186 Baby Chinchillas That Will Melt Your Heart
Chinchillas are, without a doubt, one of the most adorable animal species ever. With their bushy tails, tiny ears, long whiskers, and adorably fluffy fur, the little creatures can truly make you say "awww." In fact, it is said that the chinchilla fur is the softest out of all land mammals!
So, to celebrate the beauty of these little fluffy animals, Bored Panda has put together a list of cute baby chinchillas. Keep on scrolling to take a look, and feel free to add your own cute photos to the list. But beware - it's a cuteness overload waiting to happen, and you might end up adding another pet animal to your mini zoo!
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Baby Chinchilla
I would just hold them, rub them against my face and make squeaky sounds. Too cute to handle!
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Me: "Aww again. Look at him. I think I need a chinchilla." My boyfriend: "What? No you don't." .... Me: "BUT I DO NOW!!! Thanks to Bored Panda. Now I feel my life is empty without this little chubby creature"! Him: "Stop it. I am chubby enough!" :-D okay I take it 1-1 :-)
Baby Chinchilla
I really hope this is a full sized shopping trolley, and that is a GIANT Chinchilla!!
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchillas
Don't normally like the over-staged photos but I'll make an exception for these!
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
I've never seen a chinchilla foot before. It's so interesting, I wonder what its bone structure looks like
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchilla
They are all adorable! How hard is it to care for such exquisite tiny beings like chinchillas??
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Aw, looks like he's stumbling around, having just woken up, and can't find the door... or maybe it seems that way to me as that's how I am in the morning. Although without the cute furry coat and tail. Oh, to be as cute as a baby chinchilla.
Baby Chinchilla
Inquisitive little Souls, they're deceptively bigger than you think, and I learned that you cannot catch a chinchilla that does not want to be caught
Baby Chinchilla
i at first thought she was eating her baby then i looked closer and was relived
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
You get a profound sense of self if you take the time to look into the eyes of someone
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Hello, I am look for a baby chinchilla and would like to know how can I feed a breeders.. I live in bridgeport ct..tks
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Aw, this one's got a bit of a punk hair-do going on! That's a reference to the music type and not the North American definition of the word punk, I hasten to add! Too cute for it to be the latter meaning.
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Mini Apple Stick For Mini Me
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
i should do this, get a mug for my chinchilla put Abby on it and let her climb in it
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Your really poorly informed about chinchilla breeding and care those sent small cramp cages your seeing and I can tell you this picture came from a pet breeder ,they use smaller cages for the safety of the babies and they don't electrocute them either do better research please and don't spread false information
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchillas
Parenting Is The Best Rewarding Job Ever
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchillas
ooooo i love the one with the black fur on their face (they/them are pronouns i use for ppl (or animals) i dont know the gender of)
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchillas
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
My Chinchilla Had A Baby
Baby Chinchilla
Anyone Wants A Strawberry Vanilla Swissroll?
Mr Stefano
Baby Chinchilla
Baby Chinchilla
My Friend's Chinchilla Just Had Babies
Nice Dream.
🐹: Yes? You Calling Me?
Not Sharing
Happy And Playful
Baby Chinchilla
I Would Like To Sit Here Too!
🐹: I Was Told To Sand Bath But I Decided To Stand Straight Straight And Look At My Owner!
Beige And Beautiful
Hi, My Name Is Whiskey
2 Day Old Goldbar Baby Chin!
Our 4 Months Old Kiwi In Ikea Lamp
Santana,tov Tan, Chs Činčilky Z Černého Města, Čr
Sleepy Little Boo
I Have Chinchillas Too😊 Shushi (up), Oreo (low)
Baby Chinchilla
My Sweet Grand Daughter Smiling Like An Angle
that is not a freaking chinchilla... if it is not a chinchilla apor at least a hamster do not post it
Baby Chin
Wild Baby Chinchillas From Save The Wild Chinchillas Archive
Baby Chinchilla....not Sharing
Baby Chinchillas...threes A Crowd
Nothing Bigger Than The Size Of My Palm, It Captured My Heart Externality.
Looking Cool, Baby
Anyone Wants A Chinchilla Swissroll?
Hi Everyone!!!! My Name Is Murphy. Iam A White And Gray. Iam Very Lovable And Like To Curl Up Under My Mommy Chin. I As Like To Drive The Puppy Cut. I Am 6 Years Old And I Live In Palmyra Nj.
Beautiful Baby Ebony
Baby Mosaic Cuddling With Mom
Hiding In My Box
Harley And Quinn
My Charlie
My Sugar
They're not banned anywhere, and they're not wild animals - these here are a hybrid of long- and short-tailed chinchillas bred in captivity. They actually make pretty good pets, and are really cute :) As for the wild versions - both the short- and long-tailed chinchillas are endangered. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/4651/0 http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/4652/0
It has to do with importing an animal that isn't "natural" to the environment. Both Australia and Hawai'i have some really nasty problems with animals that were imported for a particular reason. Probably the worst one in Australia is the cane toad... they were brought in to eat the cane beetle (same reason they were brought into Hawai'i), which didn't work. Cane toads can shoot a poison out of glands located behind their eyes... it's a pretty nasty one, able to make adults very sick, and be a major danger to small children and dogs and cats. The poison will kill a smaller dog within 30 minutes. 1 female cane toad can produce like 75,000 young in a year, and they are a danger to local birds. Same as imported mongoose in Hawai'i, the only way we can have chins is because they are considered livestock by USDA.
Load More Replies...They're not banned anywhere, and they're not wild animals - these here are a hybrid of long- and short-tailed chinchillas bred in captivity. They actually make pretty good pets, and are really cute :) As for the wild versions - both the short- and long-tailed chinchillas are endangered. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/4651/0 http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/4652/0
It has to do with importing an animal that isn't "natural" to the environment. Both Australia and Hawai'i have some really nasty problems with animals that were imported for a particular reason. Probably the worst one in Australia is the cane toad... they were brought in to eat the cane beetle (same reason they were brought into Hawai'i), which didn't work. Cane toads can shoot a poison out of glands located behind their eyes... it's a pretty nasty one, able to make adults very sick, and be a major danger to small children and dogs and cats. The poison will kill a smaller dog within 30 minutes. 1 female cane toad can produce like 75,000 young in a year, and they are a danger to local birds. Same as imported mongoose in Hawai'i, the only way we can have chins is because they are considered livestock by USDA.
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