Cats are notorious for being mischievous little geniuses who make the rules anywhere they set paw in. From going wherever they like and yowling for food at 3 AM in the morning to pouncing around the house and using their adorably dangerous claws like there’s no tomorrow, these are just some quirky things our beloved fur babies do.
However, even their intelligence sometimes succumbs to the lure of the cardboard box. Or a kitchen sink. Or even a cloth. So today, we’re taking a look at the extremely rare instances when pet owners had the upper hand by using the perplexing feline superpower of squeezing and cramming themselves into the weirdest places to their own advantage.
Thanks to 'The Cat Trap Is Working,' we have an amazing collection of cases captured on camera to study this phenomenon firsthand. And let me tell you, the results are purre entertainment and goofy wholesomeness combined. So continue scrolling, upvote your favorites, and let us know what you think of them in the comments! Then don’t miss the chat we had about this mysterious cat logic with clinical animal behaviorist Sally Chamberlain.
Pspsps! Check out even more cute pics of cats being "caught" by random objects in Part 1 of this feature right here.
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I Waited Two Days For This Picture
I Know It Isn't A Box But My Cat Loves To Sit On Kitchen Cloths!!
I Was Sent Here To Show You How Effective Cat Traps Can Be At The Foot Of The Bed. Everyone Tucked In Nicely, Nobody Gets Squashed In Their Sleep!
Cats come in all shapes, paws, and sizes. And a brief scroll through 'The Cat Trap Is Working' subreddit (and the myriad of ways owners successfully "catch" their companions) will show you that they also possess a magical ability to turn into liquid. This online group has been an excellent outlet for cat lovers to poke fun at their fur babies’ bizarre temptation to squeeze and climb into the weirdest places. Not to mention, we get to see their amazing trap-setting skills and see that even these especially clever goofballs can fall for the bait.
But what lies behind this mysterious urge to lie down, sit on, or find shelter in the most peculiar places? We reached out to Sally Chamberlain, a UK-based clinical animal behaviorist and author of Power Of The Purr.
Feeling extremely passionate about her work, she founded Karma Paws Pet Care where she provides consultations, cat training, and preventive advice, so she was more than happy to share her thoughts on the matter.
For Some Reason This Particular Bag Of Groceries Was Heavier Than The Rest
What aisle were the cats on? I have lots of trouble finding them at my grocery store.
Owner Sacrifices Own Life To Not Disturb The Kitty
Caught A Couple Of Criminals
"Cats are a predator and prey species, which means they hunt but their wild counterparts and ancestors were hunted by larger animals in the wild," Chamberlain told Bored Panda. "They may seek out high places to rest or places that look uncomfortable to humans because they are physically very flexible and like to have a warm, safe vantage point."
According to the expert, some of our feline pals prefer climbing onto high places, while others like to stay down low. “They can curl up anywhere and get into some very tight spaces. It’s surprising how easy it is for a cat to go 'missing', even when they are indoors-only," Chamberlain added.
He Loves Legos Very Much
After Making A Pan Of Brownies, I Covered It With A Hand Towel To Protect It From Curious Cats. This Only Attracted Racer To A Comfy Brownie Bed
He Forgot His Poptart Outside The Trap!
Among the many quirky cat behaviors out there, one that consistently bamboozles their owners most is the cardboard box phenomenon. Our furry companions are no strangers to these fragile square crates, and animal behaviorist Chamberlain explained they find them appealing for a few different reasons.
"Boxes are often irresistible to cats because they are made of warm and cozy cardboard and offer them a hiding place that helps them to feel secure," she told us. "As mentioned above, cats have an instinct to hide because they are also a prey species and as far as a cat is concerned, a box provides them with protection."
Another feature that makes felines naturally gravitate towards the cardboard palace is that they seek out places that will make a nice, safe and clean resting place. "You may find that when you purchase your cat a nice treat, such as a lovely new cat tree, they might prefer to spend time in the box it arrived in!"
Unconventional, But Effective
They’re Huge Fans
Yusuf Can't Believe We Ever Close This Thing
But this behavior pattern leads to another feline oddity that begs for some quality decoding — it's when they try to hide in the little jungle we humans call home but end up being spotted in plain sight. For example, when cat owners put a belt, a towel, or basically anything that forms a circle or another shape on the floor, cats seem to gravitate toward it.
It turns out, the "If I Fits, I Sits" scenario isn’t limited to 3D boxes. "There have been scientific experiments carried out in relation to this phenomenon such as this one in which cats sat inside a shape that gave the illusion of being a square," Chamberlain told us.
In the study, the researchers focused on the so-called Kanizsa illusion — arranging four "Pac-Man" shapes to suggest the contours of a square. They asked volunteers to tape the shapes onto the floor and see if they’ll sit in them for more than 3 seconds within 5 minutes after entering the room. The results revealed that felines chose the illusory squares nearly as much as the real ones.
Hercules Was Caught And Then Fell Asleep
Leaving so many of those tiny bite marks on the box is clearly exhausting
The Elliptical Trap. At Least Someone Uses It!
This Unusual Trap Has Snagged A Victim
Chamberlain added, "I have also tried similar tests with some of the cats I know in which I place a piece of paper on the floor and nearly every time, they sit on the paper straight away!"
"Cats are naturally curious creatures and this could be done with wanting to find out what the shape on the floor feels like or their instinct to seek out warm places, as in the paper placed on the floor, which soon warms up once a cat has sat on it," she continued.
"They may also like to sit or lie down inside a shape because it gives them the feeling that they are within a barrier that gives them a sense of protection, even if it is simply some tape or a belt that has been placed on the floor."
I Caught A Void
My 20 Pound Maine Coon Requires A Larger Trap. This One Works Every Time!
My cat, Blue, pushes my wash basket round the patio. I think he may be a little attention seeker.
Louie Usually Gets Trapped In The Sink
It’s easy to feel amused by the perplexities of cat logic and giggle away at their funny antics whenever a goofy picture graces our feeds. While we devour their weird shenanigans because they seem so different from us as species, this may create a false image of our furry friends.
According to Chamberlain, cats seem to do random things without giving them any thought, but it’s much more complex than that. "Cats have the innate desire to survive and anything that may offer a greater chance of this is likely to be explored by a cat," she explained. "Their survival instinct may lead them to be opportunistic and if they see something that might offer warmth, comfort or food, they will probably investigate it and if it smells and looks safe, they will try to use it to their advantage."
"The same can be said for high places that enable them to see their territory from a higher vantage point or low hiding places to keep out of the way of other pets or people in the house if they want to be left alone for a while and become 'invisible.'"
Waiting Politely In Line For The Sink Trap
I Just Love This Picture Of Her
He Did Not Fit… And Yet He Sat
If you want to better understand and decipher the quirky behaviors of your feline pal, Chamberlain advised seeing the above-mentioned explanations as a part of the enrichment offered to the cat. "That is, anything that will enrich their living environment and make them feel safe, secure and satisfied."
To make sure your critter feels happy and healthy, offer lots of high and low resting places, different sleeping areas and cardboard boxes to hide in. This "will give a cat plenty of choice as to how they spend their time and should increase their feelings of security and safety."
Mеtаl Geаr Sоlid Trар
Took Out A Drawer To Clean It Up, Cats Think It’s Their New Cat Bed. I Guess This Trap Is Working…
My Cat Trap May Be Too Effective
However, the animal behaviorist warned that hiding for long periods of time or being unsociable may be out of character for some cats. Then, "it may be worth a veterinary check-up because cats may also hide when they are feeling unwell or in pain. This also relates to them being a predator and prey animal."
"If they are feeling vulnerable in this way, hiding will make them feel safer. Any changes in behavior such as this could be a sign that something is medically wrong but sleeping in a warm, cozy box or hooded bed is usually a normal feline behavior, especially when it’s cold outside," Chamberlain concluded.
My Jeans : Surprisingly Effective Cat Trap
How Often Should I Feed My Pet Fish?
My Kid Constructed Her First Cat Trap Today And Caught 2
Might Need A Bigger Terrarium For This Lizard
These Boxes Were On The Ground For 5 Minutes
Even If It’s Impossible, She Has To Try
Peekaboo! I Caught You
I Took One Piece Of My New Chair Out Of The Box And Immediately Discovered That I Wouldn't Be Taking Any More Out
Extra Effective Cat Trap
$10 Meat Lovers Trap Is Working Well
The Box Is Also An Arm Rest
You’ve Got Mail
Do Self Made Mat Traps Count?
Well.. We Wanted A Void Anyway (Just Joking, We Got Her Today. But She Loves The Bag)
Let me guess: She's playing in the bag that contained her brand new toys, instead of the toys?
That’s One Weird Potato
It Took 10 Seconds
He Made Himself Comfortable And Sat Like That For 5 Minutes
The Stocks
I Guess It’s His Clock Now
Yelling From The Cat Trap
(I Was Told This Belongs Here) Plastic Trap Working Its Best
Red Trap Is More Effective Than The Blue One
This Is Cornstarch
Trapped Herself Exactly One Foot Away From A Cat Bed She’s Never Touched
Working Again And Again
I Caught A Cat In My Dragon Trap!
My cat is not a box cat. I left boxes in the house, he walks past and continues on his way. Disappointed human.
One of my cats was terrified of boxes: He was found dumped a closed one. He missed out on so much joy. Some people are too horrible for words.
Absolutely love posts like this. Could definitely spend a whole day looking at these!!!😁🥰
All these sane box cats, and then there's mine, who can't even decide if he's a cat or a dog or a chirping bird.
I made a tem shop for my cat, she likes it but she thinks she's not allowed to be in it so every time she catches us looking at her she jumps out... I wish she would understand I made that for her😅
Maybe she does understand it, but doesn't want to let you know she does
I have one particular eco bag I use often. Naturally when I come home I must immediately empty it and lay it out for her majesty, as it's also her favourite "rug"
My CATastrophe doesn’t care for boxes, zinks or baked things. He change his behaviours rather drastic ever two to three months. He has a vocabulary that would make an English teacher envious AND understand more than I actually am quite comfortable with… he is strange… And I just adore him!
Thank you. My little tuxedo guy crossed the bridge 3 years ago. These were very satisfying. 🐾💖
because (a) you like boxes to be empty or (b) you like to be able to get up off a chair at-will?
My cat is not a box cat. I left boxes in the house, he walks past and continues on his way. Disappointed human.
One of my cats was terrified of boxes: He was found dumped a closed one. He missed out on so much joy. Some people are too horrible for words.
Absolutely love posts like this. Could definitely spend a whole day looking at these!!!😁🥰
All these sane box cats, and then there's mine, who can't even decide if he's a cat or a dog or a chirping bird.
I made a tem shop for my cat, she likes it but she thinks she's not allowed to be in it so every time she catches us looking at her she jumps out... I wish she would understand I made that for her😅
Maybe she does understand it, but doesn't want to let you know she does
I have one particular eco bag I use often. Naturally when I come home I must immediately empty it and lay it out for her majesty, as it's also her favourite "rug"
My CATastrophe doesn’t care for boxes, zinks or baked things. He change his behaviours rather drastic ever two to three months. He has a vocabulary that would make an English teacher envious AND understand more than I actually am quite comfortable with… he is strange… And I just adore him!
Thank you. My little tuxedo guy crossed the bridge 3 years ago. These were very satisfying. 🐾💖
because (a) you like boxes to be empty or (b) you like to be able to get up off a chair at-will?