Dogs can serve as adorable hosts, greeting whoever with wagging tails and excited licks - however, in some cases they provide their owners with the exact opposite service as guard dogs. To ward off unwanted strangers many people will hang up the dreaded 'BEWARE OF DOG' sign to let people know that it would be in their best interest to keep on moving, and it can be very effective.
Well, nothing destroys this menacing warning sign like a friendly, exuberant dog posed next to it and as you will see in the list below many of these 'guard dogs' didn't seem to get the message. Big and small breeds, the canines in this Bored Panda collection are better suited for the welcome community. Scroll down below to check out these adorably hilarious images and don't forget to upvote your favs!
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Beware Of The Dog
The ancient Greeks, Babylonians and Assyrians were the first cultures to use dogs as a form of protection. From then on humans have bred dogs specifically as guard dogs. In 1899 German Shepherds were named the original "watch dogs" and have held the title into today. Around the beginning of the 20th century, this breed began to be employed by police departments and the military.
I Think I'll Take My Chances
Please, Beware Of Dog
So how effective are these guard dogs anyway? Well they can actual provide a strong defense even without attacking. It has been reported that 65% of convicted criminals confirmed that the presence of a large and intimidating animal would be enough to scare them off. This proves that having a well-trained guard dog can provide your home with an extra line of defense.
Beware Of The Dog
There is not just one classification of "guard dog," so it is important to assess your needs when picking the right pooch. There are watch dogs, guard dogs, protection dogs and livestock guard dogs. Guard dog breeds are trained to pin down any perceived threat when commanded. These dogs can apply up to 750 pounds of pressure into a single bite and tear through both muscles and tendons - which has earned them the other title of “Kill Dogs.” While aggressive to strangers they are gentle and loving towards their families. These breeds include: Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, and American Pit Bull Terrier.
Not Entirely Sure What I Need To Beware Of Exactly?
No... Open The Gate, Please
Unlike guard dogs, watch dogs are not trained to attack intruders but rather alert their owners of any unfamiliar presence that is spotted on their property. Even without attacking they are intimidating, as their warnings can include terrifying snarls. These dogs are good for families due to their non-aggressive nature. Watch dog breeds include: Cairn Terrier, Akita, Schipperke, Miniature Pinscher and Airedale Terrier.
Yeah... I Wouldn't
This Gorgeous Girl Lives In My Neighbor’s Front Yard With A Huge “Beware Of Dog” Sign. The Only Thing I Have To Beware Of Is Spending Hours Petting Her
Protection dogs and livestock guard dogs are breeds that possess combined traits of the other forms. Protection dogs are a mix of a watch dog and guard dogs. They can be trained to attack intruders, however it does not come as naturally to them. Protection dog breeds include: Great Dane and Giant Schnauzer.
Livestock guard dogs on the other hand can be trained to perform the duties of all three of the other classifications. These dogs are alert, attentive and intelligent and thrive in rural areas. Livestock guard dog breeds include: Anatolian Shepherd, Estrela Mountain Dog, and Komondor.
Mom Put This Sign On Our Gate, Dad Said It's False Advertising. Look At Me, Would I Not Put Fear In The Heart Of Anyone Who Tried To Enter?
Beware Of This Cutie
The Ferocious Lucy!!
Beware Of Dogs. You Have Been Warned. Not Responsible For Injury Or Death
I can see how an injury could happen. Tripping over myself rushing to give them pats.
Beware Of The Dog
He Was A Feisty One! Undid My Shoelaces A Few Times
Meck-Pomm 2018
Beware Of Dog (Because She Is So Vicious)
Putting Her Scariest Faces On
Beware Of Dog
Beware Of Dog
Watch Out Everypawdy, I Is Very Scary
Very Scary Dog
Keep Out. Beware Of Dog
"Oh, Hey Burgler, Let's Be Friends! Wanna See Where We Keep The Jewels?"
Seriously. She’s Super Scary
Dear Mailperson, I Think There's A Mean Dog Somewhere In This Yard Because The Sign Says Beware But I Haven't Seen Them Yet.
Very Risky...
False Advertising
No Squirrel Is Safe
Oh Yes... Beware
Those signs perhaps were put up to save the dogs from people. Also, even if you see a tiny pooch behind a sign like that you a) do not know how he reacts to stragers b) do not know if there isn't a bigger and perhaps a dangerous second dog around. So as funny as the signs seem to be, take them for consideration. Many are a joke, sure, but then you'll stumble upon one that wasn't...
The only danger is probably some ppl who trying to scam you. I have experience it when I was a kid. My grandpa dog are overprotective and will bark at any passerby. One day a stranger walk by our yard and claiming that my dog has bit him, so my grandpa demand proof of where he was bitten. Good thing is that guy can't proof it, but he keep being stubborn and I forget how it end since my mom tell me to go inside. All I know is that everything end well. After that incident my grandpa have to put the Beware of Dog sign.
Load More Replies...Okay, these are cute and funny. But. Sometimes a dog can be friendly as hell until you cross into "their" space and you can't always tell where that is. I learned this the hard way.
I've worked in the insurance industry for years. Liability wise, putting a 'Beware of Dog' sign is advertising you know your dog is vicious and are inviting lawsuits. Much better to put a 'Do Not Trespass' sign. Does the same thing for your protection and doesn't give a lawyer a leg to stand on as far as your dog is concerned. Many a payout happened because of a 'Beware of Dog' sign worked against a client.
I looked into this to see if the rules applied in the UK (I don't know where you are from) and it does - so I'm taking the sign down (that admittedly came with the house!). Thanks for letting us know about this.
Load More Replies...Those signs perhaps were put up to save the dogs from people. Also, even if you see a tiny pooch behind a sign like that you a) do not know how he reacts to stragers b) do not know if there isn't a bigger and perhaps a dangerous second dog around. So as funny as the signs seem to be, take them for consideration. Many are a joke, sure, but then you'll stumble upon one that wasn't...
The only danger is probably some ppl who trying to scam you. I have experience it when I was a kid. My grandpa dog are overprotective and will bark at any passerby. One day a stranger walk by our yard and claiming that my dog has bit him, so my grandpa demand proof of where he was bitten. Good thing is that guy can't proof it, but he keep being stubborn and I forget how it end since my mom tell me to go inside. All I know is that everything end well. After that incident my grandpa have to put the Beware of Dog sign.
Load More Replies...Okay, these are cute and funny. But. Sometimes a dog can be friendly as hell until you cross into "their" space and you can't always tell where that is. I learned this the hard way.
I've worked in the insurance industry for years. Liability wise, putting a 'Beware of Dog' sign is advertising you know your dog is vicious and are inviting lawsuits. Much better to put a 'Do Not Trespass' sign. Does the same thing for your protection and doesn't give a lawyer a leg to stand on as far as your dog is concerned. Many a payout happened because of a 'Beware of Dog' sign worked against a client.
I looked into this to see if the rules applied in the UK (I don't know where you are from) and it does - so I'm taking the sign down (that admittedly came with the house!). Thanks for letting us know about this.
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