I think many of you will agree that when it comes to the discussion about getting a pet, it’s quite rare that the first option is going to be a duck. In fact, probably many of us would never even consider owning a duck as a pet, unless we were influenced by that episode in Friends where Chandler and Joe got a chick and a duck.
But there is no doubt that they are adorable creatures. And not only that, they are very intelligent, friendly and active - thus, it's no surprise you can quite often see social media pages dedicated to them. And this case is no different - so scroll through these adorable images of ducks, upvote your favorite ones and hopefully they will brighten your day at least a little bit!
More info: Instagram
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There are probably folks who can’t seem to find the connection between ducks and cuteness - but hopefully at least a few images from this Instagram page will make you think differently.
To begin with, this Instagram page with the username @duckdiscover posts daily various images and videos of ducks that people enjoy! In fact, they have over 4K followers, while a few of their posts have been liked by over 100K people online!
However, let’s get to know ducks a little bit better - their personality traits and what are the actual pros and cons of owning them!
To begin with, according to Pet Assure, ducks are very emotional and clever animals. If you take the time to work with them, they may ask for cuddles, play games, give kisses, and understand directions just like other birds. When handled regularly and with gentleness from a young age, ducks can develop into highly gregarious animals. Additionally, your attachment with your pet duck will strengthen faster the more you engage with it.
Now, before speaking about the pros and cons of owning them, PetsRadar highlights that finding out if owning a duck is even permitted in your state or city should be your first task.
Every region has different regulations regarding the keeping of poultry as pets - some are more permissive than others. Certain places allow you to maintain a duck in a town or city, but they will place tight restrictions on how many hours a day you may leave your duck outside. Other places will allow you to keep a duck on a farm but not in residential areas.
Thus it’s very important to do proper research before considering them as pets.
Looking at a few benefits that don’t include them being incredibly adorable, PetsRadar lists an abundance of eggs. So if you are a huge fan of eating eggs for breakfast - well, you are going to feel like you are in heaven.
Another benefit is that they are the ultimate mood busters and tend to be great with children. Ducks make wonderful pets for households with small children since they are peaceful animals as long as they are treated and socialized with properly.
However, there are also quite a few things that need to be considered - for example, that ducks are not the quietest animals. Also, they prefer to have company, so owning only one duck is not really recommended. And finally - expect a lot of mess. “They may be cute, but boy oh boy do these guys poop a lot.”
So, guys, whether having a duck as a pet is a good decision and fits our lifestyle is up to us to decide; however, looking though adorable images of them is, I'm pretty sure, great for everyone.
In fact, the University of Leeds discovered that watching cute pets caused a decrease in anxiety, sometimes even by nearly 50%, demonstrating the potent stress-relieving and mood-boosting effects!
So, folks - upvote your favorite pictures!
Poll Question
What emotion do the duck pictures evoke in you the most?
Man, I'm just trying to have a nice day and I end up having to deal with a whole bunch of unsolicited duck pics.
Man, I'm just trying to have a nice day and I end up having to deal with a whole bunch of unsolicited duck pics.