Finding two animals who resemble each other isn't that hard. After all, a lot of white bunnies look like other white bunnies and a lot of black horses look like other black horses. So let's up the ante. Instead, how about we focus on "twin" animals that aren't even from the same species?
We at Bored Panda searched the internet far and wide and I'm glad to say that we managed to put together a wholesome list of animal siblings from other mothers. From horses with their mini dog versions to nearly identical cats and guinea pigs, here's proof that reflections are everywhere throughout nature! Enjoy.
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Her New Kitten Is Odd, But She Still Loves Her
One of the features that nearly every mammal species on Earth (including humans) have in common is that their bodies are covered in structures known individually as "hairs" and collectively as "fur."
To learn more about animals' appearance, Bored Panda reached out to Dr. Hopi E. Hoekstra, who is the Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology in the Departments of Organismic & Evolutionary Biology and Molecular & Cellular Biology at Harvard University, the Curator of Mammals at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator.
"Fur on a mammal looks different (or the same) based on (1) hair length, (2) its thickness, and (3) its density as well as (4) its composition, that is, the composition of different hair types," she explained. "For example, most rodents have 4 hair types: awl, zig-zag, auchene, and guard hairs."
"Guard hairs, for instance, tend to be coarse, thick, and long but found only on certain regions of the body (eg. the rump or back of the neck); relative to other hair types, guard hairs are not very numerous. Some hair morphology is extreme: spines are modified hairs that have evolved repeatedly within rodents. Of course, hair pigmentation is an obvious trait that may make animals look more or less similar."
Brother From Another Mother
We also reached out to Dr. Jessica E. Light, the Associate Professor and Curator of Mammals at Texas A&M University. She said that there are 4 main purposes of fur:
1) insulation;
2) tactile or sensory (think whiskers, which are a type of hair);
3) protection (guarding the skin and shielding against predators (think quills and spines));
4) visual (colors of fur provide information to members of the same species and other species).
"Don't Take Him. He's A Part Of Me"
Just A Newfoundland Taking His Pony For A Walk
Dr. Hoekstra added that "some species, like sea otters, have incredibly dense fur that both keeps them warm in cool ocean water but also helps with buoyancy."
"Polar bears have unique hairs that are effectively hollow and can 'capture' heat from the sun to keep them warm. Some hairs have piloerection, in which hairs can be lifted upwards as a threat display. The pigments in hairs also play an important function, primarily in camouflage."
There's A Spy Among Us
These Two Little Cows Look So Similar You Could Almost Mistake Them For Twins
I swear if the little piggy didnt poke his head up I would've thought he was a dog
Partners In Crime And Their Matching Coats
Some animal coats are more distinctive than others. But that doesn't mean they're easier to understand. It has long been suggested that arguably the most eccentric mammal, the zebra, may have developed its unique striping to hide from lions and deter biting tsetse flies.
But according to one comprehensive study, the iconic stripes along a zebra's back are most closely correlated with temperature and precipitation in its environment, not the prevalence of lions or tsetse flies. These findings could mean that the famous black-and-white coat actually helps the zebra to regulate its body temperature.
My Friend's Two Husky Mixes, With Their Color-Coordinated Kitten Look-Alikes. The Aww Factor Is Off The Charts
One Of These Is Not Like The Others
What Kind Of Pupper Is This?
Since animals' fur can make the difference between life and death, they try to keep it in tip-top condition. "Grooming, especially of hair, can be very important for mammals," Dr. Hoekstra said. The main purpose is to remove potential parasites/pathogens (not necessarily to "look good"). When an animal is ill or old, they tend to groom less and thus may look more disheveled. It is unclear if this is used as a 'signal' to other individuals."
If you like these pictures, we suggest you check out what UK-based image library Warren Photographic has to offer. We included a few of their shots too.
Big Brother And Meow
Matching Brother And Sister
Day 66: Infiltration is going well, the food is good. Noone has a clue.
Kitty Found The Best And Most Comfortable Spot To Camouflage
Brother From Another Mother
Very Cute Twins
Same But Different
My Twins. I Don't Think They Know They're Adopted
Cat And Guinea Pig Chillin’ At Home
Black-And-White Kitten, Dutch Rabbit, Guinea Pigs And Border Collie Puppy - All From The Same Mother Apparently
Best Buds Almost Falling Off The Bed For Rubs And Kisses
Twin Seals Separated At Birth
In Dutch, a seal is called "zeehond", dog of the sea. If you have ever seen a seal in the water with just it's head out ... you'll know there was never a more aptly named animal species!
Found His Brother
Brother From Another Mother
Both with eyes that will suck in your soul. (Seriously they are beautiful)
Brothers From Another Mother
I'm pretty sure that's "Brothers from Another M-Udder." I'll see myself out...
There Is One Spy Here
Gingers Unite
Who Knew A Cat And Guinea Pig Could Look So Alike
I Didn't Realize How Well They Matched Each Other Before Now
When The Kitten And Puppy Are A Matching Set
Nemo The Tri-Pawed Pupper And His Matching Friend, Yam
I had to check the previous post to see if they are the same ….
Colors Are The Smiles Of Nature
They're Even Both Sleeping The Same Way
Brothers From Another Mother
Apparently, the powers that be had some fur remnants left over after making the dog and decided to whip up a little cat too.
Well If This Ain’t The Cutest Thing You’ve Seen Today, I’d Be Very Surprised
Brothers From Another Mother
Brother From Another Mother
Some Warm Fuzzies In Honor Of Wal’s Birthday
Dat Peeg & Dat Bun. Zephyr & Ostara
My Dog And His New Look-Alike Pupper Friend
Cat Spoon Pug
I keep telling my spouse, kitties just want to cuddle. The dog looks like she's being tortured, but the cat just wants the warmth. (My own terrier has a similar expression whenever our cat comes near.)
My Entirely Unrelated Pets Twinning Out This Evening
On the lookout for someone to come home, or the same squirrel?
Is Your Heart Melting As Much As Mine Did? Little Ducklings Coming In For A Snuggle With The Kitty. He Was All Purrs And Head Hoops With Them
Percy Is The Very Best Big Brother
Please tell me the cat's name is Estelle (if you understand this reference you are now my friend)
Cat And Dog Twins
I Am Crimson The Great, And Demand To Have My Chin Scratched
My Pupper Has A Matching Brother (From Another Mother)
Happy Twins
Welp I've been wanting a goldie for a while already. Now I also want a ginger kitty brother for the goldie.
Welp I've been wanting a goldie for a while already. Now I also want a ginger kitty brother for the goldie.