Move over, cat videos. Step aside, dog memes. It's time for a new Internet sensation, and it comes in the form of an aquatic, fringed, always-surprised-looking salamander — the axolotl. Don't worry too much if you've never heard of them, just prepare for the next few minutes of your life to be filled with cuteness. This collection of axolotl pictures will steal your heart faster than you can say "Mexican walking fish!"
First things first, let's address the fringed gill in the room — why dedicate a whole post to them? Axolotls, or as we just renamed them, underwater smile factories, are ridiculously adorable. No, they're not aliens. No, they're not Pokémon either, although their charm level is dangerously close to "I Choose You!" status. Their eternally surprised expressions make it seem like they've just realized they've left the stove on. Pair that with a range of colors that make a box of Crayolas look monochrome, and it's no surprise how a wave of cute axolotl photos could rapidly become the "it" thing on the Internet.
And that's just the tip of the axolotl iceberg! While looking for material for our list, we learned some really cool facts about axolotls. Originating from the ancient Xochimilco lake system near Mexico City, these water weirdos have a trick that will surprise you: they can regenerate lost body parts. That's right. Lost a limb? No problem. The axolotl will act as the Wolverine of the animal world and just regrow it.
Keeping axolotls as pets may sound like the craziest idea. Still, some people out there were crazy — and hopefully knowledgeable — enough to adopt one and share pictures of them with the world! So here they are for you. Keep in mind the side effects, though: the diversity of axolotl colors you'll find here may potentially leave you with an urgent desire to adopt an axolotl, an insatiable craving for more axolotl photos, and a sudden indifference to all other adorable animals out there (except pandas, of course).
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Who Could Stay Upset At A Face Like That?
Paint Me Like One Of Your French Girls
What was the purpose of that pose? Stretching? Reaching for food? Scratching an itch? I know I wanna know!
"Bartender, Give Me The Usual"
Sorry, um- uhhh- erm…… sssiirrrrr? You’re gonna have to show me your ID.
Guys I Finally Did It…
Tiny Food. Tiny Hat. Tiny Food-Hat
Just Had To Share, Look How Cute He Is
Those Gills Tho
Dragon Friends Irl
So cute! I wonder how the Axolotls are related. Siblings? Romantic interest? Roommates? Annoying little cousin?
He’s So Cute I Can Hardly Stand It!
Behold! The Very Rare Googly-Eyed Axolotl
☠️ This is what this world has come to? The dominant species being GOOGLIE EYED SALAMNDERS???!!!???
Why Are Axolotls So Dumb? Look At Him. He’s The Living Embodiment Of - No Thought, Head Empty
that's a very mean title! obviously this is a rather handsome looking axolotl being cute as a button. so let her/him be just that and be kind! to the axolotl: don't you listen to that fool! you're smart and your head is full of genius axolotl brainssssss
Update On The Batch I Had With The Multiple Babies In One Egg. They Turned Out Great Had A Really Really High Survival Rate
Help: What To Do When Axolotl T-Poses You?
T-Pose back. Assert dominance, it’ll work out on the long run.
Star Crossed Lovers
Just Two Bffs
Gubgub Doing Her Best Godzilla Impression!
Special Delivery!
Don’t You Dare Touch My Flowerpot It’s Mine And Mine Only
What we think he’s thinking: Don’t You Dare Touch My Flowerpot It’s Mine And Mine Only— What he’s actually thinking: Ow mE stUcK :(
Just Wanted To Share My Little Guy! Meet Drama
Friends That Log Together, Stay Together
Shrek The Axolotl Says Hi From Bikini Bottom!
Shrek the Movie 4: Shrek Body-Swaps an Axolotl. Puss in Boots, Kittie Soft Paws, and Perito must save Shrek from eternal relaxation and adorable-ness. In theaters now. Rated PG
Stefan The Axolotl!
I Don’t Remember Getting A Dog
This Is Noodles He Is A Floofy Boy
I Love Her So Much!
That Shrimp In Between Them Is Living On The Wild Side…
He’s Just The Cutest! He’s Got No Brain, But A Big Smile
Best Pic I Have
He Smiles For The Camera
Look, I’m A Walrus!
Jerry Wanted To Say Hello
Did Someone Say… Pellet?!
One Of My Favs. Baby Dulce
Meatball Is Back. He Would Like You To Turn Off The Lights And Pretend You Didn't See This
"Welcome To My Shop, What Can I Do Ya For"
I used to play Minecraft and was regularly in a server around the time they added Axolotls, and so I made a server shop called "The Fancy Axolotl's Aquatics", and it basically looked like this, except I have the Axolotl structure a top hat and monocle. This image just reminded me of it. XD
I Wonder What She’s Thinking About
My Axolotl Kirby Would Like To Throw Their Hat Into The Ring With A Cute Picture, He Tried To Pick... But Couldn't!
I Think Ghost Has A Crush
Meet Banana!
Father Why Do You Mock Me So
Smile For The Camera!
Under The Rainbow
His Pose, I'm Screaming
I hope his tank will soon get some more interesting things for him to explore. It looks kinda boring in there.
Hey Guys, I Got An Axolotl Like 1 Month Ago And Im Just Wondering Why He Is So Ugly.
"I've seen many pictures of axolotls and majority of them look pretty nice and cute and then theres mine. He is ugly."
Montagneincorner0 replied:
"Be nice to him, he is trying his f*cking best."
Gollum The Morphed Axolotl. I Love My Goth, Rubber Muppet
An Axolotl Getting An X-Ray, Before & After
Happy Valentine's Day!
These Are Snap Shots Of A Breath Of Air
I Was Doing A Water Change On My Lil Homies Tank, And I Turned Around And Saw Him Just Staring At Me Like This-
Cute Axolotl
My Little Stormfly
A Much Needed A Smile To Brighten My Mood
Petunia In All Her Glory! Her Eggs Should Be Hatching Today Or Tomorrow! Yay
Happy Wooper
Fred Wishes Everyone An Evening Full Of Smiles!
Unseen Picture Of My Ugly Axolotl. He Is Happy That So Many People Like Him!
Had To Tub The Babies And Came Home To This Nightmare
I've Been Asked A Few Times If Morphed Axolotls Can Be Handled... The Answer Is Yes! Briefly!
"And sometimes they wear tomato stem crowns so that they can be king for the day."
How Often Do You Guys Water Your Axolotl? Mine Always Seems Thirsty
Ziggy Trying To Blend In W Her Surroundings
I thought this was photos of axolotls, Why is there a photo of grass here?
Gold Albino Axolotl
This Is Sheba. She’s The New Rescue And Loves To Smile And Watch Me Put On My Shoes
The One Of A Kind Two-Headed Half N Half Axolotl
My Morphed Axolotl, Nyx, Watching Me Prep His Breakfast
Walter’s Tank Was A Bit Warm So I Gave Him Some Ice
If that isn’t a Rolex watch, then that Axolotl is going to get bullied at axolotl school. Look it up, it’s common courtesy for pink Axolotls to have Rolex watches.
Quarantine Can't Be So Bad If It Means I Get To See More Of This Sweet Derpy Face
You Like See-Food? - Itzi The Morphed Axolotl
Plate Trained! “Ma Where’s My Worms”
Why Is His Lip So Big? Is That Where His Half A Brain Cell Went?
Wooooorm Day!
I Caught My Axolotl Smiling Again. His Name Is Wooper
Oh Boy! Is That Giant Wormy For Meeeeep?!
Begging For Food
Oh, It's You Again. Are You Here To Bring Me Worms?
My Boyfriend Caught The Loveliest Photo Of Standing Char
My 2 Little Love Bugs Cecil And Carlos
His Gills Are So Fluffy
Ned’s Jealous. He Wanted A Photo Shoot Too..
Just A Happy, Chonky Girl
POV: Your Owner Gives You Worms For Breakfast
Wurm Smile
This Is Nyx. He Is A Morphed Axolotl. So Far Today, He's Been Called Elegant, A Tiny Man In A Gimp Suit
I want axolotls but I have a dog and 3 cats the cats would eat the axolotls so can not have one. I'm sad because they my fav animals
I want one but I'm sure they're more than I'd want to pay so I'm not even looking!!
I want axolotls but I have a dog and 3 cats the cats would eat the axolotls so can not have one. I'm sad because they my fav animals
I want one but I'm sure they're more than I'd want to pay so I'm not even looking!!