Hello, I’m illustrator Robodinosaur. I like to draw monsters, dinosaurs, and occasionally animals. Sometimes they’re funny, other times they’re heartfelt.
I’m actually a filmmaker, and I use art as a way to relax. It was during the lockdown, like most, when we were all stuck inside, I started doing lots more and using my art to tell stories, and before I knew it, it had a small following.
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I draw, doodle, paint, work digitally, and make films. I try to bring joy with what I create. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's serious, and other times it's a virtual hug you may be needing. I try to be as relatable as possible, I cover mental health issues, breaking the stigma attached to them. But mainly I want to build a community.
I don't care if my best friend is never actually going to decide I'm too weird and ghost me, but what if they did?
I create illustrations to help people cope with the day. Either letting them know they’re not alone or bringing a smile to their face.
Inspiration usually comes from my own life or from how others tell me they’re feeling.
An illustration usually starts with a caption. I keep a note on my phone where I write down captions or things I hear. Then, I start sketching and see where it goes.
I do these pieces in tiny pockets of time I find in the evening. I think the time limitations are the thing that give me a style because I know what I can get done and what I can’t in that limited time. On a good evening, and if I'm feeling creatively inspired, I can get two illustrations done in a night.
I need business cards with this slogan that I can just hand to people.
These days, people use social media to escape from the daily grind, and there is a lot of bad stuff out there that can drag you into a hole, but I hope that my illustrations provide relief from that. When people see my art, I want them to smile. Or feel seen.
I ate so much I can't move... which is the only reason i stopped eating
I would much rather do this, but what if so-and-so wants to do something else? Or what if I don't like my decision, or regret it later? What if all my choices go against the societal norm and everyone thinks I'm crazy?!!
Literally everything. I've been mouring a possum I saw hit in the road for 3 days now. Poor little guy
Life is like folding a fitted sheet: it's more confusing when you're younger, becomes easier once you've done things a few times, and it's perfectly fine to ask for help when you're confused.
Ah, there is a fabulous Peggy Lee song called, "Is That All There Is?" and highly recommend you all go and listen to it. Love what you love now, and treat others how you'd like to be treated, and enjoy the ride while it lasts.
We were designed with our gas porthole between the largest, softest flesh pads on our bodies. If that doesn't give insight into the human condition, not much else does.
We were designed with our gas porthole between the largest, softest flesh pads on our bodies. If that doesn't give insight into the human condition, not much else does.