50 Times People Adopted Pets From A Shelter And It Was Their Best Decision Ever (January Edition)
If there's one thing young people are doing right, it's pet ownership. Because Gen Z is delaying parenthood, more become pet parents instead. In fact, seven in 10 Gen Z adults say they'd rather have a pet than a child. They're also almost twice as likely as other generations to adopt instead of shop.
Loads of different pets get adopted each month, and we here at Bored Panda have a tradition of sharing the cutest animals that found their forever home every month. This January, we've got a collection from proud pet owners who rescued, adopted from a shelter, or inherited a pet that's now their best friend for life.
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I Adopted A 20 Year Old Cat Today, My Oldest Animal Ever. Say Hello To Donut!
Bless for adopting a senior. Time with you might not be long, but it will be plentiful. Thank you!
Meet Our New Girl, Billie Eyeless
Rescued A Puppy During My Route And Brought Him Home In A Tote
Those who adopt their pets from shelters are really doing great work. It might seem that rescue animals have never been so popular, but animal shelters are still overcrowded and the rescue dog and cat populations, unfortunately, have never been higher.
According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), somewhere around 6.5 million enter shelters each year. Out of those, only 4.1 million get adopted (around 2 million dogs and 2.1 million cats). Those who don't find their forever home either are euthanized, pass away from illnesses or old age, or keep waiting their turn for years to come.
Adopt Don’t Shop
Hard to find in the dark. Just search for the meows. Then love ensues.
My Three-Footed Void Named Buck
I Get To Spend His Whole Life With Him :)
But wait, aren't there shelters that don't euthanize their animals and let them live out their lives until old age even if they don't get adopted? Of course, there are, and two states, Delaware and New Hampshire, have laws stating that all their shelters have to save the animals that enter them.
However, if we look at the broader picture, many animals still meet their end even in shelters. In 2023, for example, shelters all over the U.S. euthanized around 690,000 dogs and cats. In 2024, a part-timer from the Mendocino Coast Humane Society shelter wrote that sometimes, owners request euthanasia. Other times, it's inevitable due to behavioral problems or sickness and injury.
Just Adopted This Cutie Today!
It was exhausting getting adopted, and that car ride, wow, took it right out of me.
Ruby Twosday
Not Sure What Kinda Dog He Is But Meet Pawl, Recently Got Him From The Shelter (:
Nearly one in five Americans adopted a pet during the pandemic, and, for quite a while, there was a myth floating around that many of those pets were returned to shelters after the lockdown was over. In a 2021 study, researchers explained that more dogs and cats returned to shelters than during economically stable times. It's important to note they concluded that "pets were not being rehomed in massive numbers."
I Adopted This Little Dog From A K**l Shelter, Where He Was On The Euthanasia List
Baby Nyx
Some people were no longer able to take good care of the pets they picked up from the shelter during the pandemic. Many lost their jobs and faced other financial difficulties, and some pet owners may be hesitant to say why they're relinquishing their pet out of shame or fear of being judged.
Adopting This Perfect Girl
My 10 Year Old Lady 🖤
Found My Recently Adopted Cat Buried In My Stuffed Animals
She's not used to you yet. The stuffies are protection and they are warm.
SE Smith from the Mendocino Coast Humane Society lists the complex reasons why more people are giving up their pets. "It's gotten harder to access and afford vet care, while emergency extensions of the social safety net, including increased Snap benefits, expansions to Medicaid, childcare assistance, the student loan pause, the child tax credit and generous unemployment insurance benefits have come to an end, leaving people in financial precarity that hurts pets too."
Bonded Baby Boys
My Hammy Boi
Look at this distinguished gentleman, look at the way he is sitting very distinguished.
I Took Reddit’s Advice And It Was The Best Decision
"A while ago i was struggling with Miu Miu (brown tabby) kept biting us. He would played for a bit then went into crazy biting mode. I looked to Reddit for help and saw someone recommended to get another cat for him. We adopted CoCo from our local shelter about 5 months ago. Now they’re inseparable! Miu Miu stops biting us super hard. They cuddle every chance they get, eat together, play all day, and then sleep together. I’m so glad I took the advice and give my cat a new best friend!"
How can we combat the overcrowding of animal shelters? Most advocates say that spaying/neutering pets is the most important step. Whether done by individual pet owners or at animal shelters (which rarely have the resources for that), it's the best way to prevent the populations of dogs and cats from getting out of control.
My Girlfriend Wanted To Adopt A Cat, I Didn't Want To
So you got two, one for you and one for you girlfriend. I say it's a wise decision.
Pepper Wants To Thank You People For Helping Out With His Foster Bills
Just Adopted My First Cat!
According to the Kansas Humane Society, spaying and neutering was an elective procedure during the pandemic. Its CEO Cemily Hurst said, "While we're already living on the brink of overpopulation, nothing was getting spayed and neutered for a little over a year and a half I think, so now we're seeing the results of that." This resulted in a 30%-40% increase in domestic animals.
When The Shelter Cat You Spontaneously Adopted Turns Out To Be Rare
First Cat Adopted From Our Shelter In 2025. Picasso!
Adopted This Girl
The Oklahoma Alliance for Animals also encourages owners not to intentionally breed their pets. "Every puppy or kitten sold or given away by an owner that breeds their pet means there is one more shelter animal that will not find a home," they write. There are enough animals in the country (and the world!) who already need homes.
Mr Kitty Has Adopted Us. He Used To Be Our Neighbor's Barn Cat Until Some Stray Dogs Ran Him Off. They Had Him Since He Was A Kitten. He's 18!
My New Bestie
New Rescue
If you already have a pet, commit to them for life. Ideally, plan the finances and the logistics of owning a pet before you get one. Then, be sure they will be taken care of if something happens to you, the owner. A new home for a pet should mean a forever home, so, make sure that your new pet is your life companion!
I Have An Older Cat Who Adopted A Younger Girl As Her Daughter
That ginger looks like one of my barn cats, Meatball. Unfortunately we lost him recently and he is sorely missed. I know he's with his brother Spaghetti over the bridge
Adopted My Void’s Sister After Thinking About Her For 2 Months
Two voids are definitely better than one. You are lucky she was still available.
First Time Puppy Owner
Doesn't seeing so many cute newly adopted pets make you want to visit a shelter, Pandas? If only to hang out with the good boys and girls who are waiting for their new owners, walk them, play with them, or bring them some delicious snacks. Let us know in the comments if you like to volunteer at your local animal shelter and what you like best about it. And don't forget to share the pics of your adorable rescues as well!
My Newly Adopted Cat
Did I Adopt A Dog Or A Fox?
Just Adopted
Just Adopted This Sweetheart
Meet My New Cat :) My First Void
Adopted From Sc! 11 Week Old Girl. Found Abandoned. Names? 🥰
Adopted By Former Resident Of Cat Distribution Center
My Mammoth And I’s First Home!!
Boyfriend Adopted A Dog And I'm Officially Obsessed
I recently lost my lab. This guy is awesome. Give him lots of love because he'll give it right back double!
We Adopted A Dog
My Sweet Girl Cutie
8 Years Living In The Street. Finally Adopted And Moved Indoors
What Did We Adopt Today?
First Time Owner!
Meet My 4 Months Calico, Mozza!
This Is Miss Hebe
A little gem from OP :) " She loves to destroy her toys. First she finds the weakest spot, usually the limbs of toy, all 4 must be removed, then to the center where the squeaker heart is and then destroyed. Job finished, no use for that toy anymore. My personal favorite is her game of ‘how long can I keep this balloon in the air?’. She has perfected this sport. I love watching her little gears turn. "
Any Cat Introduction Success Stories? I Just Adopted A Kitten
We Recently Adopted This Dog And Just Can't Find A Name That We Feel Suits Him Well. Anyone Have Any Ideas For A Good Name For Him?
Meet Lumbee
Just Adopted This 14.5 Year Old Last Night, What Is The Best Food For A Senior Cat?
I love these but it always makes me want to run up to the shelter and get more, which gets to be a problem. I'm happy with my two kittens, but - just - one - more - - - -
Thank you to everyone that adopts from their shelters. We adopted our cat "Stoli" from one and she has been a God send for us.
I love these but it always makes me want to run up to the shelter and get more, which gets to be a problem. I'm happy with my two kittens, but - just - one - more - - - -
Thank you to everyone that adopts from their shelters. We adopted our cat "Stoli" from one and she has been a God send for us.