One of the most noble things you can do in life is give an animal in need your love, care, attention, and a new forever home. Every holiday season is a reminder to live with more kindness and affection. And all of us, no matter how small, have the power to change others’ lives.

We wanted to spread some holiday season joy, so our team at Bored Panda has collected some of the most wholesome photos people took of the pets they adopted this month. A note of warning, Pandas, your hearts will melt as you scroll down—it’s inevitable. Upvote your fave pics and tell your dogs and cats we said ‘hi!’

We got in touch with the team at PDSA, the UK's leading veterinary charity, for some insights into why it's likely not a good idea to get someone a pet as a gift this festive season. Read on to learn all about that, as well as to see PDSA's brilliant ideas for making our pets' holidays a bit more festive.


This Is Dumpling, She’s 15 And I Adopted Her Last Weekend

Fluffy cat sitting on a bed, embodying the joy of newly adopted pets by proud owners.

MikeMeikMaik Report

"The festive season is in full swing, and whilst it might seem like the paw-fect Christmas gift to treat a loved one to a pet," the PDSA warns that it's not a good idea. Here's why.

"Although Christmas is a time for giving, we don’t recommend that pets are given as surprise gifts. One of the most important parts of choosing a pet is making sure you choose the right pet for you, and just as importantly, ensuring you are right for them. By choosing for someone else, there is a risk that you might pick an unsuitable pet, for many reasons. Perhaps they can’t afford the lifetime of care needed, or maybe they don’t have time for a pet," PDSA Vet Nurse Gemma Renwick explained to Bored Panda.

"Even if you have the best intentions, alongside lots of research, it’s very difficult to know every detail of someone else’s life and responsibilities. Giving a pet as an unexpected gift might seem like a nice idea, but it could leave your loved one feeling stressed and overwhelmed. If you are considering gifting a pet, be sure to discuss this with whoever you plan on gifting beforehand. By involving them in the decision, you can make sure they are ready for the commitment and have time to get their home ready," she said.


    I Adopted The Least Approachable Cat At The Shelter. He Was Fearful, Had Been There For Months, And Was Very Aggressive Toward People. After Eight Months Of Patience And Nurturing, He’s Transformed Into The Sweetest, Most Loving Lap Cat

    Adopted pet cat lying on a colorful bedspread, showing its playful and relaxed nature.

    Anwarul1982 Report


    Got This One Eyed Beauty Today. Meet Squid

    Adopted tabby kitten with one eye cuddles in its owner's arm inside a car.

    Monjat Report

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    Multa Nocte
    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What a little love! Extra love goes to people who adopt animals with a handicap of some sort.

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    "If you do choose to surprise someone with a pet, you need to be prepared for the possibility that the new owner may not be able to care for them. Consider what you would do if this happened and be prepared to take on responsibility for the pet yourself."

    The PDSA said that although the festive period is filled with fun and excitement, this doesn't necessarily make it the right time to bring a new pet home. Here are a few main reasons why:

    1. "It’s a very busy time of year: Most of us have time off work for the holidays, so it might seem like the ideal time to bring a new member into the family. But that time is often filled with shopping trips, visiting friends and family, parties, and noise—new pets need your time, a calm environment, and routine to help them settle in.
    2. Christmas hazards: There are lots of extra hazards for pets at Christmas, including decorations, sparkling lights, festive foods, and poisonous plants.
    3. Is it just the holiday talking? For many different reasons, the joy and happiness of the festive season often drives people to get new pets. But, if you are considering rehoming or buying a pet at any time of year, it’s important to remember that they are a lifelong commitment—a pet really is for life, not just for Christmas."

    We Adopted This Old Gentleman!

    Adopted pet cat sitting on a green towel, looking at the camera in a cozy indoor setting.

    LazuliArtz Report


    Adopted A 17 Year Old Cat Today Meet Moppie

    Tabby cat stands by red and green bowls, one of the delightful pets adopted by proud owners.

    Front_Cartographer14 Report

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    Multa Nocte
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    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Again, I have extreme respect for anyone who takes these older animals in and gives them some special care as they age.

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    Found This Cold Little Guy In A Bush. I Think My Cat Has Adopted Him

    Two cozy adopted cats snuggled together in a woven basket, showcasing proud pet owners' delightful new additions.

    Alarming-Research_ Report

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    Otto Nilo
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    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It doesn't matter who adopted the kitten. He is a family member now.

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    Bored Panda was curious about how all owners could make their pets' days a bit more festive this holiday season. "Our pets don’t understand Christmas as we do, so they won’t be expecting gifts or anything extra special over the holiday season." That being said, here are a few things you can do to be more festive, according to PDSA:

    1. "Spend lots of quality time with your pet, doing the things they enjoy most. Many pets just prefer our company, attention, and affection over anything else. You can always take your dog out for some extended walks in their favorite spots, if their paws can handle an adventure, or simply slow down, letting them sniff to their heart’s content without rushing to get the walk done. Or play games at home with your pets, keeping their brains and bodies engaged.
    2. If you want to buy your pet a gift, it’s a good idea to get them something enriching, such as an activity toy for any pet, or a new platform to climb on for a cat or small pet.
    3. If you don’t want to spend lots this festive season, you can make gifts at home that won’t break the bank. Consider a homemade ‘tug toy’ for your dog, or crafting a cat scratcher for your feline friend. Small pets love a home-prepared forage surprise bag too. Don’t forget, you’ll need to supervise your furry friends when playing with their new homemade toys to make sure they keep safe and don’t tear off any pieces they could swallow.
    4. Nothing screams Christmas like the smell of homemade pet biscuits. These also make the perfect gifts for all of your pet-owning friends – just remember to only feed your pets an appropriate amount for their size and ideal weight.

    Meanwhile, for more tips and advice for the festive period, feel free to download PDSA's Christmas Survival Guide.


    The Cat I Adopted Jumped On My Lap For The 1st Time And I Cried

    A proud pet owner cuddles their newly adopted black cat in November.

    WrathfullMedea Report

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    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You have proven yourself worthy of being chosen 😉💗

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    We Adopted A Kitten, Didn’t Realize He Was A Norwegian Forest Cat

    Proud pet owner holding a large, fluffy black cat in a cozy dining area.

    When we got him they said he was 10 weeks old. We thought no way cause he was way too big as a kitten. We thought he was older.

    gartlandish Report

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    LakotaWolf (she/her)
    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OP has a follow-up picture on the original Reddit thread that he got smacked on the eyelid with a claw after he put catto down, because catto did not appreciate being held like that. I can see that in the set of those ears XD

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    My First Kitty Cat Ivy. She’s 17 Years Old

    Calico cat sitting by a window, representing adopted pets.

    Haunting-Particular7 Report

    There is an epidemic of animals in need of new homes. While there have (arguably) been some improvements in the situation over the years, things are still dire. The ASPCA reports that in the United States, there are around 78 million owned dogs and 85.8 million cats.


    6.3 million companion animals enter shelters every year. 3.1 million are dogs, while 3.2 million are cats. Over a decade ago, back in 2011, around 7.2 million animals entered shelters.

    Around 4.1 million American shelter animals are adopted each year, nearly identically split between dogs and cats.


    Update On The Void We Adopted 4 Days Ago

    A newly adopted black cat lounges on a couch in a sunlit room.

    The cat distribution system works in mysterious ways. We adopted this cat from the shelter 4 (!!!!!) days ago and she was incredibly shy, timid, and scared. She would hiss at us when we came into her room and would hardly leave her igloo bed. Fast forward to now, she is quickly becoming my Velcro cat. After two days I coaxed her to come to the living room with treat bribery, and to my surprise she jumped up on the couch with me. Now, she follows me around, comes when I call (usually. She is still a cat after all), and sleeps curled up next to us on the couch. I was expecting weeks of aloof-ness from her. She truly was meant to be with us🖤🐈‍⬛

    punkmetalsquid Report


    I Adopted This Sweet Old Lady Whisper (Estimated 10-11), She’s Such A Sweetheart Despite What She’s Been Through!

    Adopted pet cat resting in a soft, purple pet bed with toys scattered around.

    She was a stray majority of her life, and was up for adoption for several years before I took her in. She’s had her pelvis broken in a standup against a stray dog, stood up for herself against other stray cats, on top of having stomatitis. Her foster mom was looking after here for some time and held onto the hope that someone would take Whisper in, since she really loved being indoors and snuggling. I hope I can give her a happy life for however long she has. She’s a strong little girl with such a gentle spirit.

    SashimiCake Report

    However, the sad reality is that many animals that do not get adopted end up being put to sleep. In the US, around 920,000 companion animals get euthanized every year, down from 2.6 million in 2011.

    23% of dogs and 31% of cats were obtained from animal shelters and humane societies in the US. 20% of dog and 28% of cat owners learned about their pets through family and friends, while 34% of dog and 3% of cat owners did so through breeders.


    Overall, around 40% of dog owners and 46% of cat owners learned about their pets through word of mouth, as per APPA.

    Small shifts in social and cultural trends can have major positive impacts in the future. The Best Friends Animal Society claims that if 6% more Americans adopted pets rather than bought them from breeders or pet stores, no more dogs or cats would have to be put to sleep in shelters.

    “Pets don’t belong in shelters, they belong at home. Our ‘Bring Love Home’ campaign is designed to bring awareness to dogs and cats still being [euthanized] in US shelters simply because they don’t have safe places to call home,” says Best Friends Animal Society CEO Julie Castle.


    16 Year Old Cat Niuniu (It’s His First Time In A Home!)

    Content pet adopted in November, resting on a soft cat bed inside a cozy home environment.

    ayaoops Report


    This Is Charlie - She Is A Beautiful Whirlwind Of Chaos!

    Black and white kitten with wide eyes sitting on a cat tree, showcasing the delightful pets adopted in November.

    esmeuk Report


    When it comes to altruism, you need to be able to take care of your life first before helping others. At least when it comes to the main basics like finances, housing, and your health. This holds true for pretty much everything, whether it’s helping out animals, volunteering at home or abroad, doing favors for your loved ones, etc.

    You can help your local community more when you’re well-rested, (partly) financially stable, and energetic than when you can barely make ends meet and are exhausted. There won’t ever be a ‘perfect’ time for philanthropy, but you shouldn’t be sacrificing every last remaining resource of yours—your health, time, energy, and cash—if that means you’ll end up hurting yourself or those you’re trying to help.


    I Adopted My First Own Dog And Her Name Is Dana

    Adopted pet dog sitting on a gray chair with a wooden heart-shaped toy.

    BlueberrySympathizer Report

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    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Congrats! Would love to see the DNA test on this adorable fluffball 😁

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    My Mom Adopted This Adult Cat, And Now She’s The Boss Of The Couch

    Striped cat lounging on a couch, embodying the joy of a newly adopted pet in November.

    Fun_City_3764 Report

    In short, you want to be in a position where you can truly make a difference. For instance, adopting a pet is a big responsibility. If you’re in a precarious financial position, don’t have stable housing, have serious health issues, and are exhausted from work and barely ever home, then you won’t be doing anyone any favors by welcoming a dozen doggos or cattos into your life.

    Yes, love, care, and affection are important! But you also need to be practical and rational. It would be heartrending to adopt pets that you’ll have to give back to the shelter because you can’t provide for them.


    The Day We Adopted Ingrid, She Kept Looking For Rocko To Play With

    Cat and dog lounging in a sunny living room, highlighting adopted pets in November.

    LMojito Report


    We Adopted A “Fully Grown 2-3 Year Old Cat”. But He’s Actually A 1-Year-Old Kitten, Is Now 18lbs And Over 36” Long And Still Growing

    A newly adopted cat stretches on a patterned rug beside a feeding station.

    mittenthemagnificent Report

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    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    According to OP: This is Peter Cottontail, aka Peter Pumpkin Eater, aka Petey Petes, aka STOP BITING MY TOES YOU BASTARD.

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    Welcome To The Family, My Lil Toast Boys!

    Two adopted cats snuggled together, showcasing the joy of pet adoption.

    Adopted two little brothers who had gone from one shelter to another due to the shelter running out of room. They're both 4 months old!!! The smaller boy of the two with the green collar is named Honey and the larger yellow collar boy is Butter!
    I've been so overjoyed by their presence in mine and my partners lives. I've been wanting my own cat for decades now.... I can't wait to see them grow and show us what their personalities can become!

    mythicapixy Report

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    Multa Nocte
    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Two beautiful boys sharing a single brain cell - what could be lovelier? ❤️

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    Be realistic about whether you’re in a position to truly provide an animal with what it needs to live a fulfilling life according to its nature.

    Will you be able to buy your new pet the food and items it needs? Do you have enough money for any vet and emergency expenses that might come up? Is there enough room in your home for your pet to comfortably move, play, and sleep?


    What Was This Cutie Doing At Rescue Centre😭

    A proud pet owner’s delightful adopted cat walking on the carpet.

    Recently adopted this cute fella from rescue centre. He is only 1.9yo and he was from an animal cruelty case😭 Cant imagine how much he has been through! Glad that he is slowly opening up to me way to go💗

    anonymousjj_ Report


    This Cat Literally Adopted Me, Not The Other Way Around

    Black and white cat lounging on a bed, a proud pet owner's recent November adoption.

    Heavy-Mechanic-9707 Report

    Does your lifestyle afford you enough time to take your dog for walks multiple times a day? Who is going to take care of your pet if you go on vacation or travel for work?


    Do you have family or friends who could feed and walk your adorable pet while you’re away? Are there any (affordable) pet hotels in the local area? There are lots of questions to consider.

    Nobody wants to reduce your enthusiasm for adopting pets, but you need to have concrete answers for all of these things to avoid serious issues down the line. Shelters that take their mission to help animals seriously are also keenly aware of the practical side of things. Shelter employees are likely to screen potential pet owners to ensure they’re up to the task!


    My Cat Adopted Me

    A proud pet owner pets a newly adopted cat in November, showcasing their delightful new addition.

    Vegas-_-666 Report

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    Multa Nocte
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    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope my kitten looks like this when she grows up. What a lovely cat.

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    Rescued This Calico Angel Three Weeks Ago And Now She's Fully Part Of The Family 🧡

    Adopted pet curled up and sleeping on a cozy beige couch.

    vainglorias Report


    I'm 38 Years Old And Finally Adopted A Dog (The Love Of My Life) Today

    A proud pet owner shares their newly adopted dog relaxing on a cozy bed.

    thenothingsongtx Report


    Forever homes have to be safe, stable, and well-stocked. Meanwhile, the owners have to have the time, patience, and willingness to look after their new pets for the rest of their lives.

    Sadly, some people realize far too late that their lifestyles don’t completely match up with being pet owners, meaning that they give the animals to shelters. It’s heartbreaking for everyone.


    I Adopted Him Two Weeks Ago From The Animal Shelter.. What A Blessing ! I Already Love Him To The Moon And Back ☺️

    Adopted cat with tuxedo pattern wearing a pink collar, sitting on a kitchen counter.

    Realistic-Shallot288 Report

    Which of these rescue animal photos affected you the most, dear Pandas? Have you ever adopted a pet? Do you volunteer at any local animal shelters? We’d love to hear all about it!

    Share your experiences in the comments. In the meantime, feel free to share photos of your adopted pets in the comments section at the very bottom of this post!


    Just Adopted This Dog From The K*ll Shelter For $25. I Believe He’s A Dogo Argentino. He Was Found As A Stray, And He’s The Sweetest Dog!

    Adopted pet, a white dog, resting on a concrete surface at night.

    No_Rice8282 Report

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    LakotaWolf (she/her)
    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unlikely a Dogo Argentino if found as a stray. Likely a pit bull mix. Could be some Dogo in there, but unlikely to be purebred.

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    Welcome Home Big Boy!

    Siberian Husky sitting indoors, with vibrant eyes and playful toys nearby, adopted by a proud pet owner.

    Hello husky people I just wanted to show off our beautiful new 8-year-old rescue. I wanted to share my great story. My daughter found him roaming when she got off the school bus, naturally brought him home where we kept him overnight, fed him gave him water and had animal control take him to the shelter the next morning. Turns out he was chipped but when they took him to his address associated with the chip the people no longer lived there so they kept him at the shelter for 7 days. After 7 days he became property the shelter and we adopted him immediately. He is kinda skinny that we will work on. And had insanely overgrown nails, and needed a major brushing, which we took care of on day 1.
    And here we are 2 weeks later with Mr. Juno. He's not as loud as I was led to believe husky are. Like not even a single bark yet. And we are just now getting to enjoy watching him playing with his border Collie brothers toys. And sometimes an occasional kitty toy.
    Oh and boy she's he love my daughters bed. It's seriously the comfiest place on earth he thinks.

    DeedleGuy Report


    My Husband And The Dog He Did *not* Want To Adopt

    Man joyfully hugging his newly adopted dog outdoors.

    jenn_d Report

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    Sergy Yeltsen
    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As the saying (sort of) goes, few loves are as strong as the one between a father and the pet he didn't want.

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    My Boy

    Black dog playfully lying on its back with tongue out.

    This is my bestest boy Ares or pud pud as I call him, he's a retired bomb detection dog and was retired early as he's gone deaf (not a work related injury). He's been a working dog all his life until we got him and now he's a couch potato. He was trained to be rewarded with a tennis ball so he goes crazy over any ball. He never had toys before so we bought him an array of different toys to see what he would like and he didn't know what to do with them, but slowly he's learned how to be a dog and play. He's my 5th dog, second lab and fourth lab throughout our family, but he's my wife's first ever dog, she was never a dog person before and didn't understand the relationships and bonds people form with their dogs untill he came into her life, and now she is a full on dog mum who pays more attention to him then me hahaha Just wanted to drop in and introduce our boy

    raccoon-overlord Report

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    Yvonne Dauwalder Balsiger
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    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How it starts: I am not a dog person How it's going: Who is the bestest boy? Yes, you are my bestest boy! Oh I love you so much, my sweet stinky little cuddle bear 😍😍😍

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    This Baby Randomly Showed Up In Our Compound One Rainy Day. Now, He’s Our Family Member! Meet Shiro ♥️

    Adopted pet dog sitting on a bunny-patterned blanket in the car's backseat.

    Artistic_Maybe_5749 Report


    Adopting Lucy The Beagle

    Adopted pet dog sitting on a patio with flowers in the background.

    My boyfriend and i adopted Lucy from Dogs Trust about a month ago. She is the best decision we have ever made. Snores louder than said boyfriend!

    logandee123 Report


    First Guinea Pig!!

    Adopted pet guinea pig sitting on hay, showcasing its brown and white fur.

    LightBlue_LavaLamp42 Report


    Not One Single Brain Cell

    Gray cat sitting under wooden furniture, an adopted pet in November.

    Charley-Pride is so naughty lol! Are all dust kitties crazy?
    We also adopted his sister who is a calico. She's very sweet. CP is sweet but he's also quite crazy. He climbs the curtains, the dog (Great Dane), his people. He'll hide and attack you. We've enjoyed the laughter he brings for sure

    HeyEweDane Report

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    LakotaWolf (she/her)
    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a dust kitty for 20 years and she wasn't really all that crazy XD Dust kitties are just dilute voids, after all!

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    It's Starting To Look Like I Have A Catto

    Cat in a black box with a blue tunnel on a wooden floor, adopted in November by a proud pet owner.

    Took in a stray, and it was friendly enough that I was convinced it would be chipped, or someone would claim it. After hearing nothing, and it not having a chip, I think I have gone from an old dog lady, to an old pet lady. This little thing is so sweet. The appointment to adopt it officially is in a few days. It even is starting to accept my dog in the same room. Not qorhin 3 feet. That means a hiss, but if they are 3 feet or more apart they just ignore eachother. It's pretty cute.

    ReDemonRe Report

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    G A
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    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm sure they will get used to each other, eventually....

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    Our Manager Adopted A Beach Dog Today

    Proud pet owner holding a white dog on a beach, enjoying a sunny day by the sea.

    Bitter-Awareness5285 Report


    New Kittens Are Ridiculous At Night

    Two adorable tabby kittens sitting on a bathroom counter, adopted by proud pet owners in November.

    I adopted two 6 month old kittens (brother and sister) about 3 weeks ago. They are adorable and have adapted really well to their new home. They greet me when I get home from work and like plenty of snuggles and pets. The problem is around 8 or 9pm they turn into absolute terrorists.
    They start playing which is really cute because they hide and stalk each other around corners. But then they chase each other like maniacs around my small apartment knocking things over, climbing my curtains, jumping and making all kinds of noise. I have put away everything I possibly can so only the bare minimum is sitting out but they still wreak havoc for hours.
    They were in the bathroom exclusively for a few days when I first got them and they did the same thing in there.
    I know cats are more active in the evening so I’m not really concerned that it’s abnormal but holy moly is there anything I can do?? I’m mostly concerned about the noise bc I live in an apartment and I’m worried my neighbors will complain.

    blt9429 Report


    It's Only Three Weeks Old And So Cute! My Friend's Cat Gave Birth To 4, Which I Just Adopted

    Fluffy kitten with big eyes being gently held by a proud pet owner.

    WorriedTie8626 Report

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    Kent Peters
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    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope the kitten is ok. That's too early to separate them from their mom

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    My Partner And I Adopted A Little Void For Our 10 Year Old Cat And It Turned Out To Be A Great Decision. Her Name Is Zira So We Conveniently Named Him Zero 🐱

    Two delightful adopted cats sitting on a cat tree, one black and one calico, in a cozy home setting.

    Infinite_Femininity Report


    Please Help Name This Dainty Lady (Human Names Preferably)

    Orange and white cat lying on a patterned blanket, representing pets adopted in November by proud pet owners.

    Adopted this sweetie pie over the weekend. She’s 3 (older than our other cat but half his size) and was rescued from someone with WAYYYYY too many animals. She’s a princess (a big sweetie and snuggle bug but she’s also a spunky/ feisty gal)

    Vegetable_Sale_1797 Report


    Our First Foster Cat Is Round!

    Black and white cat with a red collar sitting beside an empty bowl, showcasing proud pet adoption.

    JStock013 Report


    Star Has Been Saved!!!!

    Happy pet owner with their newly adopted dog in a car, showcasing pride and joy.

    She made it home to the farm! She has met a couple of goats, a chicken, the cat, French Fry, and the pack!!! Draven, silo, and goose all welcomed star immediately. She had her tail rem9ved when she was spayed but it did not stop her from wagging her NUB!!!! She's an angel and has been nothing but a pure sweetheart. She's got a long way to go still before she is gonna be full time with the rest 9f the pack but she's here, safe, and in a very loving place. She immediately attached to my daughter and it is a beautiful thing!!!
    I want to thank Be Their Voice Rescue for helping facilitate this and going way above and beyond for picking her up from the shelter, getting her spayed and the surgery for her tail. Without the pledge money yall put up she would have had to pay for it all out of her own pocket. Just to make sure I made a donation to her as well. Maybe it will help another one of us get a dog from her organization!!!
    I encourage anyone that can foster or adopt to do so! There are a lot of dogs that aren't as lucky as Star, Draven, Goose, and Silo... many live a very short, sad existence in a cold, hard place just waiting to be put down. Rescue animals will always be better than purchased animals. The rewards will be higher and the love unlimited! Please help if you can, even by pledging $1.00!!! It all goes to help these wonderful animals get placed in a loving home. I will keep yall updated on her progress!

    EnvironmentNo1879 Report

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    We’ve Officially Converted To Cat People

    We’ve Officially Converted To Cat People

    DoTheDishesDude Report

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    G A
    Community Member
    3 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You can like both cats and dogs-I'm bi-petsual.

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    Adopted Mia From A Farm A Few Days Ago!

    Adopted Mia From A Farm A Few Days Ago!

    _Precht_ Report


    Meet Opal, All 1.14 Lbs Of Her

    Meet Opal, All 1.14 Lbs Of Her

    We brought her home last night. I work at an animal shelter and will bring her back for alteration once she reaches 2 lbs. First kitten I’ve adopted in my 10 years of working there!

    hysterical_momness Report


    Meet Archie, Our Golden German Shepherd

    Meet Archie, Our Golden German Shepherd

    m-ozzie Report


    This Sweet Boy Y’all Loved Last Week Got Adopted!

    This Sweet Boy Y’all Loved Last Week Got Adopted!

    I’m so grateful for this community! Neckbone was adopted this morning, I’m not sure if his new owners saw him here but I’m sure your upvotes got him some attention! I’ll be taking a new dog out tomorrow. If you are interested in adopting an amazing dog like Neckbone, visit

    dandatdan Report

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    We Adopted Ben Here A Week Ago

    We Adopted Ben Here A Week Ago

    ElyriaRose Report


    This Hound That I Adopted Last Week Is Turning Out To Be The Best Dog I’ve Ever Had. Everyone Meet Hendrix

    This Hound That I Adopted Last Week Is Turning Out To Be The Best Dog I’ve Ever Had. Everyone Meet Hendrix

    Identified829 Report

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    Adopted Milo From The Humane Society In Colorado Springs 17 Days Ago. He Is A 1 Year Old Golden Mix And A Mama’s Boy. He Has Separation Anxiety And Is Skittish Around Other Dogs And Humans, But We Are Actively Working On It

    Adopted Milo From The Humane Society In Colorado Springs 17 Days Ago. He Is A 1 Year Old Golden Mix And A Mama’s Boy. He Has Separation Anxiety And Is Skittish Around Other Dogs And Humans, But We Are Actively Working On It

    barelyholdingon97 Report


    Recently Adopted A 2 Year Old Good Boy

    Recently Adopted A 2 Year Old Good Boy

    BlackWillow9278 Report

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    My Mom Adopted A 23lb Cat Named Cupcake

    My Mom Adopted A 23lb Cat Named Cupcake

    StickyWhenWet1 Report

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    LakotaWolf (she/her)
    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OP does confirm that their mom (and the vet) have Cupcake on a diet and Cupcake is NOT happy about it XD But hopefully they take it slow and she'll transform into a healthier and happier cake pop vs. a cupcake XD

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    7th Week… Definitely Worth It

    7th Week… Definitely Worth It

    Major-Grapefruit1641 Report


    We Are New Aussie Parents!

    We Are New Aussie Parents!

    Elizerdbeth Report


    My Orange Twins, Murdoc And Stuart!

    My Orange Twins, Murdoc And Stuart!

    murdoc is the one with white on his chest, paws, and face, and stuart’s orange all over! my sister, a borderline animal hoarder, found out her non-spayed, outdoors cat was pregnant. we were already looking for two new additions to the family, but both my parents preferred to adopt a kitten and puppy duo from a breeder. it took a lot of convincing, but i persuade them into letting me adopt murdoc and stuart. now, they are happy, fat, and healthy. murdoc spends all his time in my room and cries if he isn’t in there with me, and stuart spends all his time in the same cat tower shown in the first photo.

    OllieIsaClown Report

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    Adopted From The Shelter Yesterday, What Is She Mixed With?

    Adopted From The Shelter Yesterday, What Is She Mixed With?

    AyooMixx Report


    My Girl Montana

    My Girl Montana

    She’s our first husky and we are so obsessed with her. Her favorite things to do are camp, hike, give us attitude, go to Yellowstone, pretend that she doesn’t know her name and cuddle in bed. We feel so lucky that she’s a part of our family. They really are the best dogs!

    406MILF Report

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    Jane No Dough
    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Love Huskies! They always have something to say, especially if you're telling them no.


    I Adopted My First Cat, She's So Cute!

    I Adopted My First Cat, She's So Cute!

    Green_Literature_423 Report

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    Just Adopted The Most Perfect Girl. Why Did I Wait So Long??

    Just Adopted The Most Perfect Girl. Why Did I Wait So Long??

    Admirable_Can_346 Report

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    Frenchie Was Abandoned In Front Of My Friend’s House, We Offered To Take Her But Know Nothing About Frenchies

    Frenchie Was Abandoned In Front Of My Friend’s House, We Offered To Take Her But Know Nothing About Frenchies

    unicorndanceparty Report

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    LakotaWolf (she/her)
    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Start saving up money for her medical care now :( Brachycephalic dogs are prone to a whole host of health issues.


    Our Female Adopted Rescue Dog!

    Our Female Adopted Rescue Dog!

    Antique-Mud2186 Report


    Just How Overweight Is My New Girl?

    Just How Overweight Is My New Girl?

    I just adopted this adorable female beardie today. I'm thinking she's leatherback and maybe some lemon or hypo?
    She is supposed to be going on 2.5 years old and it's clear she was loved...maybe a bit too much.

    DrViper711 Report

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    Birdie Doin Fine

    Birdie Doin Fine

    TrulyAnnyel Report

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    Hello World! I’m Nico It’s So Nice To Meet You!

    Hello World! I’m Nico It’s So Nice To Meet You!

    McJoben33 Report


    I Got My First German Shepherd!

    I Got My First German Shepherd!

    My partner and I adopted a german shepherd puppy recently. We already have a cattle dog ((4). Advice is welcome, figured I had some functional knowledge dude the cattle dog is high drive but boy i was wrong. She likes puzzles and sticks and balls. But i can’t get her to stop biting. Picture of the girl. Help lol

    likeydistracted Report

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    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Biting. You must pretend that any nip or bite from the puppy is incredibly painful. Learn to yelp. Over-act. If you feel silly doing it, that's about right level. You're investing in a future well mannered dog. My late wife was a dog trainer.

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    Calling All Black And Tan Chihuahuas

    Calling All Black And Tan Chihuahuas

    KJTorres_WasTaken Report


    Adopted A Cat, Life's Different Now

    Adopted A Cat, Life's Different Now

    Useful-Break-6320 Report


    New Puppy!

    New Puppy!

    I adopted this sweetheart today, shes a 9 week old purebred Pyrenees, Ive worked with these dogs before, but only in the kennel I used to work at for aggressive dogs. What should I know/any tips or advice? Thank you all!!! Have a great day!

    Amazing-Cause-8657 Report

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    LakotaWolf (she/her)
    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Strap in! Livestock guardian dogs can be a wild ride (incredibly intelligent, can be stubborn and independent) but they'll be your best friend for life. Definitely make sure they have a "job" to do or they'll get bored XD

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    Adopted A 6-Year-Old Husky

    Adopted A 6-Year-Old Husky

    keith3235 Report

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    My New 2 Year Old Girl

    My New 2 Year Old Girl

    Efficient-Silver-226 Report


    This Is The Dog I Had To Care For At The Adoption Event I Attended, She Was Adopted🥳

    This Is The Dog I Had To Care For At The Adoption Event I Attended, She Was Adopted🥳

    pancakesyrup26 Report

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    Just Adopted, Definitely A Cattle Dog Right?

    Just Adopted, Definitely A Cattle Dog Right?

    Key_Meal_2894 Report

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