Hello! It’s Grace, i’m 16, I love the color purple, and my favorite drink is the lime cooler at Starbucks. Besides my amazing qualities I am the number one ballet fanatic. I’m always watching some ballerina on Facebook or Instagram doing 1,000 turns or amazing jumps. It is what keeps me inspired to continue and pursue ballet. At age 14, I started, rather late, training in ballet but I quickly worked my way up the chain to be where I am today. I have studied under ABT, Maple ballet, and a bit of Southland. Besides ballet I love to draw. I attend comic conventions like San Diego Comic Con, Wonder Con, and Stan Lee’s Los Angeles Comic Con. My whole family being in the art industry, in some form, I was already predestined to be apart of it to. My love for ballet and drawing is what caused me to try and connect the two communities through art. I hope you enjoy what I have put together.
More info: chubbywhale.com
Phasma and Chicks
Rey the Easter Bunny
Batgirl and Her Chocolate Bunny
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