograph Report


    Woman smiling with a microphone, casually dressed, pointing playfully against a brick wall background. He makes up lyrics to popular song tunes and they’re just about me and how much he loves me.

    Hiitsmetodd , Racool_studio Report


    Man with a beard in a mustard sweater holds a parrot on his arm, showcasing adorable bonding moments. When we first started dating, he could not give two flying sh**s about birds. I love birds. After a few months he began asking me, "Who's that?" about various little guys we'd see on hikes.

    It turns out that he was paying close attention, and secretly reading up on our local species. One day he he exclaimed, "Look! It's, umm, a doofus-headed towhee!" (It was a rufous-sided towhee) I nearly died laughing and told him he was the most adorable dingus I'd ever met.

    I also caught him having full-blown conversations with my parrot. "But WHY do you think the Stones are better than the Beatles?? You're insane. You have terrible taste. You're never choosing the music again."

    gildedblackbird , freepik Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Parrots are very clever and intuitive. They love attention, but they won't socialize with you if they don't like you.

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    We also asked the OP why she thinks noticing these things about our partners is so special. "The most healthy relationships have this in common: the space of being ourselves truly without the need to wear any sort of masks," she told Bored Panda. "The simple things count, and the unconditional love shared despite being the very authentic self."


    Matildaa_21 added that she was also inspired to start this thread after seeing this clip from Good Will Hunting, where Robin Williams' character recalls how his late wife used to fart in her sleep. "Fun fact: this was an improvised scene from the actor, and the laughs were genuine, so it is even more amusing and beautiful!" the author says.


    Pigeon perched on a yellow railing in sunlight. He doesn't care about birds, but he'll sent me pictures of pigeons he sees on the way to work because they make me very happy.

    kaikk0 , wirestock Report


    Couple sitting on the floor, smiling and drinking coffee together in a cozy living room, representing adorable partner moments. He has major social anxiety and never talks around people but cannot stop blabbering when we get home.

    Distinct_Possession , freepik Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As a person with social anxiety, we indeed cannot stop blabbering when we get home with the person we love :)

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    “I Pretend I Don’t Hear It”: 30 People Share The Most Precious Things Their Partners Do If he accidentally startles the cat or, in any way, inadvertently does something that might make her feel uncomfortable, he picks her up and gives her cuddles so she knows it wasn't intentional and he loves her. It is just so stinking sweet and cute, it melts my heart.

    sangriacat , freepik Report


    Next, we asked the OP what she thought of the replies to her post. "They were all beautiful and adorable!" she shared. "I was so happy to read through them that I was smiling ear to ear and so glad to see that people find love and not all are like my parents," she added with a laugh.

    "It gives me hope and a sense of comfort. My favorite ones were honestly all of them, but ones who were talking about silly traditions being followed for decades, small things that even the other one hasn't even noticed and this particular interaction," she continued.


    Person in a gray hoodie outside, expressing stress or contemplation, with hands on their head against a cloudy sky. He has horrible social anxiety. He's terribly charming and people are drawn to him but it freaks him out. His anxiety is so bad that he practices saying hello to me before I answer the phone. I pretend I don't hear it and wait for him to take a break before I say hello. We've been together 20 years. It breaks my heart that I can't do more for him in regards to the anxiety so I try to take all of those terrifying social things off his plate. I'm sure people think I'm his PITA large and in charge wife but I don't care. If I order his food, he's more relaxed. I make the doctor's appointments because it stresses him to do so.

    Shot_Construction455 , cottonbro studio Report


    Woman in denim jacket and pink skirt sitting on a couch, looking thoughtful and surrounded by cozy home decor. She squeaks whenever she feels a strong emotion, the squeak changes depending on the emotion and I know what each one means and what she needs.

    Sea-Response950 , haritanita Report

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    Serena Myers
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not sure if OP is talking about their partner or their pet cat/rodent/dog on this one.

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    Hands holding euro notes, illustrating adorable partner gestures. He’s someone who does the most generous things so quietly, without ever making a big deal out of it. Just recently at Christmas, he gave £200 each to 2 different charities. The only reason I know about it is because I work in the charity sector myself and he wanted my advice on some good children’s and homelessness charities. When I asked why he explained that, as we are childless (by choice) and are both making decent (not lots by any means, but we get by absolutely fine) money, he wanted to give some money to charities because there are kids out there who don’t even get a single present or who feel like Santa forgot about them, and there are homeless people out there who don’t even get a warm bed to sleep in at Christmas and we have presents under they tree, delicious food, a roof over our heads and each other and our dog and after over a decade of knowing this man I fell in love with him all over again.

    AreWeRollingTucker , Christian Dubovan Report


    Finally, Matildaa_21 added some words of wisdom. "People think that love has to be conditional and that this generation is [doomed], and there is no true love. But I think with mutual grounds and proper conversations, it can all work out. It doesn't have to be some sort of Hallmark movie to stand out; the best relationships are the most simple ones."

    "And I don't think people should give up after a few bad experiences, because I think the kind of love one person particularly desires exists because that person exists and they are full of it, living-breathing proof," the OP continued. "These small 'insignificant' things are not as insignificant as we dismiss them to be. They are the best things. When the world feels overwhelming and draining, it is a reminder that there is someone who doesn't love us for how we present ourselves or what we bring to the table, but instead simply because we exist and that is enough on days when all we did was survive."


    Couple embracing outdoors, showing affection and happiness, capturing adorable moments that make partners feel cherished. Our love is easy. Simple as that.

    I’ve had people ask why I love my wife or similar questions before and they seem to want a list of qualities. I could give a list of qualities that attract me and that make us very compatible. But I’ve known plenty of other women with most or all of those. Dated some. And still it didn’t work out for whatever reason.

    But with her, our love is easy and has been from day one.

    blossomBabeHoney , Vera Arsic Report


    Couple cuddling in bed, sharing an adorable moment under the duvet at night. That one time he was so upset that he cheated on me in a dream with an evil doppelganger of me that he woke me up immediately to tell me about it an apologize.

    ShowMeYourHappyTrail , frimages Report


    A fox sitting calmly on wooden planks in a forest setting, embodying adorable charm and a serene presence. It’s the way she gets excited when we leave food for the foxes, even the animals love her! Got woke up one morning to the foxes yapping under our window summoning her for food 😅!

    chuckling-cheese , Radik 2707 Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We do that. MrTribble and I were having a conversation about economic theory when he exclaimed "Ducks!" and *ran* to feed them (my house faces a stream), grabbing the special duck food he'd bought. I realized that we think along the same lines, as I thought was that it was perfectly reasonable reaction.

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    A cozy couple relaxes; one person reads while leaning on their partner who drinks coffee, embodying adorable partner moments. How whenever we are spending time together but not doing the same thing he will constantly look back or check up on me. Like clock work. It makes me feel so loved.

    candyislove13 , freepik Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Another guilty charge against me: Wife ( she's a Doctor) on her studio here at home, studying her next case and me, looking after her bringing tea, snacks, ice cream etc. And she does the same when I'm doing my fav hobby of working on one of our Sportbikes in my man cave


    Couple sharing a joyful moment, lying on a bed, showcasing adorable partner interactions. We just make random noises at each other all the time. Also, when our cat meows, we both meow back. It's just polite.

    BigFatChimichonka , freepik Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I never meow back and I'm being serious here, I always worry I'll say the wrong thing if I meow back. "Hi Campy, how was your day? Eat s**t, f***face!" We need catlish translation apps. Oh well, he understands I love you and Are you hungry? I guess that's all we really need.

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    Man in a bathtub, playfully blowing soap bubbles, showcasing adorable actions partners do. He looks like he can eat shrapnel and s**t bullets, and everyday he goes against the stereotypes and toxic masculine b******t the world expects him to be.

    For example, he frequently has a bubble bath with a bath bomb to unwind.

    Blobfish_Blues , romeo22 Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My burly manly man husband loves to soak in a nice hot sweet-smelling bubble bath. He injured his back when he was in his twenties, and the soaking helps soothe it. The bubble bath always leaves the bathroom smelling so nice.

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    Partners sharing a playful moment while eating sushi, highlighting adorable relationship dynamics. When we get takeout or when we're at a restaurant, she takes a bite of my food and says she's making sure it isn't poisoned. I commend her bravery and selflessness.

    mrtnmnhntr , freepik Report

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    Penguin Panda Pop
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do this when I get Mrs Panda Pop a drink. So far no one has tried to poison her, but you can never be too careful.

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    Partners cuddling in bed, creating an adorable moment of affection and closeness. He wiggles his feet and legs when he sees me approach the bed for cuddling.

    sparklingdinosaur , Report


    “I Pretend I Don’t Hear It”: 30 People Share The Most Precious Things Their Partners Do My husband and I met when we were both very young, 16/17. I was a big reader, always had my nose in a book, he wasn’t. One day, he turned to me and said, “When we get married and buy a house, I’m gonna build you a big library to put all your books.” A cute little off the cuff remark, but I just knew in that moment, he was the one.

    Also, he likes to make random noises when he is happy. Like he will be looking in the fridge for some food and I’ll hear a pterodactyl screech 😂 it makes me happy to know he is happy.

    snazzisarah , teksomolika Report


    Couple exchanging an adorable polka dot gift, symbolizing love and connection. He knows to tell me when he gets a good deal on something, even if it's something he bought me as a present, because I am all about deals.

    MarlenaEvans , SHVETS production Report

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    Person enjoying time with two Schnauzers on a cozy bed, showcasing adorable partner moments. I adore the cute little songs she sings for our dogs.

    Mjarf88 , freepik Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We have a black cat named Boo. Boo is his cat. He sings just the two of us. Me and Boo. Cracks me up every time


    Woman lounging happily on a couch in workout clothes, embodying an adorable moment with partner. I swear mine can read my mind. Laying on the sofa I’ll think “it would be great if he rubbed my feet” then 15 seconds later he’s doing it. Or I’ll remember “oh tomorrow is trash day” and he’s already taken the carts out. He is very consistent with his mind reading.

    MNPS1603 , Getty Images Report

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    Brian Droste
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't know so much as reading your mind as more of rountine. He might just know when you need your feet rub and taking the trash out could be it might be he takes it out because he knows it is trash day the next day.

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    A handwritten love note from a partner on lined paper next to a silver pen on a countertop. The way they always leave a little note on my pillow, even if it’s just "I love you" with a doodle of a cat.

    Blushy_Angel23 , Sandra Seitamaa Report


    TV screen showing animated family in kitchen with freezer door left open. We can have entire conversations using only Simpsons quotes and Pokemon noises and still understand exactly what the other is saying!

    aurorajaderiddle , Andrew Booth Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is the winner. Have all the upvotes. Because you are SMRT.

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    “I Pretend I Don’t Hear It”: 30 People Share The Most Precious Things Their Partners Do He talks to our pets like they are the most precious babies ever! And he always tells them to take care of me while he’s away at work.

    Sateda1922 , freepik Report


    Couple sharing a loving moment on a winter day, highlighting adorable partner gestures. Any comment that aligns with a 90s song is then finished in song form

    Me: "Please... tell me what you WANT!"
    Husband "What I REALLY REALLY want?".

    cindylouwhovian , prostooleh Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Cute. We have something similar, and I have been completely cured of saying squeeze a lemon

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    Person smiling while video chatting on a couch, showcasing adorable moments with their partner. We FaceTimed yesterday because they saw a cool looking bug.

    anon , Tima Miroshnichenko Report


    Couple snuggling on a sunny afternoon, showcasing adorable moments shared with partners. When I wake up in the middle of the night (either from a bad dream or just being restless) I'll be shuffling around to get comfy again and my partner will pull me closer to him and snuggle up.

    I thought I was always waking him up so I brought it up and apologized and he said he doesn't remember being woken up at all. Apparently the cuddling up is a reflex now.

    I also taught him how to floss (the dance move) as a joke and now he does it while he's waiting for his food to be done.

    Serene_Moonns , Curated Lifestyle Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Maybe she is waking him when she does that, but he wants to keep pulling her closer when she's restless and he doesn't want her to feel bad about waking him.

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    He makes me hot water bottles when I get my period cramps, then makes me my favourite soup. He does this every day of that week, every month. It’s part of the reason why I know he’s the guy I want to marry.

    That and he likes to waltz around. On our second date, he made me dance around in the rain with him while waiting for the bus. Even though I’m pretty sure everyone thought we were drunk, he still plays that same song and makes me dance with him ...

    (and now I’m crying).

    CrownnQueen Report


    Close-up of a black vintage speaker with gold knobs, representing adorable things that make partners feel like "my person." He pumps up the music volume every time I go to the bathroom. He started doing it 12 years ago (since we first started dating) to make me less self-conscious about using the toilet. He's still doing it, even if there's no longer any need. But it's a cute habit and appreciated anyways.

    Future_Candidate3100 , SJ 📸 Report

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    Dawn Marie
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is absolutely to cute!!! I would have married him instantly!! That showed warmth, charm, awareness, sensitivity, truth.........


    Hand holding a smooth stone by the beach on a sunny day. He shows me cool rocks when we go to the beach together because he knows it makes me happy, then carries the keepers in his pockets for me.

    littlegnat , EyeEm Report

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    Man smiling joyfully indoors, holding a drink, exemplifying adorable things partners do. She does this weird little cartoon old timey prospector dance when she gets excited about something she knows is silly. Always makes me laugh seeing a 5’2” reserved Indian woman act like a dork.

    ksobby , maxlupascu Report


    He sends me pictures of cute animals while he is out.

    zettzs Report

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    When he drives the long way home so I can see Christmas lights.

    HPNerd44 Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We were looking after a friend's dog during December, Mr Auntriarch took him for a walk on the other side of town to see the lights on a house that decorated in support of the RNLI. No idea if Prince appreciated it, but he certainly appreciated the fuss he got from all the children who had been walked there to see the lights.


    Every year she gets me a gift of something to do with the kids - one year the boy said he wanted to grow a garden after a school project so she got me:

    - seeds
    - wood to make a raised box
    - 200kg of soil bags (took her nearly a week to hide them!)
    - water proof paints
    - a stencil to paint “Daddy and ’s vegetable patch” on the side

    Another year her gift was a wrapped receipt for the admin cost to change the times of some of her classes (which was a real ball ache for her)…. So that my daughter and I could make it to parkrun every week.

    I didn’t have the happiest childhood, and she goes out of her way to make sure I can get quality time, like _real quality time_ alone with the kids. She knows it’s the thing I love most in the world and she pulls something out of the bag every year.

    anon Report

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    He loves all living creatures and will go out of his way to save a bug. When butterflies land on him, he sits very still and talks with them.

    Also, when we first met we both discovered that our mother's gave us the same unicorn and snake artwork (mine was a tapestry and his was a poster).

    Another_0wl Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    🦋 Respecting all living beings deserves all respect. 🦄


    Couple smiling and talking by a window, capturing adorable moments with partners. 1. She’s REALLY defensive if she’s feeling emotionally, vulnerable.

    2. She can’t lie to save her life.

    The first time we hooked up, she didn’t really have a lot of experience at all. Something I wasn’t aware of, but I knew I really liked her. There was just something so refreshingly honest and unassuming about her. Anyway, afterwards we were getting dressed and I said "you know, I wasn't really looking for anything serious but-"

    And she interrupted with "oh, absolutely! me-me neither! I'm just...playing the field! you know! that's what college is for. j-just having fun. don't want anything serious. don't-don't tie me down! ha ha ha..."

    She is hands down the sh**tiest, most awkward liar I've ever met. So, trying to keep a straight face, I said "but I was hoping to see you again. this was really nice and-"

    Again she interrupted me with "ME TOO! I would love to meet up again! I really like yo-f**k! my sister told me not to say that or I'd scare you off."

    She's learned to relax a lot since then but I still enjoy bringing that story up from time to time.

    fatkidinmolasses , drobotdean Report


    He's up for anything I've signed us up to do. I tend to try and help around my community to stay busy. Any time I tell him we're going to donate money, join a new cause, foster an animal, make and deliver lasagnas to neighbors, volunteer at an organization, etc, he's on board. Even when he's tired or maybe not in the mood, he's always there to help other people and me. I love that about him.

    rat-snitch-syd Report


    She'll stop and take pictures of pretty mushrooms and moss for me, and in autumn when she walks through the park home from work she sometimes brings me a fallen leaf. I have them all saved in a little book and they're all so precious to me.

    Critical-nerd-Theo Report

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    He shows kindness to strangers.

    My favorite time was the time a man came up to him in a parking lot looking for money for gas because his car wouldn't start as it was out of gas. Little did this guy know, but my honey has a gas can in the trunk. He said "hey, stay right here, I'll run and get you a gallon." Which he did. Such a sweetie.

    luckygirl54 Report

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    He tells the best stories in his sleep. I have hours of recordings from the past 14 years together.

    sakanasugoi Report

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    My wife sent me a voice memo a few years ago of her making robot noises. I can't recall the context or why she did, but I saved it and then promptly forgot about it. I rediscovered it a few months ago, and made it into a custom ringtone. Now, every time she calls me I let it ring for a bit so I can listen to her going "Beep boop boop beep".

    brak998 Report

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    In Colombia there was this meme about women actually wanting men that solve (problems). Well, my husband is such a man. He figures out how to fix things, like house fixture problems, social awkwardness (a godsend to me, I am socially awkward), and so on. He might not be conventionally attractive, but he knows sh**e knows his s**t, and he can fix s**t. And I love that.

    Rakothurz Report

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    2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Some of the men I dated and really loved were not good-looking, and I had dated gorgeous and wealthy men before also. But they had an undefinable something that made them really attractive to me. Looks fade, we’re all going to get old and wrinkled, so skating by on just your appearance leaves a lot of empty spaces in your intrinsic value. So try to be a whole well-rounded person instead of just window dressing. Even more, try looking beyond conventional attractiveness or money (because one or the other, or both, are often all they’ve got and they’re otherwise empty) and start noticing other qualities about someone you meet. You never know, if you automatically dismiss them just because they’re not gorgeous or fabulously wealthy, you might just be dismissing your true soulmate and the best person you could have in your life, and all for a really shallow reason. My husband is a handsome devil to me, with beautiful blue eyes that I absolutely adore, but is just average looking to others who don’t love him (to come to that realization I had to step back and try to look at him without bias—-still doesn’t change how I feel about him one bit). He also wasn’t rich when I met him, but I knew he had so much talent and potential, and was destined to be successful. All he needed was to know I had his back. I do, and always will. He is now very successful, because he’s the best at his profession, and now that we own our own company (he’s the talent, I run the office), he’s only going to achieve even more success. I’m so happy to see him so happy doing what he loves doing and enjoying all the success he truly deserves.


    The crockery section of the supermarket always makes him light up for some reason. He just likes looking at them.
    Also, he picks up our cat like a log with two hands and holds him up for me to kiss.

    jalebitumkaas Report

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    It's a feeling. No matter where we are or what's happening, when his arms go around me I know that I'm home.

    Lachwen Report

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    She looks at me and wrinkles her nose. 

    I think it's adorable; she knows that and does it just to make me smile or let me know she's happy. 

    MicroCat1031 Report

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    We went on our first date and I’m very awkward. As I was looking at the menu thinking of something to start a conversation about, I blurted out “I like cheese!” He was all….”you…like cheese?” And I was like “Uh yeah.” Very mortified. He looked at me like it was the greatest comment ever. Then we burst into laughter. Still laugh about it years later.

    Apple_Complex Report

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    Today's his birthday, and we stopped at Best Buy so he could browse techy stuff. He's a big gamer, limited to a simple gaming laptop, so he lokes to window shop and daydream. He spent 20 minutes talking about this driving simulator car wheel controller, with this bright light in his eyes and the excitement of a young boy. I fell in love all over again, I swear it. He'll get one of those driving setup things sometime in this lifespan, if its the last thing I do, just to see him smile like that.

    berripluscream Report

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    Not really a cute "specific" thing, but my girlfriend and I "play fight" a lot. She's very strong. And until recently I let her win every time.

    Recently she was talking s**t so I decided to give her my full effort. Bad idea. Now when we play fight she goes straight for my secret weakness.......I'm very ticklish......everywhere.

    She fights dirty now.

    Snow_Da_92 Report

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    When he thinks I'm not listening, he trails off with unhinged things like "and then I punched him in the d**k" or "So f**k you Steve" (his name is Steve) and I's hilarious.

    ClementineKruczyn- Report


    Couple sharing intimate moment, highlighting adorable partner interactions. Honestly, his smell. Plus I weirdly think it’s cute when he’s grumpy because he’s the nicest, grumpy person I've met.

    Far-Ad-7463 , freepik Report


    He always comes to me, even when I'm wrong, to reconcile, he has the gentlest heart and makes me feel good just the way I am. I learned from him what it means to be loved for who I am.

    Confident-Gold-3621 Report

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    Dawn Marie
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I kept scrolling past, but your post lingered on my mind. " I learned from him what it means to be loved for who I am." I have never had that. "to be loved just for who I am." Not what I could be or who you want me to be, just me; right now, this second, this minute.

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    When I put my freezing cold feet next to hers to warm up at night she says "ah... Nice, so refreshing".
    She actually enjoys it.

    bewildered_by_bees Report

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    She wiggles her toes while she is chopping vegetables. Has no idea she is doing it.

    BreathingEnthusiast Report

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    We joke all the time about what would be the best, bad present. Our current top contender is a dirty bandaid. S**t like that makes us giggle until we can’t breathe and looking at each other makes it worse.

    Oops_A_Fireball Report

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    We cutesy talk to each other using our animals as proxy. He has a very specific personality for both the cat and the dog and they are so wildly different it’s hilarious. I know we’ve used the dog to communicate in public and I’m sure onlookers thought we were deranged. When either of us are away on work, we make the dog FaceTime the other and beg them to come home. The cat never calls because…well he’s a cat and couldn’t care less.

    Gwenerfresh Report

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    The way they unconsciously hum a specific tune when they're really happy or relaxed.

    moonlight_babee Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My dad used to love it when my mom hummed, he knew it meant she was happy, but it irked him that she couldn't keep to the tune! He'd never let her know, of course, he told me, but mom couldn't carry a tune in a basket and my dad and I are musical. RIP mom and dad.


    We have a thing where I run my fingers through his hair and give him little head scritches, and he just cuddles right into me and falls asleep instantly 98% of the time.

    AmazonianGiantess Report

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    The way they always know exactly when I need a cup of tea, even before I ask. It’s like they have a sixth sense for my moods!

    Sugar2Honey__ Report

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    My wife destroys every car she touches. Runs over debris, melts her brakes, damages her bumpers. It’s absolutely amazing the way she finds to ruin cars. Yet she’s the mother to my children so I keep fixing things. Never thought I would be doing this.

    sardoodledom_autism Report

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    Mine sees a cute animal and then will go off explaining facts about that animal etc and its so cute 😍 he is so proud of himself for knowing these things 😍 little cutie.

    Mrsbates2020 Report

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    He has a reputation for looking like a dead person in pictures. It’s like his face goes slack and his eyes close at the precise second the picture is taken! He takes the ribbing like a trooper!

    KathAlMyPal Report

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    We'll go for a drive somewhere and my bf pulls into what I first assume are random places, and nowhere near the destination we were heading for. It's a park, and he lets me go run around until I'm tired, go swing on the swings til my hands are sore, slide down the slides til I fly off too far.

    Asphyxiety Report

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    Her superpower is the ability to identify the low point in a movie. I know that whatever movie we watch together, when it hits the low point she will lean over and whisper “this is the low point”.

    tmanarl Report

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    Jessica SpeLangm
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I know it's cute, but this would annoy me after the first time she did it.


    We end up saying the exact same thing at the exact same time *so often*. we always look at each other and laugh, and usually hug. always followed by "I love you so much". I'm so damn lucky. honorable mention to him intentionally saying things a certain way or responding in a specific way because he knows it'll make me laugh every time. ex: me "would you ever wanna s**t in the bed, just for funsies?" him "no???" me "why not?" him *"what do you mean 'why not'???"* it's that last part that always gets me. I ask him crazy nonsense just to get a laugh out of him and to get to the part where he says that. we end up in fits of giggles and cuddling.

    Chihuahuapocalypse Report

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    When my wife gets excitedly passionate about something she smiles with her tongue against her top teeth in the most adorable way. I often ask her questions about her hobbies just to see that smile.

    Uuurrffspatout Report

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    He's horribly affected by people throwing up right? He will immediately start gagging if anyone in the vicinity is throwing up or even talks about it

    One day I was puking in the bathroom with the door closed so that he didn't hear it and he comes in and opens the door( between gags) so that he can actually hear it and be in my direct line of sight from his chair so he can "come to my rescue" in case I start choking or gagging

    That's how I knew he loved me. I knew beforehand but that was a really big one.

    Ok-Cheesecake5292 Report

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    Steve Robert
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm the same way. But when my then girlfriend threw up and I went to clean it up, I knew then that I loved her.


    You may think laughing at the same joke means we are matched. Oh boy wait until you see us MAKING the same joke 🤣 He just has my kind of brain.

    UnitedDelivery4263 Report

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    He has trouble remembering the proper names of roads and streets around our city so he just renames them something funny or related to the area, often followed by "strassa" instead of "street"

    For example, Borne Street is "Chunky Chicken Strassa" because there's a fast food place on that road called Chunky Chicken with a big neon sign.

    Its very cute and makes me smile every time.

    RiotMoose Report

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    He tells me he loves my brain. Always. Even when I’m in the thralls of a depressive or manic episode and the world feels like it’s caving in and I hate being bipolar.

    That and he also moons me at least 4x daily 🤣… cracks me up every time.

    dmartin716 Report

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    He practically purrs like a cat when I scratch his back and his scalp. He asks all cutely in his sleepy voice, please baby if you don't mind would you scratch my back? And then makes adorable sleepy noises til he's out like a light. Touch is my love language so I'm very very happy I can touch him like that and that he actually loves my attention. This is a man who is very masculine so the fact that he can be all cute with me is just the best!

    Moirawr Report

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    The way he pretends to be a curmudgeon but is a big softie on the inside, how he changes the lyrics to nursery rhymes when he sings them to our son, and when I cook something new he shows a lot of enthusiasm and encouragement.

    bramblebush5 Report

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    My partner has this habit of jotting down reminders on little sticky notes and sticking them all over the house. Every time I find one, not only do I feel organized, but it also reminds me of how much they care about us. That attention to detail and care in something so simple makes me think: they are definitely my person.

    moonlitxhooney Report

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    She knows what I'm trying to say based on my hums. If she sneezes and I'm busy doing something else (or eating) I'll hum at her and she immediately knows. Same for "I love you", "thank you", "here", etc. She can just tell based on the pitch of the way I hum what I'm trying to say.

    stardust_dreams Report

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    We often communicate in Lord of the Rings quotes. We regularly refer to the other as "my precious" in a Gollum voice, and both feel very loved and seen by it.

    crocheting-a-thneed Report

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    We interject the same movie/TV quotes and song lyrics and often at the same time. Someone once told me she wishes she was a part of a high-five couple after my spouse and I high-fived.

    ILikeToEatTheFood Report

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    Whenever he brings a snack to the couch he always brings an extra for me or an extra fork even if I haven’t asked for anything.

    No-Run-3594 Report

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    I have so many pictures on my phone of just him doing funny expressions. He can pull his face into such cartoonishly exaggerated expressions it's absolutely hilarious. Also whenever he takes pictures of me, he takes selfies first without me knowing before he actually takes a picture of me.

    nugsmajoris Report

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    He cooks for all my eight brothers when they come over 🥹.

    TopWishbone4346 Report

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    That he feels comfortable enough to share his social anxiety stories with me. Like the day a senior person at work started talking to him one day and he was so anxious he said something weird, dropped his smoothie and ran away. And also, he is my greatest supporter and always always has my back.

    DineNewfReality Report

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    The way he completely geeks out over airplanes and the adorable look on his face when he knows I don’t completely get it but since it makes him happy I roll with it.

    GothPenguin Report

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    We have an inside joke - "I need this" while pinching the other's big toe. Just makes me laugh because hello why do you need my big toe.

    cheshirekitkat01 Report

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    When he takes his clothes off before bed, I say "peen?" And he'll quickly turn away, cover his weiner, and say "no peen for yeen." It's so stupid.

    spicyturtle1959 Report

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    Every morning, on our way to work, after I drop off our son at daycare, my husband calls me. Just to talk and make the drive go by easier and faster because my commute is longer than his and I deal with BS inner-city traffic. But it's so sweet.

    Bipolarbear37 Report

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    My wife is so funny. just for context we’re both women or else this wouldn’t be as funny. she has the adhd real bad and has poor impulse control in the best way. the other night she was walking our dog and my friend was giving me a ride home. my dogs pretty excitable and got soo pumped when he saw us. she didn’t want to deal with him jumping on the (moving) car we were in and pulling on the leash so instead of saying hi and walking away she shouted “STRANGER DANGER” and broke into a run. it made me laugh so hard.

    biggestbug56 Report

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    One time, I was distracted doing something and my wife goes "here, hold this for a second, and drops something in my hand. She is very serious, usually, so I just put my hand out without giving it any thought and "held it." After an entire minute or two of pressing on with the task, I needed my other hand and so I looked in my hand to give "it" back to was a tiny, dry booger. I couldn't believe how long I held onto it and I completely freaked out 🤦‍♂️In a sense, I'm still hanging onto it.

    Tasty_Rip_4267 Report

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    Couple sitting outside, smiling and conversing, showcasing adorable partner interactions. My husband and I have always been big fans of people watching. We created our own language in our twenties essentially so we could talk about people in front of them. For the most part we grew up and became parents and moved on from our secret language but sometimes we still slip back into it and I love it so much when we do.

    Critical_System_3546 , freepik Report

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    Lame Llama
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's a nasty thing to do. Talk about people in front of them? Not the flex OP thinks it is.


    The only thing that my partner and I love doing more than going round museums, is going round museums and pointing out all the w***y’s on statues (p*nises for those who are not British….the British Museum is great for w***y spotting).

    FriendlySoyaFish Report

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