You’re aware of the holy trinity of cuteness, right? There’s cute puppies, cute kittens, and cute bunnies.
Sure, there’s more cuteness to be had, but these seem to occupy many an internaut for hours on end, especially if stress levels are through the roof and some floof therapy is in order.
Bored Panda has scoured the depths of the internet to find you the cutest, prettiest, and funniest bunnies, rabbits, hares—however you wish to call them—who will take all of your attention and awws.
Scroll down to see the best of the best in our curated list, and while you’re at it, vote and comment on the submissions you loved the most. Oh, and if you have some bunny stories to share, feel free to do so in the comment section below!
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She Fell Asleep In My Palm As We Were Cleaning Out The Kit Nest Today
I Brought One Of My Baby Bunnies To Meet My Great Grandmother
I Clipped A Baby Bunny's Ear With My Mower 2 Years Ago. Same Bunny Spotted Today
If you’ve been on Bored Panda lately, you might have also noticed that we also did a similar list about bears. If you missed it, you’re welcome, I guess.
Anywho, while there are 8 species of bears, rabbits are a whole different deal, spanning 29 species with over 300 different breeds of domestic bunnies, if that’s your forte.
Meet Wally, The Bunny With The Biggest Wing Like Ears
My Girlfriend’s Rabbit, Banjo, Has A Smaller Rabbit On His Nose
This Is How My Bunny Sleep
My Friends Bunny Is So Adorable
Now, here’s an answer to a question I have no doubt many of you have always wanted, but never dared to ask, and that is ‘why do rabbits love mounting everything (and everyone) so much?’
Well, fun fact, besides the obvious reproductive function, this is also their way of communicating. Besides the whole smell and urine thing that is used to convey things like group identity, sex, age, social and reproductive status, and territory ownership, there’s also the “humping” that’s all about effectively showing dominance and hierarchy. The more you know!
Our Foster Kitten And Bunny Getting Along
My Mum's Colleague Has A Litter Of 5 Day Old Bunnies, So We Went To See Them, And This Gorgeous Baby Fell Asleep In My Hands. I Think I've Been Chosen
Picked This Guy Up From A Rescue An Hours Drive From Home. Instead Of Being Terrified, He Fell Into A Deep Sleep. You Are Forever Safe Now, My Baby
5 Shades Of Buns
Unfortunately, the little critters live, on average, 8 to 12 years, and these are numbers for domestic bunnies. When it comes to wild ones, it’s hard to say, because if they don’t end up going down the food chain, they experience considerably higher levels of stress, and don’t have the same food stability domestic rabbits have.
But hey, you can keep them as pets, and if you give them a strawberry, they will resemble that bunny from Monty Python and the Holy Grail that can only be vanquished using a Holy Hand Grenade.
I Think My Bunnies Had An Argument
Bunny Born With No Ears Gets Crocheted Head Wear
Look Who Graduated From Radiation Treatment! No More Cancer
So wonderful. May your bunny have a long and healthy life from now on.
The NYPD Rescued This Large Bunny
Mother-In-Law's Rabbits Had Some Fluffy Bunnies Recently
As we’ve mentioned earlier, there’s a list of bears that has recently hit the aether, so you can check out more here. Or you can check out this dog shedding challenge. Or quarantine cats. Or funny pets. There’s so much you haven’t seen yet...
My Little Rabbit Extends His Foot To Give Everyone The Super Awesome Luck They Deserve For The Rest Of The Year
Meet Max
Looks like a German shepherd, but with a bunny building plan. Maybe they used the wrong template.
Secret Bunny Meeting
My Girlfriend's New Bunny Is So Small And Fluffy
Someone Got A Cute Bunny
But don’t go just yet, as there’s still more bunnies to see below, and you haven’t yet told us what you think about bunnies in the comment section below. So what are you waiting for?
My Bunny Basket
Lil Bunny Wabbit
Does My Earless Bunny Fit In Here? This Is Skip Evander-Holyfield
Eleanor, The Bunny
So, My Cousin Just Adopted This Bunny. It's Afraid Of Him, So, It Springs To The Cat To Protect It. The Cat Couldn't Care Less
Hey No More Boop
My Dog And My Bunny Are Kinda In Love With Each Other
Bunny Kiss
This Bunny Has A Tiny Cart Of Carrots
Isn’t Bean The Most Photogenic Bunny You’ve Ever Seen?
Cute Bunny
Cricket Goes Crazy For Strawberries
Sunshine, Daisys And A Rabbit
I See Your Cool Bunny And I Raise You A Top Gun Bunny
I Put My Baby Bunnies In Their New Bed, And Then This Happened
My Dog Likes To Lick All Our Baby Bunnies One By One And Pretend She Is Their Mom
Baby Bunny Who Slipped Into My Garage While The Door Was Open. Gently Removed And Placed Back In Shrubs With Siblings
So glad they're OK and back home. Looks like you may need to do regular bunny checks around and under the car.
New Born Bunny
I Was Told To Post This Photo Of My New Bunny, Scarlett O’hare
I'll be a little party pooper here, but do not put your bunny in that position yourself. It used to be recommended to manipulate them (e.g to cut their nails), as it puts them in a sort of trans to be on their back and they don't move. But recent studies found that it is actually quite stressful for the rabbit. However, if the bunny chooses to put himself in this position, then enjoy it, because he is feeling extremely safe with you!
Pocket Bunny
Fluffy Rabbits Are So Cute
My Girlfriend’s New Bunny, Korra
My Little Bunny In His Harness
Took A Really Nice Photo Of My Bunny, Thought It Was Worth Sharing
This Very Small Bunny That Moved Into Our Yard During Quarantine
Always Kitties Around The Christmas Tree, Never Bunnies. Meet Honey
Meet My Pet Goat And His Pet Rabbit
So I'm seeing more baby animal posts here, and people seem to enjoy them. Usually cats and dogs, and now bunnies, but rarely rodents. I used to run a guinea pig shelter, and have quite a lot of photos of rescued baby guinea pigs. Would people be interested in a compilation post of them?
rabbits need to eat fresh hay every day. Do not give them Twinkies, cake, bread, or anything soft like that. It will plug them up like concrete. If they can't poop it out, they will decline & die. So don't kill your bunnies with kindness with sweet stuff they shouldn't eat. If you want to give them a treat, buy some fresh spinach or kale at the market & feed it to them. They will luv you for it...
Too much fruit, carrots, and seeds are bad as well. When we first go ours we'd lure her back to her cage at night with sunflower seeds. So she got excess cecotrophs. One expensive vet bill later, we switched to a timothy based pellet and no more seeds.
Load More Replies...So I'm seeing more baby animal posts here, and people seem to enjoy them. Usually cats and dogs, and now bunnies, but rarely rodents. I used to run a guinea pig shelter, and have quite a lot of photos of rescued baby guinea pigs. Would people be interested in a compilation post of them?
rabbits need to eat fresh hay every day. Do not give them Twinkies, cake, bread, or anything soft like that. It will plug them up like concrete. If they can't poop it out, they will decline & die. So don't kill your bunnies with kindness with sweet stuff they shouldn't eat. If you want to give them a treat, buy some fresh spinach or kale at the market & feed it to them. They will luv you for it...
Too much fruit, carrots, and seeds are bad as well. When we first go ours we'd lure her back to her cage at night with sunflower seeds. So she got excess cecotrophs. One expensive vet bill later, we switched to a timothy based pellet and no more seeds.
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