We all sometimes need a reminder that everything is going to be okay, and this time, it’s Sophia, an artist from Tulsa, Oklahoma, who is here to uplift us with her illustrations.

In an interview with Bored Panda, Sophia shared that her drawings are driven by a specific feeling like love or hope. “Some are a reaction to things going on in the world. My favorite ones are usually a bit silly. But as far as aesthetic, they're a little messy and all hand drawn.” Just like life, a bit messy, but if you look, you can find both hope and love in it. So, let’s hop into the post and see what Sophia has created recently and read the full interview with the artist below.

More info: Instagram |

First of all, Sophia shared more about herself.

“Hi! I'm Sophia. I grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and currently live in Southern California, where I work full-time as a copywriter for an apparel brand. On the side, I write a range of things, and in the past couple of years, I accidentally stumbled into illustrating.”


    Hand-drawn cartoon illustrating a humorous exchange with a 2024 calendar.

    This one was too serious - what if we try silly for you?

    sophia.joan.short Report


    Hand-drawn doodle of a keyboard with a funny reminder about pressing the space bar to reach Mars.

    I've been pressing the space bar for hours and no one's come to take me to Mars.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Mike F
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sidle up to Elon, maybe he will take you and the cosmic orange.

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    We were wondering what drew Sophia to the world of artistry. She replied: “I've always liked making things. I always had little projects as a kid, but in school, I never really focused on anything creative. After college, I started writing aphorisms.


    From there, it kind of clicked, and now I write a range of things both for work and on the side. A couple of years ago, I started creating illustrations to go along with what I share on Instagram. At first, I used watercolor (which was a little messy), and then switched to colored pencils and pen.”


    Hand-drawn comic about meeting etiquette, humorously suggesting binoculars for screen visibility.

    Etiquette Guide 2025.
    Whip out a pair of binoculars in meetings when someone asks: " Can you see my screen?"

    sophia.joan.short Report


    Hand-drawn comic about life's messiness, featuring an etiquette guide with humorous advice on declining invitations.

    Etiquette Guide 2025.
    Refuse invitations with: I wish I could, but I must go buy radishes!

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    As for the creative process, the artist wrote: “Carving out time is key for me, so developing a routine was kind of a game changer. On weekdays, I wake up pretty early, so I can read (also an excuse to have coffee immediately), move my body, and then sit down to write for about an hour before work. On weekends, I carve out pretty big chunks of time for writing and reading. 

    For the ideas, I generally start with the words and take inspiration from what's going on in my life, and the world, or sometimes an idea just pops up that's hard to shake. When I know what I want to say, I'll doodle something to go along with it. For the actual illustration, some are based on photos I've taken in real life. I actually have a harder time forming mental pictures, so I'll look at photos and draw based on that.”


    Hand-drawn illustration depicting the messy journey of being human, with a person dancing with a scribbled figure.

    Where do you see yourself in five years?
    Dancing to my own beat even if it means do-si-doing with fear occasionally.

    sophia.joan.short Report


    "Hand-drawn cartoon shows person in love with cheese, highlighting human messiness."

    Where do you see yourself in five years?
    Still in a toxic situationship with cheese.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My relationship with cheese is no worse than any of the relationships I've had with people.

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    We wanted to know what Sophia hopes for her audiences to take away from her artwork. She shared: “Being a human is messy, so I hope it makes them feel less alone. Or maybe offer a laugh or a little bit of hope. I actually have a quote pinned up on my desk that says, "There's hope in laughter" that I clipped out of a magazine years ago, and think about that a lot.”

    Lastly, she added: “You can follow along on Instagram or check out my website here!”


    Hand-drawn reminder that being human is messy, featuring a person jumping from a bed with the text about falling in love.

    I hope I fall in love with something strange today.

    sophia.joan.short Report


    Hand-drawn cartoon of birds on a wire with text: Etiquette Guide 2025, highlighting being human is messy.

    Etiquette Guide 2025.
    Respond to "How are you?" with a report on the neighborhood birds.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn reminder about human messiness showing a restroom scene with humorous small talk.

    Etiquette Guide 2025.
    Attempt small talk with strangers in unexpected places.

    sophia.joan.short Report


    Hand-drawn comic about human etiquette, featuring a humorous dialogue with floor scooters.

    Etiquette Guide 2025.
    Detour yes and no questions to an unexpected dead end.

    sophia.joan.short Report


    Hand-drawn comic about spelling "restaurant" by Sophia, highlighting the messy aspects of being human.

    Where do you see yourself in five years?
    Still googling the spelling of that one word.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn illustration humorously illustrating that being human is messy, with a message to "goof around for a few hours."

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Mike F
    Community Member
    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This was me in grade school. I was NOT a teacher's pet, lol.


    Hand-drawn comic about the messy human experience, featuring a person in a forest for contemplation.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So much more comforting than feeling small around people.


    Hand-drawn reminder about being human, featuring a person with heart balloons and hopeful message for the future.

    Where do you see yourself in five years?
    Hopefully adding more tenderness to the world than pain.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn reminder of two people holding hands, embracing life's messiness and human connection.

    Where do you see yourself in five years?
    Spending time with people who are good for my nervous system.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn illustration of two people with flowers, capturing a memory, highlighting the messiness of being human.

    What are you taking a picture of?
    Just something I don't want to forget.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn reminder by Sophia depicting three people sitting, with the text "How foolish to forget how rare all of this is."

    How foolish to forget how rare all of this is.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    A hand-drawn illustration showing a person between a heart and brain, titled "One at a time please," by Sophia.

    One at a time please!

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn reminder about human etiquette in a crowded elevator, emphasizing kindness and gratitude.

    Etiquette Guide 2025.
    Exit a crowded elevator by thanking each person individually for their time.

    sophia.joan.short Report


    Hand-drawn reminder showing a person greeting birds, illustrating human messiness and acceptance.

    Where do you see yourself in five years?
    Saying good morning to the birds.

    sophia.joan.short Report


    Two people stand by a sign labeled "Somewhere Good," discussing how life's messy journey brought them there.

    What led you here?
    A series of things that felt like mistakes, I think.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn stars with a reminder: "As you evolve, notice who says glad to know this version of you," by Sophia.

    As you evolve, notice who says, "I'm glad to get to know this version of you too."

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn reminder with a person gazing at the moon, highlighting the messiness of being human.

    Maybe the amount of extraordinary things that happen in your life depends on what you notice.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn illustration of hands holding a phone with text: "Zoom out a little to see your progress."

    Zoom out a little to see your progress.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Hand-drawn reminder of a keyboard with text about changing an email signature to a hopeful message.

    Considering changing my email signature to "I hope everything turns out better than you pictured it."

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn sketch of three people by the sea with a reminder about the rarity of life, illustrating humanity's messy beauty.

    How foolish to forget how rare all of this is.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn illustration of people drawing with crayons, highlighting that being human is messy and that's okay.

    How foolish to forget how rare all of this is.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    A hand-drawn reminder of a person with a heart, highlighting that being human is messy and that's okay.

    I used to try to outrun what I loved.
    But now I try to let it lead me.
    (Even when it's a little scary)

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    DO YOU WANNA BE A [Heart] ON A [Chain] YOUR WHOLE LIFE!? - The words of a [[Number1RatedSalesman1997]]


    Hand-drawn heart hugging itself with text about self-love, highlighting the human experience as messy but acceptable.

    Maybe it's possible to give yourself the love you missed retroactively.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Hand-drawn reminder: Decline night calls by texting back, "Can't talk! At farmer's market." Humor by Sophia.

    Etiquette Guide 2025.
    Decline phone calls at night by texting back: can't talk! At farmer's market :).

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn Christmas tree with a message about accepting life's messiness by Sophia.

    It's alright if everything doesn't feel merry and bright.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn comic about life's messiness, with a character relaxing and reading, highlighting human experiences by Sophia.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn comic about dealing with emotions, illustrating messy aspects of being human by Sophia.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn reminder with colorful highlights, emphasizing that it's okay to feel everything, featuring a small pink heart.

    Now, more than ever, we need you. So please, please feel everything you need to.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Hand-drawn illustration of a door opening to a sunny scene, with the phrase "Sometimes 'I'm not sure' opens an important door."

    Sometimes "I'm not sure" opens an important door.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn reminder about future goals with humorous text on pickled onions by Sophia.

    Where do you see yourself in five years?
    Putting pickled onions on everything.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn reminder about making an elaborate sandwich, illustrating the messy side of being human.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn heart walking a tightrope, symbolizing life's messiness. Text: "Balancing between loving more than one thing."

    Balancing between loving more than one thing.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Hand-drawn illustration of email etiquette advice, humorously suggesting a signature change for professional correspondence.

    Etiquette Guide 2025.
    Change your email signature to - Sent from my iPad for any professional correspondence.

    sophia.joan.short Report

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    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Studies have shown people are more forgiving about errors when they know it was sent from a mobile device.

    See Also on Bored Panda