30 Cute Baby Polar Bears Celebrate International Polar Bear Day
Today, February 27th, is International Polar Bear Day. These beautiful creatures continue to face challenges associated with a warming Arctic and global warming, so do your part! Did you know that “heating and cooling account for roughly half the energy consumption in an average home, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)?” Participate in the Thermostat Challenge, and change your habits for the better.
This list of adorable polar bear cubs are some of the cutest the Internet has to offer. If you want to see some more animals enjoying the cold, check out these critters playing in the snow. Otherwise, vote on your favorite polar bears below.
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This Baby Polar Bear Saw Snow For The First Time
Getting Warm
Baby Polar Bear Clings To Mom After Seeing Snow For The First Time
Polar Bear Kissing Mom
Hide And Seek
I Love You, Mum
Yoga Practice
Polar Bear Gerda Playing With Cub
Mother's Love
Water Ballet
Goodnight, Polar Bears
Polar Bear Butt
Angry Polar Bear Cub
Give Me A Hug
Hi There, Human
Tight Hug
A Curious Baby Polar Bear Just Sat Down In Front Of Me And We Looked Eye To Eye
And I'm thinking he looks like a boy in a bear suit....lol. Yes I know he's a real bear.
Mom, Put Me Down!
Is this like when you were little someone would pick you up and swing you round and round? Except this Mom has bigger teeth.
Catch Me!
Eye Contact
Polar Bear Cubs
Waving Polar Bear
Polar Bear Cubs In The Middle Of A Chase
Arctic Hi Five
Polar Bear Cub Siku Playing
Cute Polar Bear Cub
Mother Polar Bear Helping Her Cub To Climb
This really saddens me, them having to live in captivity. With nothing around that even remotely looks like their real life habitat.
Baby Polar Bear Just Want To Say Hi
Let Us .... Eat Lettuce!
GORGEOUS photos of these snuggly looking bears. Those bear cubs are the cutest!!!!☺
GORGEOUS photos of these snuggly looking bears. Those bear cubs are the cutest!!!!☺