Sure, there’s nothing quite like a cute cat or dog to get you feeling good inside. But, thankfully, those two species of animals aren’t the only ones that can be cute, derpy or anything in between.
As Bored Panda has already pointed out, bears and bunnies are also on that list—way high up on that list. And you know what? Ferrets should be up there too.
Here’s a curated list of pictures of the ferretiest ferrets ever doing ferrety things like being ferrets and blepping, making faces, hopping in a cute fashion, and, of course, wedging themselves in toilet paper rolls.
Scroll down to see all of this goodness, and while you’re there, leave a vote and a comment on the submissions you loved the most!
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My Brothers New Ferret, Vin Weasel
Meet Nova The German Shepherd And Pacco The Ferret, That Are The Unlikeliest Of Best Buds
Worried My Kitten Might Grow Up Thinking He's A Ferret
So, ferrets, or Mustela furo, as smart people publications call them, are tiny mammals in the vein of polecats, weasels and otters. Collectively, they are called mustelids, and, believe it or not, it also includes some very badass species like wolverines.
Ferrets are one of very few species among mustelids to be domesticated—it’s them and the tayra that are kept as pets, with some countries requiring dangerous wild animal licenses to be able to legally keep them.
The average lifespan of these tiny critters is about 8 years, but they can live up to 10.
Girlfriend Woke Her Ferret Up By Coming In To The Room Loudly And Was Greeted With These Absolute Daggers
Lilith Is On Cage Rest For A Little While And Peach Isn't Taking It Very Well
I Lost My Special Boy At 8 Years Old Tonight. Sharing This Photo In His Memory. I Will Forever Miss Him, It Hurts So Bad
Ferrets were originally domesticated to hunt rodents and—believe it or not—rabbits. That happened a couple of millennia ago as their bodies and flexibility are perfect to fit into tiny dens and burrows and stuff.
And this also turned out very well when between the 1860s and the 1950s, they were widely used in warehouses as ‘hygiene technicians’ of sorts to protect stored grain against rodents.
One Wet Ferret Boy
Grieving Young Man Quits Everything To Travel The World With His Pet Ferret After 3 Tragic Deaths In His Life
Sleepy Ferret
I Work At An Animal Shelter That Typically Only Accepts Dogs And Cats. Today Someone Brought Us A Ferret, He Was Scared And Lonely So This Happened
I like that there's a dog in a shelf back there. I hope it's a real dog.
She’s Turning Four This Year, But Still Looks Like A Little Baby
For those very interested in words, the name ferret comes from the late Latin word furo, which means thief. It’s a more appropriate name for trash pandas, but ferrets do get into their share of mischief as well.
Also, a female ferret is a jill, while a spayed one is a sprite, a male is a hob, and a neutered one is a gib, baby ferrets are kits, and a group of ferrets is a business. So, the more you know!
My Handsome Little Sneeze
This Is The Happiest Moment Of My Year. Happy Holidays
This may not mean much to all of you but this is the first time that one of my two adopted ferret babies has trusted me enough to sleep on me, let alone be near me without biting.
I totally get this, I have 5. They sleep with each other, unless they are sick and only then will they cuddle up with me and go to sleep. The other day one of my little girls liked this soft poncho I had on and curled up in it and went to sleep. I will now be living in this poncho.
A Comfortable Sleeping Position
Rescue Kitten Adopted By 5 Ferrets Thinks It’s A Ferret Too
My Girlfriend's Ferret Is Less Than Thrilled With His New Festive Hat
If you want more cuteness, you can always check out our Animals section, but before you scurry off, share your ferret-related stories or fun facts about these creatures in the comment section below!
Torunn, My Ferret
Chuck Fell Asleep
Ferret Plumbus
Meet Sam, The Laziest Ferret Alive
Silly Florence, She Thinks She's People
Bonnie And Clyde
My Wonderful One Eyed, Half Tailed Snuggly Ferret, Stumpy
The Tongue And The Interlocked Arms
I Was Putting Together A Desk And Looked Away For One Minute. Long Story Short Bandit Got Into The Styrofoam
Our Newest Baby. She’s Only 8 Weeks Old. We Need Name Suggestions
My Ferret Fell Asleep On My Dog
So My Friend's Ferret Crawled Into One Of Her Socks
Teddy Seems Unenthusiastic About Walks And Turns Into A Pancake
My Girlfriend Sent Me A Picture Of One Of My Ferrets, Douglas, While I Was At Work The Other Day. Something About This One Brought Tears To My Eyes
Helmet. Ferret Sleeps With A Bowl On Her Head
I Look Away For 2 Seconds
Funny Ferret
My Absolute Unit Of A Ferret Compared To My Average Sized Ferret
3 Innocent Looking Ferrets
In Early June I Took Home A Kitten And Was Worried About Introducing Him To My Ferrets. Watch Him Grow Up With Them
First pic : - I'll allow it... Second pic: - But there'll be retaliation... Very expressive ferret! :-)
Because Other Animals Are Allowed On Friday, Meet My Chonky Ferret
Ready For The Summer, But Summer Just Ended
My Girlfriend's Ferret, Ethan
I was a pretty early adopter of ferrets as pets, having gotten my first two in 1995. I had I believe 7 of them over about an 11 year period. They’re awesome pets, easy to take care of, so long as you’re willing to bathe them and wash their bedding on a weekly basis. I got mine in college and I got a harness and leash for one and I used to take him for walks in the big open Green at Florida State University.
I have 5 ferrets, they are the center of my world. That is all. EDIT: I feel I have to add to everyone considering a ferret, that they are great companions BUT they are prone to many health conditions and WILL require frequent vetting especially as they age. They also need a friend, so plan on two at least, and cannot remain locked in a cage for any long periods. They also require time, lots and lots of time. Ok, that is all. (photo is of one of my boys having a nap, he's a waardy and his fangs are a little long, but it just adds to his charm) Wally2-619...cec657.jpg
This is great advice. I had 6 & the oldest only made it to 8 yrs old. It was very expensive once they got older because they all started getting sick around the same time, but it was money well spent because I loved them so much. I only wish they had longer lives. I miss mine terribly. RIP CoCo, Sativa, Trinity, Bailey, Sagan & Kobe
Load More Replies...I never knew how awesome ferrets are until my youngest spoiled brat talked us into getting one. They play more than kittens ! They are so funny and so much fun. They've been great therapy buddies for my autistic kids . You can't help but smile and laugh when you watch them. They require a lot of attention so don't get one if you can't devote the time. They get depressed if they're locked in their cage all the time
I had one named Fizgig or "Fizzy". He would hide from everyone by crawling into the broiler part of my oven (we never used it- not even for pans or anything). He'd chew shoes like a dog, okay bite you and loved playing, well, everything! My husband is in the military and was gone a good bit, so when my job started having me work more and travel, I knew I couldn't just leave him hone alone. I found an older lady who rescues ferrets in Austin Texas and cried when we gave him to her. But it was the right thing to do. He was such a playful little guy and so sweet!
Don't expect New Zealanders to get gooey-eyed about cute little ferrets – or weasels and stoats. Early settlers in the late 1800s brought them here to control the rabbits that they had already introduced and which were, by then, out of control and digging up the farmlands. The ferrets – and weasels and stoats – got loose into our forests and have been doing their murderous best since then to exterminate our native bird life. The only "cute" ferret is a dead one.
I’m pretty sure they’re illegal in California for some reason, we had friends who had one but they were only allowed to because it was a rescue. Which means we couldn’t get one, so very sad.
I was a pretty early adopter of ferrets as pets, having gotten my first two in 1995. I had I believe 7 of them over about an 11 year period. They’re awesome pets, easy to take care of, so long as you’re willing to bathe them and wash their bedding on a weekly basis. I got mine in college and I got a harness and leash for one and I used to take him for walks in the big open Green at Florida State University.
I have 5 ferrets, they are the center of my world. That is all. EDIT: I feel I have to add to everyone considering a ferret, that they are great companions BUT they are prone to many health conditions and WILL require frequent vetting especially as they age. They also need a friend, so plan on two at least, and cannot remain locked in a cage for any long periods. They also require time, lots and lots of time. Ok, that is all. (photo is of one of my boys having a nap, he's a waardy and his fangs are a little long, but it just adds to his charm) Wally2-619...cec657.jpg
This is great advice. I had 6 & the oldest only made it to 8 yrs old. It was very expensive once they got older because they all started getting sick around the same time, but it was money well spent because I loved them so much. I only wish they had longer lives. I miss mine terribly. RIP CoCo, Sativa, Trinity, Bailey, Sagan & Kobe
Load More Replies...I never knew how awesome ferrets are until my youngest spoiled brat talked us into getting one. They play more than kittens ! They are so funny and so much fun. They've been great therapy buddies for my autistic kids . You can't help but smile and laugh when you watch them. They require a lot of attention so don't get one if you can't devote the time. They get depressed if they're locked in their cage all the time
I had one named Fizgig or "Fizzy". He would hide from everyone by crawling into the broiler part of my oven (we never used it- not even for pans or anything). He'd chew shoes like a dog, okay bite you and loved playing, well, everything! My husband is in the military and was gone a good bit, so when my job started having me work more and travel, I knew I couldn't just leave him hone alone. I found an older lady who rescues ferrets in Austin Texas and cried when we gave him to her. But it was the right thing to do. He was such a playful little guy and so sweet!
Don't expect New Zealanders to get gooey-eyed about cute little ferrets – or weasels and stoats. Early settlers in the late 1800s brought them here to control the rabbits that they had already introduced and which were, by then, out of control and digging up the farmlands. The ferrets – and weasels and stoats – got loose into our forests and have been doing their murderous best since then to exterminate our native bird life. The only "cute" ferret is a dead one.
I’m pretty sure they’re illegal in California for some reason, we had friends who had one but they were only allowed to because it was a rescue. Which means we couldn’t get one, so very sad.