When it comes to thinking of names for your pets, so many obstacles can come in the way. Like disagreements with another pet parent, lack of originality in the presented choices or just having so many alternatives that to choose one doesn’t seem like a viable option.
That’s why looking up unique and cute pet names online can be your salvation in this matter. It doesn’t matter what type of pet you’re in the process of naming, having inspiration can only help you pick out or help come up with your own, personalized name.
In this list, you’ll find knightly, both cute and funny pet names like Sir Meows A Lot, ones that pay homage to characters like Yoda, Frodo and Sam, Ghost from Game Of Thrones, and of course, Scooby, from Scooby-Doo.
Many of these can sound like cute puppy names, but nothing can hold you back from naming your cat “Neo”. The names often come from the personal character and physical traits of the animal anyway. So when your cat stares into a corner, you know there’s Agent Smith somewhere in there.
There might be many to choose from, but allow these cute names to inspire creativity and help you pick out the most unique pet name for your awesome animal. Let us know in the comments if there are any names we missed!
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Sir Meows A Lot – a funny twist to Sir Lancelot for a cat that just can’t seem to stop meowing.
Dumbledog – a dog name inspired by the headmaster of Hogwarts.
Wasabi – a name inspired by the Japanese spice.
Imani — means "faith" in Swahili.
That's gorgeous & inspiration :) If i ever get a horse I'll give him/her that name. That seems best for a mare tho - it's more feminine I think.
Yoda – could mean "the one who knows" in Hebrew and it a great choice for "Star Wars" fans.
So cool I'm a star wars fan and to know it wasn't random sounds shoved together makes it a wise choice for the character
Frodo & Sam – the bond between these "Lord Of The Rings" characters is definitely worth the inspiration.
Now you touched my favorites! + Gandalf & (the elves' names, male & female ones).
Salvador Dogi – inspired by the surrealist artist, Salvador Dali.
Scooby – of English origin meaning "gift of joy, love, and laughter." Inspired by 'Scooby-Doo'.
Scooby is also rhyming slang: Scooby-Doo/clue: A: Where's my wallet? B: I don't have a scoob'.
Khaleesi – what could be more powerful than naming your female pet after the Mother of Dragons?
Nick Furry – if you’re an "Avengers" fan, this is a great name for your furry rabbit, dog, or cat inspired by Nick Fury.
Scarlett O’ Hamster – inspired by Scarlett O'Hara from "Gone With The Wind".
Ozzy Pawsborne – Ozzy Osbourne fans will love this dog name.
Neo — a character from "The Matrix".
Goofy — after one of Mickey Mouse’s best friends.
Moana — this name comes from the voyager Disney princess.
Aaanndd it means Ocean in Hawaiian, which is where Disney GOT the name....
Aladdin & Jasmine – the fictional characters Disney helped bring to life.
Griffin – represents a winged creature that has the head of a lion.
Woofer – not the bass speaker, this woofer is of a different kind that you’ll love.
Ahava — Hebrew, translates to “love”.
Luke Skywalker — a character from "Star Wars".
Caladrius – a fairy tale bird that can heal all maladies.
Kama — Sanskrit, translates to “love”.
Brandy — a soul refined from wine or from the matured juice of grapes or of apples, peaches, plums, and so forth.
Kovu – a cute nickname for dogs that means "love and affection." Inspired by the son of Scar and Zira from 'The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride'.
Marshmallow – inspired by the squishy confectionary.
Paw Paw – this is a great name for your dog or cat inspired by the fruit of the Asimina Triloba deciduous tree, or simply the name of your pets' feet.
Naiad – a name of Greek origin meaning "water nymph", perfect for pet fish.
Shen – a name of Chinese origin that means "deity." It’s best used as a creative dog name but can also be used to name a cat, horse, bird, or hamster.
Santa Paws – why be excited about Santa Claus when you can have Santa Paws?
Maine còon. Not like a derogatory term stupid censorship. On a post for pet names. The breed of cats.
Kit-Kat – a cute name for your pet cat.
Denali – among the more unique names of dogs meaning "the high one."
Isn't that a mountain range or national park in Alaska? I'm not American and this is why I never mock American pandas for not knowing places in Europe...
Milo – meaning "gracious."
Pixie – this is a cute name you can give your dog, cat, hamster or rabbit.
Kai – a name of Hawaiian origin meaning "sea or ocean." This is perfect for your dog, cat, or even pet fish.
Marty McFly – a creative name for pet birds inspired by the "Back To The Future" protagonist.
Winnie the Poodle – clever among dog names you can give your pretty poodle.
Alvin – meaning "a noble friend" of Old English origin. Relates to 'Alvin and the Chipmunks' and is a great name for hamsters and other small pet animals.
Arion – the name of an immortal horse. The name is of Hebrew origin and means "with melody."
Sherlock Bones – a great cat or dog name inspired by "Sherlock Holmes".
Pongo & Perdita – names inspired by '101 Dalmatians'.
Venus & Serena – this powerful pair of pet names is inspired by sisters Venus and Serena Williams.
Ursula — poor unfortunate souls! Name your new four-legged friend after this sassy octopus villain in "The Little Mermaid".
Woman o’Peace – a creative name best suited for a horse inspired by the name Man o’War, the greatest racehorse ever.
Bonnie & Clyde – the perfect pair of pet names inspired by Bonnie Elizabeth Parker and Clyde Chestnut Barrow, because your furry friends will be up to quite a bit of mischief at home.
Chili & Pepper – not only is this the spice, but it can also be a tribute to The Red Hot Chili Peppers band.
Sugar & Spice – a natural name pair that also conjures up the image of 'The Powerpuff Girls'.
Buttercup – a cute name for your dog, cat, or rabbit that’s inspired by a Powerpuff Girl.
Ginger – this is a great name for a ginger-colored dog, cat, or even hamster based on the plant.
Logan – a dog name of Irish origin that means "descendant of the warrior."
Bark Twain – a dog name inspired by Mark Twain.
I could see potential problems because most dogs learn word bark from the name of sound they make.
JK Growling – a tribute to the author of the "Harry Potter" series, JK Rowling.
President Josiah Barklet – among the funny pet names for your dog inspired by Josiah Bartlet from "The West Wing".
Sookie Stackhouse Filibuster -- Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood) Stackhouse Filibuster (West Wing Edpsode) .. :)
Yin & Yang – inspired by the Chinese philosophy of dualism with interdependent but opposing forces.
Ada — a programming language especially fit to constant applications, created for use by the U.S. Branch of Defense.
Bianca – of Italian origin meaning "white", perfect for pet rabbits.
Phoenix – a firebird from classical mythology that is popular among dog names and can also be used as the name of other birds.
Regal – of Arabic origin, meaning "the expected one."
Cherry & Blossom – draw inspiration from the beautiful flower and name your female pets Cherry and Blossom.
Lennan — Irish, translates to “lover”.
Anna — careful of your pooch finishing your sandwiches when you name them after one of the famous sisters from "Frozen".
Rubix – if you just can’t seem to figure your pet out, this is the perfect name, derived from the Rubik’s Cube.
Hund – means "dog" in German.
Naga – represents nature’s protector and means "serpent" in the Indian origin, perfect if you’ve got a pet reptile at home.
Adam & Eve – these are names of Biblical origin referring to the first man and woman created by God.
Sleepy & Peppy – this is popular among pet names for pets that have opposite personalities.
Electra — the girl of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra who affected her sibling Orestes to execute Clytemnestra and her darling Aegisthus.
Arthur — if your dog is pretty much royalty, name them after the main character in "Sword in the Stone".
Kim & Kourtney – a sibling pairing inspired by the Kardashian names.
IMO bad names for you fur baby. They are not people to be impressed by. Also your pet sèx tape will not make it famous. LOL.
Cruella De Vil — this Disney dog name is “simply marvelous”.
Cruella Deville is the villain of the story who wants all the pups to make a coat from their fur. The clue is in the name: Cruel-Ella-Devil.
I knew 2 white cats, one named Perogi and the other one named SnotBall. Her name was supposed to be Snowball, but became SnotBall for unknown reasons
I knew 2 white cats, one named Perogi and the other one named SnotBall. Her name was supposed to be Snowball, but became SnotBall for unknown reasons