If there's one thing young people are doing right, it's pet ownership. Because Gen Z is delaying parenthood, more become pet parents instead. In fact, seven in 10 Gen Z adults say they'd rather have a pet than a child. They're also almost twice as likely as other generations to adopt instead of shop.

Loads of different pets get adopted each month, and we here at Bored Panda have a tradition of sharing the cutest animals that found their forever home every month. This January, we've got a collection from proud pet owners who rescued, adopted from a shelter, or inherited a pet that's now their best friend for life.


I Adopted A 20 Year Old Cat Today, My Oldest Animal Ever. Say Hello To Donut!

Black cat exploring a carpeted room, showcasing the delight of adopted pets in January.

JeSuisRongeur Report

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Luis Hernandez Dauajare
Community Member
1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Bless for adopting a senior. Time with you might not be long, but it will be plentiful. Thank you!

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    Meet Our New Girl, Billie Eyeless

    A happy, newly adopted cat sits proudly on a wooden table in a cozy, sunlit room.

    DukesUp Report


    Rescued A Puppy During My Route And Brought Him Home In A Tote

    A newly adopted pet dog resting on an orange mat, while being gently petted.

    Exact-Kitchen4436 Report

    Those who adopt their pets from shelters are really doing great work. It might seem that rescue animals have never been so popular, but animal shelters are still overcrowded and the rescue dog and cat populations, unfortunately, have never been higher.

    According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), somewhere around 6.5 million enter shelters each year. Out of those, only 4.1 million get adopted (around 2 million dogs and 2.1 million cats). Those who don't find their forever home either are euthanized, pass away from illnesses or old age, or keep waiting their turn for years to come.


    Adopt Don’t Shop

    Black cat resting on a soft blanket, a delight for proud pet owners.

    Necessary_Article_83 Report

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    LuisSD stuff
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hard to find in the dark. Just search for the meows. Then love ensues.

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    I Get To Spend His Whole Life With Him :)

    Fluffy cat lounging on a wooden chair, proudly adopted by a pet owner.

    JMarieSimz34 Report


    But wait, aren't there shelters that don't euthanize their animals and let them live out their lives until old age even if they don't get adopted? Of course, there are, and two states, Delaware and New Hampshire, have laws stating that all their shelters have to save the animals that enter them.

    However, if we look at the broader picture, many animals still meet their end even in shelters. In 2023, for example, shelters all over the U.S. euthanized around 690,000 dogs and cats. In 2024, a part-timer from the Mendocino Coast Humane Society shelter wrote that sometimes, owners request euthanasia. Other times, it's inevitable due to behavioral problems or sickness and injury.


    Just Adopted This Cutie Today!

    Sleeping dog on wooden floor, captured by proud pet owner.

    One-Ebb1273 Report

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    April Pickett
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It was exhausting getting adopted, and that car ride, wow, took it right out of me.

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    Ruby Twosday

    Bengal cat lounging on a grey couch, showcasing the delightful pet adopted by a proud owner.

    believe_in_dog Report


    Not Sure What Kinda Dog He Is But Meet Pawl, Recently Got Him From The Shelter (:

    A proud pet owner cuddling their newly adopted dog, sharing a moment of joy together.

    Danyilgerman99 Report

    Nearly one in five Americans adopted a pet during the pandemic, and, for quite a while, there was a myth floating around that many of those pets were returned to shelters after the lockdown was over. In a 2021 study, researchers explained that more dogs and cats returned to shelters than during economically stable times. It's important to note they concluded that "pets were not being rehomed in massive numbers."


    I Adopted This Little Dog From A K**l Shelter, Where He Was On The Euthanasia List

    A delightful adopted pet, a small black dog, looking at the camera while resting on a patterned bedspread.

    MadKat2 Report


    Some people were no longer able to take good care of the pets they picked up from the shelter during the pandemic. Many lost their jobs and faced other financial difficulties, and some pet owners may be hesitant to say why they're relinquishing their pet out of shame or fear of being judged.


    Found My Recently Adopted Cat Buried In My Stuffed Animals

    A cat peeks out from a pile of stuffed animals, blending in playfully with its surroundings.

    addira3 Report

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    April Pickett
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    She's not used to you yet. The stuffies are protection and they are warm.

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    SE Smith from the Mendocino Coast Humane Society lists the complex reasons why more people are giving up their pets. "It's gotten harder to access and afford vet care, while emergency extensions of the social safety net, including increased Snap benefits, expansions to Medicaid, childcare assistance, the student loan pause, the child tax credit and generous unemployment insurance benefits have come to an end, leaving people in financial precarity that hurts pets too."


    My Hammy Boi

    Fluffy cat with blue eyes sitting outside a wooden house, proudly adopted by pet owners.

    Sorry_Thanks_2409 Report

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    Depressy spaghetti
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Look at this distinguished gentleman, look at the way he is sitting very distinguished.

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    I Took Reddit’s Advice And It Was The Best Decision

    Two adopted cats peacefully napping together on a beige cat tree.

    SnooChipmunks2673 Report

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    Mimi M
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "A while ago i was struggling with Miu Miu (brown tabby) kept biting us. He would played for a bit then went into crazy biting mode. I looked to Reddit for help and saw someone recommended to get another cat for him. We adopted CoCo from our local shelter about 5 months ago. Now they’re inseparable! Miu Miu stops biting us super hard. They cuddle every chance they get, eat together, play all day, and then sleep together. I’m so glad I took the advice and give my cat a new best friend!"

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    How can we combat the overcrowding of animal shelters? Most advocates say that spaying/neutering pets is the most important step. Whether done by individual pet owners or at animal shelters (which rarely have the resources for that), it's the best way to prevent the populations of dogs and cats from getting out of control.


    My Girlfriend Wanted To Adopt A Cat, I Didn't Want To

    Two adorable cats relaxing on a gray cat tree, recently adopted by proud pet owners.

    JJFrank1eJJ Report

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    LuisSD stuff
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So you got two, one for you and one for you girlfriend. I say it's a wise decision.

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    Pepper Wants To Thank You People For Helping Out With His Foster Bills

    Adopted pet cat wearing a festive sweater, lying on a patterned cloth.

    Chuphojaabhai Report


    According to the Kansas Humane Society, spaying and neutering was an elective procedure during the pandemic. Its CEO Cemily Hurst said, "While we're already living on the brink of overpopulation, nothing was getting spayed and neutered for a little over a year and a half I think, so now we're seeing the results of that." This resulted in a 30%-40% increase in domestic animals.


    When The Shelter Cat You Spontaneously Adopted Turns Out To Be Rare

    Close-up of a proud pet owner's newly adopted cat with striking blue eyes.

    Majestic_Clock9790 Report


    First Cat Adopted From Our Shelter In 2025. Picasso!

    Black and white cat with bright blue eyes standing on a tiled floor, newly adopted by a proud pet owner in January.

    sonia72quebec Report


    The Oklahoma Alliance for Animals also encourages owners not to intentionally breed their pets. "Every puppy or kitten sold or given away by an owner that breeds their pet means there is one more shelter animal that will not find a home," they write. There are enough animals in the country (and the world!) who already need homes.


    Mr Kitty Has Adopted Us. He Used To Be Our Neighbor's Barn Cat Until Some Stray Dogs Ran Him Off. They Had Him Since He Was A Kitten. He's 18!

    Sleepy adopted cat resting on a green chair, showcasing the joy of proud pet owners.

    WeighTheSameAsADuck Report


    If you already have a pet, commit to them for life. Ideally, plan the finances and the logistics of owning a pet before you get one. Then, be sure they will be taken care of if something happens to you, the owner. A new home for a pet should mean a forever home, so, make sure that your new pet is your life companion!


    I Have An Older Cat Who Adopted A Younger Girl As Her Daughter

    Two newly adopted cats snuggling together in a cozy space.

    Nutter222 Report

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    Kristen Sharp
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That ginger looks like one of my barn cats, Meatball. Unfortunately we lost him recently and he is sorely missed. I know he's with his brother Spaghetti over the bridge

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    Adopted My Void’s Sister After Thinking About Her For 2 Months

    Two black cats perched on a cat tree, embodying the joy of adopted pets.

    hilaryfayesvan Report

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    Multa Nocte
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Two voids are definitely better than one. You are lucky she was still available.

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    First Time Puppy Owner

    A newly adopted puppy in a cute sweater stands on snow, embodying a pet owner’s delight.

    ShortPeak4860 Report

    Doesn't seeing so many cute newly adopted pets make you want to visit a shelter, Pandas? If only to hang out with the good boys and girls who are waiting for their new owners, walk them, play with them, or bring them some delicious snacks. Let us know in the comments if you like to volunteer at your local animal shelter and what you like best about it. And don't forget to share the pics of your adorable rescues as well!


    My Newly Adopted Cat

    Fluffy gray kitten sitting by a window, one of the delightful pets adopted by proud pet owners in January.

    lunalillyys Report


    Just Adopted This Sweetheart

    Happy Husky on carpeted stairs, adopted by proud pet owner.

    ParkHoppingHerbivore Report


    Meet My New Cat :) My First Void

    Black cat lounging on the floor beside a plush pet bed, illustrating a delightful adopted pet.

    lesqueebeee Report


    Adopted From Sc! 11 Week Old Girl. Found Abandoned. Names? 🥰

    Black puppy, newly adopted pet, laying on a beige couch.

    Sea-Travel-7722 Report


    Adopted By Former Resident Of Cat Distribution Center

    Tabby cat lounging on a blue couch next to a proud pet owner.

    Godless_Bitch Report


    My Mammoth And I’s First Home!!

    Fluffy cat resting on a person's lap, showcasing pets adopted in January.

    ok-thatsnice Report


    Boyfriend Adopted A Dog And I'm Officially Obsessed

    A delightful adopted puppy with a red leash lying on a wooden floor.

    Important-String1514 Report

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    Kristen Sharp
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I recently lost my lab. This guy is awesome. Give him lots of love because he'll give it right back double!

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    We Adopted A Dog

    Two delightful cats seated on a carpet in a cozy home environment.

    crochetwhore Report


    8 Years Living In The Street. Finally Adopted And Moved Indoors

    Content cat basking in sunlight under a wooden structure, exemplifying delightful pets adopted by proud owners.

    Ross_Phd Report


    Meet My 4 Months Calico, Mozza!

    Adopted pet cat sitting on a blanket-covered lap, creating a cozy scene in a living room.

    Visible_Dimension_65 Report


    This Is Miss Hebe

    Adopted pet dog with a purple collar on a bed, looking back.

    Wrinkul Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A little gem from OP :) " She loves to destroy her toys. First she finds the weakest spot, usually the limbs of toy, all 4 must be removed, then to the center where the squeaker heart is and then destroyed. Job finished, no use for that toy anymore. My personal favorite is her game of ‘how long can I keep this balloon in the air?’. She has perfected this sport. I love watching her little gears turn. "

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    Any Cat Introduction Success Stories? I Just Adopted A Kitten

    Black cat stretching onto a person's lap, showcasing delightful pet adoption.

    Hefty-Insect7749 Report


    We Recently Adopted This Dog And Just Can't Find A Name That We Feel Suits Him Well. Anyone Have Any Ideas For A Good Name For Him?

    German Shepherd dog lying on the floor with toys, proudly adopted by pet owners in January.

    lazrkk Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a german shepherd called Sultan many years ago, still love that name for that breed.

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    Just Adopted This 14.5 Year Old Last Night, What Is The Best Food For A Senior Cat?

    Fluffy cat sleeping on a bed, surrounded by pillows and a plush toy, representing newly adopted pets.

    tri-sarah-tops99 Report

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    Community Member
    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Soft food, flaky tuna, fresh salmon, cat milk, you can get creamy treats. Dry food too, their teeth last longer if they chew, steamed or boiled chicken thigh, boneless. Keep salts down low, keep oils down too.

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    Third Cat That Has Been Distributed To Me!

    Adopted pet: A small orange kitten lounging on a textured gray couch.

    bio_luminescence Report

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    Multa Nocte
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am embarrassed to admit how much in love I am with these little ones.

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    We Just Adopted A Russian Stray Dog, Any Guesses?

    Adopted dog with a red collar sitting on a path, surrounded by greenery.

    LilyTheBug Report


    My First Ever Cat!

    Tabby cat with a red collar sitting on a gray sofa, showcasing a proud pet owner’s delightful January adoption.

    Bigfurt Report


    I Adopted An Orange Cat From A Shelter A Week Ago And I’m In Love. He’s 3 Years Old

    Orange tabby cat sitting on owner's lap in a cozy living room, showcasing a delightful adopted pet.

    Dear_Somewhere_409 Report


    Go Out And Adopt Today!!

    "New pet owner holds adoption certificate from Bradshaw Animal Shelter with a puppy wearing a recovery cone."

    martinezd1995 Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Just Adopted A 7 Month Old Lady🐱

    Tuxedo cat sitting on a carpeted floor near a gray couch, next to a small colorful toy.

    sam_jones92 Report


    Help Me Name My Cat! Adopted Her A Couple Days Ago And She’s Super Super Affectionate But I’m Stuck On What To Call Her!

    Tabby cat with a green collar, representing proud pet owners and their delightful January adoptions.

    millionsofgoats Report


    My Parents Adopted My Foster Dog- We’re Awaiting DNA Test Results

    Adopted pet dog with curly fur sitting on a kitchen rug, looking up adorably.

    Porquoipaz Report


    Brought Home Our New Guy, Sushi, But He Is Absolutely Terrified And Won’t Come Out

    Orange tabby cat relaxing under a bed, showcasing proud pet owners' delightful January adoption.

    SubpoenaaColadaa Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Me And My Girlfriend Have Just Adopted Our First Cat

    A newly adopted cat snuggled under a white blanket against a green sofa.

    PhilleMan99 Report


    We Adopted The Girl, Our First Pyrenees

    Happy adopted dog sitting on grass, showcasing proud pet owner's delight.

    D-Rick Report


    Adopted These Beautiful Sisters Right Before Thanksgiving

    Three fluffy dogs, two on a carpet and one on a pad, representing proud pet owners' delightful January adoptions.

    eyegocrazy Report


    New Foster Dog, Waymo!

    Adopted pet dog wearing a festive hat with a pink background.

    Abner_Dabner Report

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    Kristen Sharp
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you're blue and you don't know where to go to, why don't you go where fashion sits...

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    I Just Adopted Two Tuxie Girls!

    A tuxedo cat sits on a carpet, showcasing its charming appearance adopted by a proud pet owner.

    DeadDandelion17 Report


    Meet Scooter!!

    Adopted dog on a leash, standing on pavement with cars in the background.

    Constant_Welcome2107 Report


    My Neighbor Found This Sweet Pup In A Trash Can And I Just Adopted Her. Anyone Know What Kind Of Dog She Is?

    A small dog with a purple harness sitting on a blanket in a car, recently adopted by a proud pet owner.

    West_Exercise5142 Report

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    LuisSD stuff
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What terrible person would throw a pup away? Curse on that person for life!

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    My Latest Foster Dog Sellen

    Happy adopted pet dog lying on its side with mouth open and tongue out.

    HisMomm Report


    My Boyfriend Adopted A Dog! Help With A New Name! A New Beginning!

    Dog in a red sweater and blue harness sitting indoors, representing proud pet owners who adopted pets.

    vikikuki Report


    Just Adopted!

    Sleeping husky puppy on a yellow blanket, showing proud pet ownership.

    pumpkindose Report

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    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Looks like a Husky pup. Ears already erect. Big paws. That's gonna be one very large dog.

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    2 Rescues Adopted. The Most Beautiful Thing To Ever Happen To Me

    Three happy dogs inside a cozy living room, showcasing delightful pets adopted by proud owners.

    Mr-IGoRaw Report


    Reflecting The Decision To Adopt Bunni

    Happy adopted dog lounging on a pink bed, showcasing the joy of proud pet owners.

    bushokoma Report

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    LuisSD stuff
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wake me when it's time for treats and zoomies please.

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    Found A Super Cute Border Collie Mix At My Shelter

    A delighted pet dog with black and white fur sitting on a sandy beach, adopted by a proud pet owner.

    teamcoltra Report


    I Present To You, My Very Buff Galgo

    Dog in blue head warmer sitting on grass, showcasing pets adopted by proud pet owners.

    AFC_Darko Report

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