I Wanted To Highlight Stereotypes, Micro-Aggressions And Other Struggles The Asian-American Community Faces With 11 Cute Illustrations
Chinatown Confessions is a cute illustrated art series about my honest feelings and experiences as an Asian-American navigating stereotypes, micro-aggressions, and other struggles our community faces.
I made this to share my frustrations about the rise in violence against Asians, due to the pandemic, in an approachable format without diluting the truth. I noticed that there was a lack of discussion about the issue in the news and in my circle of friends. Having conversations about racism can be uncomfortable so I thought using cute art would capture people's attention while leaving them with an important message to reflect on.
Illustrated subjects are inspired by items you'd commonly find in Chinatown, while the hand-lettered phrases are inspired by my personal experiences or by others in the Asian-American community.
More info: Instagram | jazgtzdesign.creator-spring.com | jazgtzdesign.com
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I'm From Here (Now Leave Me Alone)
A few years back someone came up to me to make small talk and eventually the conversation arrived at "Where are you from?" I told them I was from Texas. They then changed their phrasing to "Where are you REALLY from? Like where were you born?" I answered California. They didn't seem to like my response because they looked at me both confused and uncomfortable.
After some awkward silence, they tried again and asked "Where are your parents from?" It finally clicked for me what this person was trying to get at. I told them Vietnam and they lit up and said "Cool!"
I shared with someone close to me about this situation and they laughed and said "Don't give them such a hard time, you know what they were trying to ask!" But I honestly didn't. And also why aren't my feelings considered? Because asking me "Where are you REALLY from" feels like I don't belong here. I might not be white but I'm still an American. There's nothing wrong with being curious about someone else's culture. I don't think we should be 'color-blind'. But we should be open to understanding how to have better conversations about race and culture.
In 2018, I felt burnt out in my social work career. My therapist at the time encouraged me to explore other careers based off of my interests so I began pursuing design. I've always had an interest in the arts as a child and originally wanted to study graphic design in college but was discouraged to pursue it. In 2020, I became a new mom and was on maternity leave from my two jobs as a graphic designer. During those 3 months, I began drawing in between my newborn's naps as a fun hobby. In 2022, I decided to focus more on illustration and work for myself.
I'll Cry If I Want To
Growing up in an Asian family for me meant that shedding tears revealed a sort of weakness, which wasn't okay. But I'm learning to unlearn this. It's okay to ask for help. It's okay to fall apart. It's okay to cry.
As an adult man, crying is the most powerful relief for my soul. I love crying for joy, sadness etc... Don't torture your soul!
Not Future Doctor (Sorry Mom)
It was conflicting. I wanted to make my mother proud but I also wanted to follow my dreams. My personal story is that I was encouraged to stay away from choosing a creative career because a career in creativity isn't a career at all.
I was allowed to be creative as a hobby, but as a real career, I needed to pick something more substantial. So I stopped drawing, and just focused on trying to make my mom proud but I eventually stopped doing that too and pursued a life that I needed for myself.
I'm thankful in the end my mom came around to be proud of me in different ways.
A lot of people, both Asian and Non-Asian, have told me Chinatown Confessions resonated with them deeply. A few have shared with me their own painful memories when they felt rejected and insulted for their culture/appearance. When I sell stickers or art prints of Chinatown Confessions at pop-up markets, people would bust out laughing and get really excited. My work has been described as "cute and sassy". It makes me really happy seeing people feel connected to something I created, and that the message isn't just meaningful to me but to others too.
No, You Open Your Eyes
Dear racist person, my eyes may be small, but so is your mind. I've been called "Chink" and "Chinese girl"; people have slanted their eyes and yelled 'Asian' gibberish to my face. I've been told "You must be good at (insert stereotype activity)" based solely on my race and not my actual skills/hard work.
What I hate more than the experiences was that I minimized it; I made excuses for people who lacked cultural awareness and sensitivity by trying to convince myself that they were just trying to be funny. I even laughed with them so I wouldn't make them feel uncomfortable despite the fact that I was very hurt. But words and actions like these aren't funny or beneficial; they're RACIST and NOT okay.
I once worked in a place that was planning a company dinner at an Italian restaurant. The guy making the inviations was told to type "We're-A having a meeting-A at this-A..." (with the a in capitals) and crap like that. When I complained, I was told to try to develop my sense of humor. Some people, when introduced to me, think that they're being witty when they add an -a to to every word they say. I still pisses me off when I think about it.
Please Learn To Say My Name (Or Don't Talk To Me)
No, I don't have another name that you can call me instead because you won't take the time to correctly pronounce my birth name. And if you're not willing to just learn my name, why bother learning anything else about me? So bye.
My major inspiration is from my childhood and feelings, Asian-American culture, and experience with mental/spiritual health. I'm also influenced by cartoons/anime that I love including Sanrio, Sailor Moon, Bee and Puppycat, and Studio Ghibli films. I use art as an outlet for myself to be vulnerable and heal; my hopes are that it can be healing for someone else too. If we don't reveal our hurts, we can't heal from our hurts. I really enjoy creating playful yet meaningful illustrations that have a story behind it, and inspiring others to be the healthiest and most authentic versions of themselves.
Stop Assuming We're All Chinese
Seriously though. Asian does not always equal Chinese. We're not a monolith (a group of people who are thought of as being all the same).
Yep! We're Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalis, Afghans, Japanese, Koreans, Mongols, Vietnamese, and so much more! I hate that stereotype, whenever a new "Asian" character is introduced in a book, it has to be an East Asian with "pale" skin. We're so much more than that! We're vast continent with all sorts of people!
My Food Isn't Weird (You Are)
While it may seem innocent, teasing about my culture's food means you're actually teasing me. You don't have to like it, but you don't have to be rude about it. I have multiple memories from childhood, and even into adulthood, of feeling like an outsider when I brought food from home; the weird side looks, the snickering behind my back, and the snarky comments like "You eat THAT?"
I may seem weird for eating different foods but I think they're also weird for not trying different foods.
What makes me passionate about the work I do is for the opportunity to spread a message that makes people feel loved, seen, and cared for. I think it's easy to feel alone and hopeless in this sometimes scary and hurtful world, but if my work can resonate with someone and help them remember that they're worthy and capable of great things then I feel I've accomplished my mission. I just want to be able to be a light in someone's dark day or even season.
I Can Be Soft And Strong
Mental health isn't often a popular topic of discussion in Asian households; talking about anything that might display someone's weakness was avoided. So that's why I didn't go to counseling for the first time until I was 24 years old. There was something my therapist said that has remained with me to this day; "You can be assertive without being aggressive."
Growing up, I saw hurt feelings covered up by anger and expressed by hurting the other person's back. The concept of gently, yet still honestly, telling someone your needs, hurt, and insecurities without starting a war seemed unheard of. But being married to someone with a different, and healthier, perspective will challenge you to realize that speaking harshly in anger doesn't make you stronger than someone else. In fact, there can be strength in your gentleness.
Choosing to have self-control with your words and actions, not backing down from confronting a problem, and sharing your feelings to heal not hide... that's a real strength.
Worthy Of Love And Respect
I'm worthy of love and respect because I love and respect myself. Anyone that tells me otherwise isn't worthy of my time.
I've been doing a lot of pop-up markets selling handmade stickers, stationery and prints in the Austin, TX area. In the summer I plan on taking a break from markets to focus on learning new ways to create, network, and figure out how to sell wholesale, while doing a few freelance projects on the side.
Proud Of Me
I don't need to wait for someone to tell me I did a good job to prove that I did a good job. I also don't need to wait to accomplish something worthy in someone else's eyes to feel like I accomplished something.
Sometimes giving my 100% looks different each day and that's okay. One day I'm super productive and finished everything from my to-do list. Awesome. The next day I woke up and just stayed alive. Also awesome.
I Don't Need To Prove My Worth
If I tried to convince everyone I was worthy, I'll quickly be disappointed. Everyone has a different way of measuring everything, so I shouldn't even bother. I choose to live FROM a place of love and worth instead of FOR love and worth. So next time my post didn't get that many likes, my text message was left on reading, or plans get canceled on me last minute, I remember that circumstances and people don't define my importance.
I was just reading a comment on another article by a person who saved a few lives, then became disabled. She saved another life while disabled. The paramedic told her "maybe your purpose in life was to save that person so they can go on to accomplish great things." The implication that, since she was disabled, she could never have her own value depressed her. She knew that being disabled didn't make her worthless, but didn't know how to find value or meaning in her life. I wanted to say something helpful to her, but didn't have an answer. You just gave me that answer. It's a mistake to think you need to prove your worth. If you live from a place of love and worth, you will feel alright.
I have another one for you: Stop killing us because you think we caused a virus.
Whoever thinks food from Asian cultures is weird has never tried it. The balance of flavors is eminently satisfying and delicious.
Yeahh, the huge variety in tastes and types of asian cuisine is immense!
Load More Replies...As for the learn my name one...I try cause I love other cultures but please please don't get offended if I mess up. I'm only human, it's a different sound structure than I'm used to. I won't mess up to offend and if u give me a chance I will practice till I get it right...
I have another one for you: Stop killing us because you think we caused a virus.
Whoever thinks food from Asian cultures is weird has never tried it. The balance of flavors is eminently satisfying and delicious.
Yeahh, the huge variety in tastes and types of asian cuisine is immense!
Load More Replies...As for the learn my name one...I try cause I love other cultures but please please don't get offended if I mess up. I'm only human, it's a different sound structure than I'm used to. I won't mess up to offend and if u give me a chance I will practice till I get it right...